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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 542x579, Rat Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6734783 No.6734783 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, convince me that what you're writing is good using only the first two sentences.

>pic unrelated, of course

>> No.6734799

I was born in the night in October, 1992. At the time I was born and when I was growing up the world seemed to be moving in a definite direction; it seemed like every footstep was taking us somewhere beautiful.

>> No.6734819

There once was a man named Gold Roger who was King of the Pirates. He had fame, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.6734848

Here are the highlands, rolling on to the horizon - dwarf like hills crowned with trees sticking out from the dry grass. The winds here are from land; no salt on the breeze, no green bays, no gulls caw can be heard - here is land, dry land - and in all directions lies land further still.

>> No.6734854

A tall, thin man with long dark hair tied back in a ponytail was moving earth rhythmically into a sluice box over a gentle creek, deep in a forest. Water moved the soil through his sluice, as heavier stones and pebbles were caught in the riffles at the bottom, small ridges allowing only the heaviest of materials to stop in their smooth ride down the box and into the flowing stream.

>> No.6734873

a memoir that has no hook making it seem any different from other memoirs.

Children's pulp, no problem there for what it is

The prose is choppy and abrasive

longass sentences, and things usually don't stop in a smooth ride

>> No.6734885

The building rose against the red sky like an open scar . He knew that, one day, it would be him passing through those sterile metal gates as he knew that, when that day finally arrived, neiher his body or his mind would resist the sheer pain each holding of that dark tower could make him suffer.

>> No.6734892

There was nobody in town that knew how to fuck like Randy the garbage man, though even as the rigor mortis took hold his hairy body remained the shape and consistency of a mound of moistened cottage cheese. Almost every woman in Milton Hills came to the wake, all wearing thick black veils to hide their faces.

>> No.6734901

Laszlo realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense. He was twenty-two years old, and he was STILL A VIRGIN.

>> No.6734990

What about this?

"To the south of New South Wales are the highlands. Rolling on to the horizon are dwarf like hills with trees ringed around their peaks. The winds here are from land; no salt on the breeze, no green bays, no gulls caw can be heard. Here is land, dry land - and in all directions lies land further still."

>> No.6734997

A blank page isn't intimidating, neither is a clear sky.

>> No.6735000
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 1378961935872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you're less concerned with having divorce trial evidence, your business being more the nature of calming or confirming your suspiscions so that you can leave her outright, well, that's my speciality. I am not a friend of the law, so if you want me to go about this according to the letter, for the sake of taking her to trial or other such nonsense, then the price is the same as the other jackoff lawyer inspectors on West.

>> No.6735003

Not OP, but nice first sentence. It's concise.

What is the first paragraph?

>> No.6735010

It's not a real memoir, it's fictional.

>> No.6735014

Can you read french ?

>> No.6735016

>To the south of New South Wales
Do you even realise that this sounds shit? Read more.

>> No.6735018

Nerbledy Derbledy I haz a sandwhich for a mouth.
Can we by an ice cream for a salamander.

>> No.6735034
File: 125 KB, 273x247, backacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft red lights could be seen blinking in distance through the fog. John scurried towards them, kicking through the snow against the shrieking wind and frost.

How'd I do lads?

>> No.6735045

These hit a little too close to home ;_;

I love these though, post the next two sentences

>> No.6735047

Not the guy you're responding to but it's definitely better. But yeah, this >>6735016

>> No.6735054

Pls somebody

>> No.6735062

Ready to set sail, the ship towered over the Market. The souvenirs were gone, replaced by piles of gold.

>> No.6735067

too wordy. try reading it out loud.

>> No.6735070

I like it. It's concise and easy to read and it still evokes a nice imagery.

>> No.6735075

I nigger - you nigger; they nigger: we nigger.

>> No.6735077

Julian Assange woke up underneath brown, silk curtains to the sounds and vibrations of Abraham Lincoln cooking tasty-smelling bacon bits and apple turnovers. Today was the day that Wikileaks would finally become publicly traded.

>> No.6735095

Link to video plz

>> No.6735107

Flames, like thin translucent mercurial ribbons, kept on licking the fragmented landscape of charred timber passionately. Ethereal symbols, shapes and faces danced vigorously in the ever-changing mystical corpus of the campfire.

>> No.6735109

In the distant future, in the cold depths of space there is a ship in which the last remnants of humanity reside. These last few humans are protected from certain death by what can only be described as a “god.”

