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6753930 No.6753930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what can I read to overcome my innate hatred for women, homosexuals, and non-whites.

I actually think they're going to destroy everything.

>> No.6753935

>homosexuals, and non-whites
Read mishima

can't help you there mate

>> No.6753936

Having sex with a woman would be a good start. Then you'll realize you're a closeted homosexual.

>> No.6753937

All Quiet on the Western Front.

Odd choice, I know. But it's good entry level — I assume if you hate gays/women etc. you'll probably like a war novel. It taught me a lot of empathy at the time I read it.

>> No.6753947

it looks like you have extended your hatred for feminism and homophilia to its individuals
dunno about the non-whites thing, elitism maybe?

>> No.6753949

>homosexuals, and non-whites.
This can be done, there are plenty of cool faggots and non whites.
you're fucked m80, why would you want to like them anyway?

>> No.6753958

>combating homophobia with homophobia
Hypocritical and unoriginal as fuck.

>> No.6753961

Asians don't count, obv.

>> No.6753976

How about you just get rid of that retarded notion, there is nothing innate about it. You have learned hating those people, just trace back how that happened and reverse the process.
The chapter on antisemitism in Dialectics of Enlightenment is a decent exploaration on the ideological functioning of such hatred, even when it is only indirectly about hatred for the groups you hate.

>> No.6753984

Actually the hatred is innate. What we've learned is not to enslave nigs, beat our wives, and burn queers at the stake. I think that was a mistake tbh.

>> No.6753993

Obviously you haven't learned that at all, and mistake your state of mind for one that hasn't learned a damn thing. And then you pretend not learning anything is an advantage. In other words, there are too many levels of retardation for anyone to properly address.

>> No.6754042

shut the fuck up

>> No.6754052

You god damn idiot, what we've learned is everything.

Your self is the transparent vase filled with everything culture put inside you.

Human immanence doesn't exist. Innate hatred doesn't exist. They're a fake ground for weak-willed people to stand upon

>> No.6754053

tumblr getting feisty

>> No.6754063

There are a whole bunch of great homosexual authors. It should be relatively easy to get into some cool fags.

Plenty of non-white culture that is interesting and admirable. Ancient China is interesting as fuck, for example.


>> No.6754065

Stop haning out on /int/ and /pol/

Actually stop hanging out on 4chan alltogether.

>> No.6754076


So you think it was a mistake that mankind learned basic self-control or their basic nature?

The truly sad thing is is that you have no concept of what you are talking about. Thanks to progressives and scientific enlightenment thinkers you live in a world where you have no reference point for the extreme barbarism innate in man.

The closest thing you will ever get to seeing actual racism is browsing /pol/ and saying nigger with your all white friends.

The closest thing you will ever get to experience sexual violation is defending it in youtube comments.

The closest thing you will ever get to the abject, make you shit yourself, violence of war is CoD and the new ISIS vids they put out every week.

You really should get on your knees and thank this souls who made it so that we aren't living in Game of Thrones style dark ages anymore. You don't have to fear for your life or the lives of your loved ones or wonder where your next meal is coming from.

Who am I kidding... you are probably just some edgy shitlord

>> No.6754081

Don't, you're one of the few good people left.

>> No.6754087
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Read Elliot's manifesto, some Westb.B.Church publications and Mein Kampf.
If you don't think that they and their opinions are retarded, you're a lost case.
Maybe only some ayahuasca ceremony in the jungle of Peru might help you.

>> No.6754088
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10/10 new pasta

>> No.6754091


Make some friends with women and then hang out with them platonically. Ya'll act like they're fucking shiny pokemon...

>> No.6754097

>their basic nature
That's where you are just as mistaken as OP, racism, sexism and homophobia are ideologies that arise in advanced social conditions, not immediately from instinct.

>> No.6754098

>Actually stop hanging out on 4chan alltogether.
I don't have the willpower, it's hard to get out of if you've spend years visiting this site multiple hours every day.

>> No.6754101

Advanced social conditions necessary for sexism? Which ones?
Also don't think they need to be all that advanced for racism = speciesism

>> No.6754102


I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.

>> No.6754105

You're full of shit. You really don't think racism and sexism are innate? You don't think the first time a caveman saw a nigger he didn't shit his loin cloth?

>> No.6754108
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>> No.6754110
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>> No.6754112

I think I read a study about children often pairing up with people of their own race.
Surely at least it is a little bit innate

>> No.6754113




>> No.6754116

Right, and a healthy amount is totally fine and should be encouraged.

>> No.6754120


Prejudice, Mysogyny and Homophobia existed in the biblical bronze age. It existed in the stone age too. They were innate evils in man countless millennia before man could put an -ism behind it and tried to justify it scientifically.

>> No.6754123

Normie please fuck off back to /pol/ or reddit.

