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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 942 KB, 1545x2692, 14038784781111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6749875 No.6749875 [Reply] [Original]

Chart thread?

>> No.6749899

Anyone got that chart of right-wing reading? I'm not looking to become a fascist or some shit, to be clear. Just want to get learned.

>> No.6749904
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>> No.6749911
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>> No.6749916

Thanks m8

>> No.6749917
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>> No.6749921
File: 1.80 MB, 2200x3200, essays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem. I'll dump the rest of the random ones I have for anyone interested

>> No.6749922
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>> No.6749932
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>> No.6749955
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>> No.6749958
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>> No.6749963

What the hell does exit level mean? I've read some of them and can't work it out.

>> No.6749973

Literature that prompts you to suicide. Read his file name and it becomes pretty obvious.

>> No.6749976


>> No.6749978
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>> No.6750008
File: 72 KB, 853x362, bateman loses IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>west is declining
>lets return to the culture that lead to the current situation

>> No.6750031

>guys its totally facisms fault, trust me
>don't mind us breaking down the very core of societal structure, the family unit
>don't mind us taking over the universities in the 1960s

>> No.6750039

What's the best Brothers Karamazov translation? Haven't read it before.

>> No.6750048

Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Hegel, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are the essential right wing philosophers

>inb4 le Nietzsche isn't left

Right wing philosophy is basically defined by belief in virtue ethics and human nature, both of which Nietzsche readily adhere to.

>> No.6750067

Is there a more thorough /lit/ guide to christian literature?

>> No.6750082


>> No.6750085

That's the only decent Christian lit that exists

>> No.6750088

What about Kierkegaard????

>> No.6750089

Maybe, haven't studied him yet

>> No.6750100

>Pedro Paramo
>Cortazar and Casares
I take it "surreal" is taken more as a vague guideline than a genre here

>> No.6750125
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>> No.6750129

I can recommend you add "The Kingdom of God Is Within You" by Tolstoy, and "Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross

>> No.6750133
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>> No.6750136
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>> No.6750142
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Have maybe 10-15 that aren't already here

>> No.6750146

Heidegger is essential for right wing intellectuals as well as left wing anarchist or anarcho-primitivist/minimalist

>> No.6750148

Post them all !

>> No.6750153
File: 1.02 MB, 851x2097, Cormac McCarthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750159
File: 2.43 MB, 500x7492, French Lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750163
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>> No.6750170
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>> No.6750178
File: 3.83 MB, 2196x3339, Greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750184
File: 87 KB, 1583x439, Hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750186
File: 782 KB, 1944x2808, basicbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750190
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>> No.6750196
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>> No.6750201
File: 171 KB, 1500x1348, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750206
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>> No.6750209
File: 3.05 MB, 1544x2608, Poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've heard this list isn't very good

>> No.6750213

>guys it's totally the left
>don't mind us late capitalists, there's nothing bad at all about manipulating culture for profit

>> No.6750217
File: 575 KB, 1513x884, Pynchon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750222
File: 3.33 MB, 2001x3881, Sci Fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one more

>> No.6750224

its not bad. every list is taken with a pinch of salt.

It covers most of the essentials. Rime of the ancient mariner should be in there

>> No.6750227
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x2000, The Bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm going to go read King Lear

>> No.6750233

Yeah, Rime is pretty goat

>> No.6750235

>not bringing us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Dubliners after Finnegans Wake

>> No.6750239


>implying the problem is capitalism itself, and not those in power who have no moral compass due to the replacement of greed over religion
>implying this breakdown of religion, family, and trustworthiness isn't a direct result of the left's attempt to create the perfect worker with no ties to anything but the state

>> No.6750246

>no tao te ching

>> No.6750248

Finnegans wake should lead back into itself

>> No.6750256

>difference engine

>> No.6750257


I wouldn't have commented, but the second reply dispensed some doubt.

>> No.6750261
File: 34 KB, 400x308, dis is an outraeg 8DDDDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no fucking idea what fascism or leftism actually mean, you stupid ameriburger.

>> No.6750263
File: 783 KB, 720x979, blazingstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, wouldn't recommend people unfamiliar with poetry follow this and would suggest anybody that has it saved delete it.
>it covers most of the essentials
It's not even close to covering the essentials. There's a fraction of the essentials in that image, and it includes things that aren't essential, eg hopkins and some are completely skippable, eg bukowski and plath.