>> No.6735112

This story, like all good stories, starts at the beginning, though exactly where the beginning for any given thing is is largely subjective. Rarely do the gigantic insects that once ruled this earth, and their progressive evolution into the tiny things we know of today, ever effect the frog prince in any significant, non dietary way.

Kind of needs the third sentence to make sense.

>> No.6735113

The black box was flipped over itself, its contents spilling onto the floor. Jemima gasped, “you idiot,” she said, “get away from my dildos.”

>> No.6735130


>> No.6735136

nigger isn't a verb

jew on the other hand...

>> No.6735138

A man's intelligence - his criticality and creativity - are his most precious possessions throughout life. They cannot be bought, yet they can be stolen - or at the very least, suppressed ...The theft of free thought is a most violent one.

>> No.6735142

When his mother died, he said his father would not. But then his father breathed his final breath, so he said his aunt never would.

>> No.6735160


"Sammuelson; stop mocking the retards and fetch your belongings".
"We simply cannot be seen at such an establishment huff huff".

>> No.6735175
File: 45 KB, 320x180, thumbnail_19292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paintings of Charles Presley are characterized by searing bright colors used in conjunction with softer hues to create dizzying head-shop-poster-style patterns seamlessly incorporated into hyperrealistic scenes a man could walk or fall right into. Recurring subjects include migraine-green foliage of hills and woodlands otherwise true to life; cathedrals, with special attention paid to incongruously morbid and/or erotic stained-glass windows that function for all their intricacy like paintings within paintings; bodies of water; outer space; highly detailed nude prepubescent girls, never appearing older than ten or eleven years, nearly always white but varying with respect to hair and eye color and idiosyncratic flourishes like freckles and overbites, depicted as engaging in any number of activities or simply posing; claustrophobic yet expansive early twentieth-century prison interiors; and sunny sandy beaches.

>> No.6735178
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, giggling_godfather.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would read more of this.

>> No.6735180

4chan takers advantage of the feeling of vulnerability itself. So just don't.

>> No.6735191

Sounds like something I'd have written when I was a know-it-all 15-year-old
Cut down on those purple-prose adverbs and adjectives a little. Or a lot

Mercurial ribbons of flame embraced the charred timber. Symbols, shapes, and faces danced vigorously in the campfire's heart.

>> No.6735193
File: 19 KB, 226x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a child, my my mother told me there was no end to the depths of evil that men can do. And here, as I watch my soldiers bury the last of any who would oppose me, I'm grateful for her truth

>> No.6735204

I like it.

>> No.6735214

Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6735219

>any who would oppose me
is a bit clunky. "those who oppose me" might flow better. Otherwise p. good

>> No.6735220
File: 1.93 MB, 2048x2038, Untit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I almost forgot about this meme

>> No.6735231

As the cell door slammed shut, the reality of my situation finally hit home. I'd had a lot of fun, but one can't really expect to continually violate the asshole a of a dead child and expect to escape all consequences

>> No.6735243
File: 14 KB, 113x167, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had wondered, but I had known. In my absentmindedness I contemplated the purpose of my life and the direction I was moving in, only to realize that while thinking I was idle, making no progress.

>> No.6735249


>> No.6735256
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Big_Smile_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Papa, looking out over the Tuskegee river, handed his pipe to me, while muttering something about seagulls. Before i could grab it Old Nigger John came bopping over.

>> No.6735260
File: 46 KB, 622x486, dont even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735264


>> No.6735265

Far too abstract for an opening
At least throw in some gratuitous imagery before sinking the reader into that

>> No.6735273
File: 77 KB, 416x431, 1409355405773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told me to believe in myself; they told me to believe in God. I put two and two together.

>> No.6735282

As the absinthe began to take hold, I held on to the table with both hands for fear of falling away into the universe. Thanks Obama

>> No.6735292

I've always believed that depression is anger without the enthusiasm. It's amazing how a belt fed weapon can restore that enthusiasm

>> No.6735301

Sounds like pretty typical vaguely cool-sounding but ridiculous film noir narration

>> No.6735303

This is the best of the action-movie books the americans have posted so far. lol.

>> No.6735309

Thanks, i made it up now :D

>> No.6735311


The first sentence by itself would be stronger.

I have a knife, a water bag, and a broad sun hat. The desert extends for 50 miles in every direction, I am all alone, and the sun is coming up.

