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/lit/ - Literature

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6744112 No.6744112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading Moby Dick to little sister before she goes to bed
>she says sleepily before nodding off that she hopes heaven is just us reading books together forever

>> No.6744121
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Too pure for this world

>> No.6744124

Did you tuck her in and say goodnight?

>> No.6744127
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fuck this gay earth
I want to believe

>> No.6744147

Even kissed her cheek.

I kept thinking about it so much I couldn't sleep and so decided to shitpost instead

>> No.6744150

I wish my sister liked reading. I tried to read to her when she was little, but she was always so bored.

>> No.6744156

ow my heart

>> No.6744237

My sister got me to read to her since before she even could read. She didn't even like TV, she'd rather me read to her. Now she has a book everywhere she goes and she reads it like most kids her age are on their phones texting.

>> No.6744253
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What we lack, anons, is tenderness

>> No.6744260
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How old is she?

>> No.6744264


>> No.6744271

Liarconfirmed. No 14 year old would listen to their older brother read books to them, they'd think it's too childish and tell you to piss off. At 14 they'd be thinking about boys and gossiping. 6, maybe but not 14.

>tfw older brother has never read a book to me

>> No.6744272

what a gay thing to say

>> No.6744277

I'll be your older brother for a night and your sugardaddy 4 lyfe ;))))))

>> No.6744278

why couldn't you just keep up the charade so we could keep feeling? no 14 year old gets read bedtime stories

>> No.6744279

We read to each other all the time, it's not just a bedtime thing.

>> No.6744281
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What bedtime story will you read me? Is it Infinite Jest night tonight?

>> No.6744287

I'm just gonna go ahead and believe this isn't OP

>> No.6744291

I read my sister bedtime stories still, and she's seventeen. Then again, we never went through the sibling squabbles, and I remained her closest friend through puberty.

>> No.6744292 [SPOILER] 
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To set the mood

>> No.6744293

I don't think it is


>> No.6744295
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>> No.6744296

post a pic or she's a fat weirdo

>> No.6744297
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>tfw am overprotective older brother
>tfw little sister is a perfect angel too

>> No.6744302

why does /lit/ have so many gays?

>> No.6744305

she's 32 in september

>> No.6744307

Male prose is just too good.

>> No.6744364

>dad doesn't read
>mum only reads jodi picoult
>brother reads shit like the martian and claims it's 'genius'
>sister has literally said "why would I read when I could just netflix something", regularly uses netflix as a verb
If OP is real I envy him

>> No.6744574

Nothing wrong with using netflix as a verb. You sound pretentious and whiny.

>> No.6744586

I'm envious of his sister. I've always wanted one.

>> No.6744593

I used to be like you. Don't be elitist. It only leads to misery.

>> No.6744611

4chan has a high amount of people with complexes and almost all gays have heavy complexes

>> No.6744614

The martian rules, pipsqueak

>> No.6744624

The Martian is fun, cunt.

>> No.6744626

>thinking one can identify as "gay"

>> No.6744628

>X is fun so it should be immune to the same standards of criticism that everything else is

>> No.6744630

>tfw your older sister stopped talking to you at around 12

>> No.6744748

>tfw your sister won't talk to you, doesn't care to see you anymore
I clicked three salads to share this pain with you

>> No.6744974

>tfw friend with a 13 years old and she called me her elder brother

>> No.6744992

Younger sisters>>>>>>>>>Older sisters

>> No.6744997

>Being friendzoned by a child

>> No.6745002

She's just saying that because she's practicing her beta male making skills. She's manipulating you faggot. Oh yeah, i bet you just give her your lunch money every day because you want to. You clean her room all the time because you care for her. Get real faggo.

>> No.6745003

>implying I am a paedophile

>> No.6745006
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>tfw friend with a 13 years old

>> No.6745017

>implying you're not programmed to repress your attraction to pubescent girls

You're only lying to yourself.

>> No.6745022

You sound female

>> No.6745046
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>try to read The Little Prince to little sister
>a few pages in, she says, "this is stupid."
>try to explain it isn't stupid and it's a very delightful story with a good message
>continue reading
>she says, louder, "This is boooooring. I wanna watch pewdiepie."
>tell her, "His videos do nothing for you. You barely even laugh at them anymore. Aren't you worried about what he's doing to your brain?"
>she just screams pewdiepie over and over again
>my mom comes in the room: "Anon, let your sister watch pewdiepie."
>get out the laptop, put on pewdiepie
>little sister just stares at the screan with this blank expression on her face
>mfw she's too far gone for me to help her

>> No.6745064
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>rape should be legal because men are genetically programmed to fuck as many women as they can
what's wrong?

>> No.6745069

>equating paedophilia with the molestation of children

Ignoramus plz.

>> No.6745073

whats wrong with pewdiepie?

>> No.6745076

Ginsberg pls

>> No.6745087
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>we don't hurt children, we are helping them to
explore their sexuality

>> No.6745096

avatar-posting is against the rules, please go back to facebook

>> No.6745214


just slip some LSD in something she's drinnking

>> No.6746321

She's eight <3

Not me

>> No.6746809

>tfw no patrician big brother to read you books

>> No.6747532

Hire Harold Bloom to come to your house. You can make a reality show out of it, like losing with Jillian.

>> No.6749186

pls be in Paris
I'll read you books in French all night long

>> No.6749190
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>tfw dont have this kind of relationship with my sister

>> No.6749451

>reading 11yr old sister lolita
>rape her

well im going to prison tomorrow

>> No.6749477
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fugggg :DDD :D
wat 3 bukkz r u taken wiyu kappa

>> No.6749732
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>last day at home before I go back to college
>decide to spend some time with my little sister
>we spend the day playing dumb kid games
>as I sip imaginary tea whilst sitting in a circle with teddy bears and dolls I'm suddenly overcome with emotion
>suddenly understand what it means to unconditional love another person
>realise why people can sacrifice themselves for another person
>know that every time I leave for college she's growing up and I'm missing it
>feel homesick for the first time in my life when I leave the next day