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/lit/ - Literature

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6751022 No.6751022 [Reply] [Original]

Post your plebbest experience /lit/ related

Few months ago I read Notre Dame de Paris, and shortly after I met this girl a couple years younger than me. While chitchatting, I get to know she studies french language and literature at the university, and she's thinking about her dissertation.

>Oh, what a coincidence. I finished Notre Dame like two days ago
>Really? I was thiking about that for my thesis
>Oh yeah? Any idea about the subject?
>Not yet. I was thinking about making a comparison between the book and the MUSICAL

>> No.6751046

My friend told me they were making a movie based on The Martian but he said it in a way like its some obscure book for patricians and the movie will be poor in comparison to the book

>> No.6751062
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> be freshman in senior professional writing class
> only me and this other girl can actually write (I got an A+ on my first paper, she got an A)
> very pretty though I feel the rat's feet over broken straw in my head faintly
> "what do you study"
> "oh I'm an honors student in english and french literature!"
> "nice!"
> talk about the professors, I'm about to take a class she took a while back, modern to early postmodern poetry
> "oh, you like poetry?" I ask
> "yeah, tons! especially elizabeth bishop!"
> start pointing my attention, since bishop was literally one of the three or four poets the class studies
> "nice, any others?"
> lists the other three poets the class teaches
> "any others?"
> "well I write poetry myself"
> interesting, let me probe further
> before I can probe she says "well you know more people would love poetry if teachers would print out rap or rock lyrics and had students analyze those as well!"
> one of the smartest english students at my extremely well-ranked english department just said that
> literature truly is dead

>> No.6751076

Talking to a girl in class:

>hey anon, recommend me a book!
>Virginia Woolf is pretty good, you might like her
>OMG who's afraid of virginia woolf! bla bla bla

Kill me

>> No.6751099


oh she also had never even read any Nabokov before, I was really trying to throw her a lifeline. No nabokov, mann, joyce, lowry, gogol, etc. nothing

>> No.6751124

> one of the smartest english students at my extremely well-ranked english department just said that
>extremely well-ranked english department

kek who are you kidding your school is shit and you are shit for attending it

>mfw people complain about how shit their PEERS are

>> No.6751175

Oh fuck off you stuck up child.
>and seriously, /lit/ the bitch liked things that i dont like and you tell me im not allowed to like.
>like, wtf, /lit/?

>> No.6751226

>kek who are you kidding your school is shit and you are shit for attending it

okay nice insecurity


> and you tell me im not allowed to like.

I'm often one of the only ones on here telling YOU guys what to like, you awful retards

>> No.6751265
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I just came back from a Disney Musical (you know a mesh up of all the various lovable characters dancing and lip syncing all around) and my nephew who is 3 refused to see the second half, I asked him why but he just kept going on about wanting to go home; shouting things like "I don't want to see the mwhusikel", "Wa go home", the whole time tears dripping from his cheeks. I can't believe somebody has such a disaptitude towards cultural appreciation. It's not like he's had too much sugar or anything. I fear for the future.

>> No.6751338

Maybe he had pooped his pants.

>> No.6751378

False. We did smell him. He was, it's true, just disinterested.

>> No.6751428

>bring a book to school
>a relatively well read girl asks to see it
>give it to her
>she reads the first page a bit
>then she reads the last page a bit
>I ask her why she is doing that
>that's her method to see if the book is good and worth reading - read the beginning and the ending
>I'm literally sitting there, facepalming, laughing and being shocked

I did overreact, but god damn...

>> No.6751435

I actually know a few people that do this. I question their humanity.

>> No.6751443

I cannot comprehend this. Not only is it a totally bogus way to determine a books worth, it most likely ruins the plot of any book worth reading.

>> No.6751460

Not really a pleb thing, but this is a greentext thread so

>talking to classmate
>hey anon I'd love to see some of your poetry
>I bet it would be really good
>you know how most poets around now write boring flowery stuff about the moon
>y-yeah heh heh
>tfw my last poem was addressed to the moon

>> No.6751465

>I'm often one of the only ones on here telling YOU guys what to like, you awful retards
by your ranking of nabokov above joyce we know youre an idiot with awful taste

>> No.6751475

>it most likely ruins the plot of any book worth reading.
list 5 (five) good books this would ruin

>> No.6751505

If on a winter's night a traveler :^)

>> No.6751516

A spoiler can't ruin a good book. It can however ruin a person's initiative to still apply themselves thoroughly.

