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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 120 KB, 670x229, platoonthesubway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6768272 No.6768272 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ humor thread

>> No.6768277
File: 39 KB, 538x544, 1434483909575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism is /lit/

>> No.6768289

I smirked.

>> No.6768290

No seriously, is it even possible to counter that remark?

>> No.6768299

>"/lit/ told me it was good"

>> No.6768301

"Yeah, well, the jerk store called, they're running out of you"

>> No.6768305

He already lost when he said he's not really am intellectual

>> No.6768307

>I'm not reading it, i just want something to look at instead of your ugly face

>> No.6768309
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>> No.6768310

But if he says yes, the other will say "then why are you reading Plato?"

>> No.6768312

hit him with
>are you an archaeologist?

>> No.6768313

tbh black guy probably didn't mean it as an insult and the OP was socially retarded

>> No.6768321


>> No.6768325

"Okay?" All you have to say, seeing as you were already self-effacing.

>> No.6768335

"Read? I hold it in the subway because attracts pseudo intellectual chicks"

>> No.6768375

Underrated post
>What's the problem? Socrates is their best seller!

>> No.6768377
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>> No.6768379

being humble =/= effacing themselves

>> No.6768383

Should have just called a police and reported a nigger in a subway

>> No.6768419
File: 42 KB, 1029x409, fregg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6768421

>AYYOO whitey u some kinna inellectual?
>we all are
>Den why you reeding pladoh?
>to remember

>> No.6768429
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>> No.6768446
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>> No.6768490
File: 18 KB, 560x645, Yukio Mishima feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh

>> No.6768627
File: 43 KB, 720x295, 1414763522044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6768689

All these other replies are from losers
The only way to show your dominance and save your honour is with the reply:
"So you haven't Plato?"
Check fucking mate, nigger

>> No.6768693

fuck I'm drunk"
"You haven't read Plato?"***

>> No.6768727

>oh good ol' Pluto

>> No.6768751

All these plebs not realising what was being alluded to.


>> No.6768784

>implying Plato is "entry level"
>implying you don't understand the classics in greater depth the more you read philosophy
He's just some uppity Nigger who wants to "appear" intelligent by shitting on things.

>> No.6768799

that black guy is a god-tier troll.

>> No.6768802

He might have been putting down intellectuals

>> No.6768803

>underground man: the post

>> No.6768836

Yeah, the first time I read it I thought he meant "you say you aren't but you read Plato," and not "that's why you read Plato, BITCH."

>> No.6768842

>Well I had sex with your pedagogy!

>> No.6768850

>His pedagogy is dead

>> No.6768877

Someone post the pasta about the dude hanging out with pleb friends who comes to terms with the ontological fact of himself or some other nonsense

>> No.6768915


Except it's not actually an insult: OP just took it the wrong way. I was in the thread, and it was pretty apparent to me that the "you" in the sentence did not mean literally the OP, but the generalized "you" - as in, you read Plato to become an intellectual. It was a compliment.

>> No.6768919

When boards stop being fun they start having humor threads.

>> No.6768921

this is /lit/ post-ironically though

>> No.6768923

>tfw he wasn't complimenting or insulting the poster or making a reference he was just insane and rambling.

>> No.6768937

>all plato readers are metheads

>> No.6768993


>> No.6769076


Lmao Notes from the Underground is introspective sure but the dude in it spills his spaghetti hard as fuck. The rest I know is just ammo for a cold brooding type who's actually just a special type of autist edgelord.

>> No.6769081
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>> No.6769091

>implying a board's inherent purpose is to be "funny"

>> No.6769111

I was reading a book on coding on the bus one day and some crazy dude in the corner was just mumbling shit about me to himself. Dude wasn't even facing me. Talk about a major pussy. I didn't do anything about it and left.

>> No.6769112

dude he played you so hard ahha

>> No.6769224

Counter it for what? He wasn't insulting OP.

>> No.6769411


>> No.6769453


>> No.6769455
File: 48 KB, 500x500, npg4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6769456

Therefore the master trolls without saying anything and baits without posting anything. When keks arrive he lets them come, when cucks leave, he lets them go.

>> No.6769469
File: 153 KB, 1251x585, irish_monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites

>> No.6769470


>> No.6769595
File: 420 KB, 500x687, BEE vs DFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6769601

ugh, tbh

>> No.6769609

Are you christposting? It's revolting.