>> No.6735313

It was a dark and stormy night. Nigger shit fuck cunt.

>> No.6735318

They said I would never walk again. And I have to commend them for their on the spot accurate analysis

>> No.6735321


>for their on the

Never write again.

>> No.6735322

Split that second sentence in half after "direction"

>> No.6735326

If it wasn't for the fucked second sentence, this would have been funny.

>> No.6735328
File: 456 KB, 1280x695, 14571235376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine, OP:

Red shot the dog in the field and the field and the ranch followed two years after. The mutt was lame and the mutt had to die, so he took a 55. and put one in its head.

>> No.6735329

The smell of tear gas saturated the Baltimore night air as the mob surged closer.. As my knuckles went white around the baton on my waist I couldn't help but crack a smile. What a great night to be a cop

>> No.6735330


Red shot the dog in the field and the ranch followed two years after. The mutt was lame and the mutt had to die, so he took a 55. and put one in its head.*

>> No.6735333

I'm on an iPhone, fucknut. Sometime autocorrect changes what I write. I know the difference

>> No.6735334

My writing is too deep and nuanced to grasp based on two measly sentences. You would need a lot more than that.

>> No.6735337

>to its head

>> No.6735339

Don't let the cocks hit you in the ass on your way out

>> No.6735341


>3 sentences

Jake dived into the car, slinging the bag and the shotgun into the back seat. "Fucking step on it", he said.

>> No.6735347
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us how much is needed then, fool.

>> No.6735348

its not the spelling but the terrible aesthetic choice of "their" and "the" in such close proximity.

Everyone thinks they can write, so dont mind me pleb.

>> No.6735357

No offense taken, shitwit

>> No.6735367

Blockbuster action thriller toilet-read tier

>> No.6735371

Revisit the classics you fucking idiot. They all knew the importance of a good opening line.

>> No.6735377

If you're trying to be funny, you failed.

>> No.6735382

i think your autocorrect is iffy again, what i think you meant is nitwit.

And who i think you adressed it to, yourself.

>> No.6735387

I don't doubt that's what you think.

>> No.6735391

nownow. He has posted something more of an artistic value than most people in this thread and he hasn't even posted his text yet.

>> No.6735392


>> No.6735401

>taking this callibre of bait >>6735334

>> No.6735408

It might be bait. It might also just be that he knows how to write. But yeah, it's probably bait.

>> No.6735409

did you surgically opened the skull of the dog and place the gun IN it

or did you place the gun ON the head of the dog, preparing to shoot it.

>> No.6735410

Ease off the gas, junior. Your 'sperg is showing

>> No.6735411

Be an eternal skeptic, anon, and just resign yourself to the belief that it is in fact bait.

>> No.6735415

As I walked over the shadows of simpler things, I stood as a giant on the hedges. The hedges saw.

>> No.6735419


55 is a calibre you poltroon.

>> No.6735421

but what is the nature of b8?

Wouldnt you say that it is closely related to the concept of "otherness"?

>> No.6735423

The dude shot the dog, you dingus.

>> No.6735425

havent slept well, my mistake!

Sorry Sorry Sorry

>> No.6735428
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1190, Prf-Btl-38.3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with always being a skeptic is that you miss out on some cool shit. Your thoughts become your captor and light never shines in.

>> No.6735484


A woman is an empirical thesis, what does it explain? Woman?

>> No.6735493

i'm taking over for op now, yours starts out in the right place bet u looked at that picture above u.

>> No.6735570

>How to become someone new when you are, and have been, many people? Start with the way you walk.

>> No.6735587

My book is actually about that
It is like Whitman's Walden but about empathy and introspection

>> No.6735598

Mindgasm: the ultimate release.
No one expected it to lead to the human head turning into 'a second penis' and for the, perhaps we should regard them as fortunate if strange, individuals who underwent this transformation annother head grew up out of their shoulders to replace the one that had become essentially synonymous with a penis with it's vocal effusions and other secondary ephemeral such as eating.

>> No.6735604

(Hall of fame here I come)

>> No.6735610

Today I failed a class. It only took all semester.

>> No.6735612

It could (but maybe not) be mistaken by some readers that the 'he' you refer to is the mutt, which would funnily make it seem like the mutt shot itself.
Aside from that I like it, the repetition's surprisingly effective.

