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/lit/ - Literature

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6757664 No.6757664 [Reply] [Original]

Why do writers tend to idolize women so much in their literature?

>> No.6757669

>why [insert nonsensical question grounded on a false premise and designed to provoke hotheaded but essentially thougthless debate]

Classic form.

But sage.

>> No.6757671

Oedipal complex

>> No.6757675

Because women are beautiful and writers like to write about beauty.

>> No.6757679

because they are under the spell of succubi, obviously. they term 'semen demon' isn't as lighthearted as it may seem.

>> No.6757680

It's called investing in audience pussy. Or you know, putting your penis and ehaculating into a prime vagina is one of the most gratifying experiences a pair of balls can have.

>> No.6757691

Because anon, even artists are ruled by their dicks

>> No.6757722

Because there was a time when women weren't shit.

No kidding, one of the most famous crimes in my country happened because a guy was so mad at the fact that his mother and sister didn't approve of his relationship with a nurse that he killed them both. The reason why they ddin't approve? The nurse wasn't a virgin.
Yes, there was a time when women were moral and adopted highly virtuous views of virginity, and therefore the idealization made sense.

Not anymore. That's why today's writers do not idolize women anymore. They humanize them.

>> No.6757725

because the human female generally is the most desirable thing to the human male

>> No.6757727

she's wet errr....
>tfw no wet gf
horny pretentious writers maybe
because real writers respect/admire prostitutes not the basic bitches (lack of sincerity) but the prostitutes as they are sincere and a real hard workers just like men

>> No.6757729

>Because there was a time when women weren't shit.

>> No.6757734

Can't quite tell if you're joking.

>> No.6757735
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>They humanize them.
Oh no! The tragedy. Did Shakespeare write this?

>> No.6757736

Daily reminder Zeus created woman as a punishment for man.

>> No.6757749

ruled by the big Other's big boobs, sucking/squeezing boobs here symbolize the objet petit a

>> No.6757752

Ugh, small tits and big teeth. Is there a worse combination?

>> No.6757758

small tits and small teeth.

>> No.6757761

>small tits
>no teeth

>> No.6757768

small tits and no penis

>> No.6757769

Shut up. She's cute. Let's not nitpick.

>> No.6757777

why aren't you namefagging, butters?

>> No.6757779 [DELETED] 
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>big tits
>one big penis for you

>> No.6757780

I don't idolise women, I idolise the idea of love and romance. If I was gay it would be no different. It's just... the passion, pouring out of your breast, the love, the energy. Don't you feel that? It's overpowering.

Women are just a convenient focal point.

>> No.6757784

>I don't idolise women

>implying you're a writer

>> No.6757797

>implying you're a troll

>> No.6757801
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>implying i don't idolize myself

>> No.6757806

Not really, maybe for a little 10 min. rough sex with no condom in the middle of a dirty dark alley. Nothing else, though. She's shit.

>> No.6757808

>No teeth
>Best blowjob ever
>tfw no toothless gf

>> No.6757814

dat pussy tho

>> No.6757824

>dildoize yourself

>> No.6757826

A Woman is an unattainable goal.

>> No.6757829
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What about all the authors who were gay?

>> No.6757834

Woman are socially conditioned to be fragile little creatures that play it safe, what did'ya expect?

>> No.6757844

The idolize anuses disgusting

>> No.6757858


>> No.6757865

not anymore woman are socially conditioned to be basic bitches

>> No.6757875

that, and the pleasure of having one is like licking an ice cream cone that keeps dripping. you will never be satisfied. if she lets you have your way with her last week, there's no guarantee she will today. we've tried to make gay shit up like marriage, but everybody knows they can be gone just like that. so they are unattainable, and when they are attainable, they disappear as soon as you get a taste. or am i talking about pleasure in general?

>> No.6757885

tl;dr, even if you get the rock to the top of the mountain, it'll roll down and you have to start again.

>> No.6757890

Have you not heard of the oldest profession, friend?

>> No.6757904

have you not heard of certain incurable and sometimes fatal diseases that live deep in the crevices of these professionals, friend?

