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/lit/ - Literature

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6742648 No.6742648 [Reply] [Original]

I thought about opening the thread with >tfw no literary gf, but I thought better

Do you guys have any literary friends? I don't. I need to know though if it is all its cracked up to be. I like to imagine a life where I have friends (girls or otherwise) who will read out loud with me in parks or just when we hang out. I'd like to have a group of friends, or just one, who will help me dissect a piece of writing as far as we can do, until it becomes absurd. These are all romantic dreams brought on by the fact I feel especially emotionally raw right now, sort of how I (and I assume others) are first thing in the morning.

My friends now, great as they are, are kind of boring in this respect. I gave one a copy of Gravity's Rainbow, I caught him reading mine and he seemed super interested, and he gave it back after, as he put it, "I tried to read the first chapter and I just don't have the attention span". He still talks about the first chapter quite a bit though. Another friend of mine, of more than ten years, used to be philosophically inclined but after school he didn't care anymore.

My girlfriend is the same way. We met through reading the same book but now she has no interest in it anymore. I asked her to read Donald Barthleme's story "The Balloon" and she said "That was cute, but kind of pointless". She isn't stupid either, if I can get her to actually listen to me about something she can understand it (at least as far as I do) in just a few minutes. I have (over the course of many years) read her bits and pieces of philosophy or history and she can argue one side or the other and even recall most of the historical stuff I tell her. She has no issue grasping difficult concepts or anything like that, just no interest in these things. I should add here, she is artistically inclined, loves drawing and art. She just no longer seeks any of this out and sometimes I can tell she just doesn't care when I bring it up anymore.

I just want someone to share this interest with. I have dreams about this at least once a week. Maybe that makes me sad or pathetic in some way but I thought someone here might understand.

picrelated: I showed my girlfriend an article and some of Mark Bradford's work, she loved that, which was nice

tl;dr none of my friends are inclined towards anything but working/eating/sleeping and it makes me sad

>> No.6742651

sweet blog where can I subscribe to your newsletter?

>> No.6742660

aw man anytime

>> No.6742710


I have kind of the same. I have a friend who has read some poetry and lots of fantasy, but he is so unwilling to discuss it unless I push him a lot. He mostly consumes and leaves it at that. We do sometimes discuss films, tv and art and he understands a lot, but mostly he is more of a gamer. One of his friends is also a reader, works as a journalist, and we both have given him some books. Most other friends read Harry Potter and fantasy or Norwegian crime novels. But try to push your girl even further. To my knowledge most girls are willing to devote time to what their man is passionate about. You just got to sell it better, OP.

But feel free to vent in this thread. I guess we all want perfect friends and perfect lives. So why not whine about it online where all people are retarded?

>> No.6742721
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arent we your friends anon?

>> No.6742729

i love you all dearly
but i just dont like frog pictures that much

>> No.6742737
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This is why I came here. E-hug me please and discuss books with me.

Not OP.

>> No.6742763
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>> No.6742802
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Looks like you're not up for discussing much either. Good we had this thread so we could establish that.

>> No.6742806

OP here, (not the guy posting fat girls).
What are you currently reading?

>> No.6742816


Nausea. About 50% in. Kind of like it so far. The first 10% I really liked. You?

>> No.6742819

I've been reading the Iliad aloud to my dog today so much so that I am hoarse.

I've only ever skimmed Sartres stuff, I hear he is like Dotoevsky in some ways, which puts him very near to my radar.

>> No.6742825
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Im reading Quiet Flows The Don until i can motivate myself to finish Ulysses. Feels bad to know that im missing out on the beauty of the prose because i dont know rusky. If the translation is this good the original is probably obscenely good.

>> No.6742833

What is your favorite part of Ulysses so far?

>> No.6742834


You must have an awesome dog. What languages does your dog respond best to? Presuming you don't have to lock him/her in a cage for you to read to him/her.

>> No.6742836

>Quiet Flows The Don

Which translation are you reading?

>> No.6742845

She just tends to follow me with a ball while I pace around. She tends to favor the parts where I yell as I read, so the fast gory parts of the iliad

>> No.6742851
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i enjoyed the first few pages a lot and then reading it just seemed like work. I like the idea of the book and what he was trying to do with it, I just dont really enjoy reading it. I also enjoyed the part where they were talking about Shakespeare, just because its so Joyce.

>you will never prove algebraically that hamlet's grandson is Shakespeare's grand-father

>> No.6742856

Hold out or skip to Sirens, especially if you like wordplay and pretty-sounding words. I had to put down that chapter a few times just because it was so perfect.

>> No.6742860

the one by Stephen Garry

>> No.6742876

mine doesnt have chapters which makes it even more difficult to read.

>> No.6742880

Wordsworth classics edition?

>> No.6742884

Yeah, I feel you. Sometimes I feel like it's my fault for not building a network or having a community where I could find like-minded blah blah blah, but most of the time it just feels like bad luck.

And not being a gregarious person.

At the moment, my plan (and advice) is a change of career.

>> No.6742886

>gf and few close friends often go to poetry open mics
>handful of close friends studying literature at uni
>one friend from latin america, studying creative writing, talks about gabriel garcia marquez like he's fucking jesus
>not even in a pretentious way, he just genuinely loves magical realism and didn't go to uni the day he heard marquez died because he was too sad
>another friend who's really into classical music, studying piano at uni etc. but for some reason just read proust last year and talks about it non stop

I guess i have a few literary friends

>> No.6742907

My girlfriend has a B.A in English lit and reads more than I do. Calls me a pleb because I have read Shakespeare.

>> No.6742918
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this one

>> No.6742921

>other people are plebs
I bet she didn't even get that BA from a top tier university. I would dumb her if I were you anon, these people will corrupt you.

>> No.6742922

>literary friends
>"I'm a literary type of person"
Kill yourself.

>she said "That was cute, but kind of pointless"

She's a nihilistic whore. Drop her.

>> No.6742924

Is there something wrong with calling myself a literary type of person or wanting friends who share an interest?

>> No.6742950

Yeah. Human beings do not fit neatly into "types", contrary to what a century of advertising has told you. I can only imagine how many false friendships have been forged over this kind of buffoonery. "Hurr let us repeat truisms to each other under the vague but unstated notion that some omnipotent entity is watching us and keeping score of how 'literary' we're being!"

>> No.6742955

Woah, hello projection.
I just meant I read a lot, chill man. I want more friends who read

>> No.6742966

She graduated from the most reputable university in India.

>> No.6742988
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>> No.6742996

nope, it's pointless talking about books because all people do is label me a hipster, feign interest, or ignore me so i've given up

>> No.6743000

>chill man

Beta faggot detected.

>> No.6743004

Not chill detected

>> No.6743112

trips detected

>> No.6744770

The only person I know who is more well-read than myself is my pot dealer, weirdly enough.