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6778472 No.6778472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how do you guys feel about the guy from Sex Tape playing DFW?


>> No.6778483

Does it have him saying that that about the woman's tits being "no longer public property"

>> No.6778486


dunno, all i've seen is the trailer

>> No.6778488

DFW would sincerely hate this, right? The author become public commodity and all that, encapsulated perfectly by the existence of this movie.

>> No.6778496


He'd hate it, but probably not for that reason. He'd be like "Oh no, he's nailing the way I talk. How embarrassing!"

>> No.6778516

He very deliberately created that public persona though, so it's really his own fault.

>> No.6778520

>implying it's his fault that he was clinically depressed and awkward
>implying it's his fault that he created the biggest and loudest novel ever

>> No.6778530

I guess watching himself, or even worse, the public's perception of himself would be close to torture for DFW.

>> No.6778533

Mr "very kafkaesque" meets the least funny guy from How I Met Your Mother. Wouldn't think that was the pitch to a movie about DFW

>> No.6778540

He wasn't so awkward when he was hitting that audience pussy was he, he presented himself as the totally earnest almost naive individual just striving to live a "good life" when in reality he was a complete player. So if there's a saccharine biopic it's because he made himself into the kind of person they make saccharine biopics about.

>> No.6778543

> Himself

>*Puts head in microwave*

>> No.6778549

>le hangman jester meme

>> No.6778571



>> No.6778594

>you're like a nervous guy huh
>for you

>> No.6778616

is this out yet

gibe link

>> No.6778624


I'm worried it would have a similar effect to what Kurt Cobain had after he committed suicide but he'd definitely dislike it. If I remember correctly the Wallace estate disprove of the film quite heavily.

>> No.6778632
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I would rather an Infinite Jest HBO series with a Game-Of-Thrones-esque intro featuring a map of Metro Boston and the great concavity, etc.

>> No.6778636

DFW sucked dick when will this meme die?

>> No.6778646
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>memes this dank
>ever dying

>> No.6778690

>How I Met Your Mother
>least funny guy

Reddit should be up soon

>> No.6778722


DFW never got a single pube's worth of audience pussy. Ever the fraud, he was telling stories to impress Franzen.

>> No.6779112

>DFW never got a single pube's worth of audience pussy.
He knew his age bracket.

>> No.6779121


>> No.6779304

As much as I like it, I don't think it'd work for all sorts of reasons. For one thing, I can't think of any good way for them to handle the endnotes. And besides that a lot of the content revolves around detailed descriptions of descriptions.

>> No.6779319

Christ. Now IJ is going to become even more saturated in the public eye and more faggots at my uni are going to talk about DFW's work like its something that should be taken seriously and studied. DFW just used writing as an outlet.

Why is the tortured writer so upheld to Americans? The rest of the world doesn't think like this. Even Bolano says in 2666 "the US, which likes vanished writers or the legends of vanished writers" and this movie is just banking on that shallow, burger eating trope.

>> No.6779336

>Christ. Now IJ is going to become even more saturated in the public eye and more faggots at my uni are going to talk about DFW's work like its something that should be taken seriously and studied. DFW just used writing as an outlet.
So what? That'd be a massive improvement over things like game of thrones and whatever YAshit's popular at the moment being the only things people read.

>> No.6779337

>this obsession
I love this country and the eternal butthurt it provokes, I truly do

>> No.6779341

best laugh i had all week

>> No.6779358

>DFW movie
>both actors jews

FUCK, nothing is sacred to these people. NOTHING

>> No.6779371

seems like the actor is doing an alright job but the film is more of a film for people who want to watch a film about an author and his deepness and uniqueness than for people who want to see a film about specifically DFW

>> No.6779372

I don't think DFW would care about stormfedora /pol/acks standing up for him.

>> No.6779388

Hardly. Jesse Eisenberg's quote is actually so perfect: "You don't crack open a thousand page book because the author was a regular guy. You do it....because he's brilliant."

Queue all cunts that go to see this movie buying IJ, investing a good two to three months reading it (because that's the standard reading pace for normies nowawdays Im guessing) and then bragging about it to everyone they meet, spouting all the memes inside it like its fact. It's so long so it HAD to be worth it, right?

I forget who said it but an artist's work must be viewed independently of it's creator. It's only after someone has read enough of a particular author's work can they gauge what sorts of ideas the author was dealing with and how he developed. This movie turns DFW only more into a character (which he already did in The Pale King), a real life Kilgore Trout whose work only seems to have value because of the person who created it, rather than for what it actually is.

>> No.6779410

>I forget who said it but an artist's work must be viewed independently of it's creator
sounds like "death of the author". forgot whose idea that was

>> No.6779414

Oh yeah it was. Barhtes I think

I actually just googled it to be sure

>> No.6779415

lit is rly only made up of philosophy students...

>> No.6779424


Gotta do something with that degree, son.

