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/lit/ - Literature

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6750721 No.6750721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How Pleb is your family, /lit/?
>grandma gets everyone books off Amazon for Christmas
>she's a Church Lady, but not a super crazy fundamentalist
>very stuck in the past, no understanding of recent cultural changes at all
>obviously bought the books based on the descriptions without reading any herself
>gets my winemaking uncle a book by a Baptist preacher whose main argument was that nobody good in the bible ever got even a little drunk and that modern wine is an abomination
>got the same uncle's daughter a book on relationships that talks about casual sex, moving in before marriage and hiding your behavior from your family as if it's all a normal part of life
Funniest Christmas of all time. Mom started reading excerpts from the books and everyone but my grandmother was on the floor laughing. It was like a boomer version of a spaghetti story.

>> No.6750992
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they mostly listen to self help audiobooks. all im gunna say

>> No.6751044 [DELETED] 

well you can see just by looking at those why russia is a corrupt shit hole, italy is a corrup shit hole and america is the leader of the free world. i think the pleb might be you, dear reader.

>> No.6751055
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>> No.6751061

>My mother and grandmother exclusively read romance novels
>My sister is a devout yaoi mangaloid weeaboo piece of shit
>No one else reads much at all, besides a newspaper
>I do have one aunt who is a well read former AP & Gifted English high school teacher... she's a bitter cunt sometimes
>They always get me different copies of the Illiad and Odyssey any time they buy me a book
>Wish I had not-so-Southern-trash upbringing

>> No.6751078

was that photo taken during part of a "dress like shit" themed cruise or something? because for dudes that rich, they should be ballin' out, not looking like suburban dads. the guy in the orange is trying to be fly, but his glasses and hair reveal he's just a nerd who hired a stylist, he probably writes on a fucking Dell.

>> No.6751092

They're a bunch of fucking professional writers, of course they're going to be dweebs with bad dress sense, they have more important things to be thinking about, faggot.

>> No.6751096

she was being groped by the bald guy on the right

source: I'm Thomas Pynchon

>> No.6751149

My mom listen exclusively to audio books concerning Eastern-Orthodoxy because she's slav like that.
She's also the type of nigga that believes in 'negative energy' and new age hippie paranormal shit, which I'm pretty sure Orthodoxy against.
I've occasionally bring it up but she gets buttmad and changes the topic.

She knows I'm into pessimism and she constantly says shit like 'Don't believe all that stuff, life is so pretty, you have your family, you have all your limbs' etc.

Pretty normie-tier really.

>> No.6751154


if they're writers they should have good taste. why would i want to read what a dork in dad jeans writes?

>> No.6751155

Orthodoxy is* against
I occasionally*

Lmao proofreading.

>> No.6751166

raised by grandparents
>Great-grandmother: John Grisham, biographies about Tom Brocaw or Barbara Bush, lots of older stuff I don't recognize tangentially related to America
>Great Grandfather - newspaper, game shows
>Grandmother - encouraged reading, read Animorphs too me for six months until I was able, (onomatopoeia included, bless her heart), exclusively reads oversized 'infographic' sized books about like gemstones and cats. Also al-anon readers.
>Grandfather - sports television, various news media, cop drama shows
>Sisters - one is basically what /r9k/ is afraid of girls being, the other was reading Grimm's Fairy Tales last I spoke with her
>Cousin I grew up with - we bonded over calvin and hobbes as kids, now that she is a lesbian or whatever and dating what I think used to be a woman she only reads identity politics and shit YAish novels and eyes my bookshelf with reproach
>Fiance - likes travel journals, enjoyed White Noise, gave up on hitchhiker's guide and If on a winter's night, hates shakespeare, pynchon and DFW

Fun times

>> No.6751170
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>> No.6751171

Because they're too intelligent to be consumed ankle-deep in the shallows of materialistic self-image, unlike you.

>> No.6751181

>Lmao shitposting

>> No.6751211

> professional so-called "artists"
> no sense of aesthetics or taste

just goes to show you what a bunch of pleb tier pop writers those dudes are

>> No.6751219

stephen king and that fatass who wrote game of thrones could squeeze into that photo and blend right in...

