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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 577 KB, 1080x1465, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760650 No.6760650 [Reply] [Original]

>"The [human] consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."

Is he right? Was Nietzsche ever right? Or do stumbling pseudo-intellectuals only claim so out of sheer inability to accept the necessity of science over philosophy?

>> No.6760661

Suicide pls

>> No.6760664

This is from that autistic tv show.

>> No.6760690

Go on, you want attention, ill bite. Everyone likes that show. Why are you right and everyone else is wrong?

>> No.6760696

kek that show is fucking awful. My parents watch it and recommended it to me last time i saw them.

I saw this clip on youtube and kek'd so hard. people call this "writing".

"people round here dont think that way!"

>> No.6760705

Watch the fucking show and stop getting such strong opinions on a 5 minute youtube clip. Come back with some strong evidence or fuck off

>> No.6760720

What show are you guys talking about?

>> No.6760722

>Go on, you want attention, ill bite. Everyone likes that show.
>How dare you point out my shitpost meme!
I'll sell you The Nightmare Factory for $100

>> No.6760725

True Detective.
Don't bother with season 2

>> No.6760729


>> No.6760747

Literally fuck off

>> No.6760748

>no U


>> No.6760765

So you're saying I posting the exact same bullshit on your apparent home board last night when this one was dead? I'm sorry you're a KVneet retard. You can still buy the book.

>> No.6760773

I don't watch TV because I'm not a fucking peasant who chooses to eat actual shit when their is a lifetime of real art to appreciate

>> No.6760804

Would be believable, save for the fact you're posting on 4chan. That you are suggests that not only do you not value art as you claim, but also that you willingly engage in "shit" medium, like videogames, on a regular basis.

>> No.6760824

this is like the exact opposite of what neitzsche argues actually. he is on board with the dissolution of the traditional idea of ego/subject but his philosophy is life-affirming. he would say that the ability of human consciousness to participate in beautiful struggle and creativity makes life worth living. this sounds more like some schopenhauer shit

>> No.6760836

this sounds more like Schopenhauer. Im pretty sure the whole point of Nietzsche was to promote the will to live

>> No.6760843

I only come on lit. and no i don't touch video games.

rarely i will watch movies. But TV series are always shit.

>> No.6760869

>implying nietzche said this russell brand quote

anything nietzche ever said was entirely less-intelligent

>> No.6760883

read Schopenhauer you retards. this is some fucking edgy 21st century anti-natalist shit. Schopenhauer wasn't some edgy woe-is-me nihilist (in fact he basically agrees with Christianity in the end of 'on suffering', though he would never admit it)

>In fact, the conviction that the world and man is something that had better not have been, is of a kind to fill us with indulgence towards one another. Nay, from this point of view, we might well consider the proper form of address to be, not Monsieur, Sir, mein Herr, but my fellow-sufferer, Socî malorum, compagnon de miseres! This may perhaps sound strange, but it is in keeping with the facts; it puts others in a right light; and it reminds us of that which is after all the most necessary thing in life — the tolerance, patience, regard, and love of neighbor, of which everyone stands in need, and which, therefore, every man owes to his fellow.

>> No.6760952

Why does having a nihilist worldview and disagreeing with religion make someone "edgy"? What kind of liberal-century slang is that anyway? "Edgy", edgy what? It's nothing but a cheap buzzword, used to discredit a criticism questioning the majority.
You're a joke to yourself. I hope you can realize that, and veer from your thoughts of absolute delusion.

>> No.6760974

wish more people were like you dude

>> No.6761791


>he thinks one form of art is worth more than any other because of arbitrary social convention and construct

pretentious pleb detected

>> No.6761810


This quote reflects a pretty freaking common observation.

Self consciousness brings up loads of extra problems beyond that which an animal faces and this strikes me as fairly self evident. It's not even clear that an animal is aware of death. For humans, the whole fear of death becomes like a subconscious obsession.

What's the source of your objection? The fact that he called consciousness "unnatural"? You're aware that that doesn't imply it's supernatural, I take it... When he says consciousness is unnatural, he means it like when we say a building or a TV set is unnatural.

>> No.6761817


What show is this?

>> No.6761820

>he thinks all art forms are equal
>he thinks TV is good
>he says the word "pretentious" as an argument when there is no pretense

just kill yourself retard

>> No.6761840

/lit/ summary of nietzsche - it's fun to fight things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/lit/ summary of schopenhauer - life sux

>> No.6761849

I'm pleb as fuck and CSI: Special Fedora Unit was too pleb for me.

>> No.6761854

at the root of science s philosophy
nietzhce, while a genius died alone, loveless and miserable.

genius does not excuse such an intesne pessimism. the goal of philosophy is for it to be applied to life, that is living well. while nietzhche brought attention to "becoming more than human" or the transcendant potential in humanity, he failed to reach it for whatever reason, and this destroyed him

>> No.6761939

>nietzhce, while a genius died alone, loveless and miserable.
actually he died with brain cancer

>> No.6761952

Yes, the "self" is basically nothing other than a fictitious object to which we ascribe a list of predicates; we call this "ourselves", without considering whether we are fictitious ourselves. But the self is a fiction, all you have is what you have, and no amount of systematizing will change or alter how you experience the world.

How you experience the world, at it's most basic, is like an animal.

He's basically just advocating the opposite of Christianity: don't reject the flesh.

It's pretty simple dude.