>> No.6751552

This sounds like a good way to find books you fucking idiot. Do you actually read for the fucking plot?

>> No.6751658

>Reading a book that has a tl;dr at the end
Reading the last page of most books wouldn't ruin them assuming it isn't from a series

>> No.6751663

>by your ranking of nabokov above joyce we know youre an idiot with awful taste

I'm pretty sure I didn't rank them at all, I just listed some often-read authors I suggested to her that she hadn't read. I noted Nabokov especially because everyone seems to have read Lolita (and from time to time you find someone who's read Pale Fire)

>> No.6751669

Actually, I don't read only for the plot. And no, that is definitely not a good way to find books. Reading the ending without context is pointless and often makes no sense. (Heartbreaking or ingenious climax after hundreds of pages of careful storytelling and writing? A reference to something that happened earlier in the book, like a dramatic reprise at the finale of a symphony, wrapping up the whole book? Nope. Fuck that.)

Or the beginning and the ending just might not be anything special or interesting. I just tried to apply that method on Don Quijote, my all time favorite book, and it was meh.

And stop this >reading for the plot meme. If you think exploring the world, the story and the ideas at the pace and sequence that the writer intended is bad, you're the fucking idiot here

>> No.6751833

You are a child

>> No.6751840

and a narcissist

>> No.6752084


still not posting a school name LOL

>> No.6752158
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Lyrics are still poetry you fuckwit

>> No.6752163


> literature is truly truly dead

>> No.6752199
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kill yourself

>> No.6752243

is it okay if I open a book to the very middle to get a good idea of how the author's writing style ebbs and flows so I know if the author is actually good at writing

>> No.6752264

>Have 10-Page Paper final paper due for Literature II
>Class is in 4 hours, haven't started
>Drive to school, come up with topic, and write whole thing in three hours
>Make A on it and get A in class

My school is so shit for anything other than Business, but it'll walk me into medical school as well as any so I'm not complaining.

>> No.6752307


He's right. You're wrong.

Lyrics aren't written to stand by themselves. They've been written in accompaniment.

They're derived from the lyrical poetic practice but as a stand alone work they aren't the same as actual poetry. They have elements about them that are indeed poetic but they aren't "poetry". This is an important distinction.

>> No.6752423


I absolutely fucking hate musicals, but what's wrong with her liking them? You seem like a cunt.

>> No.6752436






I don't really read for plot (if I did I wouldn't browse /lit/, you cunts spoiler everything), but one should only judge a book having read every single page-

>> No.6752445


>Lyrics aren't written to stand by themselves. They've been written in accompaniment.

What if it's spoken word without instrumentation?

>> No.6752447

Then it's utter shit by definition.

>> No.6752456


Burroughs had a few of those. I would not consider them "utter shit". Then again I'm not some kind of super edgy teenager :^)

>> No.6752483
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>> No.6752489
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>chilling with friends
>take collapse vol. I: numerical materialism from my bookshelf
>confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the umbra of the rational (as a human beings are not born in an irrational world but internalize a irrationalized écriture , formulated as pathos and it pretends to be mimetic of and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of humanity, comprehension and consciousness
>reach rational ecstasy
>pleb friend gets up and says "what is this babbling shit, lmao, lets read carlos fuentes"
>get angry at their nationalist subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist white economies, but contain it
>calm myself down by remembering quotes from finnegans wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because i'm a spectator in the society of spectacle

"It is not the slumber of reason which engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality. - Gilles Deleuze" - ~Astigmata

>> No.6752490

>likes burroughs
>I'm not some kind of super edgy teenager

>> No.6752520


i'm pretty sure this is a joke post, but I loved every bit of it regardless. well crafted.


had I mentioned Kerouac or Bukowski you might have had a point, but even then it is absolutely retarded to dislike an author because of his/her consumers.

then again you probably read for image and bragging rights on an anonymous internet board so why even bother.

>> No.6752545


>TFW i tried to do this for a book report in high school and got my shit BTFO by my teacher.

never did i skim or half ass a book again. I'm secretly thankful, but at the time my butt was beyond blasted "hurr durr what a faggot how dare he? I should go to the principle and report this"
Fuck i hate my teenage self, someone should have beat me to within an inch of death with a lead pipe

>> No.6752560 [DELETED] 

>girl sees me reading The Brothers Karamazov
>asks me about it
>tell her
>"You should read young adult fiction instead, it deals with real issues"

>> No.6752561
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Gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.6752571


Is collapse worth getting into at all?

