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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.24 MB, 4128x2322, 20150622_051113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722646 No.6722646 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get an actual decent one of these going?

>> No.6722653

>buying books

fucking normies

>> No.6722667


I would advise starting with some of DFW's shorter fiction before going into Infinite Jest.

Anyway here's what I got recently, some I bought in sets but I didn't buy all these together at once:
Anna Karenina-Tolstoy
The Grapes of Wrath-Steinbeck
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men-DFW
The Pale King-DFW
Although Of Course You Could End Up Becoming Yourself, A Road Trip with DFW-David Lipskey
Hyperion-Dan Simmons
Lord Byron The Major Works
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner-James Hogg
V.-Thomas Pynchon
The Crying Lot of 49-Thomas Pynchon
Never Let Me Go-Kazuo Ishiguro
Under the Volcano-Malcolm Lowry
Revolutionary Road-Richard Yates
Guermantes Way and Sodom & Gomorrah-Proust
The Kraken Wakes-John Wyndham

Also was planning on picking up Being & Time on Wednesday, which translation would you advise getting?

>> No.6722747
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PIcked up all of these for $15.

I'm not sure how good the Quixote translation is, and I'm not a huge Camus fan, but they were cheap so oh well.

>> No.6723020

Didn't you make this exact same thread yesterday? Just with a different picture of your books?

>> No.6723199


If you end up liking Camus I can recommend the Everyman hardcover which has The Myth of Sisyphus along with

>> No.6723213
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Why did bookdepo send me such a fucking ugly Ulysses cover? It's not the one I ordered.

>> No.6723216

He did

>> No.6723221

You just got Wordworthed

>> No.6723231

Considering sending an email and complaining it's embarrassing to look at FUK

>> No.6723396


That bulgakov is p mingin aswell

>> No.6723404

my bookstore hooks it up so hard

recently got
House of Leaves
The Fifty Year Sword
American Psycho
Player Piano
Breakfast of Champions
The Stranger
The Inferno
The Trial
Moby Dick

all for $40

>> No.6723483

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
The Broom of The System by David Foster Wallace
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
Steps by Jerzy Kosinski
Haunted/Rant by Chuck Palahniuk
Only Revolutions by Mark Danielewski
Wolf by Jim Harrison
The Joke's Over by Ralph Steadman
The Hundred Brothers
Every Love Story Is A Ghost Story
10,000 Years of Art
Tractico-Logicus Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Sigmund Freud by Ralph Steadman
Scarfe Land by Gerald Scarfe
Overnight to Many Distant Cities by Donald Barthelme

Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell\
Buddha's Little Finger by Victor Pelevin

>> No.6723572
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Im new to /lit/ so I just picked up some classics. Each a dollar

>> No.6723676

>The Musical Brain by Cesar Aira
>Woes of the True Policeman by Roberto Bolano
>Nox by Anne Carson
>The Gorgeous Nothings: Emily Dickinson's Envelope Poems
>The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami
>The Changeling by Kenzaburo Oe
>The Pale King by David Foster Wallace

>> No.6723752

Wow, you like drugs? How edgy and original!

>> No.6723804

Love Aira and Bolano, and I've been meaning to read Nox. Nice cops.

>> No.6724023

No we can't because these threads are based on a shitty premise.

>> No.6724066

Agreed. Why do drug addicts always treat their addiction like its a point of pride? They are physically dependent on making themselves stupid and wasting money. Are they just compensating for their declining IQs, or do they genuinely believe that their addiction is cool and interesting?

Kind of pathetic IMO

>> No.6724268
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Books on the right are recent purchases.
Not pictured: In Praise of Idleness

>> No.6724292

>leaving your house to go to the library
>not getting all your books shipped directly to you

fucking normies

>> No.6724299

Try actually reading the books you buy before buying more books

>> No.6724303


Buying books = shitty premise?
What are you, e-reader fag?

>> No.6724307

5 books isn't a very big backlog. That's my Summer reading and I didn't want to have to wait for the next book to arrive after I finish one, it's much easier to order in bulk.