>> No.6754127

Weirdie please take your quirks back to Tumblr

>> No.6754132

But what causes a social construct... Prolly something innate amiright?

>> No.6754133

Sexism requires a pre-existing societal hierarchy, and a scale of society that includes a number of males that view each other as equal etc etc, and in present society it's even more complicated, related to what could be called a societal homosexuality, i.e. a state of affairs that keeps heterosexuality hedged in the private sphere, treating the public as if consisting of only one gender.
>racism = speciesism
No, racism is a very specific ideological type of tribalism that arose in early modern age.
Since the first caveman WAS a nigger, I severely doubt it.

>> No.6754134
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>the first time a caveman saw a nigger

>> No.6754137

shh don't ask questions just obey.

>> No.6754139

nu-uh it's imposed by some select people

>> No.6754143

>implying there are caves in Africa

>> No.6754146

Why has this thread devolved into shitposting?

Did you not click on this thread to learn something or to make your current views on the world more understandable to those who would disagree?

You think you are making people mad? Noones mad about your shitpost I promise you. I guess being Anonymous just gives licence to be unashamedly stupid and willfully ignorant.

>> No.6754149

We try new things always, some work, some don't
The primary objective of humanity as a whole (not the individual) is to survive by any means possible, not be "progressive"


>> No.6754150

Are you really citing the very specific beliefs lf a very specific people which just happens to have influenced modern ideologies more than anyone else, as evidence for those beliefs being natural? That's a whole new level of typical mind fallacy.

>> No.6754157
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>> No.6754160


We survived a whole lot better BY being progressive.

We survived by some smart people throughout history saying "instead of doing what we always did, lets try something new"

>> No.6754166

I kno, right. Like the atom bomb and globalization. Progress always = good.

>> No.6754172


I could cite asia, africa, the americas. I could cite very specific time period throughout history but it would all add up to one very very long post because none it is unique to any specific people or time period. pardon me if it seemed like I was just citing semitic civilization.

>> No.6754174

The atom bomb and globalization are good things.

>> No.6754176

Right, so let's progress to less progress, aka reactionary.

>> No.6754179

Like Hitler?

>> No.6754182

My point stands, the prejudices discussed have their origins no earlier than the neolithic revolution, which is about half-time for humanity. Before that, they didn't even make sense on a conceptual level. Not even talking about how much the views of bronce age semites and OP differ, which is even more.

>> No.6754183
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>> No.6754192


The atomic bomb gave us atomic power, out best liberator from fossil fuel and globalization has made world war 3 almost impossible.

So despite all that, the arc of history STILL bends towards justice. It's not a smooth arc but it gets there eventually.

>> No.6754193

No and no, b8 and b8

>> No.6754199


If you think Hitler's ideology was new then you are severely underread

>> No.6754200

> all the ass devastation from this obvious bait.

Reddit can't handle the bantz

>> No.6754201

People like you make me more comfortable when I hear a plane has crashed.

>> No.6754202

>globalization has made world war 3 almost impossible.

Ok about this one I'm genuinelly curious
Care to explain?

>> No.6754204


How in the actual fuck do you know cavemen weren't prejudiced?

>> No.6754209

How's that relevant in any way to the non-sense you were talking about?

>> No.6754214

How in the fuck can you assume they were?

>> No.6754215

A cringy post makes you more comfortable with humans dying?

>> No.6754218


Look at how the US stock market crash fucked almost all 1st world nations.

Imagine if it was full scale super power on super power war. The ENTIRE world would be fucked. You better believe the rest of the planet would do everything in it's power to stop that war.

>> No.6754228


I can't decide if this is the cherry on top or ruins the entire troll. It's the difference between a 10/10 and a 7/10.

>> No.6754229


Their fossilized bones show that they suffered from violent deaths. They lived in tribes and tribes tend to war or be victims of war frequently, even today. Prejudice has something to do with it. That's just the nature of tribal living, Nasty Brutish and Short.

unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group.

>> No.6754232


I wasnt kidding

>> No.6754234
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USSR was disconnected from the commercial web subsequent to WWII, if anything wouldn't an economic depression affect everyone BUT the russians? And in that case, what would be the actual dynamics that would be able to trigger an atomic war?

>> No.6754243

The atomic bomb has saved millions of lives, fact. If it weren't for nukes the cold war would have been a hot war.

>> No.6754250

>If it weren't for nukes the cold war would have been a hot war.
Pure speculation

>> No.6754254

The MAGIC system detected the Japanese were planning on surrendering as soon as the soviets entered the war (same time as the nuke) anyway which would've rendered Operation Downfall completely unnecessary, as advocated by heads of UK & US intelligence at the time. Furthermore, chiefs of staff were certain that the conventional attempts such as operation meetinghouse and naval blockade's would've forced surrender before meetinghouse also.