>> No.6750265

It's his best work. Make this most of it.

>> No.6750268

>there was no greed before leftism or capitalism
>the left precedes capitalism

>> No.6750272


>implying the problem is capitalism itself

It is.
Feudalism now.

>> No.6750295

>there was no greed before leftism or capitalism

Where did I imply that? Simply put, the 20th century was the materialist century. Even in 16-17th century Holland, arguably the start of modern capitalism, there was still a greater emphasis on religion and cultural ties. We are living in a time where material acquisition is touted as the path to happiness, in both capitalism and communism, where really it is an anesthetic for the fear of death. Hence, we are only delving deeper by not getting to the root of the problem.

>> No.6750310
File: 412 KB, 736x896, fanonadornocartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying religion and family values are being eroded
>implying religion is even necessary for a prosperous society
>single parent rates are dropping, which were mostly caused by a lack of birth control/abortions/proper sexual education so hated by conservatives
>studies show mothers spend more time with their child than previous generations despite more working mothers
Do you suffer from an authoritarian personality, by any chance?

>> No.6750322

>studies show mothers spend more time with their child than previous generations despite more working mothers

>> No.6750342

Do you suffer from living in a bubble by any chance?

Almost all of those are false. Religiosity is decreasing

> Fully 36% of young Millennials (those between the ages of 18 and 24) are religiously unaffiliated, as are 34% of older Millennials (ages 25-33).

>Those non-affiliated with religion have nearly tripled in the US from 1928 -1996, from 11% of the Silent generation to 36% of millenials


>Few institutions in America have evolved over the last 50 years quite like motherhood. More women are having their children later in life. Or they're doing so in less traditional ways: before marriage, without marriage, or with unmarried partners. Single motherhood has grown so common in America that demographers now believe half of all children will live with a single mom at some point before the age of 18.


see how I actually have sources, instead of making baseless claims?

>> No.6750347


>implying religion is even necessary for a prosperous society

I'll wait for you to name a prosperous society without religion. No, communist takeovers of societies lasting around 50 years do not count as a "society without religion"

>> No.6750360

Anyone have a chart on Buddhism

>> No.6750361

>where did I imply that?
>implying the problem is capitalism itself, and not those in power who have no moral compass due to the replacement of greed over religion
>the problem isn't capitalism, it's greed replacing religion
>those in power replaced religion with greed because they have no moral compass
>those in power are leftist (see >>6750031 ) and thus they have no morality
>in the time before leftism there was a power with a moral compass and greed wasn't an issue
Seems pretty clear.

>> No.6750378

Fuck off you reactionary goon, Germany and the rest of Europe is becoming nonreligious at astounding rates aside from the hordes of Muslim immigrants they love to bring home so much.

>> No.6750383

Europe and Japan are capitalist societies "without religion," but given the way you protect yourself from anything that might be inconvenient I'm sure you'll counter by saying that the highly present irreligiousness of these countries doesn't count since they aren't 100% atheist secularists.

>> No.6750398

Is Cryptonomicon actually good? I read Anathem, and I'm not sure I could ever read another Stephenson novel after that.

>> No.6750410
File: 229 KB, 1280x1233, 743888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the states with the highest rates of religiosity also suffer from the highest rates of teen pregnancy? Atheists just get an abortion, use condoms, ect. The problem might be that we have too much religion, not enough.

>> No.6750518

I thought that was the point of naming it the pleb tier was that they were skippable

>> No.6750533

Why bother putting it on there if it's skippable and not just listing the ones you should read? Anything not on there is assumed skippable or the next step after essentials, and by the time one finishes the essentials they should be able to determine which is which.

The whole idea of putting poets in tiers is nonsense in itself anyways.

>> No.6750956

How to waste your life and ruin your intelligence, the image.

>> No.6750999

>religion and its followers are stupid
>why can't theists be as intelligent as me and other atheists

>> No.6751003

simply euphoric my good sir.

>> No.6751011

Pretty much

>> No.6751021

anybody have the joke one where it separates books by "tiers" and fear and loathing in las vegas and atlas shrugged are really far up

>> No.6751065

yeah correlation definitely implies causation. It certainly doesn't have to do with the south being poor and highly black.

Because you certainly were talking about the south right? Not Utah, which is one of the most religious states and also the lowest teen birth rates.

>> No.6751122

No Ayn Rand?

>> No.6751174

Is there a German lit one?