>> No.6724332


These two. Thankfully they were only 2 euro's because I haven't actually read them. After 40 pages of Petersburg I decided it was not really my thing, and after 20 pages into Pynchon I realized I am not very fond of his style of writing (I mean, c'mon, using an entire page for one sentence?)

Anyhow, I'm hoping to get some new beauties for over the summer.

>> No.6724336
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Woops, forgot pic.

>> No.6724345

>I mean, c'mon, using an entire page for one sentence?
Wait, what page is that? If that's your biggest qualm with Pynchon's style you can be sure it's not something he does often.

>> No.6724369


I was exaggerating, I was referring to his use of comma's.

P.4: "Yet at least he had believed in the cars. Maybe to excess: how could he not, seeing people poorer than him come in, Negro, Mexican, cracker, a parade seven days a week, bringing the most godawful of trade-ins: motorized, metal extensions of themselves, of their families and what their whole lives must be like, out there so naked for anybody, a stranger like himself, to look at, frame cockeyed, rusty underneath, fender repainted in a shade just off enough to depress the value, if not Mucho himself, inside smelling hopelessly of children, supermarket booze, two, sometimes three generations of cigarette smokers, or only of dust - and when the cars were swept out you had to look at the actual residue of these lives, and there was no way of telling what things had been truly refused (when so little he supposed came by that out of fear most of it had to be taken and kept) and what had simply (perhaps tragically) been lost: clipped coupons promising savings of 5 or 10c, trading stamps, pink flyers advertising specials at the markets, butts, toot-shy combs, help-wanted ads, Yellow pages torn from the phone book, rags of old underwear or dresses that already were period costumes, for wiping your own breath off the inside of a windshield with so you could see whatever it was, a movie, a woman or car you coveted, a cop who might pull you over just for drill, all the bits and pieces coated uniformly, like a salad of despair, in a grey dressing of ash, condensed exhaust, dust, body wastes - it made him sick to look, but he had to look.

I hate it. Wtf is he even saying?

>> No.6724377

i've never read this but this is making me want to

>> No.6724381
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You're telling me

>> No.6724389

I can understand not liking it, but it's not obscuring anything, that's still a very comprehensive excerpt. You shouldn't have trouble deciphering what it's saying.

>> No.6724392

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.6724405

Good Will is the best place to get books tbh. Sometimes you can find real gems there and they sell them for like $1, most in better condition than used book store selections too

>> No.6724417

holy shit that's real
why is that real

>> No.6724424

he looks like Hatsune Miku

>> No.6724446
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This guy gets it

>> No.6724729

My local Good Will only has genre fiction, it's probably 50% Romance.

>> No.6724745

The Drowned World is a great book.

>> No.6724752

>judging books so quickly and harshly
get the fuck off lit

>> No.6724797
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got the Disney biography on a recent trip to WDW with family and the other three for .79 USD each at a goodwill.

how did I do /lit/?

>> No.6725049

Where's Waldo Pynchons have shitty text smearing.

>> No.6725052

absolutely disgusting

you don't read books, you collect them

try reading one for a change

>> No.6725055

All quiet on the western front
I am John von Dorf

>> No.6725114

I just had a violent prostate orgasm about an hour ago, but I think I could get hard again for this babe. Name pls.

>> No.6725131

>Wtf is he even saying?
Are you a moron?

>> No.6725164
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>mfw I use a kindle (which I really like, actually) and will never have a well arranged collection of literature to display and reflect proudly upon



Ew dude those penguin covers, sure hope they were like but 1 get 2 free or something.

>> No.6725214
File: 91 KB, 639x632, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read a book since high school(20 now) but I have always been an above average reader/writer, and due to the fact that I'm not attended university I feel that I need to validate my intelligence in some way. I figured being well read is a good way to do that.

So basically my plan is to just read the /lit/core. Not planning to start IJ until I have about 20-50 novels read just because of the length. I bought it because its a meme.

>> No.6725230

Regan. She has a youtube channel.

>> No.6725435

Did you buy that biography just because you saw it in Disney World?

