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/lit/ - Literature

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6761959 No.6761959 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about American writers that make them so fucking cancerous?

Is it the American culture in general that is to blame?

>> No.6761977

What about Yuropoors that makes them so asspained?

Is it Shariah law in general that is to blame?

>> No.6761979

great thread. simply superb

>> No.6761984

op would you say they're... problematic

>> No.6761990

It's the financial heft of the american literary industry, it makes them arrogant as fuck, read this and try to disagree


>> No.6761997

Why does that Franzen guy get so much shit? I don't know anything about him. What's wrong with him?

>> No.6762016

Hyperconsumerism and middle class suburbia has rendered them sterile

Fuck I'm glad I'm not American

>> No.6762090

Does anyone have the link to the article on nice writing?

>> No.6762156

He just isn't a good writer, yet as you see in the OP he's vastly overrated in contemporary lit.

>> No.6762173

He is just at the trough of his cycle at the moment. Give it a couple of years and /lit/ will be into him again.

>> No.6762179

nice rebuttal

t. anti-inflammatory yurofriend

>> No.6762182

To be honest, Franzen is one of those authors that /lit/ has always been against. He isn't part of the cycle

>> No.6762188


>> No.6762243


>> No.6763021

Invisible style.

>> No.6763030

He's DFW's inferior sidekick in audiencepussying.

>> No.6763035
File: 83 KB, 953x1000, JOHN MADDEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American literature (which I'd call before a certain point the greatest in the world) has simply run out of a willingness to engage itself. People talk a lot about how science fiction in the west is out of ideas, how it's all steampunk and space opera and other types of fantastic escapism, but really that's just a genre form of a wider malaise in western literature, a reluctance to engage with things outside of itself. Genre fiction in the US is now about paying homage to genre - literary fiction is now about the lives of writers themselves, their fears and pains. It's become a neurotic middle class bubble, still escapist, but not through space ships and detectives; instead through a magnification and fictionalisation of the writer's own experiences, a morphing of their messy, discontented late capitalist existences into harmless waffling narratives.

>> No.6763043

Underground urban circles were our last hope but even they too succumbed to hyperconsumerism and suburbia, all under the "hipster" brand, and anything that can't be packaged neatly was given a negative social stigma.
"Those snobby hipsters", they would smugly say, all while guzzling filth at the nearest McDonald's.

>> No.6763056

>which I'd call before a certain point the greatest in the world
nigger we don't even have any shakespeare or milton tier writers, how could ours possibly be the best.

>> No.6763061

It's because no one's willing to publish or buy anything significantly different from whatever's "in" at the moment these days. I wrote a book without any regards to profits, popularity, or being "relatable" in that bland inoffensive way people like and no one's willing to risk representing it so far.

>> No.6763065

Isn't this how all of the West is

>> No.6763066


It's because we don't have that sweet sweet catholicism clogging our historic arteries

>> No.6763070

Because we have others

>> No.6763075

I know, but we don't have anyone of that level yet.

>> No.6763097

>>6763055 here, as a foreigner I've always found that from the 19th Century to maybe the 1970s or so America has produced some amazing classics, especially for such a young nation. For Moby-Dick and Gravity's Rainbow alone the US deserves recognition.

>> No.6763102
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Or I can fuck up linking to my own post, that works too. I meant >>6763035.

>> No.6763117

That hasn't stopped Russia or England.

>> No.6763127


Do you mean

>Russia and England have no good authors

Because I don't think we can actually have a /lit/ board if we're discounting all the writers hailing from those countries

>> No.6763133

No, I mean not being Catholic hasn't stopped those two countries from producing good writers.

>> No.6763137

He obviously didn't mean that, though we could easily have a good /lit/ board without Russia

>> No.6763143


Good, but not great.

>> No.6763145

England alone would make it great tbh

>> No.6763156

Why do Brits have to shit up every board and thread with shitty nationalistic dick waving and shit flinging?

>> No.6763161

stay mad oleg

>> No.6763167

No really I wanna know why? Why are Brits such shit posters? The few Brits I've encountered in real life have been pretty chill but British 4chan posters are just god awful annoying shitheads.

