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File: 129 KB, 1024x745, QuranEmbossed-1024x745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752419 No.6752419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading The Holy Qur'an in English but I can't read it without playing the recitation of the surah in the background, the problem is I'm reading faster than the imam is reciting. Anyone else have this problem

Also general Islam thread

>> No.6752424
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>> No.6752427

Man /lit/ is so much better when the Christposting gets diluted. I urge you to make as many Islam threads as possible, OP

>> No.6752433

Nope, Jesus is God and Muhammad wasn't a true prophet.

>> No.6752434

I shall, It's the path of the true believers in Monotheism.

>> No.6752437

Nope, Jesus was a prophet just like Muhammad

>> No.6752441

read in the same flow as the imam?
Also, i've read the Quran plenty of times, what are some other essential /islam/ books?

>> No.6752449

Muslims "don't" worship Mohammed the same way Catholics "don't" worship Mary. That (pbuh) and Bloodlines of the Companions shit is fooling nobody.

>> No.6752450

I'd recommend the hadiths, apart from that Zakir Naik books are apparently rather good but I only stick to his public speeches.

>> No.6752460

Zakir Naik is a ridiculous hack.
Read some critical Islamic scholarship. Gabriel Said Reynolds is a good place to start

>> No.6752463

We do not commit idolatry regarding the prophet, we do not frame his image or pictures nor do we pray towards him. It could be argued that shia islam contains elements of polytheism and idol worship but Sunni islam is true monotheism.

>> No.6752470

stop replying to me heretic scum

>> No.6752478
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>Thread for the Mu'min

>> No.6752484

Isn't that also blasphemous? How can you equate your supposed seal of the prophets with another prophet?

>> No.6752487


>> No.6752492

>We do not commit idolatry regarding the prophet, we do not frame his image or pictures nor do we pray towards him. I
No, you riot when anyone dares make an image of him, or speaks any ill word of him, act as though he was the Greatest Human to the extent that you're to explicitly model as many elements of his life with your own as possible, and have an elaborate system in place to re-consume every one of his passing words or thoughts. Again, it's like the Catholics who adamantly maintain that they do not pray TO the saints for help, they merely ask the saints to pray with them to God, thus they aren't polytheistic. It is fooling nobody.

>> No.6752493
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>MFW Proties can't tell the difference between worship and veneration
Do you think of it as worship every time you respect someone? Toppest of keks

>> No.6752516
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>"Sinners receive pardon by the intercession of Mary alone." St. John Chrysostom

>"No one ever finds Christ but with and through Mary. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Mary seeks Him in vain." St. Bonaventure

No worship at all.

>> No.6752591
File: 31 KB, 720x350, Mohammed_receiving_the_submission_of_the_Banu_Nadir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised a Muslim, and prefer the christposting to be frank.

"Peace be upon him", a phrase that's said by some Muslims in English after they mention Muhammad is not the same as the phrase that is mentioned after his name in Arabic.

The Arabic translates to "God prayed to him". My Mother told me while I was growing up that Muhammad was so important that even God, a deity, prayed to him, a mortal Human. She also told me that Muhammad's corpse is miraculous and hasn't decayed at all in over 1400 years while it was in it's coffin.

All this comes pretty close to worship.

See pic. Muhammad's on the horse.

>> No.6752638

Are you a shia or some other nusayri sect?

ṣalla llāhu ʿalay-hi wa-alehe-wa-sallam (Arabic versions) translates to "may Allah honour him and grant him peace". The picture you showed is an Ottoman miniature and the Ottomans broke with the true tradition of not depicting the prophet pbuh

>> No.6752640

Yeah, none of that sounds like worship. It sounds like attributing agency and significance to the Mother of Christ who ascended bodily into Heaven.

>> No.6752726

The Way of Eloquence (Nahj al-Bulaagha)

>It could be argued that shia islam contains elements of polytheism and idol worship
Islam has done fairly well thus far to keep itself one religion of many peoples, don't go the Christian route and give in to political squabbles and divide the Ummah with rumors.

Nice :^)

>> No.6752735
File: 125 KB, 450x699, Muhammad_1514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm agnostic, but my family are Sunni. The version of the phrase I was quoting is 'Salah allah a'lihi wa salam'-God prayed to him and granted him peace'.

The picture in my first post was made by the Mongol Ikhanates. Granted there have been many rules about depictions of Muhammad over the years, but often times, both Sunni and Shia artists have fully depicted him. Pic related is by a Persian Sunni poet.

