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/lit/ - Literature

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6729635 No.6729635 [Reply] [Original]

what three books would you read if that's all you would ever be able to read in you're entire life?

>> No.6729651

Infinite Jest
The Great Gatsby
Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince

>> No.6729661

I know I'm going to get shit for this, but

The Brother's Karamazov
As I Lay Dying
The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6729683

jesus christ

>> No.6729704

The Bible
The Divine Comedy
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

>> No.6729707

If feel like you cheated

>> No.6729720

what the fuck dude

>> No.6729724

He did with the Complete Works there

>> No.6729730

I know this is bait but I love and support it entirely.

>> No.6729731

They're all technically one book.

>> No.6729745

Guide to Glorantha vol 1
Guide to Glorantha vol 2
Argan Atlas

at least I would have material for thousands of hours of rpg. re reading same stuff would bore me eventually, not with this. Plus these books are huge tomes.

>> No.6729758

beautiful choices.

>> No.6729761

I feel like you're serious but if that's bait, it really pops.

>> No.6729783

>the bible
66/73 books
>divine comedy
Three, if you count the poems as different works
>complete works
Too easy.

>> No.6729789

The bible
East of Eaden
The largest encyclopedia ever made (all of Wikipedia printed on paper)

>> No.6729853
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I only need two

>> No.6729887

As long as it's bound in one volume.

>> No.6729895

Assuming I can't cheat with any "complete works", I'd go with:

The Holy Bible
Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.6729901

Paradise Lost
Moby Dick

or in keeping with the meme thread:

The Complete Works of Billiam Shakespeare
The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy
The Complete Translated Works of Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.6729907

I like your taste.

>> No.6729908

You're an alright guy anon

>> No.6729967

Assuming "complete works" (does that mean the Bible, too?) are out:


>> No.6729985

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.6730311

go easy on him

its the only 3 books hes read

>> No.6730318

how is that possible when one of the books is the sixth in a series?

>> No.6730340

>you have to read every book in a series in order

>> No.6730736


>> No.6730745

/lit/ tier reader right here

as for me
Crime and Punishment
The Castle
A nice fat encyclopedia

>> No.6731513

I am not a mere human pleb.
The Complete Works of The Akashic Record
The Complete Works of Humanity
The Complete Works of The Fnords

>> No.6731531

Das Kapital
In Search of Lost Time
The Pickwick Papers

>> No.6731537

>The Lusty Argonian Maid
>The Beggar Prince
>The Historical Book of Akatosh

>> No.6731547

Mein Kampf
The God Delusion

>> No.6731551

Assuming we get to reread them:

Gravity's Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov
The Trial

>> No.6731557

I'm partial to History of the Dwemer

>Moby Dick
>The Bible
>Brothers K

>> No.6731650

War and Peace
Seneca's letters

>> No.6731753

>Ulysses, 1960/61
>The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
>Oxford Annotated Bible

>> No.6731758

lol wtf

>> No.6731764


The Castle
Being and Time
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.6731785

House of Leaves
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Complete Works of Borges

>> No.6731829

In Search of Lost time
The Pali Canon (all in one thick ass book with tiny letters)
Complete Works of Plato (again all in one book)

>> No.6731886

Complete Works of Shakespeare (is that cheating?)
In Search of Lost Time
Norton Poetry Anthology

>> No.6731904

>age 16, the top 3

>> No.6731925


>> No.6731927

>Harry Potter
>NOT Prisoner
>kill yourself

>> No.6731933

>The Book of Mormon
>The Book of Mormon
>The Book of Mormon

>> No.6731990

Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Divine Comedy
The Iliad

>> No.6732014

that's 78 volumes, someone's actually publishing it for charity

>> No.6732028
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>> No.6732465

Glorantha... isn't that the world of King of Dragon Pass: the most /lit/ game?

>> No.6732476

I Ching
All and Everything

>> No.6733073

I'd pick three of the largest Norton Anthologies: British lit since Beowulf, American lit since Hawthorne, etc.

>> No.6733094

you mean the one that introduced the plot device that made the rest of the series one gigantic plot hole?

>> No.6733436

JK Rowling has done a (surprisingly) decent job at explaining most major ones away. Though they're occasionally a bit ham handed.

>> No.6733445

The Brothers Karamazov
Paradise Lost

>> No.6734090

> 2666
> 1984
> 1491/1493

>> No.6734101

The Complete Plato Dialogues
Remembrance of Things Past
The Bible

>> No.6734105

haha westerns greatest authors, what a pleb get off /lit/ please

>> No.6734121

The Complete Works of Billhelm Shaxberg
The Complete Works of Theodore Dostoysson
The Complete Works of Francis Kavka

>> No.6734148

yeah? what is the maurader's map and how fred/george had it during their first year?

"Oi ron, who's peter? you sleep with 'him erry nite u a fag m8?"

"Oi quirrel, who's Tom? Wee man under ya turban?"

The main issue with Prisoner is that Time Turners were introduced. An extremely lazy plot device that ruins ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that can be written afterwards.

For example: Voldemort is FUCKING REBORN at the end of book 4, where cedric also dies.

Doesn't mother-fuckin' professor mcgonnoagalal have a time turner? what about dumbledore? why didn't they do anything? what the fuck. Massive gaping plot hole.

Oh, and then later every single one happened to be destroyed because all that were ever made were in the same room and got blown up in book 5 after JK realized the horrible mistake she made. Also wizards don't know how to make them they just exist.

3 is the worst book. It introduces the maurader's map AND time turners, the two things that completely destroy the integrity of the series.

>> No.6734293

If each book in the LOTR counts separately, then I would bring them.

If the trilogy counts as one book, I would bring LOTR + The Sirens of Titan + Thinking Fast and Slow

>> No.6734336

my nigga

>> No.6734706

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
The Divine Comedy
The Bible

This should be the average answer.

>> No.6734729

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Man Without Qualities

>> No.6734733


Dungeon master's guide
Player's handbook
Monster manual

>> No.6734755

The Fall of the House of Usher
Foucault's Pendulum
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6734777

Either bait or you will be the first human to have their brain emulated on a single computer chip.

>> No.6734794

were i only allowed to read three books, i'd give up on books entirely and find different media for expression. focusing too much on one or just a few books leads to a mentality like this: >>6734706

>> No.6735156

>you actually have, if you give a shit about what are you reading

>> No.6736012

The complete chronicles of Conan the barbarian
The count of Monte Cristo

>> No.6736467

The Glass Bead Game
100 Year of Solitude
Some bigass poetry book