>> No.6725458
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>> No.6725500
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Picked out a whole box for $10 (last day of a book fair)

>> No.6725502

well memed

>> No.6725505

no my mom actually bought it for me. they have a couple little museums in Hollywood Studios about Walts life and the "art of animation" and both of those really hooked me, just because he's such a larger than life figure and its interesting to see how the Disney empire came about. also the actual development of new animation techniques by Disney was an intriguing part of the exhibits. I was talking to her and my dad about the stuff I read (they were off doing some ride for the fourth or fifth time while I wandered through shops exhibits ect with my 13 y/o brother) later that night and the next afternoon when we met up to leave the park my mom handed it to me because she saw how interested I was the day before and she knows I enjoy biographies.

>> No.6725823

whole lotta shit

>> No.6725829

>I am John von Dorf
I've seen this posted is a lot of these threads recently; what is this?

>> No.6725838

Infinite Jest works well enough as a starting point for DFW so long as you have the patience to read a 1079 page book. If anything I'd say whether you liked Infinite Jest or not will determine whether the rest of his work is worth checking out.

>> No.6725852

wow there's a lot of entry level shit in this thread

>> No.6725855

pure unaltered shit.

>> No.6725857

>all of /lit/

>> No.6725865

Hate to see an unbroken copy of the ole Grav's Bow...

>> No.6725922

look, another pleb fell for meme books
>books on the right are recent purchases when you haven't even read the books on the left
so you want to read 5 books this summer?
certainly you must read these 4: the Iliad, the Odyssey, Mythology, Theban plays by Sophocles

>> No.6725925

>unaltered shit

>> No.6725929

I'm just glad there are books to read and that some people do read them

mostly I lurk these threads because I occasionally someone's haul reminds me of how I used to be when I was young enough to post in purchase threads

>> No.6725930

nah, just shitting on you expet for rand fuck that bitch.

>> No.6725934

>look, another pleb fell for meme books
>Implying you can simplify fantastic books to mere internet memes
Besides, there wasn't one of those books I read solely because of its popularity on /lit/
>>books on the right are recent purchases when you haven't even read the books on the left
But I have. Why did my picture make you so upset?
>so you want to read 5 books this summer?certainly you must read these 4: the Iliad, the Odyssey, Mythology, Theban plays by Sophocles
Read the first two, reading Mythology now, and Sophocles soon after.

>> No.6725941

I'm not even that guy, you should know the phrase is unadulterated shit tho not unaltered

>> No.6725953

based on your pile as a whole, it seems like /lit/ has most certainly moulded your impressionable mind and incompetent self-judgment
>Why did my picture make you so upset?
it's as if I'm talking to a child

>> No.6725964

>based on your pile as a whole, it seems like /lit/ has most certainly moulded your impressionable mind and incompetent self-judgment
I browsed each of those before reading them. If they hadn't appealed to my tastes in some way I wouldn't have read them. /lit/ served only to bring them to my attention.
>it's as if I'm talking to a child
Are you trying to deny you reacted abrasively to my post in particular?

>> No.6725993

I'd say it was constructive. I made an observation and it was factual to the extent of the context based on the picture. If the books on the right are recent purchases, and the books on the left are not, then it's safe to assume you bought those 5 books on the right without even having read any of the books on the left.
PS If you're butthurt over the word "pleb" then I should remind you 4chan is a 18+ website.

>> No.6726012

I would think the more obvious assumption would be that I keep my unread books next to my read books, and both happened to be in the picture. But whatever this is starting to feel like shitposting.

>> No.6726021

>you haven't even read the books on the left
>But I have

>> No.6726032

>I mean, c'mon, using an entire page for one sentence?

You would hate Danielewski

>> No.6726114

What edition of The Art of War is that?

>> No.6726155

No reason you can't use a kindle and also buy physical books.

>> No.6727289


>> No.6727373

>feel the need to validate my intelligence

Please stop. You already sound like that guy who goes to parties and tries to one-up people with references to some thing no one else has heard of.

Pro-tip: no one likes that guy and it's not because he makes them feel insecure about their intelligence, but because he's just a real treat to be around.

