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/lit/ - Literature

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6766580 No.6766580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>meet qt3.14 girl on tinder
>she's into literature
>"What are your favorite authors? Mine are Joyce and Hemingway."
>"Uhm, idk. I like John Green alot : )"

WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH WOMEN? Why do they choose to be into the worst literature? Is it because it appeals to "muh feels"? Is it possible to turn a plebeian girl into a patrician? If so how?

>> No.6766588

most people in general just aren't into literature, OP
ask your average person what books they read, they'll probably say they read harry potter a few years ago

>> No.6766590

Women read whatever is trending on Twitter at the moment

>> No.6766596

Yeah you violated two new rules of /lit/
1. No JG
2. No crybabby virgin whining
You can most certainly send this post over to r9k, they can help you. No joke. They love this

>> No.6766597

novels are inherently an artform produced for bored women. hence, they have the final say in whether a novel is good or not.

if you want to be male next time, try reading a biography of a conqueror or a book on economic history

>> No.6766598

The fact that you think introducing her to Joyce and Hemingway will make her patrician is laughable.
The fact that you've developed a superiority complex from reading Joyce and Hemingway is just as laughable.

>> No.6766601

>meet qt at mature students event
>she reads beaudrillard, baudelaire, kierkegaard, etc.
>oh yes joyce and hemmingway but don't you think they're too uncomplex?
>we have filthy sex
You're just a faggot, op. Maybe you should try sleeping with men?

>> No.6766612

It's not that she has shit taste, she just isn't actually into literature. She only claims that she is because she believe it makes her look smarter and more desirable.

Also this isn't because she's a woman. Most people want to seem more intelligent.

>> No.6766613



>> No.6766615

i met your grandma at walmart and she said that she was worried that you'd never find a girl
good stuff champ

>> No.6766618
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>Mine are Joyce and Hemingway

>> No.6766622

shut up woman

>> No.6766624
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Shit thread is shit

>> No.6766628

>making conversation with tinder girls

stop trying m8

>> No.6766629
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Small time. This is how you derail a thread.

>> No.6766631

>yfw my gf and i cuddle in bed and read moby dick
>yfw i explain all the allusions and hard words to her
>yfw she gets tired of reading and we make sweet passionate love in the dim light to the sound of a storm battering the window

i hope someday you may all be fortunate enough to experience these feels

>> No.6766634

Sleep tight Plato
Team : )

>> No.6766637

>what's wrong with women

Oh fuck OP I think you posted on the wrong board

>> No.6766639

why are you dating a retard

>> No.6766664

Sleep tight Plato

>> No.6766670

This is bait tbh.
Where are the old e/lit/ists of /lit/? Ay, where are they?

>> No.6766683

>girlfriend doesn't understand moby dick

Are you a pedophile or something?

>> No.6766691


aiwass concieved in mehiko

>> No.6766713


>> No.6766718

sleep tight Plato

>> No.6766719
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>tfw none

>> No.6766723


She probably asked herself what the fuck is with men. Green's a better writer than Hemmingway.

>> No.6766724
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>> No.6766731

fucking this.

>> No.6766736

kill yourself pleb

>> No.6766745

most /lit/ posters are better than hemmingway

>> No.6766755

You shee *sniff* theeth poshts about typing shomething *pulls shirt* are not shome benevelont gift that helpsh you go to shleep or whatever *touches nose* rather they are an authoritarian cursh, claiming that you either type thish ridiculoush meme like shleep tight plato and sho on or you resheive bad shleep for the night. Sho its not "here ish shome good shleep youre welcome", itsh much more shinishter, "you comment thish phrashe or you have bad shleep, no gainsh, never have a gf", and sho on.

