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/lit/ - Literature

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6738569 No.6738569 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6738578

I feel like John green is scared of trying pot

I feel like DFW was scared of trying pot

>> No.6738581

daily reminder he blew /lit/ the fuck out when they tried to raid my reddit ama

>> No.6738592

tao lin tweet/10

>> No.6738600

>I feel like John green is scared of trying pot

p sure John "Pass the" Green knows a lil' sumtin sumtin about a lil' sumtin sumtin

>> No.6738605


what do you mean?

the last I saw the leddit mods were removing anything that wasn't awkward sperging or effusive praise

>> No.6738606

They don't call him John "Pack the Chron at the Crack of Dawn" Green for nothing

>> No.6738613

We should do to John Green with weed what /pol/ did to link Ben Garisson to racism

>> No.6738614
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>> No.6738616

DFW definitely got high

>> No.6738623

No. He seems like a beta who lied about smoking to please the chad bullies at /lit/ high school.

Now Pynchon, Pynchon was definitely the kid who smoked weed

>> No.6738632


how is that in any way blowing someone the fuck out, he just replied to a stupid question

the issue isn't that he is super politically correct its that his books suck

>> No.6738640

His chapters describing the particular type of paranoia and jagged thinking too much weed puts into you struck me as coming from a genuine standpoint.

>> No.6738644

DFW was allegedly "addicted" to weed.

>> No.6738645

he replied to a bunch of /lit/ and /pol/ and /b/ shitposters and blew them the fuck out every time before mods deleted it. don't be mad because someone you've talked shit on for years has rekt your ass the first time you tried to do le ebin raid on him.

I gained a lot of respect for John today.

>> No.6738654

Why the fuck did you gain respect for him?

Because he answered questions he was asked?

Fucking idiot.

>> No.6738657
File: 49 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't BTFO anyone from /lit/. He cherrypicked the dumb racist trolls from /pol/ because they're easy to BTFO. He ignored all the accusations of him being an anti art hack because he knows he can't write a true rebuttal.

Good job, you fell for his charade

>> No.6738661

not him but i feel the same because he blew you retards the fuck out. /lit/ acts so smart and pretentious and pretends like they're master debaters but then they get their ass handed to them collectively by John mother-fucking Green.

>> No.6738672

fuck off contrarian shill

>> No.6738680

I just want to see more of these

>> No.6738682

you seem angry.

>> No.6738683


>> No.6738701

Blew us out how?

>I recognize my privilege and am sorry

Ur 1 big dummy m7
(I called u m7 bcuz ur not mi m8)

>> No.6738704
File: 62 KB, 899x238, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone disagrees with me
>I call him le contrarian and grin because I've won

pic related

>> No.6738706

>pointing out how you fell for PR manipulation because he's debunking the person with Un-PC opinions is mad

>> No.6738712

wow he's really BTFOing /lit/ :^)))))

>> No.6738716

I dont know how reddit works. Why is his score hidden?

>> No.6738719

>Some guy posts something clearly meant as a troll post

>> No.6738724

Wait are you posting this sarcastically? Because he sees like an insecure try hard bitch here.

>> No.6738740


>> No.6738742

the point is thats the best comment you guys can come up with. after years of impotently raging and thinking up new ways to insult John Green in literally millions of threads you post some fag shit about cheerios and he wrecks your ass. and then get butthurt when you're called out as pussies.

every time I see a "John Green is le cuck" thread from now on I will just smile because he is more alpha than anyone on /lit/

>> No.6738754

Well the mods deleted most of the questions that were posted by people not sucking his cock so he could cherry pick the dumbest ones to debate, so yeah I guess John Green rekt lit

(Now that was sarcasm)

>> No.6738773

>I can't come up with a creative way to challenge John Green and turn his reddit fanbase against him
C'mon m8 the mods only deleted shit like
>why so cuck?
>Do you like le big black dicks in your wife?

If /lit/ was intelligent they could have de railed the whole ama into something scandalous that would have ruined John Green forever, or at least caught him in a logical trap, but they can't.

>> No.6738779

His sister talks in an interview about how he was a notorious stoner in high school.


>> No.6738781

Nah they censored most comments as was expected, you're in open denial.

>> No.6738796

>you're in open denial.
sounds like someone is.

>> No.6738800

>if /lit/ was intelligent enough

I'm intelligent enough to not have a reddit account. I barely know who this hack clown is, but he writes YA, so I don't think highly of him. Fuck off to reddit, it's where you belong.

>> No.6738896

thanks for the pic

>> No.6738910

Josh Green fans from reddit sure like saying BTFO over and over again don't they?

>> No.6739213

It's not so much John Green blowing /lit/ out, it's more the bandwagon memesters who spam him on this board fucking choked when it came to "sticking it to him". It was pretty funny.
the true patrician doesn't give an ounce of a rat's fart about John Green and it's time everyone else stopped posting about him.

>> No.6739278


4cucks aren't good at anything except hating on people who are better than them...

If you haven't learned that by now, then you shouldn't be here.

>> No.6739299

Does getting high actually help you write? I can't come up with shit when I'm stoned.