>> No.6735615


Sometimes I would fantasize
About the two white lines
Along her thighs

She said
Bad memories and bad dreams
It seems
Are the same thing

>> No.6735621

Literally thanks for this good input.
>It could (but maybe not) be mistaken by some readers that the 'he' you refer to is the mutt, which would funnily make it seem like the mutt shot itself.
You're right. Ho does this sound instead?: "Red shot the dog in the field and the ranch followed two years after. The mutt was lame and the mutt had to die, so Red took a 55. and put one in its head." Personally, I feel as if replacing 'he' with 'Red' makes it clunky. What do you think?

>the repetition's surprisingly effective.
Thank fuck. I've been consciously doing this, hoping it works as I intended.

>> No.6735626

It's a translation here, i hope it makes sense!

The girl looks beyond the field of weeds and wild poppies, somewhere in the hills to the west covered by forests. Her feet fluctuate irregularly and occasionally her sneakers collide causing a noise like the one that ground beaten by a wooden club would make, or so she think.

>> No.6735673

>so he took a 55. and put one in its head
the repetition of there being one bullet (he took A 55. put ONE in its head) seems a bit awkward to me. The action of taking a single bullet and putting it somewhere also kind of implies a sort of non-violence. I would suggest to make the sentence either completely passive or active, if you catch my drift. Maybe something along the lines of "he took a 55. and placed/layed it in its head" or "so with the help of a <whatever gun> he put/drove a 55. in its head."

>> No.6735692

"Put one in it's head" is more of an Australian nuance of dialect aimed at Aussie readers specifically, but you're right. To any one else it would of course seem awkward. It makes sense to me, being an ausfag. However, I'll have it read some more, locally, before I decide whether to change it or not. But thanks, anon!

>> No.6735725

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler.

>> No.6735730

This is good

>> No.6735783

Ah ok in that case you could change the sentence around to separate "a 55." and "put one in it's head" a little more. Something like "So Red picked up a 55. and the tortured soul rolled its eyes into the back of its skull to see his master had put one in its head."

It's also worth noting that "Red shot the dog in the field and the ranch followed two years after" reads as Red shooting his ranch two years after he shot the dog. This can be easily fixed by changing it to "Red shot the dog once out in the field and once again in the ranch two years later"

>> No.6735796

and that's a VERY concise paragraph, well done

>> No.6735867
File: 14 KB, 229x240, Asuka blueboard speechbubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We talk as though, for all true journalists, there comes a point where their morals start to rub up against the lack of ethics in their profession and they can't stand the game any more.
>As though a worker at a waste treatment facility might throw down the scooping pole, tear off their mask and yell up at the sky; "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF STIRRING UP ALL THIS SHIT!"

>> No.6735961

The rat jumped up at him. It scared him very badly.
>you don't understand, it's not badly written, it's just minimalism, golly

>> No.6735964

A breeze of gentle morning sunlight propped Roger Adams up on his bed, shared with his wife, though he was no longer the man who’d gone to bed with her the night before. His body, gruesome wiry and scarred by 42 years of habituation, found itself in one pantleg and then the other, standing upright, and then lurching into the kitchen.


>> No.6735996

Julio's looking at tits again on the shop computer, and Marshall, the violent-core punk organic gardener, is looking at his yogurt like it just asked him something metaphysical. We talk about Mad Max over the contentedness of an early afternoon break, out of the sun for a few minutes.

>> No.6736021

Too adjectives and too exposition imho m8

>> No.6736024

DOGshit. 35,000,000.

>> No.6736053

>The darkness blanketed everything beyond the thin glass which protected me from the outside world; beyond here was nothingness, although there was more nothingness within. I flicked a switch on the wooden wall, beside the bedroom door which I had occupied for four months.

I hate it, personally, but I haven't finished it so it's still my first draft. Been writing it since I was 19 and I'm 23 now.

>> No.6736054

All of a sudden, there was a flash of light and the fizzing of a light bulb that has awoken from a long sleep. The room I was sitting in lit up, and I was then greeted by the most pleasant sight: there in front of me, elbows on the rough, grey plastic desk that separates us, was an overweight man in a uniform of white and black, as if the man had tried for a part in Beverly Hills Ninja and carried the failure with him for the rest of his life.

>> No.6736075

really enjoyed this. are you actually writing this out? i'd love to read more

>> No.6736076

Yes, more please.

Good but agree with >>6735219.

I love it.

