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/lit/ - Literature

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6729844 No.6729844 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any IRL friends to discuss literature/ideas/philosophy with?

What's it like?

>> No.6729865

It's fun. We both care about slightly different things so we always get new perspectives on everything we talk about

>> No.6729872

My gf is pretty open to discussion on philosophy and literature. Her dad has degrees in theology and philosophy so she has been around it her whole life.

>> No.6729881
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No. I alienated my real life friends who are all pathetic normies and all of my internet friends are disturbingly depressed neets who cant entertain a thought that isnt related to depression and meme posting faggots who cant hold a conversation without memeing.

>> No.6729893

I have a few. It's nice when people understand you enough to give you a recommendation based on your personality.

>> No.6729896


>> No.6729897
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>mfw I used to know that feel

>> No.6729899

I got my friend to buy some books I recommended, but the only one he actually read was the stranger of which he only said "it was pretty good" and he hasn't touched a single other one, probably because they are more than 120 pages long. His excuse was reading makes him sleepy or something.

>> No.6729914
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We both are too sure of our opinions but since we have to go back to the basic points over and over again because it's too hard to create an argumentation while remembering everything the other party has said. Live speaking is frustrating and you can't add cute anime girls to your opinions to feel better about yourself.

>> No.6729920

I knew a guy who was a total STEMfag that I'd get in occasional arguments with regarding logic and the direction of humanity.
That's about it.

>> No.6729923

Yeah. We usually just get in arguments over who has the worst taste and find new ways to call each other plebs.
When we get drunk, stoned, and it is late enough we will have serious discussions. He is more opinionated and socialist leaning angry monarchist, and I end up so pragmatic I frightens me.

Then we fuq.

>> No.6729930

i talk about phil to this really masculine girl i know then we have passionate sex

the rest of the time, she posts pictures of herself with other guys at an attempt to make me jealous

>> No.6729932

I used to, but to have good discussion buddies you need to talk constantly and its difficult to stay in close contact with people in that manner

I will say tho, that its honestly better than any lit, any phil, any religion

language at its most basic level is just a bunch of references, thru constant conversation you construct a personal language of just your group where you can deduce someones actual meaning with very few words

it leads to faster and more interesting conversations, altho you all end up in each others assholes. this is the premise of shows like Seinfeld/Friends/etc.

>> No.6729936

My roommate and I get drunk and talk about books and occasionally we fuck. We're both guys.

>> No.6729940
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>> No.6729947


ok, how many of us fuck the people we talk about philosophy to

is it a viable strategy?

>> No.6729950
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>you will never have this close of a friendship

>> No.6729968

Are you guys surrounded by guys who only want to play video games?

>> No.6729983

Yes, I don't understand how they can play the exact same game for 800 hours, but find reading a new book "boring"

>> No.6730012

I have a little sister who is crazy about books and philosophy and doesn't have anyone to talk to about them but me, at least the sort of books she likes

>inb4 "meme"

>> No.6730041


>> No.6730060

only with other men. I was seeing a girl who was an aspiring writer, and everytime we talked philosophy we disagreed on every point, well most of the time, but the sex was not very interesting.

Anyother case I prefer women, but when I get my philosophy on I want the cock.

>> No.6730085

oooo ooo ooo got any more of these?

>> No.6730086

I know

>tfw up all night drinking cocoa and eating ice cream while discussing Kierkegaard

>> No.6730111

you've got to be fucking kidding me
that sounds so essentially perfect jfc
if my life were just that,
along with appropriately spaced reading times,
and so on,
i would be utterly content

>> No.6730186

My girlfriend and I both talk about Spanish Golden Age lit on the reg. We can talk about other lit too. We both just like that.

>> No.6730300
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>tfw talking to gf about french feminist literary theory after fucking

>> No.6730451
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>> No.6730469
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>> No.6730473

I mostly read on Christian /lit/ but I only have my gf and family to talk about it with. And they're only interested in the topics of the book and grazing it over, they aren't actually readers themselves, at least not as much as I am

>> No.6730499

Yeah, 3-4 of my friends are down for that, so is my gf. Pretty good.