>> No.6752603

>be reading Brothers Karamazov
>girl asks me what it's about
>tell her the general plot and themes
>she says "You should YA fiction instead, it deals with real issues"

>> No.6752630
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>wrote terrible poetry to get laid
>it worked

>> No.6752644


please tell us more about this, pal

>> No.6752680

>one day in class we had to wrote poetry
>i was in love with this girl in class, hottest girl in school
>i wrote the poem for her and we all had to put up this shit on the class wall
>later they're all reading these poems and most just wrote shitty stuff and i didn't think about it
>during a test i was bored, and i look to the right and i see my poem hanging there
>it's where she sits and she realizes that it was for her
>i look over where she sits, bottom left corner and she was watching me, immediately gets back to doing the exercise
>i'm just sitting there going oh shit what do i do now
>she leaves class super early because she's already done and i decide to go out to talk to her
>ask if i can talk to her "in private" we really just walk down the fucking hallway
>i said that i was in love with her, she kissed me out of nowhere and i was in the skies
>we later got together, had lots of sex, and i kept writing poetry but we stopped going out when high school ended
>poetry is awesome

>> No.6752694
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>ask out this one girl
>she tells me she likes John Green
>break up with her on the spot
she actually 'broke up' with me a few weeks later by blowing off our second date and never texting me back when I asked her about it

>> No.6752710


Today in Things that never happened: Anon.

>> No.6752716

Horrible bait

>> No.6752717

It literally isn't.

>> No.6752719

I'll flip to the last page to check the page count sometimes but I don't actually read anything on the last page.

>> No.6752744

Believe what you want, man.

>> No.6752844


doesn't sound that plebee, i'm not sure what your implication is but Edward Albee is definitely not for plebs

>> No.6753060
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>> No.6753080
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>> No.6753097

>talking to 'intellectual'
>or at least he thinks he's intellectual
>he doesn't know I'm more intellectual
>using total pleb words and allusions
>I correct him with clever witticisms and spontaneous (but genius) rhetoric
>he can't handle roman royalty
>he fails to realize he is lumpenproletariat
>I walk away chuckling with a small smirk

>> No.6753109
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>> No.6753415
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>> No.6753430

they quit after page 5 i guarantee

>> No.6753450

I'm impressed they could get as far as five pages through George R. R. Martin's horrific prose.

>> No.6753466

Not sure which part of that is the problem
but you're talking shit on Edward Albee/Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf I'll fuck ur ass up kid

>> No.6753533

She's probably only ever heard of the movie, not even watched it.

>> No.6754001

Perhaps I'm being rused, but I hated being brought to shit like that when I was a kid.

>> No.6754011

>anon gets BTFO by a YA pleb

Why does pussy hold so much power over us bros?

>> No.6754031

>Lyrics aren't written to stand by themselves. They've been written in accompaniment.

So what? The meaning and structure of the words can still be analyzed without instrumentals, although some genres and songs are better suited for this than others. Outside crunk radio bullshit, hip hop often borders on spoken word and is very lyrically focused compared to say... opera, death metal or jazz, where the vocals are more valued for their raw sound than the ability to convey something resembling language.

>> No.6754198

>Outside crunk radio bullshit, hip hop often borders on spoken word and is very lyrically focused compared to say... opera, death metal or jazz, where the vocals are more valued for their raw sound than the ability to convey something resembling language.
kek, rap is the same. Rap vocals are valued for their "flow" and ability to sound good. When you actually look at the lyrics you realize how bad they are and how most of the references are pointless and make no sense. The lyrics are structured entirely around the need for rhyme, the meaning behind the words is minimal and sometimes nonexistent. It just sounds good when rapped over a beat.

Which brings us back to that other anon's point: lyrics are inferior as written poetry because they rely on musical accompaniment and the vocals themselves. The sound of the music contributes most of the emotion and the meaning. When you look at the words on paper they're always underwhelming because you are isolating one piece of what's meant to be a cohesive product.

>> No.6754230

>Rap vocals are valued for their "flow" and ability to sound good.

Yes, this can be conserved partially in writing.

>When you actually look at the lyrics you realize how bad they are and how most of the references are pointless and make no sense.

Lots of hip hop is political, emotional or even religious. Your impressions are based purely on shit like Lil Wayne.