>> No.6727462

recently i bought

a naked singularity
the pale king
the instructions
Siddhartha and steppenwolf

im interested in dmt or drugs with similar spiritual significance so if anyones got any recs besides the books in the OP. i want to read more PKD too, so ill probably read a scanner darkly soon

>> No.6727477

My boss let us go early last friday, so I went for a couple of beers with some friends and well...you guys should avoid bookstores while drunk.


Ovid - The Metamorphoses (Oxford Classics)
Virgil - The Aeneid (Oxford Classics)
Mario Perniola - Thinking the Ritual
Gilles Lipovetsky & Jean Serroy - The Aestheticization of the World: Living in the Age of Artistic Capitalism
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zaratrhusta and Twilight of the Idols
Homer - The Odyssey and The Iliad
Herbert Marcuse - The One Dimensional Man
Slavoj Zizek and Boris Gunjevic - God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse
A book on Walter Benjamin's views about art

>> No.6727495

i thought infinite jest was actually very easy to read and its the first thing i read from dfw. i think it just looks intimidating because of the size.
hyperion was cool but the the fall of hyperion is necessary to finish the story, so i would recommend it just for closure even though the first book is way more interesting.
i read ishiguro and pynchon too, both really good. you got a lot of good reads ahead of you.

i like that foundation cover, its better than the shitty one i got at B&N

>> No.6727503

Bloody consumerism..

>> No.6727568

I just tend to pirate novels for my kindle and purchase physical books on design/photography/etc. when there's a load of pictures and visual elements
Or if I find a good deal for physical novels

>> No.6727646

I know this is bait but all you've done is tell us that you know nothing about drug use.

>> No.6727744

srsly tho. As someone who's done, many many psychedelics, cocaine, molly, many study drugs, xanax, pretty much all the popular drugs in college, this guy probably smoked weed once and had an anxiety attack. 'Making themselves stupid,' what is this, D.A.R.E.? Do you really think people with legitimate drug problems don't have reasons to be in their situation? Personally, I think drug stories are among the most interesting, and I'm definitely not even close to an addict (four months sober for no reason--just don't want to always be on some drug). It's always tragic in the literal sense of the word.

>> No.6727758
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>As someone who's done, many many psychedelics

>> No.6727762

>people with legitimate drug problems don't have reasons to be in their situation
yea they took drugs. there's no reason why you're not a druggie and they are, the "fascinating" (trite) story isn't an explanation.

druggies are obnoxious, tryhard and pretty worthless. I like my drugs but they are a waste of money and a mental impairment, why would I even try arguing with something as obvious as that

>> No.6727783

ok good. Soberies are the worst. Is all they care about making themselves stupider by not listening to others?

so, you're telling me drug use = drug abuse in every circumstance, and furthermore than drug use is the same as drug addiction? I've got many psych, neurochem, and medical studies that say the opposite. Any many relevant cultural influences that were on drugs themselves and wrote about them.

>> No.6727856


>> No.6727892


>> No.6728132


>> No.6728478

They're at m parents' house and I'm at my apartment so no pic, but

>Underworld - Don DeLillo
>The Bonfire of the Vanities - Tom Wolfe
>Harlot's Ghost - Norman Mailer
>The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie
>When We Were Orphans - Kazuo Ishiguro
>Two books by Gibran I can't remember the names of
>Freedom - Jonathan Franzen
>Vanity Fair - William Thackeray
>Siddharta - Herman Hesse
>Suttree - Cormac McCarthy
>The Human Stain - Philip Roth
>Bleak House - Charles Dickens

I don't have any secondhand stores where I live so I bought a lot when I went to New Orleans. There are a few others but I can't remember.

>> No.6728522

dat Demon cover...

... that Ulysses cover.

>> No.6728545

>Tobias Smollet translation
Its a good one. Very old, but a good one.

>> No.6728988

It's like you tried to buy the shittiest publications of everything.

>> No.6729505


>> No.6729555


I just can't justify buying a second, physical copy of a book I already own :/ no matter how much I enjoyed it. Especially when kindle editions only cost like $10 to a paperback's $20 something.

Not to mention book stores near me have gone the way of the dodo and amazon might actually take weeks to ship something to me.