>> No.6757910
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Just look at them

>> No.6757916

It's not about getting laid, you can always jerk off. It's about pleasing another person so they want to stay with you. Of course if you're rich enough you can buy fidelity that way, but fuck that.

>> No.6757921

Who is this fuck-it-bucket

>> No.6757927


>> No.6757931


Goatfucker detected

>> No.6757935

Have you heard of condoms friend?

>> No.6757937

Very nice, very nice.

>> No.6757941
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>> No.6757963

yes, it doesn't stop me from imagining being balls deep in a whore and slowly a black mass of teeming insects begins pouring out of her until i too am covered and being devoured by the swarm.

you don't know where "that thing" has been.
its riddled, crawling with every sort of disease transferred by the slightest drop of saliva, the lightest brush of the hand......

>> No.6757968

i think you might be crazy

>> No.6757970


Disappointed you didn't link to that scene from A Serbian Film

>> No.6757973

>It's just... the passion, pouring out of your breast, the love, the energy. Don't you feel that? It's overpowering.

>Women are just a convenient focal point

Are you talking about masturbation ?

>> No.6757977

>I was jerking off until they removed the covers and I realised it was boy butt getting pounded.

>> No.6757991



>> No.6757993

Can't be serious

>> No.6757996

shut up you're not me besides i exclusively masturbate to lesbian erotica

>> No.6757997

They really don't if you're reading anything worthwhile.

>> No.6758004
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>> No.6758010

That's very limiting Anon.

>> No.6758796

All writers are shut-in NEETS masturbating to their fantasies of their pristine waifus.

>> No.6759367
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Most writers are beta faggots who women, such as myself, can easily manipulate

>> No.6759372


R u chilean OP? xD

>> No.6759374

Such obvious bait should go on /b/ retard. Fucking yuppie faggot.

>> No.6759375


You should know the rules by now.

Tits or GTFO

>> No.6759377

so you can write a poem about her nipples?

>> No.6759378

I thought this was /b/

>> No.6759381


You're on 4chan.

Men are men, women are also men, and children are FBI agents

>> No.6759389

Shut up, dejected faggot

>> No.6759392

what is this 2010 again? 4chan is for everybody now, cut the misogyny crap or go back to


>> No.6759395

>Such obvious bait
and yet you replied

>> No.6759397
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>> No.6759398
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Have you ever even seen a woman? How could you not?

>> No.6759401

Hurr hurr.
Telling somebody to fuck off because of the method of their posting is different from taking bait.
Fuck off back to /vd/ if you can't think fucking normie.

>> No.6759404


back to your betafag board you can "pretend" to be retarded there.

>> No.6759413

Nice assumption, person who assumes things. Perhaps phrases aren't contained within boards but spread. Imagine that! You could've if you had a brain.

>> No.6759451

I bet I would quite enjoy putting my penis into her vagina

>> No.6759599

I love how no one can do anything but name call this guy because he's absolutely right

>> No.6759606

then you're all faggots.

>> No.6759651

You spooked as FUCJ little boy.

>> No.6759729


>> No.6759974
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>> No.6760031

>yfw you think you are manipulating people
and your narcissism prevent you to realize that you're being manipulated.

>> No.6760554

and fell for his own trap time and again

>> No.6761435

Because the time they spend writing about them is time they don't spend actually interacting with them and realizing that they are nothing otherworldly.

>> No.6761458

>beta faggots who were easily manipulated
Dance my puppets, dance!

>> No.6761467
File: 698 KB, 935x1070, c5300663c913ecea7ff6b57618d5d178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are holy beings

>> No.6761471

>tfw i and my gf since are together our early teenage years and no-one else had sex with her

feels good tbh

>> No.6761473
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>> No.6761488
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Because they're the most beautiful thing in existence?

>> No.6761491

because plebs gonna pleb

>> No.6761569
File: 3.00 MB, 1311x2138, A clockwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6761605

You mean in like, the past 30 years outside of self-insert shit? Oddly enough, the only writers I know of to give women better-than-average appearances are Japanese writers.