>> No.6751184


>tfw people still post this crappy Pynchon chart I made in 15 seconds and after reading only a couple of his books

Do people still take take this thing seriously? Even after a much better Pynchon guide came along?

If you have to know, I've now read everything by him except Bleeding Edge, Against the Day, and Slow Learner.

>> No.6751209

>this level of damage control
You're BTFO, faggot.

>> No.6751233

>implying he is wrong
You don't have a good handle on the meme buzzwords yet, I would suggest waiting before posting again my new friend.

>> No.6751249

How about one that isn't heretical

>> No.6751389

Needs a cookbook with bread recipes.

>> No.6751762

>feeling suicidal
Will Myth of S. save me?

>> No.6751787

Only if you can imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.6751854

The First Man should be an off-shoot or in the corner of this chart for those who want to be reminded of the world's beauty.

>> No.6751876

Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, the list goes on...

>> No.6751902

it will help you past suicide, but then when you want to live again, you will die in a car crash

life's just absurd that way xD

>> No.6751975

>king james bible

>> No.6752121

No, it's 50 pages of meandering with a thesis that literally anyone who isn't retarded could figure out without reading it.

>> No.6752711

Why is the bible so popular on /lit/?

>> No.6753529

>No Count of Monte Cristo
>Christ literally in the name

>> No.6753854

It's not, it and Infinite Jest are only so high because of ballot stuffing. If you check favorite book lists in threads that aren't marked as polls, they only get mentioned 2-3 times, while books like Moby-Dick and Don Quixote are mentioned a lot

>> No.6753859






>> No.6753873

it's a reaction to the fedora meme

>> No.6753875

pretty sure the links for the charts in the sticky are dead

>> No.6753891

I've got Ulysses on my shelf and it will be my next read, however I haven't read any of his other books, how fucked am I?

>> No.6753899

That chart is a joke. Literally. The dude who made it made it as a joke.

>> No.6753900
File: 1.50 MB, 1222x3649, A lit Guide to Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best chart coming through.

>> No.6753902

Have you read the Odyssey?

>> No.6753903
File: 1.94 MB, 844x1338, patrician guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6753916


>> No.6753969

Without noticing that this chart was made, let me assume this based on my experience with the last one:

most of these only had a handful of votes, if at all, and everything listed there below place ~15 might aswell be brought there by one or two or at best three people samefagging. Nothing belove place 65 has more than 3 votes, if I am correct.

>> No.6753975

Numbers 75 through 81 should be shifted back in the picture and 81 should be American Psycho.

>> No.6753988

Yeah, i just noticed it aswell, it's a pretty embarassing mistake honestly. OP should delete his thread.

>> No.6754226
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>> No.6754235
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>> No.6754245
File: 81 KB, 215x215, Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 12.54.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw somebody posts the chart i made

>> No.6754251

for right wing fags who take this chart as something serious
there's a book which parodies the right wing by pretending to support that ideology
I don't remember which was though. I don't know if that's a clever ruse made by a leftist or something.

>> No.6754268
File: 1.60 MB, 299x165, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those in power are leftist

>> No.6754283

It's pretty nice tbh

>> No.6754320


Don't say things like that. It's against board norms to criticize the Lord's Word.

>> No.6754567
File: 1.72 MB, 2200x3200, litguide essays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6754573
File: 843 KB, 1504x2777, litguide_viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6754720

>More religious states tend to be southern
>Southern states tend to have considerably larger black populations
>Statistics indicate blacks are born out of wedlock, typically to single mothers, as much as 78% of the time

It's pretty simple really.

>> No.6754770

I'm somewhat interested in reading Gravity's Rainbow. How evil are the Germans in it?

>> No.6754772


book of disquiet is goat

>> No.6754775

There aren't really that many Germans in it. But there is this one dude named Blicero who's a real motherfucker.

Also, you should read V. first.

>> No.6754781


thomas hobbes was literally a cuckold

>> No.6754793
File: 178 KB, 346x317, 1433730221415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? >>6749921

>> No.6754817

>the very core of societal structure, the family unit

Polygyny and the communal raising of children has been the norm for 80% of human societies. You're so full of shit. Single mothers and homosexuals have existed forever, modern society just wants to treat them as human.

Huh, I like all of those philosophers and I'm a liberal.