>> No.6766767

My favorite may may

>> No.6766769

Zizek go to bed

>> No.6766786
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>He fell for the Hemingway meme

>> No.6766793
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>tfw finished reading book
>have some new ones due to arrive any day
>not sure whether to wait it out or start reading something else

>tfw if I had a gf she would be able to give me advice for this predicament

>> No.6766795

>not Hemmingway

>> No.6766828

i have a gf anon do you want me to ask her for you

>> No.6766839

read the bible

>> No.6766871

Proof Hemmingway is for plebs:


>> No.6766881

>The fact that you've developed a superiority complex from reading Joyce and Hemingway is just as laughable.

this, tbh

>> No.6766922

i keked

>> No.6766925

underrated post

>> No.6766943

>things that didn't happen

Sorry but no one over the age of 16 actually likes the fault in our stars. How old are you op?

>> No.6766947

why so many pepes on this board?

>> No.6766949

Yes please, that would be most helpful.

>> No.6766951
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Patron Meme of /lit/

>> No.6766958

Not OP, and I'm not the biggest Hemingway fan, but if y'all fuckers don't like The Old Man and The Sea you might as well give up reading.

>> No.6766959
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here's a pic of her for good measure

>> No.6766965


>> No.6766966

She looks nice. Her opinion on my best course of action would be much appreciated.

>> No.6766986
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no Sadler, you're small time

>> No.6766987
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>meet qt3.14 girl on tinder
>she's into music
>"What are your favorite bands? Mine are Queen and the Beatles."
>"Uhm, idk. I like Mumford and Sons alot : )"

WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH WOMEN? Why do they choose to be into the worst music? Is it because it appeals to "muh feels"? Is it possible to turn a plebeian girl into a patrician? If so how?

>> No.6766996
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>dissing Mumford and Sons

I'm a fan of Queen and The Beatles too but come on now.

>> No.6767010
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she's pretty enthusiastic about it

>> No.6767013

Where did you meet such a qt?

>> No.6767014

/r9k/ is calling, they want you back.

>> No.6767019

says the dumb frog poster

>> No.6767021

4chan, given the filename

>> No.6767022

About what? Me starting a book to fill in the time, or waiting what may be a day or two for my new books to arrive?

Your languid girlfriend is not helping me.

>> No.6767027
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Sue me.

>> No.6767037

K, this might be a little unrelated to the post, but I'll post it anyway.

>at a party few weeks back
>bretty drunk
>meet a 6/10 girl, she says she's doing a course in literature, 3rd year I think
>we chat, ask her what's her favorite author
>"I'm more into poetry actually."
>says she likes Wilde and Poe
>asks me
>I say I'm a lot into William Blake right now
>"Oh, we just did a project on him, we were to compare his work with Aldous Huxley. They lived around the same time, right anon?"
>Go into cheeky cunt mode
>"Give or take two centuries, yeah."
>The rest of the group mirin as I assert my dominance in the literary-historical context
>"Oh, okay. I don't like Blake that much though. His poems were not that interesting and nothing special for his time."
>proceed to BTFO her in the most assertive fashion: "They actually kind of were."

I wonder, what do they teach at English in Uni?

>> No.6767041

*tips trilby in your general direction*

>> No.6767048

>meet a qt shy guy from uni, history major
>we become friends and he tells me about his hobbies
>find out he likes reading, ask him what he's into
>"Oh just fantasy stuff like you know, Tigana and LOTR"

>> No.6767055

So you're in hs or no?

>> No.6767056

This wasn't clever if you made it up and I don't want to think about it if you didn't

>> No.6767065

history majors are all plebs, despite reading a majority of the classics in coursework
>history major speaking for reference

>> No.6767066

At least she was 6/10

>> No.6767070
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>am depressed

>> No.6767072

>WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH WOMEN? Why do they choose to be into the worst literature?
Women choose what is popular, and what will garner them the most attention or sense of in-groupness. This is all to serve their biological imperative toward hypergamy.

You can bet your ass that if Hemingway was trending, she'd be reading him and waxing about how great he is too.

>> No.6767133
File: 591 KB, 905x917, nl6R6qP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, Platon. Dont let the sophists bite :3
Sleep tight Slavoj
Slime pls

Shitposting truly is the preeminent art form of our time. How lucky we are to live in the golden age of shitposts.

>> No.6767138

Why are you all so insufferable?

>> No.6767139
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>I love reading
What do you read?
>some shitty Australian writer

>> No.6767140

you both like bad music, but it's ok.

