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/lit/ - Literature

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6752338 No.6752338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a cute, talented, and YA author GF, /lit/?

>> No.6752347

>YA author
select one

>> No.6752356

Because I am not attractive to girls in appearance or personality.

>> No.6752373


>> No.6752398

I think he means hes gay, or a woman.

>> No.6752403

>ya author
>12 y/o

It's just an overgrown shitpost that you have to pay for. Just cause the author satisfies your pedophile tastes doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.6752407

He's saying he's ugly, physically and mentally.

>> No.6752429

What have you published, anon?

>> No.6752435


Also this girl is apparently self-published, a non-accomplishment. She's qt, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.6752440

How could she have written something and not me? How do I reconcile myself to this disastrous revelation? If I can't compete with shit, why compete at all?

>> No.6752444

pretending to take women seriously is my fetish tbh.

"wow that's pretty deep what do you think of x?"

haha fucking whores i don't care

>> No.6752446

this tbh

>> No.6752451

Because having a 12yo write a book is a cute marketing strategy, you're a fat loser that nobody cares about and you're probably an oppressor.

>> No.6752453

A better question would be, why haven't you finished your novel if this bimbo could do it in 4 months.

>> No.6752458

This x 10 tbh

>> No.6752466

Because people hold us to intellectual standards. She's published on merit of being 12.

>> No.6752468

>make bulletpoints of each scene
>rejecting the method instead of just adding them as they come.
well, I guess she actually did something, that goes against being a teacher.

>> No.6752471

I'm 80% sure she isn't 12. 15-16? maybe. she could even be a really young looking 20 y/o.

>> No.6752479

She's 18

>> No.6752482

I wrote my first novel in about that timeframe. The difference is I quickly realized it was shit and wasn't vain enough to force it onto the world via self-publishing.

She's 19.

>> No.6752486

flyover fatty within a decade

>> No.6752496

>you don't need to know what an adjective is
>or an adverb
how can you finish elementary school without knowing that? did she mean something else?

>> No.6752503

a girl makes a face

>> No.6752511

Fucking this tbh

>> No.6752522

My bad, read attractive as attracted cause im drunked.

>> No.6752555

I self-published an ebook on Amazon. Which is about as much of an "accomplishment" as what she's done since she's also self-published, but has an audience of pedophiles and teenagers on youtube who'll buy her shit.

>> No.6752583

A better question would be, why haven't you made a fanbase of people who fetishes something about yo that will guarantee sales of whatever shit you write?

>> No.6752588

>but has an audience of pedophiles and teenagers on youtube who'll buy her shit.

Not even that. She only has a few thousand subscribers, fewer views on her videos, her book only has a few reviews from her friends on Amazon, and no Goodreads reviews.

I actually feel a little sad for her. I want to be the one to hold and comfort her when she realizes she'll never make it and all her dreams were stillborn.

>> No.6752619

Because I can't take youtube seriously enough to use it like a normal person. My videos are all intentionally cryptic and ultra-pretentious and would probably make JOI's hypothetical films from Infinite Jest look like Michael Bay explosion popcorn flicks by comparison if I had the resources to make what I wanted.

>> No.6752712

>if your first novel isn't successful without any kind of promotion or even the most basic kind of stuff a publisher would do you are a failure

>> No.6752750

She has a youtube channel with a few thousand subscribers, that's some kind of promotion, even if it's not necessarily much.

>> No.6752757

Most top books get sales from word of mouth though

>> No.6752762

Word of mouth typically takes some initial promotional efforts to start up though.

>> No.6752779


>> No.6752796

It's kinda impossible to be a man and not do this. Even the smartest women say pants on head retarded things on a regular basis.

>> No.6752797

what? can you mention a single book that succeeded entirely from word of mouth? or that got any in less than a year from being published?

>> No.6752805

>implying men don't do the same thing
>implying 80% of /lit/ isn't completely retarded stuff

>> No.6752839

>as long as you keep writing your chances of getting published and becoming a successful author will be higher than .00001%

She isn't successful now and she'll never be successful. However, I could offer her happiness as my wife and sex slave.