>> No.6730512

Only have one friend that actually has an interest in lit. Also he's really my only friend. It's nice just talking about what we've read recently, discussing what we think it means ect. ect.

We're both heading off to different colleges in the Fall. I'm going to a pretty big STEM college and I probably won't meet another dude like him.

>> No.6730537

a few. my girlfriend has a theater degree and has a bookshelf of her own so we loan each other things. certainly a handful of facebook friends

not at work, however.

>> No.6730539

Philosophy B.A. here. No, not really. None of my friends majored in philosophy (most do not know what academic philosophy is) and while my ex-girlfriend did take some philosophy classes with me, she is far more interested in other fields, so I never really had anybody to talk philosophy with outside of college.

I have spoken with friends about philosophy but since they aren't educated in philosophy, there isn't much there for me in terms of a challenge or to bounce ideas between us, since it's usually myself informing them of the idea.

I want to go back to college and get my M.A. in philosophy.

>> No.6730544

How many Starbucks paychecks will it take to finance your graduate education?

>> No.6730548


Prospective philosophy major here, what can you do with the degree after college? I'd like to at least know I can make some sort of living off of it.

>> No.6730562

Two friends from my previous major, I lost quite some contact with them though. One is graduated in Psychology and the other in Marketing. With one friend from my current major I talk a lot about mysticism, getting started in Literature and Philosophy wouldn't be a stretch. My biggest intellectual partner is my dad though, he got his Masters at age 57 and is very knowledgeable about History and Theology.

>> No.6730581

Just curious, no fedora. What are theological conversations like?

>> No.6730603

In our case sometimes they just come up when we read/watch something intriguing and then begin discussing it. Themes pop out, like man's relationship to the Godhead, the development of Christology, the nature of sin, how doctrine grounds itself in reality and scripture, and historical aspects of theology/philosophy. It's interesting because he's Protestant and I'm converting to Judaism.

>> No.6730622

you can star in gay pornography, it's a new subgenre where black guys fuck you in the ass and then jizz on your useless diploma as you watch.

>> No.6730624

I went to a school with all required philosophy courses. It has been posted here before but I won't name it. Each year put out around 30 credits in philosophy. We started with the Greeks and ended with Heidegger and Wittgenstein. Everyone at this school knew how to read and speak philosophy. It was a beautiful ivory tower, the kind mainstream universities can only dream of.

There were no lectures, only seminars, so people really had their philosophy chops. There were Platonists, Augustinians, Thomists, Humeans, Hegelians, Schopenhauerians (of which I was one), and so many more. We would drink wine long into the night and just talk about Kierkegaard and stack Kant against Hume. There were the Nietzcheans who were so life-affirming in every action (still edgelords), and the Platonists that always (rightfully) brought it back to the Ideas, and skeptical Humeans, and all the poet Kantians that loved the thing-in-itself just because subjectivity struck a chord with them.

The sophists were the most fun, because they still knew what they were talking about. They weren't blowhards or dilettante intellectuals, but they knew how to argue in their favor. Our goal in the school had always been to approach things as a cooperative effort towards the Truth of a text, or sometimes just a subjective Truth that let us figure out a little about ourselves. But the sophists, even with their agenda and their disregard for all that nobility, shone above us all. We were frustrated at them, but also proud of them, and they never shipped off their arguments without a tongue in their cheek and a little wink here and there.

We were so happy and such good friends, even when we were taking the piss out of the analytics or calling Nietzsche an edgelord. We knew it was all valuable anyway, and that gave us the strength to find the purest parts that cleaved to our own souls; and to know those souls, those fragments of western thought that mounted as the years went by until they saturated into beautiful philosophical perspectives - indescribable.

