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6758819 No.6758819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /fulltimework/ here?

Shit sucks man

>> No.6758823

>he isn't NEET

>> No.6758829

Ya wyd

>> No.6758833

Been there, done that, bought the suicidal guilt + shame.

>> No.6758915

who is this Simone De Monvoir?

>> No.6758977
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that only means you failed at being a NEET and devolved

>> No.6758982

I work part time

But I actually really like my job, I actually miss it on the days I'm not there

>> No.6758987

Part time master race. Can only do it because i live at home though. Dreading the day i have to start working full time

>> No.6758991

>tell myself that starting tomorrow I will wake up early enough to eat breakfast and watch the news before work, work out for 30 minutes after work, cook my own dinner at my apartment, and read some Dostoevsky and watch an episode of Veep before going to bed
>barely make the bus
>to tired to exercise
>stop at McDonalds for dinner on the way home from work
>drink beer and smoke cigarettes with my roommate while he tells me how lonely he feels
>repeat every day until the weekend
>the cycle begins again on Sunday

>> No.6758993


Full-time History teacher currently enjoying summer. Have to report back for duty in August.

>> No.6758994

>to tired to exercise

no such thing you fag, you are just a lazy shit

stop eating mcdonalds and go hit the gym

>> No.6759007

>Have gf who makes six figures.
>Have apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the country.
>Wake up late and read books.
>Feels good man.

>> No.6759008

Living the dream.
I'm trying to get there myself. High school, college, or uni?

>> No.6759012

Pretty much this yeah.

>> No.6759013

How old are you?

>> No.6759063

Perfect. Now does it pay a living wage?

>> No.6759068


>> No.6759072

>work all day doing manual labor and heavy living
>it's impossible to be too worn out to then go squat and deadlift heavy

>> No.6759089

capitalistic utilitarian shit-tier perspective.

>> No.6759096

It actually pays pretty decent. I'd be living pretty frugal but it would be definitely possible.

>> No.6759099

Who /lumpenproletariat/ here?

>> No.6759115

I worked full time for a few years before starting grad school. I miss it, can't wait to be done with school for good and just be able to focus on work.

The trick is to find a job you like. Then it's much better than school or NEETdom because you get paid for doing something you enjoy doing.

>> No.6759119

Sure, but it's easier said than done getting a job you like. How am i even meant to know what job i would like without even doing the job first? So i could just end up trying to get into an industry or a certain job for years and then realize that i hate it.

>> No.6759124

Just transitioned to a NEET to work on my grad school application

hooolllyyy shiiit why didn't someone tell me about this beforehand? this was seriously a fucking option?

>> No.6759129

Man that full time pay and benefits must be harsh OP

>> No.6759131
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How can you be on 4chan and not know about the NEET lifestyle?

>> No.6759139

>Sure, but it's easier said than done getting a job you like.

Definitely true m8. I even considered adding that into my post.

But don't you have some inner sense about the kind of work you want to do? I probably got lucky but I've known what I wanted to do since my senior year of high school (26 now) and it turned out to be a good choice. I think if you know yourself and know your prospective field (research that shit, talk to people who do that work) you can make a good choice.

>> No.6759140
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>> No.6759141
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>mfw fags and women who work in offices think they are proletariat

>> No.6759142

What's your job?

>> No.6759145
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>> No.6759156

I've found no job to be compelling though. The thought of having to do something 8 hours a day everyday feels with me dread no matter what it is.

I love reading, but i still don't want to do it all day everyday.

>> No.6759164

Nietzsche lived in a different time and had enough money to not work

The world has changed

>> No.6759176
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>slave reporting

>> No.6759177

Teen who has never needed to get a job detected

>> No.6759178

Mental health work. Did some floor staff work in treatment facilities for awhile before starting grad school to become a therapist (that end goal from back in high school).

>The thought of having to do something 8 hours a day everyday feels with me dread no matter what it is.
Pretty understandable feeling tbh

Personally, although this might be a cliche, the variety of my work is what keeps it compelling day after day. Also how you're always improving and growing--another cliche.

>> No.6759180


Money's irrelevant


>> No.6759185

Shit, I don't think that would suit me at all. Though it sounds cool.

>> No.6759186

>money is not needed to live

>> No.6759187
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>> No.6759193
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>tfw full time job in a factory

Why even go on.

>> No.6759195
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>you will never get an office job where you do like 10~ hours work a week and spend the rest doing whatever you like

I actually have a job where i have quite a bit of downtime but i dread it because i'm not allowed to do anything like reading or listening to music, so i just stand around doing fuck all.

>> No.6759196

>if I post this reaction image it validates my immaturity

>> No.6759201

ITT: young adult babbies who are just realizing their average adult life is going to suck

It's a fact of life people, most of your life is going to be wasted because you need money to live

If you don't like it, fuck off to the forest

But don't sit around and complain you can't get the benefits of working in a productive society when you don't want to do the required work

>> No.6759203
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>> No.6759204
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>a classless society is possible

>> No.6759205

Lol, you're a faggot with no willpower. Fuck watching the news. Televised news is for stupid people. And go to the gym before work.