>> No.6752848
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You clearly didn't go to a good university. All of the girls I dated/fucked in school could carry on a conversation on their field of study and at least one other interest. If you didn't go to a top 30 American university or Oxbridge, you're out of luck for good women.

>> No.6752849

>implying you can make anyone happy

>> No.6752858

>. All of the girls I dated/fucked in school could carry on a conversation on their field of study and at least one other interest.
And that's reason enough to take them seriously?

You have some low standards bruv.

>> No.6752866

>good women
>dating/fucking in uni


>> No.6752869

they know that being men makes them magically superior, and posting in 4chan is a proof of their superiority. just let them be.

>> No.6752872

>being impressed that women can talk

u da real misogynist

>> No.6752876

>dating below your league
you are the only one to blame here

>> No.6752879

Have you ever considered that maybe you're just stupider than other men?

>> No.6752957

>not fucking literally anything that moves for pure mechanical release and killing all emotions to become a hedonistic psychopath


>> No.6752968
File: 1.04 MB, 2192x1220, laguna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad you're lower class
There's a whole world of women that are actually worth taking seriously and are sexually adventurous, but if you didn't buckle down in high school you probably don't have a ghost of a chance with them. You'll know you've made it when you can discuss King Lear with a blonde ballerina/athlete/playwright from Harvard while she's still tied to your headboard.

>> No.6752978

You'll get over romanticising these slags soon enough m8.

>> No.6752993

Have you ever considered that maybe you're just stupider than other men?

>> No.6752997

>YA author

>> No.6752998

not noticing that I chose date and not fuck from that sentence is an example of poor reading comprehension.

>> No.6753015

Romanticizing them? Their facility is the only thing that makes them tolerable most of the time. Hardly lifelong companions, but not worth dismissing off the cuff either.
I have considered that I might be stupid, but after graduating from an Ivy with degrees in Biology and Philosophy I figured I was probably doing alright.

>> No.6753024

I did. She was also an angry, bitter, emotional wreck. Worst experience of my life by lightyears.

>> No.6753032

which school?

>> No.6753041
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1000, greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're merely 'tolerable', but 'you'll know you've made it' when you get to stick your pee pee into them?

Aren't you Ivy lads supposed to be patrician?

>> No.6753042

Because I'm engaged to a kid that reads French literature in French rather than some cunt who writes about bffs and toxic masculinity or whatever this irrelevant woman wastes he time on.
Not him, but I've published two books.
Somebody doesn't know what pedophilia is.
>There's a whole world of women that are actually worth taking seriously and are sexually adventurous
No there aren't, petitbourgeois.

>> No.6753043

Girl who read or write usually have personality/mental issues, better to stay away.

>> No.6753048

Ivy kiddies are the children of great men who more often than not, are mediocre in every way.

>> No.6753057

>implying he's not lying and didn't even go to college
he doesn't type like an ivy leaguer

>> No.6753058

>engaged to a kid

>> No.6753074

>implying i didn't just ignore your separating of dating and fucking because there is 0 reason to "date" for none fucking reasons

no, keep going bro. I'm sure you have many great "conversations"

>> No.6753083
File: 182 KB, 640x800, poontang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to stay anon
Smart girls are good company and fun in and out of bed, but of course you don't form the same kind of bond you do with another man. That's not the same as being airheaded twats like the women everyone else here apparently deals with. When I do fuck girls like that (girls from state schools who come to town for internships, girls we meet on trips to conferences) it's just for release.
>no there aren't
Sorry you don't get to play in my pool.
This, tbh

>> No.6753089

I'm pretty sure the same can be said of guys who write. Unless you mean girl as opposite to woman, as if younger kids who think they can write decently are delusional, which is completely true.