>> No.6729581

>I just can't justify buying a second, physical copy of a book I already own
Do you never reread books?
>Especially when kindle editions only cost like $10 to a paperback's $20 something
Here's your problem. Pirate ebooks, buy physical copies of the books you want to revisit.

>> No.6729601


>Do you ever reread books?

Of course I do, but why wouldn't I just reread the copy I already own? It would still require me to spend more money on something I already own and can continuously use.

>> No.6729604
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From various places over the past few weeks.

Murder in the Cathedral is a first edition, which is pretty sweet.

>> No.6729619

>Of course I do, but why wouldn't I just reread the copy I already own?
Because otherwise you "will never have a well arranged collection of literature to display and reflect proudly upon". Isn't that worth spending more money on? Especially considering you shouldn't be spending any money on ebooks to begin with.

>> No.6729659
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So /lit/core it hurts.


>Haven't read a book since high school
>I'm not attended university
> I feel that I need to validate my intelligence in some way.

but. . .

>I have always been an above average reader/writer.

How did you reach that conclusion?

>> No.6729673

Why does this distinction exist? Most of what's considered "/lit/core" are popular canon works.

>> No.6729701
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Recs for similar books are welcome

>> No.6729882
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>> No.6729921

You're cute

>> No.6729937

/lit/ - the post

complete with unbroken spines

>> No.6729941

Do you actually break the spines on your first read? Mine don't start to crease until the second or third time though.

>> No.6729963

>not immediately breaking the spines on everything you buy so it looks like you've read them

>> No.6730015 [DELETED] 

>How did you reach that conclusion?

It's not difficult to tell when you're better at something than those around you. Do you need a degree to be proficient in the fields of reading and writing? I was unfortunately forced into a situation where I had to work full time after high school, sorry I'm not a posh liberal arts student like yourself. I don't know why I even bothered writing that.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6730070

I bet there are posters here who actually do this

>> No.6730095

what edition of the sot-weed factor is that?

>> No.6730102
File: 406 KB, 900x855, JkyKaVx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi my names anon and I put a bunch of chemicals in my system that made me experience hallucinations and or brought on strong emotions of varying kinds and these hallucinations and emotional exaggerations are very important to the world and if you dont think so you're an idiot!

>> No.6730129
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>im interested in dmt or drugs with similar spiritual significance so if anyones got any recs besides the books in the OP

I recommend listening to your parents.

>> No.6730151
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>> No.6730175

What are you 12? weed is quite harmless

>> No.6730180
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m&d is first ed. 11 dollar.

not pictured: dancing bear by crumley, also in the vintage contemporaries cover

>> No.6730192

>memeing this hard
No Ulysses?

>> No.6730199
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>he smokes weed
>accuses someone else of being 12

>> No.6730204

You're missing out if you avoid books just because they're "memes"

>> No.6730205

where is ulysses?

>> No.6730226

>compares weed to genocide and rape
>pretends to have moral high ground
Nigga you dumb

>> No.6730229
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>calling others dumb


>using the word nigga

>> No.6730231

the old 4chan dilemma. is he falling for the bait, or baiting me?

>> No.6730233

>he shitposts Quentin comics on the internet
>he tries to highroad people

>> No.6730237
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>> No.6730250

>assumes I'm white

And yeah.. Smart people would never do drugs

>> No.6730254
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Why are you responding to bait.

I've got a whole pile of Pratchett, Jam and mogworld by Yahtzee Croshaw, a few recent pop books (Gone girl, Cloud atlus) and some sherlock holmes. No picture though, its late.

>> No.6730260
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I started one of these threads last week asking which one of these to start reading first. Went with Siddhartha. Fucking loved it. Almost done with Peace, and it's easily Wolfe's best.

>> No.6730264
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>the wire

Oh boy.

>> No.6730280
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I'm not baiting. Drugs have addled the minds of most of my high-school drug buddies who never stopped after high-school; one has basically thrown away his chance at med school because of his opiate addiction. The other have notably reduced cognitive functions.

I am just glad I quit smoking and doing shrooms before I went out of state for college; I've been clean for 5 or so years now, and my thinking is more lucid than it ever when I regularly used drugs.

