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6750881 No.6750881 [Reply] [Original]

What's so great about this? If a president wrote something like this today it would be seen as pretentious garbage. Is it just because it was written a long time ago?

>> No.6750899

Redditors and /pol/yards latched on to it recently because stoicism resembles their silly machismo

>> No.6750904

Trump: The Art of the Deal will be held in similar esteem once Based Donald becomes POTUS.

>> No.6750905

u dum

>> No.6750917

He wrote it for himself.

>> No.6750954

yea I noticed there are loads of religous statements and also fedora tier stuff about being rational hardcore and not giving a fuck about what morons think

>> No.6750961

fuck off

>> No.6750983

>there are this many illiterate people in the world

>> No.6750987

top kek

>> No.6751009

Top quality arguments right there

>> No.6751108
File: 81 KB, 274x268, Pleb-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks doing you is fedora tier

>> No.6751127

Shit has credibility because this dude killed a guy with his bare hands. Probably speared some fuckers and commanded some armies. Had a whole harems of bitches. Shit was real back then yo

>> No.6751135

4real not like 2day Obama a pussywhipped bitch not even allowed to smoke a blunt in the whitehouse michelle regulating what he be eating and shit.

>> No.6751147


>> No.6751821

Why care about this? You don't read it for entertainment or as a fashion statement.

I've even seen Meditations suggested on /biz/, the board dedicated to scam discussions and bragging about one's ruthlessness. That's pretty cringe-worthy but it's not going to make me throw Meditations into the trash. If it's any consolation, most of these people will read maybe two pages of Meditations, then read two pages of dale carnegie and then go back to shitposting to quickly forget whatever ancient lesson on self-control they briefly stumbled upon.

>a guy on reddit found my book it's not special anymore stoicism is dead to me now

>> No.6751862

>whatever ancient lesson on self-control they briefly stumbled upon

it's pretty much all common sense stuff just put into a 2deep4u context