>> No.6730667



nice pasta

>> No.6730674

Not pasta. I've posted here about the program before.

>> No.6731352

Had one in highschool but he deleted his facebook and didn't return my call when I suggested we meet up. He's probably killed himself tbh.

>> No.6731373

Yes, but I didn't until the last couple of years. Turns out a large proportion of the other Ph.D students in my department (not a lit/lang dept) are interested in a range of world/classical/contemporary lit.

Feels great, get to have the type of conversations i've wanted for years. Really going to miss it after graduating.

>> No.6731387

The problem with talking to people who are as smart as you is that they all want to prove that they're smarter, including yourself.

>> No.6731396

spent an hour yesterday explaining to a retard stemlord that math are not natural and are an a priori body of knowledge acquired through pure logic, and not a science.

he only let go when I had to use arguments of authority, but at least he conceded his position.

>> No.6731437
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>> No.6731444

but yeah, you got a point

>> No.6731445

please god

>> No.6731457

Hah, same relationship with someone except I didn't kill myself.

>> No.6731460

Why not?

>> No.6731461

>are an a priori body of knowledge acquired through pure logic, and not a science

>> No.6731465

My gf and roommate like to chat about politics philosophy and social issues. My one roommate is a part time philosophy prof and my gf majors in politics. I'm a stem major so I'm more right leaning than they are so we stir it up a bit. It's fun and I anyways learn something from these people.

>> No.6731467

>part time philosophy prof

How old is he? Also how'd he land that gig?

>> No.6731470

I'm 100% right

>> No.6731472

The thought of dying is incredibly terrifying. It's not something I want. Also, I need to be alive to do the things I want to do and to experience the good things that life has to offer.

>> No.6731475

When I was living in London my social circle had basically evolved into entirely academics and ex-academics, to the point where I forgot what it was like to not have extremely intelligent and cultured friends. My housemates and I would read the papers and the LRB on a sunday morning with our coffee and invite friends round for brunch and talk about shit. We'd also wander over to the the tate to look at paintings, and go to the symphony mid-week. It was awesome.

Now I live in the countryside again, and I'm experiencing the other extreme for the first time since secondary school, it sucks. I know some nice people but there is a total disconnect between us.
Everyone is also quite racist, and sort of superstitious almost in their thinking.

What have I done.

>> No.6731478

Used to.
It was great. Hanging out every weekend drinking and having good conversations.
Fucked it up by falling in love with the girl (she had a boyfriend who I was also friends with through her).

>> No.6731479

Fuck, how did you get such an awesome circle of friends?

>> No.6731480


>> No.6731485

>We'd also wander over to the the tate to look at paintings

>> No.6731491

just google it broski

>> No.6731497


Like so?

>> No.6731501


>> No.6731503
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>> No.6731504

Rofl, moron

>> No.6731508

Who's that semon demon

>> No.6731518

Sometimes. I have a friend that study philosophy and another one who studies Political science (while I study math), and we sometimes get together to discuss philosophy over a few beers.

>> No.6731520


>B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Philosophy
>M.S. in Science

Here's the truth: there's nothing you can do with a fucking degree in philosophy, except make poor choices like getting a PhD in philosophy and teaching others in philosophy, perpetuating the cycle.


Philosophy makes a pretty decent pre-law degree. So if you are aiming for law school (WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT DO) go for it.


Absolutely not. But you have to eat bread, right? I took a 6 month course at a community college for $180, got certified as an EMT at the state and national level. Worked hard, took risks, moved to a new state. Landed a job making more money than any of the post-docs I worked with in graduate school. I read philosophy at night and on weekends. It does enrich my life, and gives me something to think about.

So find a practical, marketable skill while pursuing philosophy.

>> No.6731522

Not really. I've had a couple graduate STEM friends who are unbelievably smart and would go off on interesting science tangents but nothing humanities related.