>> No.6730288

i'm pretty on the fence about peace. there are days where i think it's better than the book of the new sun and there are days where i don't. but it certainly stands, alongside new sun, far above the rest of his work.

>> No.6730298

it's not so much avoiding meme books as buying them all at once

>> No.6730316
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>> No.6730317


Protip: Goodwill locations near college campuses are full of /lit/ gems.

>> No.6730326

So you consider books popular here to be of some special status?

>> No.6730335

>using reddit memes

I'm not surprised

>> No.6730346

Nah, I gave up smoking weed because I have no interest in becoming a burnout. But I'd still rather spend time talking with people who went through a "stoner phase".

I don't know if it's only confirmation bias, but I find that most people who have smoked weed are more interesting than those who never did so. Doubly so for hallucinogens.

You don't want to remain a druggie, but those who avoid it at all costs are worse.

>> No.6730353


This. I like having a collection of eBooks that mirrors my physical library. It's expensive - and not entirely sensible - but I like being able to both have my books and pack for a trip by just grabbing my Kindle. Most of the time, I'll finish either a physical book or an eBook and then decide if I want to invest in its physical or digital counterpart. My girlfriend thinks I'm insane and has banished all of my bookshelves to my study.

>> No.6730389

This. I'm 5 miles from UC Berkeley, and every Goodwill book section is clutch, especially around semester's end.

I often wonder if the books I'm buying were owned by an undergrad who didn't understand them or some freshly deceased lion of a professor.

>> No.6730394

Or pirate the ebooks and search out the physical ones at thriftshops...

>> No.6730507

>My girlfriend thinks I'm insane and has banished all of my bookshelves to my study
>letting your woman treat you like that
lmao I bet you even carried them yourself

>> No.6730529

>implying I'd let a woman touch my books

Seriously, though - nightly blowjobs make moving books into the study much less annoying. So yes, I moved the bookshelves myself. I must be beta.

>> No.6730530
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>My girlfriend thinks I'm insane and has banished all of my bookshelves to my study.

>> No.6730551
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She's a solid 3 to a soft 6 isn't she?

>> No.6730558


Fuck it. I fed the trolls. I've earned this.

>> No.6730576
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Well I'm not sure if your social standing on this website will ever be the same!

>> No.6730582
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>Edith Hamilton

>> No.6730583

bought the books in that picture over like 3 months.

>> No.6730585

Nothing wrong with Hamilton's Mythology as an overview.

>> No.6730591

It's incredibly biased and opinianated. In the introduction alone she knocks every single other non-western mythology as being barbaric because muh animal head gods, praising Greek mythology specifically because muh perfect representation of humanity and wisdom.

It's fucking memeshit.

>> No.6730604

Did you read it while you were angry or something? The introduction merely discusses how the Greeks were the first to create the gods entirely in their own image. She doesn't make any value judgment on other mythologies. I'm willing to be corrected if you would share an excerpt you think is too biased.

>> No.6730615

Well done. Be sure you give the 5 rightmost columns to someone who'll be able to read them.

>> No.6730620

Recently purchased:

The Castle - Franz Kafka
Swamplandia! - Karen Russell
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Perdido Street Station - China Mieville
Ilium - Dan Simmons

>> No.6730621

"With the coming for-ward of
Greece, mankind became the center of the universe, the most important thing in it. This
was a revolution in thought. Human beings had counted for little heretofore. In Greece man
first realized what mankind was."

"Anyone who reads them with attention
discovers that even the most non-sensical take place in a world which is essentially rational
and matter-of-fact.Hercules, whose life was one long combat
against preposterous monsters, is always said to have had his home in the city of Thebes.
The exact spot where Aphrodite was born of the foam could be visited by any ancient
tourist; it was just offshore from the island of Cythera. The winged steed Pegasus. after
skimming the air all day, went every night to a comfortable stable in Corinth. A familiar local
habitation gave reality to all the mythical beings. If the mix-true seems childish, consider how reassuring and how sensible the solid background is as compared with the Genie who comes from nowhere when Aladdin rubs the lamp and, his task accomplished, returns to nowhere. The terrifying irrational has no place in classical mythology."