>> No.6761955


What's so terrible about television? Everyday, when I get home from work, I like to watch an episode of Countdown or Pointless. Peep Show is a great sit-com and, I will be honest, I love The Great British Bake Off. Does that mean I cannot enjoy some fine literature, too? No. If someone wants to watch Big Brother, Jeremy Kyle and X-Factor then fair play, they are autonomous beings and if they enjoy it that does not mean they are plebs but just as patrician as someone who enjoys reading Homer in the original Greek because being patrician is not how you spend your free time or your mind set, even, it is about spending your life the way you want to. I was not using the term pretentious as an argument, but rather the statement of a fact. You believe people should enjoy what you define as good and anything else you do not think of as good is for plebs. You do not enjoy life or want others to enjoy it, you want to conform to some social construct of what it is to be intelligent. You, sir, are a pleb of the highest order-one who thinks they're a patrician.

>> No.6761957

>there are people in this thread who don't even understand the self in philosophical terms
>there are people who don't grasp the context of quotes such as

plz stop criticizing nietzsche until you get educated.

>> No.6761961
File: 30 KB, 247x248, 1392178269114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not watching Zizek lectures on shuffle

>> No.6761967

>genius does not excuse such an intesne pessimism
It's only pessimism if you're living a life you hate. All Nietzsche is saying is "you aren't a list of predicates", so sitting there worrying "Am I a bad person?" is stupid bullshit. You are constantly in flux, so you should always be looking ahead.

It's a very positive message that people on here are too stupid to get.

>> No.6761971

Nietzsche is less of a nihilist than Christians.

>> No.6761982



>> No.6762109

I could kill you right now, pal. The universe wouldn't care.

because we're all just hunks of meat writhing and copulating on a spinning rock boyo

>> No.6762161

apparently the chick who wrote eat pray love was nietzschean as FUCK

>> No.6762211
File: 2.85 MB, 298x224, 1374210545977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Nietzsche would ever say that

>> No.6762383
File: 143 KB, 349x320, 1417368109464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for whatever reason

Maybe because he spent a decade of his life in chronic pain and was nearly blind.

>> No.6762433
File: 36 KB, 400x462, 7PXlX30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>watching Tv in any form

The only more plebeian "hobby" would be video games.

>> No.6762440

>Everyone likes that show.

This is not an argument in its favor; rather, it is a mark against it if anything. Also, ad populum is a basic fallacy.

>> No.6762452

You guys sure do talk a lot about a philosopher you never read.

>> No.6762461




>> No.6762462

>What's so terrible about television?
Everything. The idea that any television show is worth watching is laughable. All media other than the written word are trash.

>> No.6762480
File: 1.57 MB, 1510x2002, Rose Byrne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Detective. Season 1



>> No.6762527

>criticizing tv
>using vocabulary and images from a civilization which used to butcher human beings as spectacle

>> No.6762554

>You guys sure do talk a lot about a philosopher I have never read.

FTFY. I'm curious: why haven't you read Nietzsche yet?

>> No.6762705
File: 52 KB, 551x229, litsuicidepact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tv/ leaks into /lit/
>It's one of the best shitposts I've seen on this board

>> No.6762769
File: 699 KB, 376x475, RoBY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6762782

because it's shit

>> No.6762787

Fucking LOST started all this pseudo-philosophical ebin tv shows. At least LOST didn't take it so serious, but True Detective it's like someone read the philosophy page in wikipedia and copypasted that.

>> No.6762935

I'm not trying to shitpost, but watching series like The Wire made me realize that TV, when brought to their limits, can be a very good vehicle of social commentary and somewhat of philosophical ideas, they can be like a movie that keeps being actuallized by each season. Yes, The Wire (and probably any series) isn't on the same level of a book portraying the argumentation of philosophical ideas, but it was a very good tool to show how the lifestyle and ideology of people is and how it showed advancement in technology by each season. I would go as far as to say that The Wire is to Baltimore as Joyce's Dubliners are to Dublin, they portrayed the general spirit and life of the people that inhabit the city.

And when it comes to 'art', a TV show has the same potential to be art as any movie, but some mediums are constrained, TV series are constrained mainly by money and exposure, this obviously doesn't help it to legitimize itself as a medium of art, but this doesn't either mean that it's inferior. Let's not forget that serious and artsy TV series, like HBO ones haven't been around since the start, they probably have 20 or 30 years, so right now it's hard to say that they have reached a zenith or anything. This goes also for video games, they could potentially be art in the future too and they have also the plus of adding interaction to the player, but they also have limitations based on money and it is a young medium.

>> No.6762942

The Sopranos is better

Much of what goes on is rather subtle, surprisingly so for TV

>tfw you realize every character's lives get fucked up after they start seeing a shrink

>> No.6762951

I haven't watched it, I'm halfway through The Wire, but I think that the logical next step would be to watch The Sopranos. I'm not in a position to compare them anyway.

Are there any other series that have reached the level of these two?

>> No.6762966
File: 906 KB, 1280x800, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but Breaking Bad is pure Shakespeare.
It's pretty good if you haven't watched it and if you like black comedy and westerns.

>> No.6762968

I watched the first season and didn't like it that much, my friends where all hyped and thought they where over-rating it, I guess I will need to finish it sooner or later.

>> No.6762969

>Breaking Bad
>anything but pure shit
>even mentioning it in response to The Wire and Sopranos

>> No.6762972

>the opposite of Christianity: don't reject the flesh.
the opposite of Gnosticism, actually

>> No.6762977
File: 91 KB, 570x320, waltjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First season has fucked up pacing. Also do your best to ignore the hype, the show is at its best not when it's doing EPIC CRIME DRAMA shit but when it's just about Walt being terrible at his drug hobby and murdering people in stupid ways.
It's good at different things, but still a pretty major example of the recent "television isn't shit any more" trend. There's no need to be a Debbie Downer just because you're sick of the hype train.

>> No.6763006

not like it maters, but i just discovered I'm banned on my phone. can i get banned here too?

>> No.6763033

Why are your album covers filtered images of children?
Do you unironically believe vaporwave is a coherent artistic movement, or just more of a visual style?