>> No.6779435

That's still a massive improvement over people going around acting like Josh Green or GURRM are the greatest authors ever. Even if they're reading DFW in dumb and shallow ways I'd take that over what's currently going on anyday.

>> No.6779439

Nah nigga I do math and english
>implying english is any better than philosophy
...I guess you're right then,,,

>> No.6779447

Have you actually read le tumblr man? His books are garbage, but The Broom of the System is only minor steps above it in terms of writing ability.

Green wrote about what he could write about, relationships. DFW wrote about what he could, paranoia and drudgery. In terms of ability, however, DFW only exceeds Green in vocabulary and style, which, as literary merit, does not offer much.

>> No.6779467

if the implication is that i (the guy you're replying to) am a phil student, then no, i actually study biology, very half-assedly

i picked the concept / title up from another thread some time

>> No.6779480
File: 11 KB, 257x196, abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read that essay if you haven't. It's short and really thought provoking. It actually pssd me off so much and idk why. I stared at this painting for a good 20 minutes after I read it. It was painted by a chimpanzee.

>> No.6779497

what a shitty painting
> jk

pretty sure i get what the concept entails. dont like the author

>> No.6779511

I mean, it's more about how the reader is the person who assigns meaning to a text, and therefore is the author of the work, rather than the person who produced it.

Not sure if you just read it or are just making assumptions...

>> No.6779553

incredible mistake, tbh. look at the trailer. he just doesn't have the intensity.
that said, considering that the script is based on pretty much 1-for-1 recordings of DFW's voice, the movie will probably be bearable. we'll just have to close our eyes or something.

>> No.6779564

And the tragedy is, the asshole they cast as DFW would've been PERFECT for the role of Don Gately.
Hollywood, Y U shit all over the author's wishes, when better money-making options are just waiting for you?

>> No.6779578

this is some of the most ridiculous shit i've ever read. discounting the fact that you seem to think "style" doesn't have much to do with literary merit, dfw's skill at structuring a novel on macro and micro levels is criminally under reported, and maybe this was undeveloped at the time he wrote broom of the system, but ij at least shows off what a talent he had

>> No.6779587

memeauthor gets played in a mememovie by a memeactor

it fits perfectly tbh

>> No.6779589

DFW's "style," his polarizing, self-actualizing voice only work in his nonfiction. When you read IJ and The Pale King, all you can hear is him thinking out loud which is not engaging for a story. He does have good pacing, I'll give you that, but reading someone sitting in traffic for 50 pages is just bad, fucking, writing.

>> No.6779610

happy fourth of July,my friend

>> No.6779645

He's not terrible.

You can tell he's at least doing an impression.

>> No.6779660


>> No.6779720

>You can tell he's at least doing an impression.
well that should be the bare minimum
but yeah i agree

i can't stomach his face tho. wallace always looked kinda kind yet troubled, that actor just looks naively joyful

>> No.6779722


Has anyone here read "Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself?"


>The David Foster Wallace Literary Estate has not endorsed the film, stating that Wallace would have never agreed to any filmic portrayal.
>According to director James Ponsoldt, a relative of Wallace who has seen the film and wants to remain anonymous responded positively to it.

>> No.6779801

>The David Foster Wallace Literary Estate has not endorsed the film, stating that Wallace would have never agreed to any filmic portrayal.
>citation needed

Nigga you probably just wrote that

>> No.6779808



granted the second line doesn't have a citation

>> No.6779818

I've read it, very nice interview/travelogue, gave me massive feels

>> No.6779852

Wallace would be so fucking pissed about the fact they are making this movie.

>> No.6779856

Nah he'd love it, it would get him even more audience pussy.

>> No.6779937
File: 13 KB, 339x350, 1415670392057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His voice and his appearance resemble dfw close to none.
If you were to listen to the trailer without the video, no one would ever guess this is supposed to be about dfw.

The film is really just an excuse for closure since lit cant let him go. You love watching all those interviews? Well now you get to see this ugly dick on film with his bandana and sperg mimed gestures.

He would loath this film entirely eisenberg especially.

>> No.6779942
File: 42 KB, 324x322, 1412867313611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesse Eisenberg
When will he just go away?

>> No.6779946


>He'll end up playing Moot in a 4chan documentary

Won't he?

>> No.6779949

He's the rich man's Michael Cera

>> No.6779985

it's really hard to shake how it's just jason segel in a bandana
i don't think this is going to be good at all
i do like eisenberg though and i don't even know why

>> No.6780009


>> No.6780019

I actually think it's going to become the newest "veri big buk" that is used as a reference for doorstoppers, like, say, Anna Karenina.

>> No.6780050

Most shit actors have work because they're very attractive, every other shit actor has work because they're Jewish.

>> No.6780058

Are there going to be any dank tennis references?
If so, DFW would be proud

>> No.6780074
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>Hollywood, Y U

Holy fucking reddit, get the fuck out