>> No.6763177
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Sorry for loving our nation, Raheem.

>> No.6763180


Well, it's not like anyone else is writing anything worth reading.

>> No.6763182
File: 531 KB, 958x439, i seriously hope you guys don't punish hard working families.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /int/
>every other nationality has chill threads about whatever
>go to /brit/

>> No.6763188

What's there to love?

>> No.6763209

Every field and hedgerow.

>> No.6763225

David Franzen isn't your average American writer. He is a rich kid that went to Swarthmore that is vain enough to write a novel and call it Freedom

>> No.6763247


>> No.6763261

It is, but tons of people love to self-fellate by saying America has it worst. In reality, things are about equally terrible everywhere, we just have different (arguably worse, but that's a debate for /pol/) social nets and spending priorities.

>> No.6763279

I disagree with you heavily. You're viewing the present with the lens of the past. An artist who is great enough to be remembered is very rare, and with the scope of information processed and categorized in the modern times, imbeciles seem far more present than geniuses. I believe that the general style of an era has little to do with the skill or the greatness of the individual artist's work. The bubbles which people view the history of art within is nothing more than a categorization, a label. And with that, to say that America is declining, you do so without thinking of all of the second and third rate writers of history.
tl;dr You're being a hysterical reactionary.

>> No.6763300

Apology accepted, Muhammed

>> No.6763357
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I'm not saying there aren't good writers out there who'll be remembered in the future, I don't think I'm being hysterical and I'm not a reactionary at all. All I'm saying is that there is a trend towards myopia in literature now - in fiction - that's easily observable, and with a special acuteness in American literary fiction.

>> No.6763410

Same reason writers from every other country are so cancerous: contemporary culture and technology impede intellectual development. I suspect the next great authors of the next century or so will emerge from developing countries.

>> No.6763458

“Although he, like all people, secretely enjoyed the smell of his own farts, the smell of his shit was somethig else. It was so bad as to seem evil in a moral way.”
― Jonathan Franzen, Freedom

>The Next Great American Novel

>> No.6763939

game of thrones is pretty good :-)

>> No.6764031


>> No.6764055

what is it about eurofaggots that they are eternally shitter shoah'd over a nation who's inhabitants never consider them? Your impotent rage is honestly ridiculous. Literally stay mad.

>> No.6764059

The amount of great people is constant no matter the age. And yet, every other murican kid wants to be a famous novelist, without even bringing anything to the table. The good stuff simply gets burried in an avalanche of medioctiy.

>> No.6764068

Ignatius Reilly likes this post

>> No.6764074


Two out of three ain't bad.

>> No.6764084

Not at all. Ignatius would hate Franzen.

>> No.6764169

On /lit/ being popular to the masses is the easiest way to be considered a bad writer. I won't take these claims seriously until I've read the work myself, which I never will.

>> No.6764284

>implying you can read any of the other generals
They're pretty much the same.

>> No.6764294
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>Be European
>Can't go a day without trying to make my existence seem less shitty by trashing Americans

B-british master race

>> No.6764327

Yurocucks and their inferiority complexes never cease to make me lol

>> No.6764338

Better than socially neutered Europeans

>> No.6764349

Enjoy your new Muslim nation Yuropoor leeel

>> No.6764455
File: 570 KB, 1000x512, quote-Oscar-Wilde-everything-popular-is-wrong-100940_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What would we be if not for the ancient wisdom

>> No.6764473


The next great writers will emerge when America returns to a Third World Country.

Right now, Democracy, not Technology, is what impedes thinking.

The 'right not to be offended' has killed profound thought.

All. Of. It.

>In the world of Mad Max,
>Profound work is written
>Pleb reads book.
>"This book triggers me!"

This is how shit used to be, before Post-Modernism. It was also why governments have historically been exclusionary; they had a tremendous fear of the nightmare we live in.

>> No.6764481

Ah to be a shitposting 12 year old again.

>> No.6764482


Exactly what I talk about.