This is why I prefer Christian apologetics. At least they're well versed on the issues they're talking about. But this is most likely bait anyway.

>> No.6752749

Your translation of saws is wrong, it does not mean he prayed to him but he honored him. During the period of the Rashidun Caliphate (First 4 caliphs) you will not find any depictions as the Caliphs stood by the hadiths forbidding the representation.

>> No.6752790

Muhammad himself was no greater or lesser than any Prophet and Messenger. He is the Seal because he is the last, as the Message he received was prevented from being changed or corrupted.

>No, you riot when anyone dares make an image of him, or speaks any ill word of him
This is, of course, grossly simplistic. The only reason Muslims have ever rioted is to give voice to their feelings of oppression, which is typified in the insults "you" and your society lionize as virtuous and necessary. You know the expression, "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Images of Muhammad are common historically and presently in the modern world, though the trend is towards aniconism and they are made by and for Muslims in a respectful manner. Meanwhile, "you" riot over watermelon festivals and sports events.

>The Arabic translates to "God prayed to him"
You've misunderstood the Arabic.
ʿalayhi as-salām = peace be upon him
ṣalla llāhu ʿalay-hi wa-alehe-wa-sallam - May God pray ON him (that is, bestow him His blessings) and grant him peace

>> No.6752800

Thats a P dope Qran

>> No.6752809

>At least they're well versed on the issues they're talking about.
You don't even understand what one of the most ubiquitous Arabic statements means.

>> No.6752813

It was a German print distributed to the members of the 13th Waffen SS Division (Bosniak-Muslim division), its pretty rare.

>> No.6752856

>claim to be the word of God and the most beautiful poetry ever written
>followers claim it can never be fully appreciated unless read in Arabic

>> No.6752873


>> No.6752889

Islam is basically just the 'muh translations' meme in religion form. 'Muh translations' is just a meme anyway. Anything that can be said at all can be said using symbolic logic.

>> No.6752891

new book for my end game collection found. thanks anon

>> No.6752911







>> No.6752920

did you break your caps lock my friend?

>> No.6752921

I'm an Arab and this baffles me.

>> No.6752945

Alright then; write "anyone lived in a pretty how town" using symbolic logic.

>> No.6752946

Links to Catholic demolitions of Islam?

Although I feel like dialogue is interesting, and Christian kindness demands that we allow them to discuss their own texts in peace.

>> No.6752951

I'm on my phone, I can't

>> No.6752962

is that a quran from those nazis who converted to Islam?
Pretty weird, probably they bought in the whole traditionalist esoteric stuff.
There are plenty of those my friend, just use google.

>> No.6752965

I'll wait. Here's the poem for you.

>> No.6752970

Yeah but could you post a link to a good one? This is a literature board, after all, and it would be really on topic.

>> No.6752974

Yet here you are announcing your "Christian kindness" to the world, as Christians are want to do. How magnanimous of you.

>> No.6752987

The Arabic word for prayer is literally Salah. Why does Salah mean honor in S.A.W, but not when Muslims refer to other prayers, e.g Salat Aljumua?

>> No.6753020

I live in Luzon in the Philippines.

Does anyone know where I can buy an English translation of the Koran? Every bookstore I went to had nothing. I don't personally care for Islam, but I really really want to get into Islamic Golden Age philosophy.

>> No.6753025

I'm just saying that the Christians here are mostly hypocrites for not being willing to let Muslims discuss Islam. I usually stick up for the Islamic /lit/ discourse in threads where it gets put down. I'm sorry there's so much emphasis within the general Christian discourse on an obligation to be kind, loving, and peaceful, but I'm sure that if you're a Muslim here to take over the board you'll appreciate my attempts to keep the Christposters from stopping you. If you're a troll then lel

>> No.6753053
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I remember reading Not by Scripture Alone but I don't have it right now so I don't know who is the author.
It was good. Also those websites like answering-islam are pretty good if you ignore their le american bear attitude towards islam.

>> No.6753066

Salah doesn't mean honor in that sentence.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
sallaa Allah 'alayhi wa salam
Prayer - God - Upon him - and - Peace.
Prayer - God - Toward him - and - Peace.

>> No.6753077

I'm not a Muslim but if that's what you meant, I agree.

>> No.6753253

All the faggot Christcucks on this board are so fucking laughable

>> No.6753259
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>> No.6753310
File: 351 KB, 480x780, 1403718598727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this make me think of this guy who said Christposting is superior to fedoras because it's done in jest and good nature. Also of a discussion I had here when two Catholics ended the argument with "you have voices inside your head"

Christians go away.