>> No.6753096

there is no reason to date if you're already fucking someone. it's cool if you don't want a companion, but pretending that your regular fuck buddy is a date is silly.
I rarely have good conversations, I mostly interact in 4chan.

>> No.6753101

Not really.
>Smart girls are good company and fun in and out of bed
Regurgitating her professor's words doesn't make one smart.
>Sorry you don't get to play in my pool.
Why would I want your pool when I have a bathhouse-style room and outdoor pool as a part of my $1.7 million home?

Go leech off Daddy more, brat.

>> No.6753122

I won't even contest that, but it doesn't change my stance on the women at those schools.
I slept through the "How to Post on 4chan" seminar during orientation.

>> No.6753141

Women there are entitled cunts.

>> No.6753185
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, vanillagainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls busting their asses to get into med school
>girls practicing case interviews for 100s of hours to get consulting and banking internships where they work 18 hours a day
>girls living in tents in the third world to gather data
They have their flaws, but that is not the behavior of an entitled person. Those bitches put in work. Of course there are the social sciences and english majors but who cares when there are so many of the good kind?

>> No.6753199

That's not work, that's materialism.

There are no good females over the age of 15.

>> No.6753204

>I prefer to stay anon
thats fine, I think you're lying though.

>> No.6753211

>regurgitating her professor's words doesn't make her smart
Since we're being he-man woman-haters I guess you'll just have to trust my masculine judgement that they can do more than regurgitate.
>my $1.7 million home
Do you own it outright? Because if you're still making payments I'm not impressed.
Bet it's in a fucking flyover state too, like all the other hillbilly-rich guys on /o/ and /k/ showing off their ARs and Corvettes.
>Go leech of Daddy more, brat.
I will, faggot. Have fun with your "kid".

>> No.6753220

Writer with a ghost writer. What the fuck happened?

>> No.6753222

>Since we're being he-man woman-haters
>Do you own it outright?
I was given it by my land-owning grandparents, above a myriad of cousins because I'm the most successful.
>Bet it's in a fucking flyover state too
I'm not American.
>Go leech of Daddy more, brat.
>Have fun with your "kid".
She's under the age of majority.

>> No.6753227

I've been with a girk since we were 14, we're almost 24 now. We have never had a relationship threatening fight or cheated on each other. We go to concerts and consume casual recreational substances together and otherwise eschew materialism. I read her passages of /lit/ and she either rejects or appreciates it and she reads her pleb shit or keeps up the house.

I get the feels sometimes because no excess cash but we are doing pretty alright and are happy. The concert life will need to at least temporarily end to further education soon though, I think.

>> No.6753234

>pop concerts
You two are disgusting.

>> No.6753267
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It's fine that you don't believe me - it is 4chan after all - but after coming from the pleb side to where I am now I think the biggest difference is the openness of high acheiving people to new experiences. That goes for men and women. There were tons of people at my university who had done things that would get screencapped and shared for years if posted on 4chan as a greentext. The resentment I see here just makes me sad for people who could still seek these social circles out but choose instead not to believe they exist.

except I didn't make an argument that hinged on it. That was just an exaggeration of the "women are stupid and I don't respect them" attitude.
>I'm the most successful
Good for you!
>I'm not American.
How unfortunate for you.
Strange, I'd assumed you were a European engaged to a little boy, but now I realize you're either an African or a curry-person.

>> No.6753287

>That was just an exaggeration of the "women are stupid and I don't respect them" attitude.
>How unfortunate for you.
>Strange, I'd assumed you were a European engaged to a little boy, but now I realize you're either an African or a curry-person.
You aren't witty, you brat.

Americans truly are a menace.

>> No.6753312
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Go to bed, Sandeep

>> No.6753319

I'm white you progressive, secular cancer.

>> No.6753333
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Not even a little. Listening to educated women does not a neoliberal make.

>> No.6753367

>hours of work
>not work because they want a reward
Entitlement would be if they expected a reward for no work. Materialism and hard work are not mutually exclusive, and in fact one motivates the other quite often.