>The lyrics are structured entirely around the need for rhyme

>the meaning behind the words is minimal and sometimes nonexistent. It just sounds good when rapped over a beat.

Yes, and poetry is more about aesthetics than meaning.

>Which brings us back to that other anon's point: lyrics are inferior as written poetry because they rely on musical accompaniment and the vocals themselves. The sound of the music contributes most of the emotion and the meaning. When you look at the words on paper they're always underwhelming because you are isolating one piece of what's meant to be a cohesive product.

I didn't say they're not generally inferior for this purpose, I'm just opposed to the idea that there are no exceptions. Especially for rappers outside the mainstream, written lyrics generally precede the beat used. Either way, it's something you could only establish on a case by case basis.

>> No.6754338

>Rap vocals are valued for their "flow" and ability to sound good.

cadence and rhythm are a pretty important part of a shitload of poetry m8

>> No.6754786 [DELETED] 
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>First day of English class
>A girl in my environs overtly eyes my books.
>"Is that Joyce?" She asks.
>”Oh cool, I really like him.”
>”I just checked this out, but I haven’t read it.”
>”Finnegans can be a bit much if you haven’t read Joyce yet.”
>A girl that reads Joyce? I’m intrigued.
>"Have you read this in class?" I ask.
>"No, I read and write in my free time. I don’t need an English class for that."
>I smile, “So what are you doing in an English class?”
>“English class?”
>Open doors, the mathmasters walkers in and gingerly jumbles formulaics on the bored (he flew them over my roundhead).
>“I’m in the wrong class!”
>Wake up from embarrassment
>Realize the Joyce girl was only my subconscious
>Make myself a cup of coffee
>Mom wants to talk to me
>“Maybe it’s time you got a job”

>> No.6755096

Finnegans Wake

>> No.6755137

Rap is all about how what you say reflects on who you are.

It's intensely image focused.

>> No.6755160

>Elvis was a hero to most
>but he didn't mean shit to me
>racist that fucker was simple and plain
>motherfuck him and John Wayne
>cause I'm black and I'm proud
>plus I'm hyped and I'm amped
>most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps

>> No.6755164

Aesop Rock often raps in third person.

>> No.6755168

You can post instances of shallow lyrics from any genre of music.

>> No.6755184

You might be unfamiliar with the meaning of 'shallow'.

>> No.6755331

I was trying to accomplish the opposite, anon.

>> No.6755480

<insert random John Green quote>

literature is retarded, amirite?

>> No.6755998

I met an American

>> No.6756015

My gf is a pleb of the highest order. While she's away for the year we are both choosing a book to read each month so we can discuss it and feel together.

>She reads the Da Vinci Code
>Starts raving about it, telling me how good it is and how brilliantly it is written
>"Oh my God anon you have to read this book this is amazing"
>She suggests we read it for that month
>Do it

You know how this goes. She's also trying to force me to read Harry Potter since I never read it as a kid. I've tried explaining to her that I'm sure it's fine for young adult fiction, but I'm an adult and missed the train when I was a kid so I'm not going to read a 7 book series averaging 600+ pages a book when I just don't think I'm going to get much out of it because I didn't grow up with it like these rabid fans do. She's still making me read the 3rd one next month.

She also says the themes of the Hunger Games are subtle and well done.

>> No.6756032

Cuck detected. Just tell her to fuck off and bluntly tell her you have no interest in reading those books. Don't risk your sanity by succumbing to her every whim because she'll only become worse once you're married.

>> No.6756035

>doing as your gf says

enjoy cuckoldry

>> No.6756036

>being this big of a cuck

she better be hot or you are a gigantic spineless faglord

>> No.6756132


I am breaking up with her immediately upon her return home from abroad.

>> No.6756146

>its my first day on /lit/

>> No.6756175

why wait.
why do as she says if you're just gonna dump her.
why wait to get back in the game, why spend a year not getting pussy.

the cuck runs deep in this one.

