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6782534 No.6782534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I combat solipism and dissociation
I just want to feel real and present

>> No.6782542

solipsism is so 10th grade.

i understand dissociation, given it's an actual thing that's caused by trauma, but solipsism is just so egotistical and gross that it's a wonder that anyone would even cop to resonating with it.

>> No.6782555


>> No.6782558

Solipsism can stem from dissociation
Have too many derealization episodes and soon enough you'll feel like the only thing that exists whether you want to or not

>> No.6782597

read or keep your mind from wandering.

one time in a depersonalization episode I became so afraid of a cockroach I had killed and covered with a clot. I felt that I was not me and It was a a dream-like state of a repeating episode. I simply picked up a book and began to read and it felt as if The world opened up to me once again.

>> No.6782614

Yeah that's good advice. What really helped me was reading Infinite Jest, I just cried and cried and just got everything out.
Talking to people helps too, but like actually talking about feelings and things.

>> No.6782616

is this what passes for combating solipsism? "so 10th grade" and "gross"? If you adopt and reject philosophical concepts based on attitudes and what looks cool then you're just as bad as a solipsist.

>> No.6782620

Hegel, Wittgenstein, Plato, Laozi, and Jesus
Buddha is overrated

>> No.6782621

Realize that you're overthinking a universe that your mind was never intended to be able to cogitate accurately.

The people who live the most successfull lives are practically minded first and foremost.

Essentially, Solipsism is non-utile.

>> No.6782637

yeah but too many people use it as a justification for their lack of empathy

dissociation and derealization are two very different things. i mean they're interconnected in some ways, given that derealization is considered to be an offshoot of dissociation, but i feel like dissociation is often a much more physical manifestation of trauma. it's much more instantly disconcerting but idk really how it would lead anyone to solipsism

>> No.6782643

Exercise. Practice sports.

External sensations and improved kinetic sense will make you feel more like a body, a concrete thing in a physical context.

Chronic pain can also achieve that, but not in a way you'd consider an improvement.

>> No.6782653

Lack of empathy isn't really a problem because it solves itself.

If an individual behaves unempathically, this will be recognised by other individuals, who will shun them.

This moves them to the peripheries of society and makes them miserable unto death due to isolation and marginalization.

Problem solved.

>> No.6782672

solipsism doesn't even make sense as a philosophical concept.

plus it's so egotistical that if anyone close to me mentions they're solipsistic i give them a wide berth

>> No.6782685

eh maybe, but solipsism is still so often touted as being one of those things you have to fall into at least once.

i don't really understand how people can consider it valid unless they're delusional.

>> No.6782695

I had a fifteen year old girl at my younger brother's house party tell me she was a solipsist.

She followed me around for a while trying to "weird me out" by being very pointedly "out there".

The wee strumpet then tried to run off with my joint, but I rugby tackled her.

Kids these days.

>> No.6782701

We're all delusional on some level or another.

>> No.6782703

Teenagers are so fucking worthless

>> No.6782716

Now now, remember you were worthless once too.

You sound like you might still be, but I can't judge that from here.

>> No.6782728

I teach high schoolers. Surely you understand my position.

>> No.6782730

This kinda response (like outside of this context) has always seemed really bullshitty to me. Like, yeah, we _all_ have flaws. I think there's this idea that if you're self-aware then whatever shit you have going is ok, but it isn't. In fact it's arguably worse because you know what you're doing is wrong, but you're doing it anyways. Self-acceptance and refusing to work on your flaws aren't the same thing.

Also OP it sounds like you're dealing with mental illness lol. Maybe medication is the route 4 u

>> No.6782734

Fuck your dad

>> No.6782742

Then excuse me, you're probably quite entitled to be frustrated.

Teaching is hard.

>> No.6782744

some people have more harmful delusions than others, though.

>> No.6782756

Don't call me surely.