>> No.6769627

kek this one is actually so true

>> No.6769631

go back to tumblr

>> No.6769635

>being a non-believer

It's like you don't actually read books

>> No.6769645

He read half a chapter of Nietzsche, and thinks that makes him a big man

>> No.6769650
File: 20 KB, 235x236, 1432763995698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you were a bona fide fedora tipper 10 years ago, and now the fickleness of christ posting has seriously convinced you that atheism, apart from the total intellectual failure of new atheism entirely, somehow is not the obviously correct position

>> No.6769661

What the fuck are you talking about? Why in the world would I do this kind of stupid thing like reading a book?

>> No.6769663

Atheism obviously is not the correct position of anyone but a fool.

>> No.6769666

the fickleness of christ posting? tf does that even mean?

lel @ thinking atheists dont make unfalsifiable metaphysical assertions like christians do. nice burn faggot

>> No.6769671

>implying Christianity depends singularly upon unfalsifiable metaphysical assertions

It's as if the kingdom of God isn't within you. smh

>> No.6769678

>The fickleness of christ posting
fedora detected

>> No.6769687
File: 251 KB, 757x720, DHS-_Aidan_Gillen_in_TDKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was getting BTFO part of your plan?

>> No.6769688

i buy the Divine being the Ultimate Good and all that but "Jesus was divine and was raised from the dead" is some p heavy shit brah

>> No.6769692


Not same Anon, but why you christposters on /lit/ are so aggressive?

You are worse than a 14 yo new atheist, and on top of that your religion makes you think you have all the answers and whoevet doesn't think like you is retarded.

You have a problem, please calm down.

>> No.6769697
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>> No.6769703

Christianity does have all the answers, and you are very possibly retarded if you disagree.

This is a solved problem in metaphysics.

>> No.6769706

there might be another 8 chan raid

>> No.6769708

because every fat greasy faggot fresh off WoW whose never left the 'burbs thinks he's an expert on religious and spiritual traditions stretching back thousands of years because he read some dawkins and can recite sagan by heart

>> No.6769711


>> No.6769714
File: 6 KB, 245x250, feelsbad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk like it's still the 00's. How many years of your life have you spent on 4chan?

>> No.6769722

hello my old friend

>> No.6769728


The fact that you are so bothered by these "fat greasy faggot[s]" speaks deeply about your faith.

>> No.6769729

>stretching back thousands of years
off-topic but could you people please stop pulling that one
second-hand embarrassment

>> No.6769744

im rly blown away anytime i see ppl hear ppl who still believe in god

>> No.6769748

This tbh
I like the ideals of Christianity and the stories for the most part but I can never take any of it literally.

>> No.6769749

its not real man, god aint real

>> No.6769758

smirked tbh

>> No.6769761

>fedora vs christposting

Most boring shitposts tbh. Thanks for ruining the thread.

>> No.6769762

lel I said "religious and spiritual", as in, christianity, buddhism, judaism, etc. the whole body of wisdom and experience that constitutes man's search for deeper meaning in the universe.

>> No.6769775

Assumes this much . Wow. God is proud of your stupidity.

>> No.6769776

Omg, i lost like a motherfucker.
I think i may have over reacted to this shit.
Are these funny? Or am i just depressed.

>> No.6769777

The answer is quite simple then, you lack faith.
The resurrection and other miracles are meant to be taken literally.

>> No.6769784

I should make cool banners for Fedora vs Christposters

>> No.6769787

One time a christian asked me how can I believe in atheism (his words) if there's no after life in it.

>> No.6769795

All Christians are just cucked over an hypothetical eternity after death tbh.

>> No.6769800

not really.
tbh death is less frightening than eternity
I only speak for myself and my immediate entourage obv

>> No.6769801

They're now in the minority, and thus as befitting contrarian legacy they must be loud and abrasive.

>> No.6769805

>thinks he can experience actual death and its not just the start of the period which your life lapsed.
When people pray for a painless death they are really just asking for no pain prior to their departure. The actual death can't be painful let alone experienced.

>> No.6769810

>All these people arguing like retards in a humor thread
Haha guys, I think I get the joke

>> No.6769817

evidence for a personal god who loves you is p shaky tbh but if you dont believe in some kind of transcendental principle that is the reason you're here typing on a sri lankan anal play apprenticeship board you're a fuggen clown

yeah bro Nothingness just happened to fart out rationality and beauty because muh wave function collapse

>> No.6769822

That's why I assume the religious are here; the butt of the joke.