>tfw no cultured bf

>> No.6731524

Well I did an MA at Oxford, and my best friend from undergrad did a MA at Cambridge, we both moved back to London and brought a bunch of people with us, either because they left academia, or because they were doing PhDs in London. Once you have a circle like that it tends to just grow and grow.


What's wrong with the Tate?

>> No.6731530

nothing. art is pretentious garbage

>> No.6731538

I should mention my hobby is painting, so yeah I love looking at Turners in the Tate Britain and stuff, it isn't like I go to the Tate modern to pontificate about scribbles. So fuck you buddy.

>> No.6731545

That, or you have the same opinion and you just feel like two retards jerking each other off for being right.

>> No.6731570

if your hobby is painting, and you actually care about painting and know how to paint, you, yourself, should be the one seething at the utter garbage you see at the Tate.

>> No.6731573

Why? Creating stuff is fun, what is your problem?

>> No.6731585

The Tate Britain dude, not the Tate modern. It's full of masterpieces.

>> No.6731595

That dude is just criticising the postmodern stuff in Tate how can you not fucking see that

>> No.6731630
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>tfw when talking about philosphy and politics with kurdbro
>tfw he went off one day to fucking fight against ISIS
>tfw I'm the last person that saw him from where I live
>tfw I don't know where he is right now

>> No.6731634

>the good things that life has to offer.


>> No.6731640

Where did you live in London?

Did you work full-time or study?

>> No.6731646

I have three friends who sort of fall into this category.
The first is mostly interested in politics but has somewhat black and white views on things, though the rest of us always try and put things in perspective and show that the vast majority of issues are drenched in shades of grey.
The second is a total historyphile and is very knowledgeable on the subject, particularly medieval. I have never studied history past GCSE so I basically know nothing apart from a superficial understanding of the cold war and modern russian history. Most conversations are usually me asking questions and him explaining in exquisite detail, which is fine because I find it fascinating.
The third guy is someone much more into the pure philosophy side which is what I'm more well read in and it's great to talk about it with him. Kind of want him to read more literature because it would be nice to talk to someone about it, but basically all he reads is philip k dick.

>> No.6731651

I lived in Vauxhall.

I did a bunch of different things, worked as a chef for ages, did a couple of internships, one in the civil service.

I didn't want to do the corporate thing so I left, after desperately trying to get into some kind of cultural sector work, but you have to ruthlessly compete to work for free so.
Fucking boned tbh.

>> No.6731656

>But you have to eat bread, right?
this tbh
fucking hate the fact that I probably won't aim for a philosophy degree for this fucking reason. Both my parents are blue collar and the shit I earn while working part time in retail isn't enough.
fuck my life

>> No.6731680

Is this you?: >>/lit/thread/S6076918#p6077101

Also I know that feel. What do you do now? Also do you have any /lit/erary ambitions?

>> No.6731684

Yes! Well remembered friend.

>> No.6731688

Do you not think Christ is the fulfilment of the promise to Abraham about his seed and all the prophets? (in fact it goes back to the Garden, and the Woman's seed).

>> No.6731689

My mom is blue collar, raised me alone. I still studied philosophy, earned a top grade and (after working a bunch of part-time / agency jobs) found full-time work. If you're a presentable dude with computer skills you should be able to find a basic 9-5 office job, just try and get some internships and learn how to "sell yourself" (by claiming your excel skills are great etc). Although I regretted studying what I did for a while I wouldn't change it, and even when I was struggling I wouldn't have changed it because I didn't want to to marketing or any STEM degrees, I'd rather have studied a trade and skipped college since I've never wanted a job to be the focus of my time and energy.

>> No.6731693

I don't do anything I just got back from backpacking around Europe, and am staying at my parents right now figuring shit out, looking for jobs. No literary ambitions but I'd like to sell my paintings.
Yourself? Are you the Southwark guy who didn't like noise?

>> No.6731704

Yep that's me. Still don't like it though I've moved to a different flat now where I'm paying more but suffering less. How old are you btw?