>> No.6751244

I was being a goof, but seriously, fashion sense is no way proportionate to literary achievement, are you guys fucking retarded? The fact that you guys are so concerned with the superficial "image" that the author gives off rather than purely the merit of their work is really, really worrying.

>> No.6751368
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>My younger brother reads stuff like John Green, The Secret and not-twilight twilight book series.
>My other younger brother watches anime. And is interested in mechanics. He's kinda smart but doesn't want to read for the life of him.
>My older brother watches the weekly TV shows like Suits. Also plays tablet games. Likes Techno.
>My mom buys books exclusively for collection; matching covers etc. She too watches TV shows. Movies you find on the telly too.
>My dad reads the Economist and other newspapers. Watches TV news too. He likes sport a lot.

>> No.6751426

>parents don't read at all, never have
>sister only seems to read books about paleo diets and GMOs, was pretty into sci-fi for awhile
>some members of my extended family have a working knowledge of the classics and can carry a conversation about literature
>talked with my aunt about Henry James this past Christmas

>growing up my parents were the vague American non-church-going non-denominational kind of apathetic Christians
>both have gotten into religion since their divorce but they both went for pleb denominations, I think one might even go to a baptist church
>mom has gone full right-wing conspiracy nut

>grandparents on both sides are strong Catholics
>paternal grandma is based and the main reason I would be Catholic if I ever start believing in god
>growing up she always told me and my sister about the bible and the different saints
>taught us the good parts of Christianity like charity, humility, and loving your neighbor

Probably a pretty average middle-class American experience, all in all.

Also does Franzen have his arm around DFW in that pic? DFW looks like the demure wife to Franzen's assured husband.

>> No.6751433

Who are these people? I only know DFW, Franzen, and Zadie Smith.

>> No.6751441
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What is it with The Big Bang Theory and anyone with even a shred of pleb upbringing?
>Dad has PhD in a STEM field
>made my siblings and I start with Greek/Germanic/Norse/Roman/Native American/Biblical myth when we were little
>natural athlete
>world traveller
>gets invited to speak in favor of basic scientific literacy at churches
>teachers and friends' moms all comment on how tall and handsome he is to the point of being inappropriate

>mfw he sits down to watch The Big Bang Theory for an hour, laughing his ass off the whole time

wtf, really

>> No.6751462

>father is a retired air force colonel. Taught by jesuits or military instructors his whole life.
>made me read shit like LOTR, les miserables, cats cradle, star ship troopers, suma theolgica, the count of Monte christo, and a bunch of irrelevant "lives of the saints" catholic stuff by the time I was out of highschool
>reads a lot of stuff I give him. He doesn't really like it, except for gene wolfe. Nigga loves gene wolfe.

The man's pretty based. Has a library of old/rare books in his room. I'm home from uni so I'll take a pic later and put it on here if the thread is still alive.

>> No.6751469

>Maternal Grandma was a scholar, musician, enterpreneur and like 15 other things
>Mom is a huge pleb, but well-educated
>Sister is a huge pleb
>I'm trying to be patrician
tfw grandma died 35 years ago
feel with me guys

>> No.6751474

Idk but my whole family adores that bullshit including my ICE agent aunt with a masters degree who I failed to mention because she only reads sports blogs.

>> No.6751509

Catholicism + military is the ultimate recipe for a lazy mind. Hate to talk shit about someone's dad but it sounds like he was a victim of that. I'm not a fedora. Grew up super religious and one of the first steps of my deconversion was observing a fatalistic complacency in exactly that type of Air Force Officer (grew up near Maxwell AFB, Alabama), combined with slavish devotion to the symbols of authority and order.

>> No.6751602

The females only read Nicholas Sparks and Danielle Steel.

The males don't read. Except for one who likes Twilight and stuff like that.

>> No.6751643

Mom has top knowledge of French lit and started with the Greeks, etc. too busy now for reading much serious stuff. Dad has read some lit but says it depresses him so reads genre fiction, same for sister, brother reads literature from time to time.

They're all good to have a discussion with about a book though.

>> No.6752042

Lmao. That's the best example of projection I've ever seen. Thanks for judging my dad based on the shortcomings of your own.
>lazy mind
>professor at naval war college
Whatever you say m8.

>> No.6752056

>implying that an author's work isn't a superficial reflection of him/herself