>> No.6756729

>compromising with your gf means you're a cuck
/lit/ gives the best dating advice

>> No.6756757

Compromising would be making her read V. and all of Borges in exchange

>> No.6756760

>gf is making me
>year apart
>feel together

this guy's chick is taking strange dick twelve ways from sunday 100%

>> No.6756788

>hehehe I have no balls but at least I get laid unlike the strawmen I imagine browse 4chinz

>> No.6756823

If she's making you read books, then you make her read books

Start with Foucault's Pendulum to her DaVinci Code

>> No.6756826

>start going to uni
>move in with a few other students
>find a used book store with some really good prints
>one day get back, holding a bag with 2 books I got (Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer)
>"anon what did you buy, whats in your shopping bag"
>Show them the books
>I have never seen such an expression, they looked at me like i was insane and asked me why am I stupid to waste money on a thing such as a book

>> No.6756833

>reading Brief Interviews With Hideous Men in public park
>hold up cover to try to impress girl with scarf
>she walks by and scowls in disgust
>"did you just piss your pants"
uhh, hello? have you ever even heard of DFW? how much more pleb can you GET? CHRIST

>> No.6756892
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If you believe there exists a song on earth with lyrics that qualify as genuine poetry, you are...

A dumbfuck.

>> No.6756893

actually good advice

>> No.6756918

um really, no song nothing, how about the song song by eminem, sing for the moment, that has be considered in some way poetic, plus who are you to say you know the lyrics to every song ever created, dumbfuck

>> No.6756919


>> No.6756925

Harry Potter books may be long, but you could burn through them like you wouldn't believe. Blow her mind by reading all 7 before she calls you back.

>> No.6756931

How fucking mad are you? Go read a book, this is /lit/

>> No.6756933

song is the father of poetry


>> No.6756944


>> No.6756951


>> No.6756962 [DELETED] 



lyrics are poetry, I don't where you get they can't be.

>Floating down

>through the clouds

>Memories come rushing up to meet me now.

>In the space between the heavens

>and in the corner of some foreign field

>I had a dream.

>I had a dream.

>Good-bye Max.

>Good-bye Ma.

>After the service walking slowly to the car

>And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air

>You hear the tolling bell

>And touch the silk in your lapel

>And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band

>You take her frail hand

>And hold on to the dream.

>> No.6756965
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> literature is truly truly truly dead

>> No.6756968

You're not understanding. They are bad poetry.

>> No.6756976 [DELETED] 


lyrics are poetry, I don't know where you get they can't be.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9mhU1mm5P0 [Remove]

>Floating down

>through the clouds

>Memories come rushing up to meet me now.

>In the space between the heavens

>and in the corner of some foreign field

>I had a dream.

>I had a dream.

>Good-bye Max.

>Good-bye Ma.

>After the service walking slowly to the car

>And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air

>You hear the tolling bell

>And touch the silk in your lapel

>And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band

>You take her frail hand

>And hold on to the dream.

>> No.6756987



lyrics are poetry, I don't know where you get they can't be.


>Floating down

>through the clouds

>Memories come rushing up to meet me now.

>In the space between the heavens

>and in the corner of some foreign field

>I had a dream.

>I had a dream.

>Good-bye Max.

>Good-bye Ma.

>After the service walking slowly to the car

>And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air

>You hear the tolling bell

>And touch the silk in your lapel

>And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band

>You take her frail hand

>And hold on to the dream.

>> No.6757013

Um you realise ancient greek poetry often had music accompanying it.

>> No.6757168

Poem or it didn't happen

>> No.6757174


You should've killed her on the spot.

>> No.6757205

Karenina and Bovary

>> No.6757212

Why the fuck does everybody feel the need to blurt out the ending to Karenina, fuck. I must have heard it 5 times or so before I read it.

>> No.6757226

Must have something to do with Kundera blurting it out midway through Unbearable Lightness. It became vox populi.

>> No.6757271

>Sleeping with qt girl
>Try making jokes with her or talking about my interests
>"I don't know what those words mean anon"

>Be at party
>Be grinding on girl
>She wants to 'get to know me' before we fuck
>Starts talking about how she got her name (Helen if I remember correctly) from Greek/Roman mythology
>Laugh and call her Lesbia
>She slaps me

>Meet another chick
>She starts telling me about how she loves poetry and reading and wants to be a writer
>Ask her what she's reading
>YA shit
>Loose all respect for her instantly

>we should ignore 90% of all poetry, including the most influential and politically potent stuff because of form

You're dumb

>I am breaking up with her immediately upon her return home from abroad.
You're literally letting her cheat on you for X amount of time before you break up with her? Are you stupid?

>> No.6757281

She took the poem home afterwards, didn't make any copies.