Also backpacking sounds cool. What kind of jobs are you looking for?

>> No.6731715

I have an ex-gf who lives in Moscow, we still talk regularly about lit. So not really

>> No.6731726

Philosophy grads are one of the better employed degrees m8.

Just because there is no Phil.co hiring you out of the door to write papers about deontology does not change the fact that people seem to get something employable out of the degree.

>> No.6731732

God of /lit/ guide us

>> No.6731751

it's like i'm speaking to a philosopher of the antiquity

>> No.6731761
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sensei, how do i do this?

>> No.6731768

thx anon

>> No.6731772

What are you doing now?
I'll be 25 in September.
I'm probably going chef again for a while, saving to travel again (South America this time), and think about the future.

>> No.6731776

/v/ here
maybe the reason we can play the exact same game for 800 hours is the same reason you can do the exact thing for 800 hours (read)
don't you ever get sick of filling your head with nonsense so you can go around pretending like you're the smartest person in the world?
imo book reading is a sign of low self-esteem

>> No.6731779
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>> No.6731787

how is playing call of duty different than reading an adventure story? if anything it's better since it's more like i'm actually there and have control of the world i'm in
i'm basically writing the story as i play
you guys are FORCED to listen to whatever the author tells you
what if there was a video game of a man hunting down a white whale? it would be no different than moby dick

>> No.6731799

No worries, I hope you enjoy whatever it is you end up studying. If you do study a humanities subject it's likely you will be allowed a lot of free time for personal research etc. If so, it's pretty easy to allow yourself to become paralyzed by a sort of casual, poorly-articulated form of nihilism (i.e. having no discipline and a vague sense of apathy towards "life"), which can be pretty comfortable and reinforce the idea of "depth" you think you've attained, but can also fuck up your social and even academic life if you become too inert.

>> No.6731806


I hope he makes it brah.

>> No.6731809

>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.6731817

for all I know he seems to be somewhere safe

>> No.6731826

Ironically, I did at school (I did Philosophy A Level), but not at university. I talk about politics all the time with people at uni, and literature to a few, but I have no outlet for philosophy. This means occasionally I just start chatting shit whenever something I can address in philosophical terms comes up in conversation.

>> No.6731851 [DELETED] 

I'm still in my job, might be getting a three-day-week gig soon here or might move back to my hometown for a while. My birthday's in September, I'm turning 24. I don't blame you for taking your time, it's easy to trap yourself in the rat race or the sort of lifestyle associated with it.

>> No.6731934
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I wonder if it's that smart people end up gravitating towards philosophy degrees and then also towards higher paying jobs, creating the correlation.

>> No.6731942
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> tfw no qt gf to discuss literature with.

>> No.6731944

it could be that philosophy with its combination of practical "uselessness" and level of cognitive demands makes it especially attractive to rich people who would have been set up with jobs after they graduated anyway.

>> No.6731947

Why would I be here if I did?

>> No.6732109
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I think I may be misunderstood. I may not have clearly communicated what I wanted to.

I have a degree in philosophy, and a STEM degree. When I achieved both of these degrees, I still found myself working in jobs that absolutely did not require a degree, either as a job requirement or to be good at my job. Because I came from a working class background, I chose to attend a small state school.

After working for a year in tech support, then working for a year as a janitor, I chose to attend graduate school at a reputable, large state school. I chose an MS in Microbiology at a school located in the R&D heavy part of the world, known for biological work. After my degree, I searched for a job for several months. I was offered one position at a private university as a researcher. The pay would be shit, the hours would be unending, there would be no benefits. I turned them down. Got certified as an EMT. I now have a good paying job because of that certification, and I am able to pursue philosophy at my leisure.

So what I would stress is that philosophy is not a directly employable degree, but then no degree guarantees employment. Certifications required by law for certain jobs are actually very helpful in finding a job, and there are a surprising number of options. Pursue philosophy if you want. Get a degree. But have a plan for actually putting bread on the table that does NOT involve philosophy.