>> No.6782759
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Well, what I mean more specifically is, there is no precise consensus on reality shared by the majority of people, just spectrums of thought and behaviour that are generally considered "close enough" and these boundaries are largely normative and based on cultural context anyway.

>> No.6782823


>> No.6782842
File: 356 KB, 1024x768, heidegger-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Heidegger. Solipsism makes no sense.

>> No.6782908

Easy. How can you be a solipsist when I know for a fact that you're a philosophical zombie? You have no real consciousness, you simply act as you are designed to. This is an educational simulation, all but the 10-15,000 people using it at any given moment are simulated characters. You're one of them if you're acting silly questions like this. You don't have any feelings or thoughts, it's all just emulative design. Relax.

>> No.6783126

solipsism is the question of knowledge. Can there be certainty beyond direct perception ?

Well so far, no. But solipsism is only a difficulty if you care about knowledge.

if you do not care about knowledge, then solipsism is no longer a problem.

Concentrate on your perceptions and use reflexivity : put space between your perceptions and thoughts and what you believe is your self, until you understand that there is no self as commonly conceived.

>> No.6783143
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read the fault in our stars op

hanz came all the way up from >>>/x/
hi hanz

>> No.6783146

How do I stop caring about knowledge
I would really like to not worry about big questions and just enjoy life for what it is

>> No.6783188
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if your anxiety is of type intellectual in asking big questions, then you must face and defeat this anxiety with intellectual means. Try to answer these questions to the fullest, until you see that there is no answer or more likely that these questions are not relevant or ill-formed.

meditation is good like said above by somebody else. do not think about the past nor the future, be in the present moment by reflecting on an object (material ones like the breath or the pain or immaterial ones like a concept (good since you like asking questions))


>Intelligent: recollection of death or peace; the perception of disgust of food; or, the analysis of the four elements.
>Speculative: mindfulness of breath.


calm your mind basically. Understand that you are not your anxieties.

You have dozens and dozens of means of mediation, so it is likely that you will find a method that works for you

>> No.6783194

get swoll

>> No.6783200
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This is like, the most useless post ever

>> No.6783202

also this monk's guides are alright


>> No.6783836

thank you so much for this

>> No.6784029

This tbh. Specifically vipassana meditation

>> No.6784044
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How can I be simple and lead a happy unexamined life

>> No.6784835

get swoll

>> No.6784854
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>> No.6784862
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What a great fucking question. I find that being an intellectual (self-proclaimed ofc) has led me further and further from this.

>> No.6784889


having to screencap and reverse image search some of these men is a nice exercise

>> No.6784913

Witty, Lao Zi, Bodhidharma, Pyrrho, Epicurus?, not sure

>> No.6784936
File: 16 KB, 177x252, DARUMA-250-15th-Century-by-Shokei-Kyoto-Nanzeji-Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird to see bodhi with eyes closed

>> No.6784948


go outside and get in a fistfight with someone

>> No.6785231

medication and therapy, even then it might not work

>> No.6785524


Do LSD, mushrooms, or a variety of other psychedelics, or meditate.

After you trip (however you trip), the feeling of God will be there to greet you as you wake up to a much more mysterious, magical world filled with infinite possibility and an understanding that there is much that we have yet to, and may never understand.

And above all that, you just know it's all gonna be alright, no matter what. Your consciousness is here to observe. Observe and rejoice.

>> No.6785533

i swear if eternal recurrence true i will throw a fucking fit that will have the demons in hell running for cover

>> No.6785544
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move to a city where rent is low, cost of living is low, and has a job that is not difficult for you, and doesn't eat up all of your time.
eat relatively healthy, find things you enjoy to do
make sure this place is in a good temperature zone so the weather is never unbearable
maybe a nice valley where your safe from all natural disasters. stay hydrated daily
pass the time with moderate exercise. find books music and other art you enjoy. stay close with family, only marry if it feels right. most of all keep track of your finances, take a walk every so often around the neighborhood