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File: 170 KB, 769x1200, casa-de-campo-jose-donoso-editorial-seix-barral-13646-MLA140462165_5529-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6729216 No.6729216 [Reply] [Original]

You will never learn enough spanish to really understand this masterpiece.

In fact, not even native spanish readers are able to truly grasp the symbolisms and themes on this book. Most people I've met can't get past 1/4 of the story.

Also, Jose Donoso general. Maybe, the best chilean writer ever.

>> No.6729373

what percentage of it did u understand?

>> No.6729548


Almost everything, I'm chilean. This book is written in a very old fashioned spanish prose that makes it difficult to the average reader. I had to look the dictionary once in a while, but in the end I got almost all of it. If more people read this book here in /lit/ it could easily become a top 10. No joke.

>> No.6729876

Suponiendo que he leído Los detectives salvajes, 2666, y varias obras menores de otros escritores castellanos, tendré muchos dificultades en leer este? Me vale la pena de leerlo? El inglés es mi lengua nativa.

>> No.6729885

donoso is a hack tbh. I've never read this one though.

>> No.6730251

So what is this thread about, the book or you tapping your own back on how excellent your reading comprehension is?

>> No.6730291

>Maybe, the best chilean writer ever.
Bolano ?

>> No.6730295

Bolaño is good but it has evolved into overhyped prepubescent shit. Thanks Anagrama.

>> No.6731041


Es un libro difícil, tendrías que leerlo con diccionario, pero creeme que vale la pena.

>> No.6731044
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 10530905_10201929540260607_5214970279522356785_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both. I'm so awesome. >>6730291

>> No.6731051


That response above wasn't for you.

Tbh, I think there are a lot of underappreciated chilean writers. I've only read Una novelita lumpen from Bolaño and it was mediocre in my opinion, though I've heard good things of Detectives. I honestly believe that Donoso is where it's at, since he describes in a perfect way how we act and how we express ourselves in Chile.

I've been reading El lugar sin limites, a short novel, and it's quite interesting considering the main story is about a transvestite that gets a prostitute pregnant

>> No.6731057


Otra cosa que se me olvidaba. Existe en este libro Casa de Campo, toda una alegoría al golpe militar y al arribismo chileno que es demasiado interesante y esta demasiado bien relatada. Insisto, lo único malo es lo complejo de la lectura en ocasiones debido a la prosa en la que esta escrita. Ojala te interese y lo pueda leer.

>> No.6731066
File: 36 KB, 805x669, 1429813456263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never learn enough spanish to really understand this masterpiece
I don't need to, there's an english translation.

>> No.6731068


>> No.6731101
File: 23 KB, 720x480, 1904052_10205542804586337_1913073308130407244_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a native spanish speaker. I read Slaughterhouse 5 in spanish. You wouldn't know how much I cringed everytime they translated "So it goes" differently everytime a paragraph ended.

>mfw Anagrama

>> No.6731115

Sounds like you read a bad translation.
Get off your high horse, people read translated books all the time and still manage to appreciate them. How many people here do you really think read Crime and Punishment in russian?

>> No.6731132


You got a point there, but my post was to poke at those who know spanish to a degree and think that can read ANYTHING in spanish. This one is a challenge.

I'd really like to see the english translation of this book. I bet it's hilarious.

>> No.6731137

but you still live in chile

>> No.6731168


Ouch, my empanada and my mote con huesillo are deeply disturbed.