>> No.6755031


>it's so pastoral


as you like it is so irritating because it balances some really incredible writing (Jacques' seven ages of man speech, for example), some quite interesting ideas on the nature of pastoralism and the relationship between the court and the forest (preconceptions of each character who crosses from one to the other being challenged, Arden acting as a form of stasis), but the plot is just so painfully fucking stupid. Like the bit where Orlando and Oliver have a third brother who just rocks up at the end. I know it's the conventional of Shakespearean comedies to have something like this, and also to end in a wedding or declaration where all the issues are solved (just like in Twelfth Night) but it still kind of pisses me off.

>> No.6755252

>1. The Holy Bible
so this is a meme list?
is /lit/ a meme board?

and without being a 'reader', I have read already 6 books from that list, plus numerous pieces and chapters from other books on there.
Is this list that superficial/entry level, or is it really this easy to become a '/lit/ patrician'

and yes, this is my first time on /lit/
and yes, I do normally lurk more

>> No.6755366

> not nice things happen when religious. so people should be atheist!
> is basically espousing utilitarianism
> literally has no values

>> No.6755418

> belief in human nature

Anarchist/communist philosophy believes in human nature, they just have a different conception of it. Conservatives have a negative picture of humanity as intrinsically selfish/ violent, while Anarchists believe humans are social/ cooperative beings.

What you mean is "right wing philosophy has a negative conception of human nature"

>> No.6755583


The chart in OP's post>>6749875 was created by this board's equivalent of ponyposters

Refer to this chart

I'm assuming you're here from /mu/. You should definitely be acquainted with a few of those books, some of them were part of your English curriculum, or are frequently mentioned for being fantastic. Others such as the philosophy books, Ulysses are definitely more of a challenging read. Books don't get more challenging as they get more obscure, and frequently you'll find that the best books are the ones that have simply remained popular for the longest time

>> No.6755591

cont. >>6755583
With genre fiction being the exception to the popularity thing

And even genre fiction has a few exceptions, but it basically has to define/redefine the genre for that to be the case

>> No.6755670

I see, thanks

I'm here from /tv/ actually (don't judge)

The books I read from the OP chart are The stranger, catcher in the rye, heart of darkness, monte cristo, the hobbit and Frankenstein, though none for English class (rather parts from macbeth etc)
Have read chapters from the Bible, war and peace, metamorphosis (by Ovid), odyssey, illiad (studied greek/latin for some years in high school), hamlet, zarathustra, macbeth, das kapital...
and saw some film adaptations aswell

These are all pretty much classics I believe, some of them were advised to me by an /int/ friend, he browsed /lit/ from time to time I think.

Interesting opinion on obscurity/quality/challenge
same goes for film, to some extent, also depends on what you're looking for in film.
That said, /tv/ is the biggest pleb board on 4chan, so even acclaimed 'classics' are seen as obscure there

>> No.6755859

>harry potter

>> No.6755884
File: 1.23 MB, 1545x2692, lit top 100 books of 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6756008

>moving goal posts and le antiamerican meme

Idiot Yurocuck

>> No.6756065

>not for plebs

>> No.6756589

There a chart that will give me a rough path from the Greeks to, say, Stirner?

I just wanna be in on the memes. Learning is alright, too, I suppose.

>> No.6757025

Does anyone have a chart featuring "the way of men"? Im looking for simular books.

>> No.6757897
File: 2.21 MB, 1400x2650, calle borjesson teir list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6758976


>> No.6759003

Lolwut? Blake entry tier?

Critics still aren't exactly sure of the meanings behind a lot of his work

For a long time his entire body of work was cast off as too obscure

>> No.6759015

Dostoyevsky chart, anyone? Looking for best translations and guide.

>> No.6759037

Is Pound really that good?

>> No.6759083


The chart is so bad it looks like a troll

>> No.6759200

God damn this bait

>> No.6759247

I love these thread, really useful in getting a collection of books for a specific genre or theory

Thanks faggots

>> No.6759261

Got something for spirituality, philosophy and /x/ related themes?

>> No.6759335


I made this a while ago, I realize it's kinda shit so sorry for that. >>6749904 is infinitely better. Still, all the books in it are definitely highly valuable.

>> No.6759347

Not that bad, I would remove Labiche though.
I would also add Salammbô as a must read along with les Poèmes barbares by De Lisle, Chatterton by Vigny and add the motherfucking Orientales and probably Les Rayons et les Ombres too, why isn't it on the list really ?