>> No.6754258

And now the world is vastly overpopulating and we're rapidly destroying everything

GG, atomic bomb worst invention ever.

>> No.6754259

before downfall*

>> No.6754267

I used to feel really bad, and I still do, but knowing that there is a chance people that spout this shit might have been some of the dead, it gives me a bit more peace with it all, yes.

>> No.6754275

how tolerant and progressive!

>> No.6754279

just chase the truth, OP, without reservations as to what you might find there.

if it's true, you don't need to be afraid of it.

so if you TRULY hate blacks, gays, and women, just research about them without bias in your heart. that might be hard, but remember that you're looking for the TRUTH, that is, what is actually the case in this world in the .6 centuries you have left.

Fuck everyone itt who's fighting dogma with dogma. You fucking KNOW that doesn't work, popping off on people helps nobody but your bitter festering wounds for a while, before they start to hurt again (more than before). You only want what's best for everyone. Act like it pls?

>> No.6754281

Maybe you're just a cuckold?

>> No.6754282

metaphorically, you are a person with their head on the same side of their body as their ass

>> No.6754291

Nuclear power is still based on non-renewablr resources, and has not decreased the absolute use of fossil fuels.

>> No.6754296

War as a phenomenon rose only in the last 50 000 years though...

>> No.6754297
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>he's a malthusian

>> No.6754299

Fighting between tribes has absolutely nothing to do with ideologies about race, let alone with those concerning gender or sexual orientation.
It isn't even about prejudice, tribes did not fight because they believed the others were evil, but because their lives depended on it.

>> No.6754302

USSR was not disconnected. It was a major trader and international economic player. China, however, was isolated for 60s.

>> No.6754312

Overpopulation is a western meme used to justify nihilistic attitude towards inequality, suffering and exploitation of 80% of worlds people.

"What can we do? Theres too many of them."

>> No.6754336

>Overpopulation is a western meme
It's not a Western meme. China realized this problem many years ago and introduced the 1 child policy.
It also doesn't justify shitty behavior

>> No.6754342

Maybe not the core tenets, but pragmatically speaking Hitler was progressive as fuck though.

>> No.6754376

China has vast tracts of habitable land that isnt populated.
They have whole cities that have nobody to live in them.
They plan and build as if they will continue to increase their population.

There is a law in China that says the government must give each and every single citizen one free bowl of rice every day for the rest of their lives.
This is what limits their population growth. Its economics, not lack of space.

Besides, they can always move their population to Africa or Russia, where there is even more empty space, and where they are very welcome for their big infrastructure projects on a budget.

>> No.6754548

Get a load of this middle schooler

>> No.6754551

Yeah that's how controlled opposition works

>> No.6754558
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>> No.6754562

Yes, Alex Jones is a perfect example

>> No.6754570

OP read the Autobiography of Malcolm X. You will feel weird as shit reading parts of it, but it's worth it to keep going to the end. Won't help you change your views of women or homosexuals though, cause Malcolm X was a Muslim. I read this right around the same time as I read the People's History of the United States sections on slavery and it legitimately affected the way I view black people.

>> No.6754590
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Are you retarded? Do you honestly think that the only reason the Chinese want to limit their population growth is to not give out these bowls of rice? Do you honestly think that uprooting millions of their people and importing them to shitholes like Africa and Russia is a viable solution to their supposedly non-problem? Get a fucking clue you naive child

>> No.6754594

>black supremacist (lol)
No thanks

>> No.6754607

One word: travel. I hate people who never left their home town, yet feel compelled to teach others about the ways of the world. Naive child.

>> No.6754622

>backpackers who think anecdotal evidence is profound
>dude i slept in a hostel once let me tell you about the socio-economic state of the indian subcontinent i'm worldly as fuck

>> No.6754631

>dude i read a /pol/ thread about gutter oil once, thus i know about chinese politics!!

>> No.6754650

This tbh

>> No.6754666

lol why would i want to go to a shitskin country? I've seen enough on those countries on 4chan and trust me you don't wanna go there

>> No.6754668

Even reading /pol/ is a better source of knowledge than travel tbh.

>> No.6754690 [DELETED] 
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Written by Weininger, the only good jew according to Hitler: after explaining the inferiority of the woman (ideal woman in his case, extreme side of the male-female line in the middle of which every person falls) and why the worst man is better than the best woman, he explains the inferiority of the jew and how their gene pool has weakened for not following the rules of attraction (his complementary rule of the female-male line: a a man being 80% man and 20% will fit better with a woman 20% man and 80% woman).
A similar argument is used against homosexual, because is constitutes a deviation of the standard filling of the male-female line.

After arguing in favor of the bad gene pool of the jew race, he killed himself.