Yes it's alright but that 2nd sentence is a fucking joke of too long.

>> No.6736187

It can be said that in all dangerous professions there are those men who do their work and live with that fact privately. Solitary men who funnel their into drinking, gambling, or whoring.

>> No.6736227

Riley woke up with the terrible pain. It drilled its way through his torso, and he began to panic that he'd never be able to fall asleep again.

>> No.6736238 [DELETED] 

On a dark stormy night, all of a sudden I was tasked with convincing some Tibetan death ritualist on a Chinese cartoon disco plaza that my writing was good, and I could only use two sentences. I accepted his challenge.

>> No.6736247

>their what?

>> No.6736252

and then?

>> No.6736279

This book is tedious, it smells of the grave; it has a certain cadaveric condition about it, a serious fault, and yet a relatively insignificant one, for the great defect of this book is you, dear reader. You're in a hurry to get to the end, to grow old, and this book ambles slowly; you love straight, solid, direct narration, a regular and fluid style, and this book and my style are like a pair of drunkards.

>> No.6736298

>it"s your fault that my book is shit

>> No.6736313

That is the famous opening to Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas by Machado de Assis, and yes, if you found that masterpiece of a book shit, it was actually your fault.

>> No.6736342

>This book is tedious, it smells of the grave; it has a certain cadaveric condition

Posting the worst translation:

"I'm beginning to regret this book. Not that it bores me, I have nothing to do and, really, putting together a few meager chapters for that other world is always a task that distracts me from eternity a little. But the book is tedious, it has the smell of the grave about it; it has a certain cadaveric contraction about it, a serious fault, insignificant to boot because the main defect of this book is you, reader. You're in a hurry to grow old and the book moves slowly. You love direct and continuous narration, a regular and fluid style, and this book and my style are like drunkards, they stagger left and right, they walk and stop, mumble, yell, cackle, shake their fists at the sky, stumble, and fall"

Instead of:

"I am beginning to be sorry that I ever undertook to write this book. Not that it bores me; I have nothing else to do; indeed, it is a welcome distraction from eternity. But the book is tedious, it smells of the tomb, it has a rigor mortis about it; a serious fault, and yet a relatively small one, for the great defect of this book is you, reader. You want to live fast, to get to the end, and the book ambles along slowly; you like straight, solid narrative and a smooth style, but this book and my style are like a pair of drunks; they stagger to the right and to the left, they start and they stop, they mutter, they roar, they guffaw, they threaten the sky, they slip and fall...And fall! Unhappy leaves of my cypress tree, you had to fall, like everything else that is lovely and beautiful; if I had eyes, I would shed a tear of remembrance for you. And this is the great advantage in being dead, that if you have no mouth with which to laugh, neither have you eyes with which to cry."

>> No.6736405

Amelia, the love of my life, the apple of my pie, leaned towards me and whispered, "dickbutt". I grew aroused.

>> No.6736893

"All over London, behind closed doors, warmly lit rooms are laced with mystery; a pocket of time where only the people behind them exist."

>> No.6736927


>> No.6736940

woops didn't mean to greentext but i was referring to
>solitary men who funnel their into drinking, gambling, or whoring.

>> No.6737050

"I don't know about you guys but I'm getting seriously freaked out about how every girl I've dated since coming to school here has dumped me to go on to become a gangbanging cum slut."

"Stop worrying and keep up the good work."

>> No.6737083

There once was a good father who died a stupid man. He had a son who was young and bitter, which was the second worst combination of characteristics anyone could be--the first, of course, was if he would also have been polite.

>> No.6737613

>there are people who think posting the lines from famous books proves /lit/ has no idea what they're talking about

>> No.6737637

Again, I was forced to endure the struggles of my sexual desires in everyday life. As me and my Mom entered the Footlocker, I could not, not glance at the feet of the lovely pakistano woman trying on the newest airmax 5, and her 6th toe on the right foot was just a small little bonus.

>> No.6737644

Teenagers really shouldn't be allowed to post in critique threads. This should be a rule.

>> No.6737764

bbaby shoos. 4 sale

>> No.6738003

Some magnificent skycrapers rose through the fog, splitting the poisoned gray sky into two. Those few buildings were the last things that reminded us about all the incredible things humanity did before the Overworld
Two sentences aren't enough

>> No.6738509

A unique outlook on the normal qualities of the post modern man. Many things will be discussed such as the achievements of one man compared to the acheivements of another

>> No.6738537

sunrise is not my concern, it's snorting white lines off this beautiful black ass which dials the day. i'm cracker Jack, wide-eyed for what i'm about to writhe inside.