>> No.6769824

>Be like 10
>In a major /x/ phase, probably due to the X-Files
>On the school bus reading about Bigfoot
>Christian friend starts up a conversation
>He shits all over Bigfoot
>Try to defend myself with an excerpt from my book
>"Anon, you can't always believe what you read in a book"
>"Then why do you believe what's in the bible?"
>Lost my only friend and entered my edgy fedora phase on the same day
>My faith in Bigfoot was also shattered

>> No.6769826

> if you don't believe in my Jewish-mythology based cult then you are obviously irrational!!
>the fact that Jesus stole 90% of his act from Zoroaster is just a coincidence!

>> No.6769828

SMART PEOPLE COMEDY: Take actual comedy, subtract 90% of the obligation to have a funny punchline, add accessible references to ~High Culture~

>hey i'm a tumblr artist named kate beaton i'll draw [kafka/joyce/plato/milton] being silly and it'll have punctuationless dialogue like this and the technically jokeless but whimsical silliness will revolve around something really accessible and obvious that everyone can recognise from the one thing they were forced to learn about this famous author in high school lol milton i'm blind i can't see ur butt XDddd now post it in a /lit/ humor thread or correctively rape me until i stop clogging the internet with pretentious garbage for MA students at the university of arizona to post on their facebook and twitter where they call themselves a "scholar" (and then rape them too)

>> No.6769841

> muh christianity isnt actually christianity
19th century called and wanted its comparative theological dreams backs

>> No.6769860
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>> No.6769865

Didn't sound like you lost anything.

>> No.6769874

The 1st bc called they want their sky idolatry back.

>> No.6769886
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phallic monsters by /lit/

>> No.6769905
File: 134 KB, 720x612, 1435745573006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why people get mad at christposting.

"Look at me, I make massive logical jumps in basic reasoning, my retardation is self-evident."

"Shut up retard ur dumb"


If you're aware that there isn't actually any sound argument to the existence of God, and that it's an illogical idea, there's no reason to respond to them. All you're going to get is ^ which validates their self-esteem, as if they are illogical enough to be sure in the existence of God, then they might be illogical enough to think that insulting someone makes them superior to who they are insulting. That and trolls will pretend to be christian just to annoy you, because christianity is the new edgy.

Ignore the posting, and you'll solve the problem. If someone who's christian is interested in actual discussion on the matter(rare, because people who are interested in intelligent debate usually stop being religious really, really fast after realizing how illogical the claims are), go ahead and have a discussion with them. People are are only looking to feed off of anger because it validates their low self-esteem.

>> No.6769907
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>> No.6769919

ouch, that prose that's trying to be good and failing really hard

>> No.6769945
File: 387 KB, 1224x1224, op's closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>singles out christposters for having low self-esteem on 4 motherfucking chan

>> No.6769993

this was legit funny tbh

>> No.6770017


>> No.6770021

Will take advice.

>> No.6770026

good post

>> No.6770030

What are you talking about ? Are you replying to the wrong guy ?

>> No.6770037


>> No.6770145
File: 73 KB, 1024x574, 1418673059153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My severe autism forces me to assume that everything I read is meant to be taken 100% literally.

>> No.6770151

lol you think christians don't take the resurrection literally.


>> No.6770153

>fedora meme keeps the devil at bay
>I did it again mom
>this is for you, jesus

>> No.6770155

I don't think you've ever had a conversation with a Christian.

>> No.6770181

I have and they'd agree with me. You ok bruv?

>> No.6770190

>people defending christfags because they've never met any
Explains much.

>> No.6770192

Catholic doctrine also holds that communion is literally the body and blood of Christ

>> No.6770193

it's not symbolic though, it's literal

>> No.6770196

>hating on kate beaton
enjoy your smbc :^)

>> No.6770209

David Foster Wallace actually liked Bret Easton Ellis' writings. Especially Less Than Zero.

>> No.6770212

>blood of Christ
>nobody screens for aids

>> No.6770214

>arguing about atheism on the internet
>not being an autistic loser

this thread is funny but not ha ha funny.

>> No.6770238

>guy is above religious posting
>always has to comment it to everybody
>deep down I wonder if he knows what he's really after with these posts
Dont worry, I u see stand, and it's okay, it's the same reason I'm shitposting atheisn here.

>> No.6770257


>what he's really after with these posts
maybe trying to get the literature board to be about literature rather than twenty threads that amount to redditors circlejerking the same shit every day, so that this doesn't become the norm and /lit/ doesn't become like /v/ with it's shitty console wars may may or even worse /tv/

>> No.6770270

I kind of like the prose there, it isn't very constrained though

>> No.6770274

lies + worthless rhetoric

>> No.6770286

does anyone have "the penis was" by /lit/?

>> No.6770296

>Real Christians

>> No.6770319

"Have you read Plato?"
Literal checkmate.