>> No.6754719


There is nothing innate about it. Yes, humans tend to feel more empathetic towards other humans of the same skin colour (atleast studies suggest that), but that does not mean that blacks/women/homosexuals are going to destroy the world.

There is no book that will change your opinion. Really, the reason you believe all those things is because you're gullible and because confirmation bias is a thing.

Admitting is the first step, so you're already on the right way. If you were to actually spend some time with women, other "races" and people of other sexual orientations then your opinion will quickly change. All those preconcieved notions are bread by isolation, be it literal isolation or self-imposed.

It is not a coincidence that xenophobia tends to be way higher in areas were little refugees live. This is especially true for Germany, I cannot really comment for other European countries since I am not an expert.

Sorry for the other people acting assholish/reinforcing your beliefs. You are better off ignoring them.

Also, the single best piece of advice: spend less time on the internet. Do it for your own sake.

>> No.6754732


Why is mein Kampf ever recommended? It's a horrible book, I've written excerpts even though it is prohibited in Germany for no reason and Hitler literally (yes, the actual word) cannot string together a coherent sentence. I'm being one hundred percent serious here, that book is an absolute abomination. I don't care if you're some racist piece of shit, read your Evola or whatever you're into, but Hitler cannot write.


>Ya'll act like they're fucking shiny pokemon...

Best post itt to be honest.

>> No.6754744


>You don't think the first time a caveman saw a nigger he didn't shit his loin cloth?

Are people on /pol/ actually mentally retarded? This doesn't look like a joke post at all. This is just sad to be honest, the thought that people like this "discuss" books with me makes me want to vomit.

Imagining it is funny, though. A prehistoric nigger sees a nigger and shits his pants? Yeah, right..

>> No.6754753


>implying anything hitler said was news

self-deluding nazis everyone

>> No.6754769


Name five views of Hitler that could be seen as progressive. Right now.

>> No.6754776


>I've seen enough on those countries on 4chan and trust me you don't wanna go there

>I've seen enough tumblr posts from my basement to know I don't even WANT to put my dick in a woman


>people actually believe this

kill me

>> No.6754790

This is actually quite based, and the only time I haven't giggled like a schoolgirl at the word "shitlord" and how inoffensive it is to its intended audience. I'm becoming more receptive to the SJW side of things, even if I don't completely accept their overall framework.

>> No.6754796

anti smoking campaigns, pro vegetarianism campaigns, environmentalism, government assistance for single mothers in the form of daycare and such, animal rights.

>> No.6754823

>it is prohibited in Germany for no reason
no. you may own and resell existing copies.

the copyright still belongs to hitler's heir, that is, the state of bavaria (since they seized all of his property after the war) and will until the end of this year. they haven't allowed anyone to republish it in full and they'll continue to try and keep people from it. the reasons being fear of international backlash against them 'enabling' the republishing of NS-era material etc.

but yeah, hitler can't fucking write

>> No.6754887

OP should just read The Turner Diaries. Most likely he'll realize how fucking stupid white supremacists sound to everyone else, and if he doesn't he'll probably die trying to build a pipe bomb. It's a win win.

>> No.6754890

>if it's true, you don't need to be afraid of it.

There are a lot of things that are true that should cause fear.

>> No.6754925

These beliefs do not have as much qualitative weight as his profound militarism, racism and opposition to democracy.

>> No.6754931


>> No.6754938

>Why is mein Kampf ever recommended?
That's exactly why I recommended it. If you read it you will realize how nuts he was. Hitler wasn't a genius. He was an idiot who had just one talent: seduce a weak people with some fancy slogans

>> No.6754949

sure, these are some nice things but none of them have a big impact on a country like e.g. form of government, military, economic strategies

>> No.6754954

I did name five views of Hitler that could be seen as progressive though. Roight between the goalposts before you could move them.

>> No.6754976

>pro vegetarianism campaigns, environmentalism
>animal rights

These fetishistic views about nature are totally reactionary

>government assistance for single mothers

Promoting the idea of woman as natural carers with motherhood as their greatest duty proper reactionary

>anti smoking campaigns

Tying the physical health of individuals to the spiritual health of the nation state is reactionary as fuck

>> No.6754987

Read this: we <3 u :3

>> No.6754996

Civilization is going to hell in a handcart on its own. Cultural degeneracy is an effect of this, not a cause.

>> No.6755002

Read Malcolm X's autobiography. Read De Beauvoir's Second Sex. Make some friends who are female, gay or black.Live somewhere that isn't a backwards hick shithole.

Get off 4chan.

>> No.6755020

are you a black lesbian?

>> No.6755049

bitches just talk

yer love aint shit

>> No.6755056

I wasn't the person you replied to, fuckwit.

>> No.6755063

What kind of asshole doesn't believe in animal rights whatsoever? If you don't think at the bare minimum that torturing animals is fucked up there's something seriously wrong with you.