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/lit/ - Literature

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6762647 No.6762647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share experiences from when you were a pleb:
>Played 1-3 videogames per year, could tell you what an Asari was. Sometimes online gamed like COD and Ultima Online
>Went to the movie theater all the time
>One of my favorite authors was Kurt Vonnegut
>Identified as agnostic (not so bad) but specifically against "organized religion"

>> No.6762652

How are you different now OP?

>> No.6762662

I used to enjoy television, movies, and video games, which I no longer do. I read a lot of fantasy when I was 10, but I get bored trying to read any fiction nowadays.

>> No.6762664


I was a fedora tipping atheist.
Read maybe 12 books in my life but thought I had the world figured out

>> No.6762672

>I was a militant atheist
>I believed people had natural rights
>I believed weed should be legalized
>I unironically read Stephen King

>> No.6762676
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>watched films and television
>played video games
>listened to music written after Wagner
>read for the plot
>read Stephen King books

>> No.6762685
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>> No.6762688

Huh, I actually like this
>played Call of Duty all the time
>thought I was a genius because I was the first of my friends to question God
>the future seemed like a dream and therefore I saw no purpose in studying or learning
>almost entirely hedonistic
>was probably an asshole to my parents
>thought of myself as 'literary-minded' because I read Eragon and The City of Ember and because I scored well im middle-school English
>tried to fight my dad in seventh grade so he casually threw me into a closet and locked me in (deserved)

I was a shithead and I can only imagine what I put my parents through. I cringe a lot when I think about it

>> No.6762689

>read fiction exclusively
>browsed /lit/

>> No.6762690

Plebian spotted.

>> No.6762695

Aw I thought you were above derailing and shitposting :(

>> No.6762702

OP here, totally forgot how I used to listen to classic rock. Now I can't listen to anything that isn't art music (modern classical) or classical and not be incredibly annoyed.

>> No.6762706

OP here, I see a lot of people rail on "fiction" but I know some people kind of blur the lines with "fiction" and "literature". Do you anti-fiction readers read, say, Gabriel Garcia Marquez?

>> No.6762707

>He listens to music

>> No.6762708

What about baroque?

>> No.6762709

We are all "plebs". brother.

This is a shit thread that has nothing to do with literature or philosophy.
It's more a promotion of classism, which is on /pol/'s menu.

>> No.6762713

>art music
OP you can't post in your own thread because you're still a pleb

>> No.6762715
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>this thread

>> No.6762716

Speak for yourself.

>> No.6762726

Classical and art music is an interchangeable term, sometimes classical more specifically refers to old art music. Go back to listening to ACDC and KISS. Enjoy Marvel Movies with Black Sabbath riffs in their commercials.

>> No.6762736

I know the term. You were nice enough to clear it up parenthetically (thank you so much). I was more scoffing at you.
>art music
>being annoyed by anything else
>actually convinced of patricianhood
Insufferable. High school tier. You realize nobody even gives a shit about modern classical, right? So, if you're liking it to appear patrician, you can cast it aside. Patronizing other genres does little to save your own, anon

>> No.6762746

Hold your head up high, fop, you 21st century dandy. You may be born into wealth but you'll always be too "new money" for the title of patrician. They aren't passing these honorifics out anymore.
Take it for yourself, fine. But we can all take it just the same as you and you can't do a thing about it. You aren't any better or worse in the end.

>> No.6762752

Accumulation of wealth is an upper-plebian pursuit.

>> No.6762757


>> No.6762762
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i used to dismiss other mediums to try and appear intelligent to a literature forum in a chinese post stamps exchange tabloid.

>> No.6762768
File: 26 KB, 374x373, Tonysoprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real patricians dont give af if they're patrician or not hth

>> No.6762833

Is your name Ross, and are you a chef?

>> No.6762849

You do not need to of above average intelligence to realize the medium of video games is worthless as a whole.

>> No.6763272

>I know the term
>doesn't actually know the term

>> No.6763404

I once considered Sopranos the greatest artistic achievement of the century so far.

Oh wait, I still do.

>> No.6763510

>"organized religion"
Even now, I kind of want you to suicide.

Also, there is nothing wrong with knowing the Mass Effect codex.

>> No.6763516
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I visited /lit/ and posted in thread named "Share experiences from when you were a pleb"

>> No.6763526

I used to X, but look at me now, I'm a little Harold Bloom clone XDXDXD: the thread

>> No.6763577

>I wasn't a freeborn landowner

>> No.6763609

>used to be guilty doing what OP does

>> No.6763614

>reading written philosophy is worthwhile
I literally thought that.

>> No.6763782
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>> No.6763849

I used to watch a shit ton of anime.
My favorite one was Elfen Lied.
I used to love Disturbed and Linkin Park.
I used to like GRRM.
I used to drink.
So umm yeah the sad thing is that shit was only 4 years ago.

Welp I'm good now, thanks to mister Fyodor and mister Gene and mister Gira.

>> No.6763871

>not enjoying any other form of art
good job budy

>> No.6763882

w-what's wrong with elfen lied?

>> No.6763885

god you guys are the worst

>> No.6763923

>Used to listen to everything you would associate with nu-metal
>Used to read shit like Darren Shan and Anthony Horowitz
>Used to watch Bleach
>Thought that the transformers movie was good(in 2007)
>Used to think I was better than everyone else
>Used to be hardcore atheist(but so is almost everyone young and British)
>Browsed /b/ and /v/

Then I took an interest in film, browsed /tv/, watched some decent films which made me want to write, so I started browsing /lit/ and reading(about 2 years later).

>tfw music taste from /mu/, film taste from /tv/ and literary taste from /lit/

I still watch the occasional anime, provided it's not absolute trash.

>> No.6764018

> I used to listen to music X but now I don't because of 'cultural' reason Y. Also, I believe music Z is 'highbrow' or 'superior'. Look at me, I'm not a pleb!!

Don't ever talk about music again, you tone deaf imbeciles. You're even worse than the "wrong generation" 14 year olds on YouTube. Presumably, you've read some books, you've listened to some music and you have some notion of "culture". Yet all you've done with that is you've given yourself a mental image of superiority over the "plebs". You have understood nothing of music and you've missed the whole point.

Fuck off.

>> No.6764042

i used to take logical positivism way more seriously than it should be

i know, im such a pleb

>> No.6764053

I think i got the balance right in my life, i'm allowed:

>any books

TV and video games are banned.