>> No.6770333

Plato sucks dick, who cares. The guy was right, get over it. It's like Camus all over again.

>> No.6770345

>a police
>a subway

what are you doing why are you doing this

>> No.6770352

that's how i read it

>> No.6770353

I am pretty sure the chocolate man was complimenting the anon. He says he isn't an intellectual, to which the guy responded "That's why you read Plato" in disbelief of anon's self-evaluation. He just took it as an insult because he's a paranoid fuck and unable to pick up on social cues.

>> No.6770392

but really where is the punchline? the first panel was very funny but i suspect she didn't write it

>> No.6770406
File: 233 KB, 1419x613, lit is dank2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the Fire thread

>> No.6770446

That's pretty good.

>> No.6770469

>tfw you were raised Roman Catholic and didn't believe for most of your life
>tfw Catholic morals, ethics, culture, etc. seemed cool and somewhat interesting and important but were just a thing that your family subscribed to more than anything else
>tfw Catholic school turned you into an angry atheist
>tfw one day you sit down with the Good Book and realize that the only thing alienating you from the absolute truth and beautiful culture you were raised with was your lack of will to believe
>tfw you decide to try believing and not just going through the motions
>tfw the moral principles you've tried to justify philosophically suddenly make perfect sense in the light of Christ's message
>tfw Christianity

>> No.6770472

>such poor reasoning
This can only be christposting.

>> No.6770526

>tfw go to church for some of childhood
>tfw realize church is fucking stupid
>tfw become an angry atheist
>tfw have the realization that the physical proof of God is unimportant
>tfw while spiritual texts can give one guidance, all are ultimately flawed in some way and it's the individual's responsibility to form their own ideas
>tfw I can enjoy whatever part of any religion I fucking want, you can't tell me what to do
>tfw agnostic

>> No.6770533

Are you me?

>> No.6770552


Are you guys me too?

>> No.6770557


Are you guys me three?

>> No.6770567
File: 59 KB, 479x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raised christian and my parents aren't even religious per say
>stop going to church at 12 coz why not
>still defend religion and pray for all the evil doers!
>drop religion at 22 eventually realizing its fucking silly
>at the first time I in earnest questioned my belief nontheless (i.e. remove myself from religion to assess it before naking an unbiased and non-God-fearing decision)
>become indifferent atheist, life is good
>see how all aspects of civilized life are getting raped by religion and its inhibitions
>get angry: rrreeeeee!
>see that people all over are somewhat not very smart shall I say, and that even if it wasn't for religion the peoples' naivety, ignorance and mediocre intelligence and awareness wouldn't make have done much better in he circumstances
>start becoming slightly misogynic
>start becoming anti-social
> [reserved for next whim of thought]
> [reserved for next whim of thought]
> [reserved for next whim of thought]
>in the meantime still shitpost on christposters because they are annoying and because I'm too anti-social to do better things with my free time to give me sone artificial sense of social gratification than shitposting on 4chan

>> No.6770572

Maybe I should stop taking so much LSD. This is getting out of hand.

>> No.6770574


Are you guys me four?

>> No.6770593
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>> No.6770606


Dude, are you me??

>> No.6770613

change "top marks" to "top smirks"

>> No.6770623

exactly what I think when I see this.

>> No.6770626
File: 312 KB, 889x1126, pepe de aquino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be catholic
>find Aquinas
>cant hide my powerlevel anymore

>> No.6770629

does mein kampf actually have any redeeming qualities? is it worth reading at all?

>> No.6770634

No it's pretty dry and boring tbh. Hitler jerks himself off for the first half of the book, too. Though it's kind of fun to open up the second half at parties and laugh at the things he says about jews.

>> No.6770637
File: 121 KB, 584x292, agora_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did Christians close down the Academy at Athens? It's easy to justify your own existence, when you are the only school allowed to exist.

>no one else would have preserved this knowledge

>mfw Platonic school was active through the 6th century CE

>shut down by Christian establishment

>suddenly dark ages

>According to Agathias, its remaining members looked for protection under the rule of Sassanid king Khosrau I in his capital at Ctesiphon, carrying with them precious scrolls of literature and philosophy, and to a lesser degree of science.