>> No.6738543

Is it good? No, it is not.

>> No.6738555

The child stumbled desperately, bloody feet catching on the cracks in the bone-dry earth. Finally, the child collapsed, and did not rise again; the Pacific desert was a cruel place, and unforgiving to the lost.

>> No.6738588

Somebody already wrote Blood Meridian, Anon. And with better prose.

>> No.6738593

Fair point, but I also think two sentences is a tad constricting, considering I had to abuse a semicolon to fit the whole idea in.

>> No.6738599

We had come up here many times growing up with our father, father the alcoholic fisherman. Plenty of nights were spent casting rods into the black water during dead time, that’s when the fish surface.

>> No.6738617

Canterlot always sparkled in the summer. The city's white towers and golden domes were brilliant all year long, but in summer they took on an especial radiance.

>> No.6738652

10/10 would read

>> No.6738831

My grandfather exposed me to the worst of people when i were twelve. He would bludgeon whores and step on them, hoping to make a straight man of me.

>> No.6738885

this is the only one here that I would keep on reading

>> No.6739013

Remove "All of a sudden"
>There was a flash of light and the fizzing of a light bulb that has awoken from a long sleep.
or maybe even
>A flash of light and the fizzing of a light bulb that has awoken from a long sleep...

>> No.6739066

In the beginning me and Einstein didn't agree on much. That was before we held hands during a thunderstorm, a really huge thunderstorm.

>> No.6739074

I have built my body and my health to a point I have never before reached; my hair is thicker, my body leaner, and epidermis smooth and healthy. When i approach a person this is what they see, wrapped around a six foot three inch frame at roughly 200 pounds.

>> No.6739086

super neat, wood reed outta 10

>> No.6739118


>> No.6739502

I exhaled the warmth of this whiskey, neat, with a clench of my neck and a twist of my lips, the breath turning cold as it funneled through the side of my mouth. You and I and your not so subtle lesbian friends kept on filling the room as if there was no finite measure to giving promises.

>> No.6739514

too many words to say absolutely nothing

>> No.6739590

Fidgety. I'm keyed up, and I'm forgetting to breathe. Breath. Bitter scent of smoke, coats my tongue. Looking around, it's the same moldering lobby, but draped in fine broken glass. I'm the only one standing. No, stumbling.

>> No.6739690

She was a profound statement of beauty, all wrapped up in flesh. I kept cheap paper prints of famous paintings, watermarked, framed in the hall.

>> No.6739701

Every Sunday I drive the highway out of town, hoping the great shadow ceases its retreat and the road falls away and I with it. Then I go home and get ready for the week.

>> No.6739746

Atom to molecule to organelle to organ to cell to tissue to organ to system to organism to species to community to ecosystem to biosphere. We have come as far as to explore beyond the planet earth, crossing new frontiers, but no one had considered that over 95 percent of the of the world’s ocean was left unexplored.

>> No.6739748



>> No.6739977


Once there was a man and he got himself some. The end.

>> No.6740035

I slammed my rock hard dick on the plastic table, eying her humongous titties and her doll-like face. She had no way to escape, so it was clear, at that point, that I would get my way then and there.

>> No.6740052

>You know what I say about the mailbox.
>An empty mailbox, is a happy mailbox.

>> No.6740054

im gay. fart.

>> No.6740168

It was a cold cloudy day in Berlin. The fringes of winter seemed to seep into the sky; a dark grey, accepting the next season, dissolving the crowds around Berlin’s monuments, leaving the streets quieter, the city turned as the weather, cold.

tips please

>> No.6740172

It's a shame that instead of taking criticism to improve their writing the poor innocent aspiring writers succumb to the poison of the site and end up posting 'ironic' garbage, stifling any ability to express themselves or refine their craft beyond aiming for a cheap laugh through tired jokes. And fuck scenery descriptions, seriously.

>> No.6740178

>there are people who think posting the lines from famous books proves /lit/ has no idea what they're talking about

>He hasn't seen the Nabokov and Joyce excepts ripped to shreds when masquerading as an Anons work, or the non-religious Dawkins quotes praised when attributed to Kierkegaard.
It's been demonstrated numerous times that /lit/ has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.6740275

Luka’s first encounter with the waking death was at the age of five. He remembered the pale corpse of his father wandering into the forest without a backwards glance.