>> No.6759370

Does someone have a list featuring the likes of Rancière, Daney, Rivette...?
or a guide in these lines or something

>> No.6759428

German lit chart peas!!!

>> No.6759480

>Dao De Jing

>> No.6759526

is it weird that ive read 70% of those?

>> No.6759556

I love the Blood of Elves

>> No.6759581
File: 629 KB, 1365x2048, 5612851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that the liberatory potential of both the left and right hasn't been entirely neutered

>> No.6759984

Holy crap, best chart of the bread! Thanks anon!!

>> No.6760022

How much do you pay for new paperback 200-400 page books?

It ends up costing me like 10-20$ sometimes since I gotta order from outside the country

is that bad?

>> No.6760714

My dad recently bought the quasi complete bibliography of PG Wodehouse, some new, some used, ranging from €1-5 per title.

>> No.6760746

much appreciated anon

>> No.6760762

He was also correct about human nature

>> No.6760798
File: 739 KB, 3844x1824, gVUbfd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only list(s) you'll ever need.

>> No.6761224
File: 19 KB, 237x330, 1416905099060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a anonymous guide to Literature by Anonymous

>> No.6761267

Why do English speakers read obsolete Bible translations? In my country, new, more or less official translations are released every houndred years or so. The last one is from year 2000.

Also, why does that chart, at first glance, seem so utterly dominated by anglo lit? Seriously, almost no one reads Moby Dick outside the English speaking countries.

>> No.6761299

>seem so utterly dominated by anglo lit?
Welcome to /lit/

>> No.6761303

>Why do English speakers read obsolete Bible translations?
It's written beautifully.
>Also, why does that chart, at first glance, seem so utterly dominated by anglo lit?
Because it was voted on by a predominantly anglo website.
>Seriously, almost no one reads Moby Dick outside the English speaking countries
Their loss.
>not being glorious anglo

>> No.6761764


Is there something like purple pill called witchcore?

There should be. You know, triangles, crosses, stuff Richard Stanley would masturbate to

>> No.6762068


I'm not listening to your shit Wufei

>hurr you can only prove your strength in battle
>if i beat you i was right
>im an honorable chingchong soldier
>there's nothing wrong with using a gundam and planting explosives to kill sleeping soldiers because im so honorable and right

>> No.6762095

this chart isn't too bad if you don't take the ordering seriously. the centre title doesn't have to be that big though..

>> No.6762102


>says the bible and catch-22 are worth reading
>isn't too bad

>> No.6762110

Crowley's Liber ABA
Bardon's Intiation into Hermetics
The Kybalion

>> No.6762112


>> No.6762117

Is that the order in which I should read the Dune series?

>> No.6762142

No, that's the order if you want to start with really great, challenging and enlightening political texts and then slowly regress into shitty, HS science fiction

>> No.6762169

So, after which book should I quit?

>> No.6762186

>the centre title doesn't have to be that big though
the idea was that you can tell what the list is about from the thumbnail

>> No.6762212

Is there a chart for classical Roman work equivalent to the "Start with the Greeks" one?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.6762270


I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow first. I've only read the beginning so far and I'm already confused

>> No.6762277


Can someone please explain why The Leopard is worthy of being a top 100 book. I have no issue w/ any other title on this list. Just that novel. It was one of the most dull novels I've ever read.

>> No.6762307


I can't read this

>> No.6762465

No, read the Bible instead.

>> No.6762475



>> No.6762493

If you're going top to bottom, left to right, I've read everything up to Reflections on a Revolution in France (Edmund Burke). I was a poli sci major in college, loved the Republic, Leviathan, don't really remember Politics by Aristotle although I delve into his stuff occasionally and it's definitely shorter and easier than Leviathan & Republic, Reflections on a Revolution in France is great.

Why the fuck would anyone spoil a good political theory list with Dune and Asimov books? Ugh.

>> No.6762669


He called his dick the 'state of nature'.

Why? It was nasty, brutish, and short.

>> No.6764361

is blood meridian a difficult book?

>> No.6764400

If Green Eggs and Ham was 1 and Finnegans Wake was 10, BM is like a 6

>> No.6764405

oh ok. the reason i ask is that it's on my course syllabus next semester, and i heard mccarthy is influenced by pynchon. so i probably dont need to worry too much then

>> No.6764551

He isnt. Pynchon's literary influence is tiny

>> No.6765491

I already read L'étranger, withouth really having read anything somewhat substantial (at least no complete books, barely complete essays etc).
I was thinking about getting into the rest of Camus somewhere this week, but should I start with something else, another period/author/movement...?
I'm quite confident it's not necessary though, but maybe there is something I can read first to get more out of him.

