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6758604 No.6758604 [Reply] [Original]

How much philosophy actually has practical application? or is it mostly just like art?

>> No.6758608

What a narrow minded, edgy, narcissistic fedora tipping cunt.

Literally reddit: the comedian. Telling others how to live their lives and disguising it through humor. He's no bigger hack than Hicks.

>> No.6758612
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Pic related, it's you

And OP, to answer your question, this depends highly on which philosophy you're talking about

>> No.6758613

At least Carlin can be funny. I wouldn't even call Hicks a hack because he has never made me laugh

>> No.6758618

I mean philosophy in general. I guess it varies by field tho

>> No.6758621

It's mostly like crack cocaine.

>> No.6758627

Carlin was at least genuinely funny. Hicks was just a commercial product for the counter cultural teens. Only reason he is remembered is because contemporary comics like Louis CK wet their pants over him (nostalgia)

>> No.6758629


and don't come back

>> No.6758687

People on /biz/ aren't actually successful, if you're recall that poll. Most make under 20k a year

>> No.6758706


agree anon, agree. nice fuckin ponytail too. fuck george carlin.

>> No.6758807

If more people in power were more well versed in it, it would have a definite effect on the world.

As is, it changes some people's worldviews radically, which can change their lives radically.

Take for instance, how many young, impressionable teen males have been on 4chan for years soaking up racist internet age ideologies/philosophy? Before they might not have thought of race at all, now they may be true believers. You can imagine how their lives might have diverged were it not for the fact.

>> No.6758948

I can imagine you are an idiot and should probably just leave alreadyb

>> No.6758963


>> No.6758970

It's the only practical application

What good is a single thing, if you don't understand it? Why be a robot

>> No.6758973

Never take marriage advice from divorced people, never take lifting advice from DYELs, and never take money advice from poorfags.

>> No.6758986

Stupid anon is stupid. He's a comedian, not a philosopher. He makes fun of everyone, not only christians/philosophers/someone else. Some fedorians love to use quotes of famous people to show how their position is the right one. But I guess these people cant be helped, I guess.

>> No.6759568

As someone who used to idolize Hicks and Carlin, I agree. When it comes down to it, it's just whiny smug entertainment that barely manages to scratch the surface of life, posing as a simplified, profound novelty. Might as well add Doug Stanhope to that list.

I consider philosophy to be the most practical field there is, because it shapes our thoughts and colors our perspective, and hence the way we act in life.

On the other hand, there are plenty of people professing ideals which they don't live up to; say, someone having faith in a religion, but living life like an atheist - so I think it would be fair to differentiate between integrated philosophy, and the mere idea of philosophy.

>> No.6759593

why the fuck do I even come here
this place is poison for your mind

>> No.6759632

Stanhope is absolutely right about everything though.

>> No.6759684

Literally a cuck.