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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 115 KB, 974x484, sunday books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6750952 No.6750952 [Reply] [Original]

what are you reading today? Are you planning on finishing any books today? Where are you reading?

>> No.6750966


>> No.6750971
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>> No.6751038

Some of the best taste I've seen on this site OP.

I'm finishing all the pretty horses then might start hard rain falling or Augustus

>> No.6751079

I read Infinite Jest and didn't really enjoy it that much. I've read good things about DFW's nonfiction essays, is this a good a place to start?

ty. Hard Rain Falling is amazing, it's fucking heartbreaking though. Augustus is good but Butcher's Crossing and Stoner were both better imo, but Augustus was probably Williams' most 'mature' novel. I have a feeling I'm going to re-read Augustus when I'm an old man and connect with it a lot more emotionally.

>> No.6751205

It's pretty dense and the first 80 or so pages exclusively deal with early 90s tv, but it's farily interesting and some bits could have been written about reddit/4chan culture as well.

>> No.6751220

A Beautiful Mind
Robot Dreams by Asimov

>> No.6751236
File: 525 KB, 1280x960, 0628151338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too hot to be comfy here but here's what I'm reading today.

OP, have you read any of Frolic yet? Haven't seen anyone else on /lit/ who's read it but I quite liked it. Some really interesting ideas on originality and art and Gaddis writes fantastic dialogue (which is good because that's 99% of the book). The satire of the legal system was great too though not what really stuck with me from the novel despite ostensibly being such a major part of it.

>> No.6751241
File: 4 KB, 179x282, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else would I be reading on a sunday?

>> No.6751251

Ok I have no idea how to prevent 4chan from flipping cellphone pics.

>> No.6751255

is this some ebin new meme?

>> No.6751262

I'm on page 100 right now, it is really funny. I somehow always forget how funny some of the pomo stuff can be. The legal stuff is hilarious, I hope more and more people keep suing each other. Have you read J R?

if you are actually reading the bible, what book are you reading?

>> No.6751270
File: 105 KB, 711x533, JoshuaSun_Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Joshua for the first time. Now I'm starting Ruth

>> No.6751276

Going to read up on Cortázar soon to impress my girlfriendo, any good?

>> No.6751301

Frolic is the only Gaddis I've read, as unconventional of a starting place as I'm sure it is (it was the only one my bookstore had when I wanted to try him out).

I want to read more of him but it's that constant struggle between wanting to read a lot of different authors and wanting to read everything by the authors you like. It's been about a year now so it's probably a good time to pick up another Gaddis novel.

>> No.6751303
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Roman history book. Yes, finishing it up today. Not sure if I want to read more of the same or something related (Gibbons or Virgil and Ovid) or something else completely. I've so much around now.

I've just come back from reading after a breakfast out, more now that I'm back, in bed, by the window's light, with the AC on. Blazing hot out.
I sure miss my cat.

>> No.6751304
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, anoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Anno: 1404 instead of reading Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History.

Damn do the Germans know how to make a comfy supply chain management slash base-building game.

>> No.6751307

Stop wasting your time.

>> No.6751313

>implying posting on /lit/ is time well spent

>> No.6751315

Ah, I never particularly liked Joshua, not a big fan of the whole 'promised land' shtick. Plus the whole massacring the enemies of Canaan thing never sat right with my theological studies. Ruth was much more interesting, and particularly relevant with all the marriage fuss going around right now.

Very good. A lot creepier than I imagined. For bonus impressing points, show her the films that were based on/influenced by Cortazar's work ( Antonioni's Blow Up and I believe some Godard films)

>> No.6751316

She knows all these and constantly recommends me those. She's an Argie so there's no choice, need to watch and read that shit. Thank you!

>> No.6751325
File: 56 KB, 230x400, Hyperion_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is dank.

>> No.6751327

:( Sorry to hear about your cat Butters. If you're interested in something Roman I would suggest Tom Holland. He also did a book called "Shadow of the Sword" about the origin of Islam which is also good.

>> No.6751336


>> No.6751339

All I've read today is my own sheet music.

>> No.6751347


>> No.6751351

/mu/ only discusses popular music

>> No.6751355

Nice, history is so /comfy/. I always feel so accomplished when I finish a good history book, like I've completed a little puzzle of the world. Sorry about your cat!

I've read The Recognitions, J R, and Agape Agape. I think The Recognitions might be one of the best books ever written, can't recommend it enough.

vidya bad, books good.

Shadow of the Sword is highly, highly controversial. I am a Middle East Studies grad student and I can get everyone's hackles to rise up just mentioning it. Definitely don't take any of it as gospel.


>> No.6751363


>> No.6751365


Let me know how it goes with Karinthy, I know it's by his son but really loved Metropole, very interested in Journey Round My Skull.

As for me going to finish up Midnight's Children then read Frankenstein and The Kraken Wakes back to back.

>> No.6751375

/mu/ turned to complete fucking shit, everything is filled with generals nowadays. I cannot fucking stand it anymore. All I have is /lit/ now.