>> No.6766009

>Polygyny and the communal raising of children has been the norm for 80% of human societies.
Like what? Europe in the past 4000 years? No?
>modern society just wants to treat them as human.
Aaaaand when were widows with children treated badly? Homosexuality is a new thing, before it wasn't a category even. It was the sodomy that was considered immoral. Who you were attracted to is something you don't really have written on your head.

>> No.6766790

I've saved every image in this thread and I'm genuinely interested in more charts. Anyone? I'm going to read the right wing chart, but does anyone have a left wing chart? There's an architecture chart, but no chart for subjects like cooking, engineering, programming, etc?

>> No.6766800


One thing I'd be interested in from anyone is a history chart, or charts on reading up on specific periods of history.

>> No.6767358

What's the architecture chart?

Also, can I get a Plato and or Aristotle chart?

>> No.6767386

Where the fuck is Ride the Tiger?

It's the seminal work of right wing literature of the 20th century.

>> No.6767403

you're an idiot

>> No.6768499


Cooking is something you need hands on experience to comprehend anyway.

>> No.6768534


I'd highly recommend two programming texts to get you started. Keep in mind that I'm throwing you in the deep end.

1 - C Programming Language by K & R
2 - x86 Assembly Guide - http://www.drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/


>> No.6768585

no charts on film (or film critcis) related books?

>> No.6768598

Did you put on my superior STEM and engineering hat?

Who in their right mind would start programming with an outdated programming book from the 70s and one on the very most basic programming "language"?

It's like someone asking you "how do I drive a car" and you give him nothing but the "Opel Golf II owner's and maintenance manual"

>> No.6768676

K&R is a great book tbf

i've even known some people who have started with knuth and remained sane

>> No.6768697

K&R is a great book, and I really liked reading it, a very clear tone etc. - but I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner nowadays since it's not very "security minded" in that it rarely makes you think about checking your input/output and memory allocations (Valgrind does the latter for you nicely, but of course the book is too old to know that), it teaches a language that isn't very friendly to the beginner (I'd use Python or Ruby for that nowadays, possibly followed by C then Assembly) - if you'd absolutely have to go for C, I'd use King's C Programming: A Modern Approach

>> No.6769680

>three Van Vogt books on golden age
>none of them The Weapon Shops of Isher
C'mon son!

>> No.6769685

Not a Christian, but the Bible has some awesome shit.
Especially Revelations

>> No.6769757

I want to start with the Greeks. Is this chart accurate?

>> No.6770090

My fucking sides

>> No.6770105

Learn 2 scroll

>> No.6770166


It's about learning the fundamentals you fucking pleb. The C programming language by K&R is god like.

>> No.6770182
File: 304 KB, 560x602, pT5opXdGc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Album I've seen posted here before that may have a few that haven't been posted.

>> No.6770332


>Anarchist/communist philosophy believes in human nature, they just have a different conception of it.

No, it doesn't, you retrard.

>> No.6770547



>> No.6771003


It was my understanding that communist philosophy assumes that what largely comprises human nature is learned, and that hindering the belief of the "intrinsically selfish/violent" picture of humanity from prospering, as it currently does, is vital to establishing communism.

>> No.6771060
File: 2.47 MB, 2016x2880, more books to read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been missed

>> No.6771126

Is there a list which lists books that take a positive light on hedonism? Most of the stuff posted in this thread seems to be anti-hedonism, so it would be interesting for a list of pro-hedonism.

>> No.6771138

That would be very interesting indeed. I'd really dig this.

>> No.6771139


Fucking King James version, are you kidding me? The text literally altered by a mad Scottish king to textually justify his penchant for witch hunting?

Mohammed may have fucked nine year olds, but King James hanged them.

>> No.6771169

>Mohammed may have fucked nine year olds

Pretty based tbh

>> No.6771216
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>> No.6771241

That's literally the most pathetic list of fiction I've ever seen. Even ignoring everything in the right wing version, the Pound, Eliot, Junger, Conrad, Hamsun, Mishima, and Lawrence basically beats it the fuck out by a longshot.

>2 sci-fi novels