>Doesn't address the point.
>Relies on Ad Hominem insults
>Incapable of dealing with the stressful topic.

Plebs @ work.

>> No.6764505

Looks like you were ... ... triggered.

>> No.6764645

Underrated post.

>> No.6764648

can someone tell me what

>t. [name]


>> No.6764662

It's Finnish for "sprölölö".

>> No.6764793

B/c he sleeps like a haiku

>> No.6764809


Read his essay on Gaddis. He's a huge pleb.

>> No.6765008

Actually, you just have to get rid of the cultural marxism. Democracy is not bad in and of itself. Look at Britain, it has been democratic for ages, but only has this same problem in the last decade or so.

It s really about people being spoiled more than anything else,

>> No.6765022


>> No.6765157

>Look at Britain, it has been democratic for ages
Really? Last I checked, Britain is still an absolute monarchy in 2015, you fucking cuck.

(And no, just because your absolute monarch is too inbred to actually exercise xer power doesn't suddenly make your country a democracy. The Qing "cuckold empire" Dynasty wasn't democratic, and neither is 'Great' Britain.)

>> No.6765170

why do europeans ALWAYS talk about americans

>> No.6765175

>before Post-Modernism
citation needed

>> No.6765197
File: 29 KB, 226x350, Closing of the Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud.

>>6765157 is right.

Literature may be hyper-democratic, but our government itself isn't actually so.

Oligarchy has made a mother fucking mess of things.

It refuses to stop the anti-intellectualism, and our nation is absolutely god awful because of their excessive wealth.


Government really ought to lean toward democracy, but literature cannot be refuge for the narrow-minded.

Somehow, we swapped those processes. It's intriguing to contrast, now that i think about it.


Pic related.

I can also take a picture of the sky, if you need further proof it's blue.

>> No.6765245
File: 70 KB, 850x400, Karl Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also. I would read On Liberty again. I'll even link to Plebbit's best, Kotaku-in-action.


'Cultural Marxism' is really for morons who can't tell the difference between Marxism and Post-Modernism.

Because Conservatives think Post-Modernism is a Communist plot, they keep kicking the corpse of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, the Post-Modenrists take absolute power, and then degenerate society down to pre-civilization/Identity Politics.

Right Wing Americans are too stupid to live, effectively. If the had enough brain cells left in them, they could've saved America.

But somehow, they can't even realize Post-Modernism is an invention of the CIA.




Cultural Marxism may actually be a 'Psy-Op' term designed to confuse Right-Wingers. It's brilliant, because Karl Marx takes the blame for what the CIA is doing for the 1%.

>Pic related.
>Just to get minds to explode.

>> No.6765307

You are simply interchanging words. Nobody in their right mind would blame "Cultural Marxism" on Marx, Neither should you blame Post-modernism, it s just an art movement that came in way before the issues discussed here.

(off-topic: You claim that the term is misleading, but offer an alternative that does simply not fix it.

Post-modernism is as much of a CIA invention, as realism is an invetion of KGB)

IMO there are way better alternatives, such as The Ideology of Political Correctness.

>> No.6765324

If you look carefully, you'd see that _every_ tenet of so-called 'cultural marxism' is just a tired rehash of Gnostic cult ideologies. Gnostic cults have been a fixture of Western Civilization since forever; Gnosticism is the cosmic background radino ation of western thought, and it's silly to think that it would just go away as Christianity wanes.

P.S. The lack of solid nomenclature is a common fixture of Gnosticism. All Gnostic cults were anonymous and had no self-describing names, labels like 'Cathar' (or whatever) were invented by their political opponents much later.

>> No.6765327
File: 76 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Queen is so bait, it almost baited Freddie Mercury from the grave

>> No.6765398

>It was so bad as to seem evil in a moral way
Holy fucking shit

>> No.6765520

In a couple of years he will probably be already forgotten.

>> No.6765909


Post-Modernism is a cognitive process, more so than a coherent set of beliefs.

>All Gnostic cults were anonymous and had no self-describing names, labels like 'Cathar' (or whatever) were invented by their political opponents much later.