>> No.6740446

A single light drew Dawn across the sea. Flecks of sand like stardust twinkled in the crevices of her half-shut eyes as she stirred her tail upon the beach.

>> No.6740470

It was the kind of night that pressed against my skin. The kind of darkness that felt alive, like it wanted to push me, compress me. Crush me.

Three sentences but yolo

>> No.6741326


This is great.
I'd suggest cutting out "seemed to" here
>The fringes of winter seep into the sky; a dark grey accepting the next season...

I want to read more of this.

>> No.6741330

I'm a newfag to /lit/.
What does this meme mean?
What does this mene?

>> No.6741358

Man is a wicked creature, a cruel beast, with his selfishness, his hypocrisy, his violence. I am ashamed to be part of the race of man, but I am no better than he, I am no exception -- no one is -- and that is why I must speed up his extinction, saving the earth from all of his forms of villainy.

>> No.6741377
File: 126 KB, 666x728, 1428977907087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything was dull. She raised her tanned leg, and scratched the calf on the other with her foot, and it was all gray and dull.

>> No.6741429

It's a See Dad Run fanfiction. Direct sequel to my Modern Family fanfiction novella.

>> No.6742083

Talk shit post /lit/

>> No.6742188

Love this.

>> No.6742429

ooh oh that was a really obscure pasta

>> No.6742465

>As though a worker at a waste treatment facility might throw down the scooping pole, tear off their mask and yell up at the sky; "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF STIRRING UP ALL THIS SHIT!"
by far my favorite line

>> No.6742527

>I had wondered, but I had known.

Keep this and throw away the rest.

>> No.6742758

H'yup... Twas the [still need a date] fall of 2039 the day it all began, the leaves rustled softly and a pleasant smell of marijuana permeated the neighborhood, old man Shitfire was playing his banjo on the porch with an occasional jig here and there, his trusty rifle beside him, the new arrivals from the east were erecting their tents for the night to the calm choir of crickets in the dusk, and all was well, i could retire to my watchtower knowing a peaceful night awaited.

Just as i sat and lit ablaze my crack pipe a mighty powerful evil was felt, as if a ghostly tremor had rolled through the calm druid woods, swiftly i grabbed my fifty caliber rifle and ran for the window only to see what i had dreaded most, a fucking nigger happened upon our serene enclave, OOGA BOOGA, the beast grunted, without hesitation i lodged a round between its eyes, but to no avail, its thick fill skull barely dented the raging ape let out a war cry, "BIX NOOD MUHFUGGA", as it drew a crude firearm and began firing indiscriminately.


Its supposed to be a survival / mystery novel set in a post-sjw Europe.

>> No.6743219

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by another, these pages must show.

>> No.6743294

“I wouldnt want to bore you with the details.” The words fell flat and stale every time they came out of his mouth. Everyone knew he enjoyed recounting every detail, that he relished the mundane. I imagine in his mind those trivialities seemed to carry as much weight as the story itself, for when he told stories every word, no matter the significance, dripped with meaning and gravity.

>> No.6743298


>> No.6743313

Has the shitposting spread sitewide

>> No.6744827

"You kids wanna see a real gun?" That's what he'd asked us. Jimmy Strathbourne and me. We were eight, maybe nine.

>> No.6744913

Although it's somewhat poetic, I've already lost my belief in the character. This nigga made out hope or something?

>> No.6745450

I like this.

>> No.6745471

My brother was an incredibly intelligent man and this contributed to his victim complex. He had the ability to connect the dots, turning a heart into a swastika.

>> No.6745930

This is longer than two sentences, but let me know what you think. Should I bother writing ?

He spoke in perfect sentences. That is. He never ummed or ahhed. Never appended the phrase “or what” to the end of his remarks. Nor did he ever use words vaguely or unnecessarily. He was of course not all human. Mostly but not all. The perfection had the effect of making him ought to be an asshole or some snob. He was neither. He was my friend. And he saved this land, even if the people in it don’t know it.

>> No.6746012

The aroma of the cardamom-flavored Turkish coffee brewed by the locals overwhelmed the crowded café. Leila sips her coffee from her green translucent glass cup, it's bitter.

>> No.6746353

the "it's bitter" should be it's own short sentence.