>Mideast golden ages

>> No.6770639

You mean

>> No.6770646

what does he say? i am jewish and wish to confirm whether it is true or not

>> No.6770652
File: 132 KB, 499x750, Whaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raised secular
>tfw asking mother and father heavily nihilistic questions that make them uncomfortable at age 5
>tfw they lie to you and say heaven and god exist even when mom's agnostic and dad's atheist
>tfw satisfied for a few years
>tfw learn santa claus/easter bunny follows the same basis of existence circa age 10
>tfw 12 year old that only knows that christianity is bullshit and nothing else philosophically
>tfw meet girl of dreams at age 15
>tfw she's LDS
>tfw do your legitimate best to believe in God for years for her
>tfw begin reading actual literature, history and philosophy
>tfw taking anthropology courses in college
>tfw realizing that it is not only unlikely to assume that humans are aware of a divine presence that exists, but absurd
>tfw girlfriend loses her faith for the same reasons
>tfw she dumps you because faith in me was lost the same time she lost faith in god
>tfw nihilistic despair for years
>tfw suicide attempts
>tfw not even remotely irrational enough to turn to god
>tfw coming to terms with your situation in existence
>tfw making effort to understand logic, metaphysics, the human condition, historical context, culture, instincts, sciences, etc etc
>tfw staring existence in the face for what it is when there are no jumps in logical reasoning and no reification
>tfw able to accept this existence
>tfw master of own mind

>> No.6770656

The classic stuff about the greedy jews hoarding money and gaining control of the economy under feigned left-wing movements, primarily through the unions.

>> No.6770664

>>tfw master of own mind
But not master of our destiny. :(

>> No.6770667

im guessing that the last five points are how you have felt for about the last week, maybe only a few days, at the most two months, and that in a week or so you'll be back in nihilistic despair. thats my prediction anyway

>> No.6770678

if that's what you need to tell yourself to feel better about your situation, whatever it is.

I've been feeling good about life for a couple of years now. I highly recommend heavy philosophical and scientific education. There's a point you hit in understanding existence where everything simply becomes "fucking sweet".

>> No.6770684

nobody's the master of their destiny, though.

some people lie to themselves and claim that they are, but, that doesn't make it true.

>> No.6770694

And that is?

>> No.6770715

>calls others retarded
>types like a retard
shiggy diggy

>> No.6770723

what is the "that" you are referring to? I don't understand your question.

>> No.6770749

>(fuck you Kevin)

>> No.6770757

>There's a point you hit in understanding existence where everything simply becomes "fucking sweet".

>> No.6770771

i dont need it to feel better about myself, i was just making a prediction. i was wrong so cool good fer u

but personally speaking why would i want everything to be "fucking sweet"? that sound dumb i dont want none of taht

>> No.6770777
File: 1015 KB, 500x281, takanuva disapproves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

What the fuck is going on in this thread ?

>> No.6770779
File: 67 KB, 300x898, 1432685964280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I slap his shit.

>> No.6770807

lmao i just realised this is the humor thread.

damn shit got real serious quick

>> No.6770837

that "point" you hit is basically where you have enough knowledge and understanding that is based on what is observable that you can more easily come to terms with your own existence, and not feel any desire to attempt to seek refuge in baseless claims that give you the illusion of security. Your question is really fucking weird, it's asking me to define what the "point" is, as though it's not different for different people, or if you think I mean something else by saying "point".

What is superior in your opinion to seeing everything as generally being cool and interesting?

christposters came

>> No.6770847

>What is superior in your opinion to seeing everything as generally being cool and interesting?


>> No.6770858

the truth, holmes. the TRUTH

>> No.6770871

define "the truth"

and so far I don't see how it contradicts finding all aspects of life interesting.

>> No.6770876

Because in truth, his life is uninteresting.

>> No.6770901

haha nice one

as for the second point, idk maybe i was being a little edgy, but the way you said "cool and interesting" makes it sound bourgeois as fuck, or like a think veneer covering up a deep deep nihilism

but yeah in general interesting is good

>> No.6770910

lot of interpretation here

>> No.6770920

sorry i guess your more thorough thinking then ive given you credit for.

>> No.6771017

this guy >>6770910 isn't me

Basically, I don't see a point in bitching about what reality is, when you have a general understanding of what it is without falling into any baseless claims. Feeling sad about it is a waste of time, and I spend my time working on defining my concepts and learning through discussion, learning through reading, and working on producing media to support a meager lifestyle in society which will hopefully one day lead to some fun shit like actually influencing thousands of people's minds. There's no point to nihilistic dread, it's just as much of a waste of time as seeking salvation in a fairy tale. My stance is that if you don't have the self-control to stay away from nihilistic suffering, obtain the self-control.

>> No.6771110

all me

>> No.6771123

This is me, but I advocate religion pretty strongly despite being irreligious. Mostly Catholicism though, and not Islam.

