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6758781 No.6758781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anti-Catholicism the anti-Semitism of intellectuals?

>> No.6758800

Regardless of whatever insinuation you meant to put into that, believing in a jewish-tribal-mythology based deity is not an intellectual thing to do and it is not an irrational position or a prejudice for someone to acknowledge that.

>> No.6758805
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>> No.6758817
File: 260 KB, 900x948, fedora dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't quite tell if you're being serious

>> No.6758824

> implying being rational is 'le reddit xd' fuck off

>> No.6758828
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why do freshmen year "intellectuals" who read wikipedia articles instead of books think that they have the ultimate say on philosophy and "rationality"

protip: rational doesn't mean sick burns to the outgroup or the "i fucking love science" facebook group

>> No.6758841

St. John the Baptist?, St. Peter, ???, and Jesus

>> No.6758855


why do christfags have to resort to ad hominems in their attempted rebuttals that comprise of pointless remarks about the persons supposed age or about the quality of material they read

nothing in the post was a sick burn but it was simply stating the obvious, it is more irrational to submit to an alien belief system spread by another culture from thousands of years ago then to choose not to

>> No.6758861

loosen the fedora m8, I'm not getting into an internet religious debate, on account of that being retarded
/r/DebateAtheism is more your speed

>> No.6758864

That was not an ad hom because he was not directing his insults against an argument.
Just insulting someone and ignoring their argument is not as hom.

Ironically you are creating evidence for his mostly baseless insult that you dont know what you are talking about

>> No.6758869


Who are the people in the OP picture, in order?

>> No.6758873

That's not what an ad hominem.
"You're a faggot" is an insult, not an ad hominem.
"You're a 19 year old pseudo-intellectual and therefore your arguments are wrong" would be an ad hominem attack.

>> No.6758876
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I don't fucking know alright

>> No.6758928

>Believing in a jewish-tribal-mythology

What exactly are you referring to here? Semitic polytheism? Canaanite religion? Henotheism?

I'd hazard against making generalisations based upon early Jewish history, a lot of people - especially Atheists say some pretty stupid stuff when they raise the bronze age origins of Abrahamic faiths. The whole "God was a Volcano hurr durr le rational adult" debacle is a good example.


What exactly is the criticism here? Is a connection to Judaism a problem?

>Is not an intellectual thing to do

I'd agree in that regard, being religious isn't a sign of intelligence anymore than being a passionate atheist is. Developing a superiority complex because of your opinion on spiritual abstracts is always a bad road to go down.

>> No.6758965

not the anon you are replying to, but i wrote a paper on the burial practices of ancient peoples, and the "hebrews" happened to be one of them

"Hebrew" as a word was actually made by the Babylonians, meaning "on the other side of the river" (referring in general to all the peoples on the other side of the Euphrates, like the Moabbites, Medians, etc.). The Jews never established a separate identity as "hebrews" until after they emigrated from Ur of the Chaldees around 2500-1500 BC. While they were there, they were influenced by a pantheon of gods.

For example, one name for Satan in the Bible, Beelzebub (literally meaning "king of the flies") is a satire of a "Baal" and his group of followers. Baal was an honorific title for any number of Hebrew (used in the regional sense) kings, nobles, or gods. Without context, it is ambiguous whether it refers to pagan gods or worldly kings. The problem is that, since it was used as an all-around honorific title, "Baal" was also used by the ancient Jews to refer to their god. Thus, the formation of the Jewish cosmology could be said to have been influenced by pagan mythos. There's also the issue of the flood story being common to both the Jews and the Sumerians, and the fact that there is evidence of widespread flooding in the levant around 9000 BC. But that's for another time.

>> No.6759864
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Sweet damn, this sure is a shit-thread. Good job, everybody. Specially you, OP.

>> No.6759878


every thread here is shit you idiot.

>> No.6759889

That is neat. I thank you for that.

>> No.6759917


That's because Christfaggots are ruining this board with pointless shitposting.

The more we tolerate them the more threads like these are made.