>> No.6757418
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>see this thread in homepage
>let's take a look
>everyone's just calling others 'plebs'
>oh right, this is /lit/
>go back to /b/
mfw it's the same as /b/ but without porn threads

>> No.6757536

this plus back cover for plot summary is how I choose fiction

>> No.6757556

>"post your plebbest experience"
>you make this post
>uses /b/ literally 9 years after it was cool

Is this a postmodern shattering of the narrative where your retardedly oblivious post is the plebbest thing any of us ever encounter?

>> No.6757596

>Loose all respect for her instantly
Reading that greentext was the plebest experience of my life.

>> No.6757715

whoa man, this is real deep stuff
*tokes Dorito-flavored vape*

>> No.6757754

>Known as the bookworm in my social circle
>they set me up with a girl for a blind date
>"shes very smart and likes book just like you anon,you are perfect for eachother"
>day comes,shes short and chubby but I give her a pass to see if she actually is smat
>ask her what author shes into lately
>tells me she likes reading Stephenie Meyer
>ask her what she wrote
>oh anon you didn't read twilight ?
>tell her to kill herself
>haven't talked to my friends since

schopenhauer was right

>> No.6757778

But she was right anon, and this thread has deservedly ridiculed your for your immaturity. You're as much a pleb as her, if not more.

Pretty much everything in your post is pleb actually (contempt for lyrics, "literature is dead" meme, thinking university rankings mean shit, using your grade as a proof of your writing ability...).

As bait, it's excellent, I'd r8 it 7/8

>> No.6757786

>schopenhauer was right
What did he say?

>> No.6757787

>schopenhauer was right

hey i wrote these exact words ten times over on my statistics notes the other day

>> No.6757794

Your first post could pass as more than decent bait, you should stop posting now before you're irremediablly exposed as a retard. Take my friendly advice and run.

>> No.6757804

the gist of it is that women cannot ever attain mastery or proficiency in anything.Any attempt they do is an imitation in hopes to attract a mate who will take care of them and their future children.

why do you think anyone who is remembered as great in history,whether it is art,politics,music literature has been and will be a male?

>> No.6757809

Did you literally say "kill yourself"?

>> No.6757810

>being butmad over a typo

>> No.6757811

Doesn't change the fact studying lyrics can bolster an appreciation for poetry.

I don't see how what you wrote is in agreement with a guy who thinks "literature is dead" because some girl said it would be a good idea to study lyrics in poetry class sometimes.

>> No.6757812


>> No.6757823

Didn't Nietzsche say something very similar?

>> No.6757839
File: 832 KB, 252x188, 2mdscrd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses /b/ literally 9 years after it was cool

>> No.6757843

I don't see how knowing the ending of Anna Karenina spoils anything. The whole interest of that book is in the details, if you're in for Anna's fate you may as well read: "bitch has affair with guy, difficult situation, husband discovers, casts wife away, forigves, bitch can't bring herself to live with him, she kill herself".

>> No.6757853

He said pretty much the contrary.

That's what is cool with philosophers, no matter what you think, you can find one who said something that can be distorted into looking like he agreed with you.

>> No.6757876

You know, I am "the hipster" in my relationship. My boyfriend reads mostly science fiction books like Asimov and the likes. I have been in a Japanese literature binge and loving Kenzaburo Oe lately so he calls me a hipster for that. So, one day, while talking about HP I told him "we should start reading the books, what do you think?"
He had never read the books before and guess what? He's totally hooked on them and so am I. Yes, they are books for young people but so what? They're really fun books.

I would suggest that you stop being such a boring fucker and read them because you will enjoy them. What I don't get is why you would read the 3rd one without reading the first two first...

>> No.6757965

>met a friend of a friend, which is supposedly a well read person
>"so everyone tells me you like literature, is that so?"
>"oh i love reading! could not live without books"
>"well, tell me some of your favorites"
>"oh tolkien, stephen king, dan brown, im currently reading the 5th book of george martin and im lovin it, its a big book, you know? and complex, but i cant handle it, how about you?"

I srly didnt know what to say or how to react, though naturally i cringed at the fellow's taste. then i said something along the lines of "oh i dont know the books but i watched the show ..". and, of course, made the impossible to not get into books discussion with the poor wretched.

>> No.6758138
File: 33 KB, 502x480, 1432199005690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend told me that Hemingway was the best writer of America. After this bold assertion of his I asked "Have you read Faulkner? (just to mention one of many American writers better) and he blatantly asked back "Who´s that?"

>> No.6758208

underrated post

>> No.6759025

>if you don't enjoy YA pleb shit, you are a "boring fucker"
you fucking dumb bitch. typical