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6766275 No.6766275 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me the funniest books that you have read, I want a good laugh.

>American Psycho

are the funniest ones I have read so far.

>> No.6766288

my diary, tbh

>> No.6766291

Rontel /thread

>> No.6766292
File: 85 KB, 295x453, Confederacy_of_dunces_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughed more than while reading this than any other book, and it's also somehow a good novel.

the guy who wrote it killed himself largely in part because he couldn't get it published during his lifetime, btw. just an interesting bit of info.

>> No.6766296

Gulliver's Travels
A Confederacy of Dunces
Gravity's Rainbow
I thought The Trial was really funny

>> No.6766303

The Crying of Lot 49, that scene where they watch the submarine movie Metzger was in was fantastic.

>> No.6766586

Lucky Jim

>> No.6766645

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.6766660

>the guy who wrote it killed himself
We know.

>> No.6766663

you have a fucked up sense of humor.

>> No.6766665

The first 100 pages of The Brorhers Karamazov is the funniest shit I've ever read tbh.

"How vile!"

>> No.6766667


>> No.6766680


>> No.6766682

The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr
Heart of a Dog

>> No.6766687
File: 19 KB, 887x61, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote. It's funny in a comfy endearing way, it's like a less absurd Monty Python movie in book form.

American Psycho had me laffin, that Jewish restaurant scene killed my sides.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is immature but I thought it was the funniest thing ever when I was younger.

>> No.6766698

Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.6766704

evelyn waugh's works

it's a very british style of humour though

also, suttree
brothers k
confederacy of dunces

>> No.6766716

I, Claidius is good if you're into history

Ham on Rye if your into semi manly angst

>> No.6766789



>> No.6766836

I found I Am A Cat by Soseki Natsume hilarious

>> No.6767742

I can't believe nobody's mentioned this yet, but: Ulysses. There are many laugh-out-loud moments in that book, and it's also one of the best in the English language (right behind Finnegans Wake, which is also funny as shit, but maybe a bit too much). Beyond that, I'd have to recommend A Confederacy of Dunces and Lucky Jim.

>> No.6767852

Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen

>> No.6767890

really dude, the whole book is one joke repeated 94 times

>> No.6767897

Any Keynesian economic literature.

>> No.6767904

Pynchon isn't funny

This book isn't actually funny, tryhards just pretend it is.

>> No.6767907

fuck off pleb

>> No.6767912

One of the better passages is quoted in the movie Slacker (1991). But I'm not going to tell you which one, in the hope that my not doing so will pique your curiosity and frustrate you because you will feel compelled to spend time looking it up.

>> No.6767916
File: 15 KB, 327x344, 1303308446201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the funny pleb stuff
>Cosmic banditos
>Welcome to The NHK
>Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
>The Illuminati trilogy
>Calvin and Hobbes

I put it down 1/3 in because I didn't find it funny, maybe because I've meet enough people like that online and in real life so it's just tiring.

>> No.6767945

Ignatius is the perfect embodiment of all their faults, virtues and contradictions though. The names themselves are genius. Ignatius, meaning fiery and prone to outburst. Reilly, meaning royalty in Irish (IIRC). There are faults to the book IMO in terms of plot and time spent on certain characters, though the masterly way he depicts Ignatius compensates for all that IMO.

>> No.6767959
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I'm not saying that it's a bad book, I try to be very careful with that, but I didn't find it funny personally. I can see why a lot of people would like the book, and other wouldn't but humor is a very subjective thing.

Just take a look at other boards on this website and you will find things that most people who have never visited this site would never think to be funny.

I recommended Welcome to The NHK, a book that might not really be appreciated by the mainstream but on this site it's fairly well known and liked. Not really close to but what he asked for, but still a funny book in my opinion.

>> No.6767962

I seem to remember liking Spike Milligan's war memoirs.

>> No.6767965

Mark Twain's short stories
Charles Portis (Norwood, True Grit, etc.)

>> No.6767968

I thought that part in The Prince where Machiavelli talks about how you should beat and subjugate women was unintentionally funny.
It's like having a racist granddad.

>> No.6767986

I loved Welcome to the NHK. I re-read the first chapter the other day and it was pretty underwhelming, but the first time round was great. I understand why some might dismiss it but damn I wish I'd written that. The author was 24 when it was published and he's been living (as a NEET) on the royalties ever since,

>> No.6768008

>he's been living as a neet on the royalties
I think that's the funniest part of the novel.