>> No.6771179

that's exactly what I thought. OP confirmed for social retard

>> No.6771183

Fucking LOL

>> No.6771197
File: 88 KB, 623x535, thefeeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6771218

/r/ing the "Kanye is postmetamodern" copypasta

>> No.6771233


>> No.6771405
File: 91 KB, 700x535, Gunter-Grass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones where you scare girls off the internet are the best.

post some if you're so great.

>> No.6771416
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>> No.6771427
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>> No.6771492

>why not both??
you should get some help, bro

>> No.6771507
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, 1430702566011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck hasn't this been posted yet?

It's the funniest thing that's ever happened related to this board.

>> No.6771620
File: 2.05 MB, 320x240, disgusted black man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771637

"i-i bought it for my daughter"

"why yes sir, i am a horrible father and yes she does hate me"

>> No.6771650

Damn, who's that one on the top right? I want to grab her waist and fugg her

>> No.6771660

Who is the girl in the yellowish orangish photo above DFW? My high school had an english intern a couple years ago that looked strikingly similar to the woman in the photograph.

>> No.6771662
File: 63 KB, 400x300, 1405854252417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771677

>being a faggot


>> No.6771761

>implying I wouldn't provide sauce for my /lit/ brothers in the traditional 4chan fashion
how new are you?

>> No.6771797
File: 184 KB, 820x1004, Good ol' Pluto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772052


>tfw tfw has lost all meaning and grammaticality and become punctuation
>tfw no more properly written greentexts to be found

>mfw i have no face

>> No.6772090
File: 100 KB, 797x578, fatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772120
File: 72 KB, 908x195, angelsanddemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772153

it was in response to the two people who >tfw'd their whole post

I don't think it's lost it's meaning at all, I think you're just pretending to be an oldfag.

>> No.6772172

>per say
Whenever /lit/ claims to read books, some fucker has to open his mouth and prove it's a lie.

>> No.6772175


>> No.6772193

for all intensive purposes, it's just a diamond dozen.

>> No.6772205
File: 73 KB, 220x262, 1393187200837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you are a "relatively handsome" 22 year old getting a liberal arts degree who read half of the Concise Summa over a month so you could quote it on an imageboard in the apartment you play adult in while your parents shell out their money, while arguing and putting down people who disagree with you. Christposters, not Christians, clog up this damn board with inane posts that only serve to jack off their sense that "there must be something, because Aquinas was a smarty pants and I identify with Kierkegaard and i don't like the fact that the human body decomposes when it dies". Stop identifying people who have different opinions with a stereotype. Christposting is the /lit/ equivalent of "get in here bros, fuck it, we did it". You're not special my man, eat shit.

>> No.6772220

fucking gold

>> No.6772225

>tfw realizing that it is not only unlikely to assume that humans are aware of a divine presence that exists, but absurd

The only reason that this appears to be the case is because of "philosophers" like Descartes, Hume, and Kant who made the intellect its own object and denied that it could have real knowledge of anything external.
When you sincerely think that all you see and hear is the sensible impression, and all you think about is your own thought, then of course everything will end in "absurdity" until you more or less become a solipsist.

>> No.6772228


>> No.6772231

Here, here!

>> No.6772242

what "sensible impression" lies beyond these things that isn't simply a baseless claim?

and wtf is wrong with solipsism? you bully p-zombie.

>> No.6772243

p.s. knowing that you are in the presence of divinity is no more absurd than knowing that you are in the presence of your boss or your king. Divine is title of honour which signifies having authority over all creation (or at least over mortals in the polytheisitic religions), which is no more absurd than a king who has authority over everyone in his kingdom, or a boss who has authority over everyone in his company.

>> No.6772246

We don't see the sensible impression, we see BY MEANS of the sensible impression. We don't see a sensible impression of a tree. We see a tree by means of the sensible impression.

>> No.6772251

And knowing that you are in such a presence is not absurd either. When you are in the presence of your boss, you fear for your job. When you are in the presence of your king, you fear for your life. When you are in the presence of divinity, you fear for your very being/soul.

>> No.6772260

no i'm not an oldfag at all but its not like its an old phenomenon to use an abbreviated phrase at a specific point in a narrative to some effect tbh

and i guess im too dumb to catch your master rusery it honestly looked like a string of unbroken idiocy

>tfw not sure if i should doubt my faith in myself or 4chanity

>> No.6772262

Is this legit?

>> No.6772304

From a thread a while back.

>> No.6772306

well you can use poetry and wordplay all you want to justify your belief in spooks, it makes no difference to me

you could scroll up and look at the context, of what I responded to instead of treating my post as though it stands alone and wasn't responding to anything. might clear things up for you.