As for >>6731726 claim that philosophy grads are employable, I state that they are not in an advantaged position compared to any other field of study. I believe that university's have traditionally served as holding pens for people who do not actually need university status to compete (clergy/academics who stay out of the greater market, and the nobility/upper class who have the connections anyways) until the last 100 years, when STEM degrees briefly created an advantage for the middle and laboring classes.I think that >>6731944 hit the nail on the head. I will post more on this later, but I have to go to work right now.


>> No.6732113

please explain that pic

>> No.6732147

Does anyone actually know someone who also frequents /lit/?

>> No.6732180

My ex did, and /v/ sadly.

>> No.6732232

Yes. It's insufferable.

>> No.6732255

I think my girlfriend does. She joked that I was a "pleb" for reading ASOIAF and she bought me some John Milbank shit for my birthday a bit ago.

>> No.6732294

ouch. you got me. every time I open a book I run outside and scream "HEY FUCKERS I'M READING A BOOK HAHA EAT MY SHIT PLEBEIANS" just so everyone understands how superior I am for looking at words on bound pages.

go to bed, nick

>> No.6732319

It is a rather interesting and saddening picture. As you can tell, the man is at a store, It's clearly Target as you can see the target dog to the right of the mans shoulder. The man cam to Target and immediately went to the frozen food aisle. Specifically looking for the "Meals for one" section of the frozen food aisle. This implies that the man is alone. The look on the man's face may mean that he is depressed by this fact and wants someone to be with and love. Of course he knows this will never happen though, because instead of trying to find women, or men, to be with he spends his days posting on a image board and arguing with people anonymously. As the man does this he eats his "Meal for one" and reflects on what is happening in his life and how he can change it, how he wants to change it, but how he will ultimately never change it. He can only continue to be alone.

>> No.6732332

I have a hunch. He's a really cool guy, studys hermeneutics at our uni, went from being a math guy to a philosophy gut I think. I think we discussed Moby Dick once, I don't know him too well.

>> No.6732344
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This is the dream tbh

>> No.6732630

Go to bed, Johnnie.
I'm going there this fall; advice?

>> No.6732734

Yes, and he better be reading this message now.

>> No.6732761
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>you will never know this feel

>> No.6732794


I've entertained the thought but /lit/ just seems too niche of a community. Not to mention 4chan turns a lot of people off with all the shitposting. You need a relatively thick skin to visit this place regularly.

>> No.6732797

I stopped making friends at the age of 15 or so and none of the friends I made before that point went to high school, so no.

>> No.6733041
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A fellow autist from Uni.

Cool guy.

>> No.6733065
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>you will never be happy

>> No.6733080

My ex studied philosophy, militant atheist, later writing about Wittgenstein.
We had good discussions about philosophical, or let's at least say worldly issues before we got together, but we fucked that never really came back and she would start fights for our generally different values.

>> No.6733091
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My ex studied philosophy, militant atheist, loves Dennett, was later writing/citicising Wittgenstein.

We had good discussions about philosophical (or let's at least say worldly) topics before we got together, but after we had sex, that never really came back and she would start fights for our generally different values.
My new girl is basically a kid, I don't know if I miss it.

I have another friend with which I discuss stuff I read or read about here. But it's not like he grabs a book because of me.

>> No.6733109

The true literary lifestyle. I'm envious.

>> No.6733206

How's that book on Axiom of Choice?

>> No.6733678

i wanna be your friend

>> No.6734701

Why is that? Want a friend?

>> No.6735020

My best friend and I forged our relationship on James Bond films and post-modern philosophy. We view the world through very different lenses. It's nice to be able to bounce notions off someone who might not necessarily agree and won't be too big a chickenshit to say so.