>> No.6768011

Yeah the two epilogues are pretty funny. In the first he's pretty enthusiastic but in the second he's like yep, still NEET guys. Also at the age of 23 he created a cultural icon in Misaki. Pretty impressive.

>> No.6768046

>Pynchon isn't funny
Really all you have left to do is kill yourself anon

>> No.6768052

>Short story
A Modest Proposal

>> No.6768055

please upload

>> No.6768214

I just finished re-reading it.

>Guarantee one hunner percent real plantation dancin. Ever motherfuckin drink got a guarantee knockout drop

I laughed out loud. That doesn't usually happen with "funny" books.

>> No.6768230
File: 30 KB, 324x500, Suttree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6768233

What's funny about that?

>> No.6768236

>Charles Portis (Norwood, True Grit, etc.)
The Dog of the South by Portis is one of the funniest books I've read

>> No.6768247

I suppose it's the way I imagined him saying it.

>> No.6768261
File: 59 KB, 427x650, ded sols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite part was when Sobakevich and his salon were described. All descriptions were hilarious, but Sobakevich's ditto just takes the price.

>> No.6768269

The Cyberiad

Three Men in a Boat

Anything by PG Wodehouse or Mark Twain

>> No.6768291

Jones was great. But the joke about describing his smoke as a cloud was a bit over done. Maybe it was some 'a storms approaching' metaphor for the civil rights movement but it could have been done a bit sparingly.

>> No.6768393

the man without qualities by robert musil

>> No.6768485

Saki made me laugh out loud a couple of times.

Recently Flashbird has been causing me to misplace my sides on a regular basis.

>> No.6768508

the tunnel by william gass

>> No.6768590

Yeah, I'll have to agree with that, except for the civil rights part. I think Toole was just addicted to describing smoke.

>> No.6768647


>> No.6769444

This may not work for OP considering his tastes, but I really like genteel humour.

So anything by Wodehouse is GOAT and Dicken's makes me laugh constantly.

>> No.6769839

Infinite jest is hilarious at times.

>> No.6770229


>> No.6770249

Hehe, Hum got cuk'd hard.

>> No.6770258

this guy gets it

>> No.6770260
File: 22 KB, 320x480, the-tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking hilarious from beginning to end.

>> No.6770281

Why's that funny? Most novels have people cucked over something. It seems like your cucked over others being cucked. The loop is endless. Two circles joined adjacently. 4chan times two. It's too much for you trust me.

>> No.6770288

Muh social justice.

>> No.6770290

With a little more care, you could have had a beautiful rhyme there, anon.

>> No.6770298
File: 17 KB, 318x445, satantango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not even joking

>> No.6770299
File: 120 KB, 360x576, productimage-picture-dead-souls-259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead souls had some moments that really got me, like the chapter with Manilov

Gogol just has some moments where it felt like he wanted to be really cheeky and they're pretty amusing

>> No.6770308

ayy didnt see your post buddy

>> No.6770356

Marquis de Sade is great for laughs. I have only read 120 Days and Justine but some of his characters are so ridiculous in their convictions that you can't help but laugh.

>> No.6770419

no matter how you feel about murakami norwegian wood is hilarious

>> No.6770432

Das Kapital is funny if you consider that people take that tripe seriously and millions of people have died because of it.

>> No.6770799

Breakfast of Champions.
Hitchhiker's Guide

>> No.6770804


>> No.6770826

>Recently Flashbird has been causing me to misplace my sides on a regular basis.
Shit slays me.

>> No.6771667

did you forget what website your on anon?

>> No.6771707

A drop in the bucket compared to the billions that have been killed for capital.

>> No.6771740

was Flashbird ever finished?

>> No.6771767

Pickwick Papers by Dickens is pretty funny, reading it now

>> No.6771775

I think you mean "The communist manifesto". No one reads Das Kapital.

>> No.6771840

No love for Apathy and Other Small Victories?

>> No.6772058

Tristram Shandy

>> No.6772414

Don't think so, I'm reading the pages posted here.

>> No.6772688

Apathy and Other Small Victories is the funniest book I,ve read.