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6774264 No.6774264 [Reply] [Original]

>no way Anon, I love reading too!
>my favorite books are ________, ____________, and who could forget _________!
>my favorite author is ________ for sure.
>what about you?

You grab her plate and shove it in her face. Before she has time to react you leave the restaurant, leaving her with both shame and the bill.

What books did she say? What author did she like?

>> No.6774273
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Ego and it's own, commie manifesto, atlas shrugged.

Walt Whitman

>> No.6774281
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Ayn Rand. Anything by that bitch. I actually dated a girl in college who had an objectivism bumper sticker. I was lonely af in college.

>> No.6774287

that's severely autistic and i wouldn't have a sperg fit over somebody's taste in books

>> No.6774291

any of them
reading is for fags

>> No.6774293

I would never do that I'm a gentleman.

>> No.6774296

this is marriage material TBH

>> No.6774323

Don't lie.

>> No.6774327

Wops. Meant to reply to OP. ljfladjf

>> No.6774335


The Alchemist, Life of Pi, The Kite Runner

Paolo Coelho

>> No.6774338

The Wasp Factory, Lolita, and Naked Lunch

David Foster Wallace

>> No.6774345
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Am I a meme if this is pretty much my taste?

>> No.6774351


you realize people read those books without coming to our le sekret place taiwanese shadow puppet bookboard?

>> No.6774353

Of course not. The idea of memes is a joke.

>twenty ten n five
>not living in a post-ironic world


>> No.6774380
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>> No.6774393

Well I only said it because the books listed are commonly viewed as disgusting in some form
and I loathe DFW's work

>> No.6774399

>Walt Whitman

phuck you're like one of those people who don't actually read or understand poetry but want to be cool by dismissing whitman even though he's one of the best poets of all time

>> No.6774432

>no way Anon, I love reading too!
>my favorite books are The Devil's Tune, The Wealth of Nations, and who could forget Atlas Shrugged!
>my favorite author is Ayn Rand for sure.

>> No.6774455

Honestly, what's wrong with Atlas Shrugged?
Sure it isn't a complete masterpiece but it's not absolute trash either.

>> No.6774501
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>Infinite Jest, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
>Junot Diaz

>> No.6774503
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>Liking Ayn Rand

>> No.6774537

why's it gotta be that long tho
rather than being excited i found myself sighing page after page

>> No.6774540

Haven't read anything else by her, now if you stop memeing for a second, could you answer my question?

>> No.6774550

bitching and moaning: the novel

>> No.6774561
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All her novels are projections of her ideological stances, which isn't necessarily a negative thing, but when you couple it with the fact that her story telling is contrived and forced as fuck to get her points across it makes it seem like you're reading a thousand pages of propaganda, which it is. She doesn't understand the art of writing, fan-fiction tier author. There's a reason her predominant reader demographic are impressionable teenagers.

>> No.6774571
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>no way Anon, I love reading too!
>my favorite books are The Metamorphosis, Alice in Wonderland, and who could forget The Great Gatsby!
>my favorite author is Franz Kafka for sure.
>what about you?

Do you know how many times I've met this girl?

>"Kafka is your favorite author? What did you think of The Castle?"
>"I haven't read it, is it good?"

>> No.6774573
File: 23 KB, 550x360, dead-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. the real reason anon, is that Rand was a cold fish

and her cracked lips would only parse momentarily to utter some worn phrase of the triumphs of the spirit of the individual and having no mercy on the inferior masses

>> No.6774576

thank you for your considerate answer

>> No.6774578


why are you being this conceited? would you rather hear 50 shades?

>> No.6774585

that's because they all graduated from Starbucks University, where the books you mentioned are hallmarks of the curriculum. That or Tumblr College, they are near each other. one just used to be an all womens school but now accepts both genders. Thinking about it now actually the Institute of Memery is similar in that regard, sort of like, if you listen to music, they will like the smiths, joy division, elliot smith, bowie, the shins, etc.

>> No.6774587

how is the wasp factory disgusting?

>> No.6774595
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Leave Elliott alone.

>> No.6774605

it's more-so the fact that I've literally met this girl half a dozen times with pretty much this exact lineup, and they usually end up being the kind of person who tacks interesting things on to themselves to make themselves look interesting.

it's also a little bit upsetting to hear
>Alice in Wonderland
as though it's the title of a book.

>> No.6774607

im a fan, im not shitting on any of those artists. it just so happens that they tend to like the whole "singersongwriter tragic figure" "pretty indie/alternative" style.

but no elliott was talented for sure

>> No.6774615

what about edgar alllen poe and the brothers grimm. to this day the appeal of gatsby has been lost on me. the plot itself, it doesn't grab me. maybe there's something in execution I don't appreciate, or maybe because that america is long dead and I can't relate

>> No.6774625

and wait, why is the metamorphosis so loved? I remember it as pretty non-climactic, or at least not a happy ending. to what great meaning are people ascribing to this silly little tale of a might-not-be insect and his fear of discovery?

>> No.6774632

That's why I prefered The Fountainhead.

>> No.6774634

it's for girls and for young guys who read it in high school and haven't read anything better.

but yeah, terrible book. there was a girl at the CC I went to who every day wore full great gatsby custom made clothing and had shoes and bags and hair accessories and what not, and it rotated each day. she was hot asf too. me and my girlfriend at the time were sitting in the commons and some young boy walked up to her and was like "OMG I LOVE THE GREAT GATSBY" and she was like "OMG WOW LET ME TELL U" and that boy was intelligent.

>> No.6774644

Franz Kafka is an awesome writer and The Metamorphosis is short and has a solid hook of a first sentence. Easy to pick up from recommendation. "omg this book is cool the guy wakes up and he's a huge insect and that's how it begins".

Honestly, I absolutely adore the book along with most of Kafka's work. It's just amazing to me how many women I've met who list Kafka as their favorite author and have read only The Metamorphosis and maybe The Penal Colony or some short stories.

>> No.6774651

ok but to you what is the gist of the metamorphosis?

>> No.6774658


Disliking Rand is a meme. Her philosophical writing and political thought is awful but there is nothing wrong with her prose in terms of style, it's pretty damn good actually. Especially considering she is a non-native English speaker.

Atlas Shrugged is in my opinion the worst of her works, it's too drawn out and excessive.

>> No.6774675

It's a story that's left open to a lot of interpretation where a man is suddenly seen as vile by his loved ones and is rejected by them, more and more as the days pass. It's very easy for anyone who's ever been sad or felt betrayed to relate to.

Personally I like to interpret the story as literal. more fun that way. SCI-FI!

>> No.6774686

and if its taken as literal than it could happen to you. watch out

>> No.6774697
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>not wanting to be a giant bug
>not wanting to run rampant through a city terrorizing it's citizens until you are captured/killed by the military

>> No.6774705

It's what I live for besides memes.

>> No.6774740


>"what is the gist"

it's a story about alienation, about rejection, about duties and escaping said duties, about family and every figures symbolic meaning, about treason, helplessness and a lot of other themes I am missing.

>> No.6774780
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you know, now considering it that doesn't sound half bad