>> No.6772310

don't get excited, none of them are ever going to tuch ur penis

>> No.6772317
File: 24 KB, 640x640, 1433276277855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're on a literature board
>poetry and wordplay make no difference to you

>> No.6772320

>using poetry and wordplay to defend your belief system

worse than referencing the bible.

>> No.6772321

>unbroken chain of idiocy

ie and youre just a link in it is what i was admitting to falsely assuming although im sure youll get that when you reread my post but in any case

even this puerile shit here is better than engaging with the christposters or fedoraposters

i mean im not even willing to hit shift to shitpost but damn yall

>> No.6772328
File: 111 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I share a board with these girls
>none of the girls are under 5/10

>> No.6772344

>posts about christ
Christposting faggot go to tumblr facebook 700 club bullshit get off my board!
>posts not about christ
LOL careful with that edge *tips fedora*

you are the real shitposter.

>> No.6772355

get with the times grandpa

society doesn't exist and evolve for you to enjoy what it becomes

>> No.6772372

my point is that arguing either way is pointless but yep spot on

yep i wouldnt claim otherwise

a little surprised to get responses to such contentless posts but i suppose i shouldnt be

at least i got a chuckle after the smoke breaks thanks gents gnight

>> No.6772386

In a coma, you pleb.

>> No.6772752
File: 56 KB, 864x648, lines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raised secular
>tfw questions about life after death were swatted away by my parents
>'there's no such thing as hell anon, don't worry'
>tfw spend most of my childhood reading and writing
>teachers notice my talent for writing, encourage me to study literature at university
>full marks in my literature A-Level gets me into a top 20 uni
>start learning about critical theory, psychoanalysis, deconstruction etc.
>start taking hallucinogenics frequently, reading Deleuze, Derrida, Spinoza in my spare time
>find spirituality in the rhizomatism of the transcendental signifier, and the infinite permutations of Being experiencing itself through semiotic, phenomenological and physical systems over and over again
>tfw managed to concretely theorise faith without ever actually believing in God

>> No.6772789

All of these retorts are pretty limp.
Now he's just winning harder, by adding sub-context.

Black man: 1
The white race: 0 (everyone in this thread is an honorary aryan)

>> No.6772902


>that post
>feefo img


>> No.6772937



>> No.6773023

people tell themselves such lies it baffles me

>> No.6773323
File: 285 KB, 600x800, M'tosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raised atheist
>tfw my grandfather, who was a communist, sat me down when I was a child and said "There is no god"
>tfw read Richard Dawkins in my teens
>tfw have a love of natural history and evolutionary history
> Spend years debating Christians on the internet
>Creationism used to make me so mad
>Start getting into history and art and literature
>Start reading up on philosophy and how all these religions work
>Realise that people can gain fulfillment and still maintain a healthy worldview if they're religious
>Realise that atheism makes its own metaphysical assertions
>Not a Christian, still christpost on 4chan because the atheist circle-jerk is fucking annoying

>> No.6773343

>Not a Christian, still christpost on 4chan because the atheist circle-jerk is fucking annoying
Christwankery is much worse than fedoraism.

>> No.6773358

Poetic license. The same series of comics has Hemingway talking about "The Subpar Gatsby"

>> No.6773365

i see this all the time. what is this from?

>> No.6773384

your activity itself is nihilistic. its of little consequence that you dont experience a feeling of "nihilistic dread". and seriously? your biggest dream is to "influence people"? you're a living cliche, and also really shallow (and nihilistic)

>> No.6773387

lol at anyone that thinks "nihilism" is exclusively a feeling

>> No.6773399
File: 173 KB, 322x292, m'prime mover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this entire post

>> No.6773417
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.6773425

owned. ezmoded. SHIT DAMN. i didn't think this post was that good but then i got to the last half and GODDAMN

>> No.6773429

Yeah. It was a stupid thread.

>> No.6773532

what's wrong with living a cliche? cliches are considered "cliche" for a reason.

cliche is a spook btw.

>> No.6773539

only because the anti-social members and fat bitches sperged out all over it, running it into the ground with their insecurities and thinking that girls on the internet are going to tuch their penis somehow.

it was pretty nice the first half.

>> No.6773551

I hope you realize that there are actual Christians on the internet, I chose to be baptised nearly a decade ago when I was 18 and I've been a regular part of my church's choir for even longer. I even took up being their part-time organist for a month after their organist had to quit due to arthritis.

>> No.6773586

if thr dude from the thread that got deleted still has questions about judaism/religion ask me here

>> No.6773588
File: 48 KB, 770x437, knight of faith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6773591

trying to hide behind meems

>> No.6773598

hes right about transcendental principles you clown

>> No.6773620

why is it so funny when a smart person acts dumb?