>> No.6761608

>writing fiction

What is the difference?

>> No.6761611


It's like you didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.6761616


>> No.6761647

>makes a bunch of huge assumptions/generalizations
>"absolutely right"

>> No.6761883

They need to, or want to, get laid and have cultivated a persona along either motivation. /thread

>> No.6761892

Literally fucking reactionary.

>> No.6761913

When you masturbate, do you look at hot chicks?

>> No.6761954

Pretty much this. Only beta shits praise romantic feels and other such nonsense. Serious writers focus on more mature and important topics.

You and your girl are either really fucking ugly or live in the eastern part of the world.

>> No.6761986

Because tits are fukken awesome bro. Ever since ancient times men have been appreciating the puss.

>> No.6762012

I'm attracted to females and I want to fuck them, but apart from that they're not really all that. Looking at a woman after you orgasm gives a more proper sense of their actual beauty. They're stunted wobbly pieces of shit tbh.

>> No.6762025

How can you mention the puss then say besides this they're not all that. The puss is everything. You wouldn't be here without the puss. Don't downplay the power of the P.

>> No.6762045

I meant as far as aesthetics go. If your balls are thoroughly drained women aren't all that fascinating nor beautiful.

>> No.6762048

Just stop posting.

>> No.6762062

I'm sure you have your pinky out like a formal tea party during sex you boring chode.

>> No.6762073

Women are like /b/, they were always shit.

>> No.6762608


Why were women so much better looking in the 40s ? Seriously you never find women this good looking today.

>> No.6762617

>le wrong generation

>> No.6762618

Think about why it might seem that way for one more second anon.

>> No.6762624

Because they actually tried to look good back then. During the 50s and 60s they figured out they didn't really have to.

>> No.6762636

Because all you see of the 1940s are posed glamourshots and not fat bitches picking their noses on the subway.

>> No.6762637

jokes on you, its from 2010

>> No.6762638


The thing is, I know it isn't just the fact that pretty people are more likely to be remembered so I don't see all the ugly broads of the time period. I'm comparing these women to top models and actresses today and they just fail completely. The hair styles and cloths are doing allot of the work I suppose, but even the facial structures and complexions seem different to me in general ( I'm only thinking of white women here).

I don't think it is just that. I swear the way people looked in general must have been different then.

>> No.6762640


Well they did a good job. Must be the hair/cloths/photography then.

>> No.6762661
File: 464 KB, 1486x784, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this movement. Is it basic surrealism? It reminds me of pic related

>> No.6762671


>> No.6762743

damn that's a crazy painting

>> No.6762748

I idolize 2D anthropomorphic figures.

>> No.6763928
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>> No.6763932

Bosch is part of the dutch renaissance, but be aware, at this point, there wasn't such a iconographic of aesthetic cohesion. For more surrealistic renascentists, check Arccimboldo (can't remember anyone else atm, sorry)

>> No.6764124

Cuz all bad writers are alike. Everybody wants to be (the guy) Alighieri

>> No.6764186

I don't like dealing with women because they are obnoxious and annoying
But I do like daydreaming and idolising them in my thoughts

>> No.6764238

>Not being reactionary

>> No.6764282

lel she's tiny as fuck

>> No.6764303

>Not following in the footsteps of great conservative reactionarys like Burke, Junger and Guenon

>> No.6764324

>conservative reactionary
Pick one.

>> No.6764364

can someone please tell me who this is so i can search the internet for more pictures of her and then masturbate to them?

>> No.6764367


I'm with you, bro

>> No.6764375

Could you go back, please? You're shitting up this place too.

>> No.6764437

Why? No we're not ugly she's an 8. I'm a 7. Yuropoor, i dont see your point

>> No.6764453


because nobody saved any pictures of the ugly women.

>> No.6764458

most original semen demen post in a while

>> No.6764464
File: 37 KB, 467x700, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just a random shot

>> No.6764465

This, it's kind of how people think 19th century lit was GOAT because they only get the post-filter results.