>> No.6759206
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>> No.6759208
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>you should not only be a slave but you should shut the fuck up and enjoy it

>> No.6759211

There's literally no other way

Grow the fuck up

What are you gonna do, stick it to the man? That failed

As long as people need money to live, there will always be people who need to do shit work and lead shit lives.

Unfortunately you were born into a family of shitters.

>> No.6759213

I dropped out of college and have been working full time for a couple of years now. The company I work for promoted the shit out of me really quickly when I first started because I was so good/quickly learned everything in the office but now I feel like I'm reaching the hard work ceiling and have to start playing the sociopath card if I want to get any further.

I've also been trying to figure out what the endgame is. Basically, I can keep playing the game, get some upper level management experience and jump ship to a better company or I can save up some money, buy an RV, some guns, and drop out of society.

>> No.6759216
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B-but anon, I don't want a productive society nor do I want its benefits, I just want my time and my books...

>> No.6759218

congrats. you're the biggest cuck on 4chan.

>> No.6759219

Fuck off to the forest and read then.

>> No.6759220

iktf. It's pure hell.

>> No.6759223

Lol at this twerp.

I give probably the best advice you'll ever get, a lot better than your liberal parents who probably said "Follow your dreams, Billy!", and you say cuck.

You're the cuck boy

>> No.6759224


Go be Stoics if you're gonna make such a big deal out of it.

>> No.6759226

>implying you can just go out to the forest and live a peaceful life

>> No.6759227

Not the same guy. And I didn't read the whole chain, but if you're really just saying to shut up and work forever like a good goy, then no jon, you are the cucks.

>> No.6759228

You seem mentally impaired

>> No.6759229

>or I can save up some money, buy an RV, some guns, and drop out of society.

Do this and write greatly.

>> No.6759230

I need to get a job. NEET for too long, and have no clue what I should be doing.

>> No.6759231


>> No.6759233

Ok. That was a rather pointless reply, but whatever. Just as pointless as all the time you spend at your shitty job, so it's not any different to you.

>> No.6759234

>like a good goy

Enough with the scapegoats, chump, we're past middle school now.

If you want benefits from working, then work and shut the fuck up.

If you don't want to work, don't expect benefits.

Simple as that, idiots.

>> No.6759240

>a bitter slave's ressentiment contrasts sharply with the gay pathos of a self-made aristo-NEET.


>> No.6759241

I never implied going to the forest meant guaranteed happiness

It's seclusion from society, productive society with benefits, that's what I was getting at

>> No.6759242

>first year PhD neuroscience, the pay is great in my country and my research is actually relevant.
>had date yesterday with intelligent and shy cutie linguist who wants to keep seeing me.
I feel like I don't deserve this happiness. I'm waiting for everything to crash and burn.

>> No.6759243

Anytime someone pretends to be an all american, conservative macho man like this on 4chan, I automatically assume they're some feeble nerd with massive insecurity.

>> No.6759246

I don't resent anyone. Btw I've read more Nietzsche than you.

>> No.6759250

I'm mostly pissed because all the jobs that appeal to me don't actually hire anyone, or make people work for free now. What's the fucking point of being told to work hard to achieve your dreams only to realise they are impossible dreams.

>> No.6759251

You got me with that slick ad hominem boy

>> No.6759254

>implying you would have books without a productive society
>implying you could survive on your own without society

>> No.6759255

Dreams are for middle class housewives

>> No.6759258


lol-ing out loud right now
Tell me how much you bench now

>> No.6759268

I've been a NEET for 3 years now, I'm 26. I'm the epitome of what society would call a wasted life. The other week the thought of getting a job at a bookshop tickled my fancy but it didn't last long.

>> No.6759269

Would you rather me call you sport or boy? Because that's all you deserve right now

>> No.6759270
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All the same, you're still a slave.

>> No.6759271

You're really living on the edge, you absolute madman!

>> No.6759272

>the idea that one should contribute to society to receive the benefits of society is conservative machismo

Don't even the commies say "from each according to his ability"?

>> No.6759273

call me kid. That would be the funniest

>> No.6759274

Working at a bookstore would be a chill 9-5. They're never hiring where I live.

>> No.6759276

I never implied it either. I was saying you can't even if you wanted too because society prevents you from doing so.

>> No.6759277

Everyone's a slave to someone or something. Accept it and move on

>> No.6759280

who /centrelink/ here

>feels unproductive mane

>> No.6759281

It's a metaphor you retarded fuck

>> No.6759283

A shitty one you talentless hack

>> No.6759284

not what I was addressing. I was refering to that poster's particular brand of try-hard edginess

>> No.6759286

Good reply. Post another you tart

>> No.6759289

Wow summer is really here

How else would you guys be getting so easily baited?

>> No.6759290


>> No.6759292

Oh goodness I thought that brand of meme died out last decade

>> No.6759300
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lurk moar

>> No.6759302


Hahaha, I know. I'm such a legend.

>> No.6759315


It really would. The only one near me is a Waterstones that has a little cafe in it too, it just seems like such a good environment, and the people that work their seem decent too. Y'never know it could be a complete nightmare and might put you off reading a book for the rest of your life haha, that would suck.