>> No.6767146

>listening to music made after Wagner
>ever listening to the Beatles or Queen
You are the biggest pleb.

>> No.6767157

>autism frog
what a terrible post, anon

>> No.6767201

Is Christopher Hitchens considered bad taste

I've fallen in love with his writing and have read four of his works. Some people say he's an edgelord but at least he was a gritty, realistic and charming gentleman who addressed his readers as "my dear"

>> No.6767220

>Is Christopher Hitchens considered bad taste

>> No.6767234

>novels are inherently an artform produced for bored women.
Aren't the best three novels in existence a satire of romantic epics, a dude trying to kill a whale, and a dude walking home drunk from a bar? Sounds pretty manly to me.

>> No.6767246


sleep tight, Plato :)

>> No.6767251

inb4 flame
inb4 pleb
inb4 Movy Dick is shit
inb4 meme trilogy
inb4 obscure author is better
inb4 John Green
inb4 le tip

>> No.6767264

Fuck Hemingway

Faulkner rules¡

>> No.6767265

sleep tight, plato

>> No.6767272

Sleep tight Plato

>> No.6767280

sleep tight Plato

>> No.6767286

Sleep tight Plato.

>> No.6767288
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>> No.6767296

/lit/, please tell me what to like

>> No.6767307


>gf says her mom reads alot
>don't have alot in come with her mom
>her mom is a psychiatric doctor
>I ask her mom what she reads while we're eating dinner one day
>"grisham, connelly, crichton, etc"
>I stood there in stunned silence.

>> No.6767313
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>he eats dinner standing up

>> No.6767319


I stood up in protest.

>> No.6767335

Joy :)

>> No.6767341
File: 186 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-06-25-19-55-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're an inferior gender, you're just going to have to move past it. Here, let me help.


>> No.6767351

sleep tight Plato

>> No.6767357
File: 1.73 MB, 3000x2142, 1429287919258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw moving in with gf that is on her way to becoming preeminent Calderon de la Barca scholar.
>Also into Wilde and British lit.
We critique each others play scripts and short stories all the time.

>> No.6767361

My fiance has perfectly fine taste in lit.

>> No.6767365

I bet you write for the story.

>> No.6767369

Don't compromise and don't put the effort in to try and change one because it would yield you the same disappointment you'd find upon trying to change water into gold. There exist those girls out there who appreciate intellect and wish to expand their own; I just met a girl who, unprovoked, made mention of Kierkegaard and by doing so ensnared my heart. The fact that this one exists means others do so do not settle for any but those who make up that minority of intellectually pleasing females.

>> No.6767372


>> No.6767374

le inoffensive and universally accepted authors namedropped by anons to appear cool to their internet pals

>> No.6767375


>> No.6767381

>thinks Queen and the Beatles is patrician
>likes reel music frum reel musishins unlike generic indie folk band
>that fucking reaction pic
I honestly want you to leave

>> No.6767384

He's being ironic

it's a /mu/ meme making fun of reddit

>> No.6767392

That post was definitely made to mock OP

>> No.6767399


>> No.6767406
File: 2.66 MB, 250x216, its too late.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet qt3.14 girl on tinder
>she's into music
>"What are your artists? Mine are Karlheinz Stockhausen and Kaikhosru Sorabji
>"Uhm, idk. I like Calvin Harris alot : )"


>> No.6767445

disco harris is pretty good tbh. and stockhausen is terrible, feel bad.

>> No.6767468

You mad?
You mad.

>> No.6767478

I don't know the first or third, am I a pleb?

>> No.6767551
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>> No.6767570

Don Quixote and Ulysses. And yes

>> No.6767603

If dubs, gimme Inari

>> No.6767634

Haha uncomplex what a shit word, anyway good for you. I have this fillin that most of lit gets laid

>> No.6767643

>a dude walking home drunk from a bar
Sure, if you ignore the first two fucking thirds of the novel. Goddamn, if you're going to "humorously" oversimplify, at least do it right.

>> No.6767644

Fuck off nerd or I'll bash you!