>> No.6735060
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It's aight. My best friend is pretty plebby, but one of my close friends who was a total spazz kept raising all these weird and interesting concepts. He was taking a bunch of philosophy classes at the university, and so had a lot of fresh philosophy to get me started in the competition to not be plebs.

There's not much about it that I particularly enjoy.

>> No.6735164

I've never had anyone to talk about anything worthwhile with. Everyone at my school was a fucking normie except for me. I stupidly went to my hometown uni instead of going to a much better uni so obviously I had no hope of making friends with anyone. Even at a good uni though, I read that people are still plebs.

/lit/ is all i have tbh. fuck normal people. fuck that xkcd topic which says that everyone is equally self aware. I'm easily top 10 %. That 10 % consists of tonnes of people because the population is so huge, but it's still the 10 % and they're not equally distributed among countries. If I go to the city of London / boston / oxford right now, for example, the percentage will obviously increase. If I go to a place with high numbers of poor people / women, the percentage obviously decreases.

>> No.6735293

It usually ends with mom jokes

>> No.6735417
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I can only discuss lit/philo with my bf. It's nice because we can take walks and discuss ideas. We make recommendations for one another, and sometimes we read the same book simultaneously to encourage discussions. We also critique each other's writing. You can do most of this with internet friends, but it feels less genuine (at least for me).

>> No.6735429
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My friends are scared of plebbit, so I imagine they wouldn't be lurking here...

>> No.6735464
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Not really, whenever i try talking to anyone about anything cultured i realise how banal my ideas really sound.
I think it was doing an undergraduate philosophy course that ruined it for me. The turning point came when I realised that i was exactly the same as all the other losers who would constantly spout uninteresting and unoriginal thoughts.

Not to say that i don't actually talk about these things, the majority of my friends go to university and i suspect that most pursue an interest in literature and to a smaller extent philosophy. But sometimes it feels like the only way that i can actually approach any of these topics is through layers of detachment and irony.

>> No.6735472

My little brother is interested in reading but he really just usually reads YA. Saying that, he's pretty interested in books I own so I guess it's a matter of time before he starts broadening his tastes.

>> No.6735481

>But sometimes it feels like the only way that i can actually approach any of these topics is through layers of detachment and irony.

This is the only way I ever communicate

>> No.6735511

Is that lindybeige?

>> No.6735517

>muh irony

DFW fanboys please leave. Your poor grasp of terminology is making me nauseous.

>> No.6735534

Are you still at uni? Seriously move. Smart people move, its been true for all of human history, they congregate in big cities.

>> No.6735543

this, but me irc gang is happy truneets who make fun of wagies

>> No.6735555
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>you will never be a homo

>> No.6735643

literally gay

>> No.6735649

No shit.

>> No.6735650

Yes, one person. We get drunk and talk about Virginia Woolf.

William K, if you see this post send me an email because I've lost your number again.

>> No.6735659
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I used to, it was great.

>> No.6735682

Yep, we have a whatsapp group just for that kind of discussion, but it's more about history, politics and ideas than literature.
We also talk about those stuffs regularly when we go out for drinks

>> No.6735700

only if you dont fuck butt

>> No.6735751

My uni doesn't have a philosophy society, me and a friend are planning on starting one.
>The Dead White Men's Society
I think I'm witty.

>> No.6735762

Cutting edge brah

>> No.6735772

My girlfriend and I used to spend the greater part of night drinking wine, watching great film, fucking, and occasionally smoking. We'd garnish all of this with really thoughtful conversation, usually about ideas and literature. We'd touch philosophy sometimes, but only the very very little that was covered in public High School- plebs we are. Neither of us are in college so we aren't very well read. Probably not a good excuse but we're young so we have time. I think just having that kind of conversation with someone you share all of your life with is special enough.
Wish I still had the time/energy to carry on with her like I used to, but now I'm a 12 h/day wageslave!

>> No.6735777
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>Implying you actually know what irony is

get a load of this guy

>> No.6735991

i didn't come to /lit/ to feel these feels