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File: 411 KB, 1765x1352, two-men-sitting-with-a-table-or-the-smokers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6779476 No.6779476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know this is only indirectly /lit/ related, but can we talk about smoking, and the implications of quitting? Are there any books, articles worth reading?

I've thought a lot about quitting recently and what bothers me most is that i feel like smoking is, in spite of all the physical harm it does and how much of a nuisance it can be to some (to be near smokers), a cultural treasure; something that connects, something contemplative and innately destructive and revolutionary (because a very real, basic aspect of smoking is obvious self-harm and harm/annoyance to others).

I feel like in a way, smoking is one of the last great bastions of "living a pleasant, poetic, spiritual, contemplative life" over "living an ideal life" and, in a strange way, something that prioritises community over individualism (because it is often a social activity, and as stupid as it is, smokers will all suffer the harm they do to themselves together); because it is revolutionary (against an elite, a common enemy?) and something that's very standardised (packs almost always the exact same size, and form, only a small number of different brands per area).


>> No.6779495

fuck off

>> No.6779513
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i wasn't asking for advice you monumental fag, i was asking for essays on smoking, because i'm actually interested in the cultural significance of it and how people view and have viewed the practice of smoking now and through the ages.

fucking knee-jerk responses every damn time someone makes a thread that isn't directly and obviously related to a meme theme / author

>> No.6779530

sorry, /lit/ has officially gone to shit between reddit being fucked, katie's incident being spread around and the chain reaction of other boards going to shit and people seeking refuge on the less populous ones infecting those boards with shit too.

as for smoking, it's only cool if you have a non-addictive personality. otherwise it's just getting whipped by your own lack of self-control, has nothing to do with rebellion, revolution or being a literary badass. It just means you have a poor grip on your own actions and are influenced easily by bodily urges.

>> No.6779692

>otherwise it's just getting whipped by your own lack of self-control, has nothing to do with rebellion
i must protest most vigorously. it's not about being "cool" in a generic sense, i really believe (self)destruction and the creation of something new always go hand in hand.

> flowers growing in volcanic ash
> shiva dancing
> that neubauten quotation "der destruktive charakter ist heiter und fröhlich, er kennt nur eine devise: platz schaffen" (the destructive type is jolly and joyful, his maxim is to make room)

>[you are] influenced easily by bodily urges.
again, not what i intended the thread to be about, but i really think the specific role smoking plays for a person is often much more important than the physical addiction.