>> No.6751376

Just Starting The Brothers Karamazov. Pretty intimidating tbh.

>> No.6751415
File: 36 KB, 378x601, 9782707302427_1_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw moving at a snail's pace for the past week
Managed to get through thirty pages today, at least. I'm digging the narrative structure.

Also checked out Wheelock's Latin from the library.

>> No.6751429


What the fuck does that have to do with anime?

>> No.6751486

Screenshot them, edit the borders out.

>> No.6751496

Finished Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge, started Beloved by Toni Morrison.

>> No.6751510

>The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
>Lovecraft the Complete Fiction
>This Side of Paradise(will finish tomorrow)
>Crime and Punishment
>Great Expectations (Will start today)
Also today I finished reading Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.6751522

Wheelock's is good, but sometimes the stringing out of the grammar is irritating, the 4th principal part isn't described till the 12th chapter. You should look up a quick basic grammar online, probably. And do lots of chanting, chanting and lines really help.

>> No.6751530

>Slaughterhouse Five
How did you like it?

>> No.6751551

Ra by Sam Hughes.

It's shit, but really good shit.

>> No.6751561

>/comfy/ Sunday
>just got off a 10 hour shift

God damn service industry.

So yeah, Braverman's Labour and Monopoly Capital.

>> No.6751564

Shit man, do you spend 20 minutes on each one? Get some fucking focus.

>> No.6751647

I usually read just one or two stories from the collections a day. On the three combined, I probably spend less than an hour a day. The novels I probably devote about 45 minutes to an hour to each. I like reading a lot of books at once because it forces me to slow down with them. Usually if I read just one or two I finish them in two or three days and in a month will have retained next to nothing. I have no job again, I'm not taking summer classes, and at the moment I'm really not into any games; reading is pretty much all I have to occupy my time.

>> No.6751680

I really enjoyed it. The funnest thing I've had to read in a while.

>> No.6752077
File: 17 KB, 231x346, shadow & claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really great so far.

>> No.6752101

Im reading The Death of Artemio cruz by carlos fuentes and Im gonna start the tunnel by gass in a little bit

>> No.6752162

On Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (about a 1/3rd the way through), mostly so I can better read The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
It's funny, I know that one could make the argument that the Combine and Big Nurse are one dimensional because Chief is insane, but the truth is that Kesey probably just thinks that way. Plus I refuse to believe that the inmates would be such weak shits before McMurphy showed up.

>> No.6752209

I read Troilus and Cressida. Don't know what to do with myself for the next few hours. Might start on Gravity's Rainbow although I'm not supposed to start til tomorrow.

>> No.6752215

That book pays off though, it's incredible.

>> No.6752224

The invisible man - H G Wells.
Super comfy.

>> No.6752255

Just began 100 Years of Solitude.

But I'm not really in the mood for reading today, I guess I'll read a couple more pages and stop altogether to play Civ or something equally pleb

>> No.6752259
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150628_191841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these dipshits putting an (unremovable) barcode sticker right in the middle of the cover

>> No.6752261

Cycling between Mrs Dalloway and Yeats' dramatic works

>> No.6752270

Try putting olive oil on a kleenex and rubbing the sticker

>> No.6752273

That book is fucking incredible. Give it its due time and it will pay you back ten fold

>> No.6752281

I'm actually reading it out of guilt, everyone (specially people whose taste I respect) loves it so much I felt bad for not having read it.

>> No.6752391

At least one person here appreciates your taste in vidya, anon.

>> No.6752412

Don't be, at its core it's a crime/court procedural.

>> No.6752439

Confederacy of Dunces
The Origins of Political Order
Penguin Freud Reader

I can never just read one book at a time, wondering if I should get myself checked for ADHD

>> No.6752455

Just finished pic related was my intro to dfw, I thought it was overall pretty good with a few very excellent parts, the concept and the characters were fairly interesting its just too bad there'll never be any kind of resolution. Oh well.

I have a couple different things sitting on my shelf i havent touched yet:
The Crying lot of 49
Invisible man
A portrait of the artist as a young man
The sound and the fury

Which one /lit/?

>> No.6752465
File: 15 KB, 200x297, The_Pale_King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752475

portrait of the artist

>> No.6754501

I just bought that yesterday. How is it?

>> No.6754536

I was reading the Republic on Sunday.

All I have to say is: fuck artists and plebs.

>> No.6754550

it's dank

>> No.6754552

I was reading Deus Irae by PKD and Zelzany but now I'm reading an H-doujin called Masturbation Addiction.

>> No.6754556

Finishing my boy Herodotus

>> No.6755632

You're in for a treat with Molloy, possibly my favourite book of all time. His other two novels (Malone Dies and The Unnamable) are also very much worth reading.

>> No.6755660

You shits I work weekends

Comfy Tuesday nearly here though ;), I've built a cushion/blanket pile and have my radio, shisha pipe and Tolstoy ready.

>> No.6755942

i've just started noticing this meme word