We see eye to eye, but I also consider alot of the Late Roman Cults to be another expression of that behavior.

Interestingly, I also believe that the 'Tower of Babel' is a metaphor for describing the process of 'Post-Modernism' as well.

Nobody will ever be happy with a term given to the process, though, so I can only shrug my shoulders.

>Post-Modernism, in its essence, is about personalizing ethics.
>It leads to tremendous disaster, because most of humanity fails to do so.
>Its better to teach a moron to behave well, than to let an idiot figure out how to behave well.

>MAH UBERMENSCH -Nietzsche, being unaware of history.

Once again, we will relearn to unlearn Nietzsche.

>> No.6765924

No. You're just not reading people who matter. This is like claiming it's all over because some pop idiot won a grammy on a terrible pop album. Check out Evan Dara, read Richard Powers, for fuck's sake read Denis Johnson or Cormc McCarthy or Don DeLillo (other than White Noise) or William Gass or Thomas Pynchon or Donald Barthelme. America's not the greatest literary power but it has some kickass folks living right now.

>> No.6765925

>Post-Modernism is a cognitive process, more so than a coherent set of beliefs.

The CIA was always aware of this process. and used it to undermine Soviet Ethics, with a lack of Ethics.

Get people the people to believe in nothing, and you won't have any enemies at all.

>> No.6765939

Oh, fuck off. Take your boogeyman somewhere else.

It's as if people lack the ability to remember anything past the last three fucking years. What's going on today is no different than when Bradbury got sent angry letters about how he didn't portray white people fairly enough, or how his female characters were too meek, or not meek enough.

If you'd be cowed by moral outrage you probably don't have the fucking gall to be a creator anyway. The ability to distinguish actual criticism from the drek that fills your inbox is an essential tool regardless of medium.

>> No.6765952


>> No.6766095

I would honestly rather live in Uganda than America.

America seems like such a fucked up place. Just look at the politicians and the laws.

No wonder Postmodernism became so prominent in America, so much fucked up shit is constantly happening you have infinite source material.

>> No.6766102


Is this bait? America isn't that bad jesus you tumblrite.

>> No.6766105

You're probably numb to it because you're used to it.

>> No.6766142

Judging from the exchange students we get from it, it is.

My classmate got phisically assaulted during a lesson only because he spoke against their ludicrous ways. They are so conditioned they cant even handle hearing the other side of the argument.

>> No.6766153

>solitary experiences are grounds for broad generalization
Yes, your level of thought is certainly a treat for the classroom.

>> No.6766165

Yes america is a shithole, whatever you do, do not come here.
Please don't come.

>> No.6766305

What is it that makes Europeans posts so vague and inflammatory?

Is it the penis envy that is to blame?

>> No.6766326

>the average european isn't a complete cultural pleb too

>> No.6766411

Solitary experience my arse.

I had seen it over eight thousand times on the internet before I saw it irl

>> No.6766517


cancer thread? cancer thread

>> No.6766528

> two drops of water in a bucket of sewage
> "Look guys! We can drink this!"

>> No.6766531


embarrassing post

>literally stay mad

worst namefag


>generalizing this hard

america has brought greatness upon us, but also a lot of shit

>> No.6766703

>on the internet
My sides
If I judged people from the internet, I would assume that Europeans are assmad pussies who think in childish platitudes

>> No.6766708

I actually think writing is the one area where Americans do bretty gud. America has never had much in terms of 'high' music, dance, cuisine, but they've cranked out some amazing writers... Emerson, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, etc... All good writers.

>> No.6766728

You can always tell how great America is by how much hate it gets from European countries living 200 years in the past and thinking they still have a say in things that happen on a global scale.

>> No.6767432

I hope this is satire but knowing the type of self-righteous idiots in GG I wouldn't be surprised if this was sincere.

>> No.6767439

Is this post forreal

>> No.6767999

No need to do anything myself.

>> No.6768175


>> No.6768578


Franzen's face is about what you'd get if you pressed the randomize button for appearance sliders during character creation stage in a given MMO game.