>> No.6773639

>let's make a /lit/ humor thread!
>actually, let's have a pointless discussion regarding religion
This thread is pretty comical in of itself, tbh

>> No.6773646

stop christposting

>> No.6773650
File: 856 KB, 320x240, drink_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I christpost
I'm just here for the /lit/ related memes, tbh

>> No.6773754


>hating fun this much

>> No.6773771



>> No.6773810
File: 9 KB, 200x160, happy_thumbs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raised as a Christian
>stay Christian so I don't burn in hell
>mfw there won't be any fedoras in Heaven because they will all be on fire

>> No.6773822



>> No.6773826

Was gonna post this. Christposting is shitposting

>> No.6773829

tbh is a /mu/ meme.
i thought i started it but ive come to the conclusion that ive merely instigated it's adoption by the /mu/ collective (and inherently 4chan as a respective whole) into meme status.
it was an inane instinct of sincere post-ironic expression as it's application has shown. i was supposed to forget about after evening of posting it roughly 4 times but instead im now seeing it saturated on opposite boards and opposite timezones.
it's a dank meme indeed imo.

>> No.6773830

>tfw ywn hear her voice

You guys ruin everything fuck

>> No.6773836

oh, its a religion thread?

okay guys, you ready? get this..

Joseph.. was a cuck

>> No.6773863


>> No.6774154
File: 30 KB, 450x319, p3559enz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that Jehovahs Witnesses aren't the most sensical branch of Christianity
>implying that Hell isn't a bullshit Trinity-tier doctrine
>implying religion is the answer
enjoy nothingness boy-o

>> No.6774210

It's funny, I actually don't get it though, what is non-intellectual about Plato, he's one of the classic authors? If Plato isn't for intellectuals, who is?

>> No.6774237

>he's one of the classic authors
Muh one of the authors beyond refutation .
Just like Camus amiright?

>> No.6774244
File: 6 KB, 200x291, 15y9d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6774253

Nah I didn't say he was beyond refutation, just that reading him is intellectual, I guess its funny that that black guy said that though.

>> No.6775309

Fucking 10 out of 10

>> No.6775383
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>> No.6775393
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>> No.6775397
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>> No.6775402

Too soon too soo....

>> No.6775591


>> No.6775725

a humour thread on /lit/ turned into a religious debate/shit show. classic :^)

>> No.6775728

>calls others losers
>inebriated on an imageboard dedicated to little girl cartoons, created in an emasculated, atom-bombed manlet island.

>> No.6775756

almost missed that

>> No.6775787

>If you're aware that there isn't actually any sound argument to the existence of God, and that it's an illogical idea

And this du' thinks the opposition has done any better. Read some Aquinas and come back in 6 months m8

>> No.6775804
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, 1388405437578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand I'm DELIGHTED to see Reddit burn itself alive. On the other hand, all these fucking newfags and plebbitors.

>> No.6775806

i'm sick of this meme tbh

>> No.6775898
File: 88 KB, 600x600, 1435789702172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've seen christposters deny evolution before

>> No.6775952

We can only hope that when he said "pretty hot," he was talking about the sky.
We can only hope.

>> No.6775963

>waiting for someone to say some raunchy rhyme.

>> No.6775983

who is this lit slit

>> No.6775992

>was actually really deep story
>was actually really beautiful
>greentext is now an artform

>> No.6776020
File: 313 KB, 1000x1246, 1435895213074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.6776030

burden of proof isn't on the opposition.

>> No.6776036

good humor

>> No.6776056

Is there a way I can make 4chan black???

>> No.6776060

Yes, push the liberal agenda.

Bottom-right -> Style:

>> No.6776063

since when did /lit/ become a gateway board?

>> No.6776067

Since that retarded youtuber incident and leddit being in chaos.

>> No.6776072

thank you
so fancy

>> No.6776086

>the obviously correct position
>obviously correct
>hurr I am a shallow-minded 17 year old who doesn't like reading but i want to sound smart and cynical yet simultaneously hold radical uninformed opinions to a degree that i see them as fact and then shit my pants like a child if anyone disagrees with me

>> No.6776346
File: 50 KB, 500x329, 1430114043262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776349


>> No.6776394

Somebody pls post the "Well spooked my property" picture with Stirner

>> No.6776545
File: 503 KB, 892x1890, 1430238509151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776731


Too true. This is coming from a pleb and I can absolutely see everything you're saying in these shitty comics. They're usually posted by first and second year lit and English students.