>> No.6767653

Be nice you fucking cunny.

Correcting people and holding their errors against them is for people who only care about making themselves appear bigger than others.

>> No.6767671

>missing out on Schoenburg
Hey look everybody! The plebmobile just rolled into town!

>> No.6767680

>pretending to like atonal crap that isn't even worthy of the label 'noise'

>> No.6767686

Oh come on, anon. If everyone read Borges and Gaddis you would have no bargaining chips with which to assert your pseudo intellectual superiority over others!

>> No.6767687

>not understanding the social impact of the liberation of the dissonance
Looks like there's a pleb 'round every corner! I must be in Plebtown!

>> No.6767701

Sleep tight, Plato

>> No.6767702

Not that guy and I agree with you to a degree but why be nice to a whore of any sex that casually disregards Willam the Basemaster Blake. That's genuine duplicity and I think I prefer honest disdain

>> No.6767704


>> No.6767708

sleep tight Plato

>> No.6767719

>Friends with a girl who reads a shitton of romanticist and 19th century lit
>Knows another girl who has read everything by Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams
>Have another female friend who is into philosophy, talked to her about Hobbes' Leviathan last night at a party
>Have another female friend who loves Japanese lit, like Mishima and Osamu Dazai
>Have another female friend who is majoring in Ancient Greek and reads Greek lit in the original language

Why do you know so many basic bitches anon? Go to a university and you'll meet well-read girls at every cafe. They're everywhere.

There are plenty of bookish girls in the world people.

>> No.6767728

sleep tight Plato

>> No.6767760

>Liking Hemingway
>Expecting to get laid

>> No.6767766

>the social impact of the liberation of the dissonance
That's nice and all, but we were talking about music.

>> No.6767778

>social impact of shit
>relevant to anyone but wannabe bougie plebs
we've got a pleb here, welcome to /lit/, you'll fit right in. have an upboat =)

>> No.6767784
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Only got two wrong. I've only read one Hemingway story and none of the Children's books used for the quiz. If you miss more than a few on this shit, you're the pleb.

>> No.6767788

Have you considered that you're more frustrated with the disconnect between your inability to get female attention and your weird expectation of both a single full romantic connection and constant sexual adventures neither of which you really get anything approaching that you turn every standard cultural thing that happens to be from a girl into evidence of a larger pattern of failure by the thing you can't get?

>> No.6767801

>anon, who is hemingway?
>he was a manly man who wrote about joe dimaggio, drinking grappa, and beating up matadors.
>penetrate me.

>> No.6767811

he was a talentless hack

>> No.6767812

fuck you I'm a history major and i'm the patrician king

>> No.6767818

stick to your dfw and pynchon, you faggot.

>> No.6767823

To be fair, even the sexually successful experience the same kind of frustration and disillusionment. Well, maybe not frustration because they've come to expect nothing anymore.

>> No.6767845


most men either don't read or read only GoT and endless biographies about Navy Seals. You could find patrician women if you looked in the right place

>> No.6767902

>>most men either don't read or read only GoT and endless biographies about Navy Seals

I die a little on the inside every time a cool-seeming guy who claims to be into lit extols the virtues of GoT, Tom Clancy, entrepreneurship (snake oil salemanship) drivel, or sports or military biographies.

>> No.6767929

>The fact that you've developed a superiority complex from reading Joyce and Hemingway is just as laughable.

They're both infinitely superior to John Green or any other YA.


sleep tight Plato

>> No.6768048
File: 627 KB, 758x1144, well memed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from reddit.com/r/4chan!

>> No.6768059

Hemmmmmmingway would've loved this.

>> No.6768060

Sleep tight Plato.

>> No.6768234

Out of interest, which authors would get you rigid? If she said Tolkien is it at half?

>> No.6768249
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>> No.6768317

Because Pepe's emotional expressions are the only ones /lit/izens can relate to.

>> No.6768339

what is mfw?

______ detected

>> No.6768341


nice filenames dumbass

>> No.6768371

pepe, pepe, he's my man
he can meme like no one can

>> No.6768391