[After describing Egyptian gods and how inhuman they are]
"These and their like were what the pre-Greek world worshiped. One need only place beside them in imagination any Greek statue of a god. so normal and natural with all its beauty, to perceive what a new idea had come into the world. With its coming, the universe became rational."

All are from the introduction.

>> No.6730627
File: 35 KB, 200x335, DestinationVoid(1stEd)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting taste. what is 'the closet cultivator'?

>> No.6730638

Who is this gunk skunk?

>> No.6730639

>Human beings had counted for little heretofore
>With its coming, the universe became rational
These are the only lines I can really fault her for. I don't think she unjustified in the majority of those. She's opinionated, but passionate about the topic, which is something I like in an author.

>> No.6730640

nice to see verso tagging in

>> No.6730647

which book on benjamin?

make sure to read marcuse before nietzsche

>> No.6730662

drug addicted junkie with a hippie & pseudo scientific tint/10

>> No.6730697

Verso Stirner is GOAT.

>> No.6730757

Pretty good selection. I don't think I'd ever find Zizek in a bookstore.

>> No.6730818
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150624_092104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the haters

>> No.6730820

>dodo press

>> No.6730822

What the fuck is up with that cover? Is that what spookbusting looks like?

>> No.6730826


Yes, you go blue, lose consciousness for a moment and then realize math is a spook

>> No.6730877

Infinite Jest - DFW
Classical Mythology - Stephen L Harris
Despair - Vladimir Nabokov
And some art book about Cindy Sherman

>> No.6730947

drawing of three
the Little prince
haben und sein

will purchase the rest of the dark Tower series soon tho. really nice story

>> No.6731157

Is he tipping an invisible fedora ?

>> No.6731240

Universal Library Edition from 1970

>> No.6731266

I have a toddler. There's a lot of good stuff in there, though.

>> No.6731269

Putnam - Reason, Truth, and History
Neale - Descriptions
Kuhn - The Structure of...

>> No.6731271

There's one Hyperion and it's the one by Hölderlin you pleb

>> No.6731306

just picked up chompsky's rules and representation for 49p at a local charity shop
and delta of venus for 99p at another.

>> No.6732187

>not starting your child with the greeks while they're young

>> No.6732357


what does the equation mean?

>> No.6732432

>not making your child read war and peace all the way through

>> No.6732456

Hay guyz, how did I do? I just ordered this lot.

Stanislaw Lem: The Futurological Congress 9,80 €
Dangerous Visions (anthology) 15,17 €
PKD: Beyond Lies the Wub (collection) 12,82 €
PKD: The Father-thing (collection) 12,42 €
PKD: We can remember it for you wholesale (collection) 11,99 €
Monster – The Perfect Edition vol 1 17,38 €
Monster – The Perfect Edition vol 2 17,58 €
Monster – The Perfect Edition vol 3 17,68 €
Monster – The Perfect Edition vol 4 19,41 €

The last four are manga, but Urasawa counts as light lit for me anyway.

>> No.6732601

Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
Animal Farm
The Call of the Wild
Gulliver's Travels
The Gathering Storm by Churchill

3,5€. Feels very good.

>> No.6732623

You were at entry level once. Stop being pretentious.

>> No.6732813

>not having read the entire meme trilogy by the end of kindergarten

>> No.6733011
File: 26 KB, 720x486, 11657533_1604480973143211_1036474126_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Heraclitus "Fragments" and Kierkegaard "Two upbuilding discourses", both in my native language for 10€. They were both published in Yugoslavia but are remarkably well preserved.

>> No.6733269
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>> No.6733294

>Simon "necronomicon"
Why would you do that to yourself? Is it just a cool prop to have around, or what?

>> No.6733310


>Being so pleb that you attend kindergarten and any other public education system rather than beginning to homeschool your parents about the presocratics at the age of 3


>> No.6733325
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library book sale

>> No.6733329


Trying to work out how that ghost left footprints, are we?

>> No.6733333


>> No.6733346

Fucking Serbian edition, they annoyingly enough change the names while Croat or Bosnian editions leave the original spelling.

>> No.6733352

Holy shit, I have the exact series of books that that Heraclitus came from. Shitty old communist printing, but damn if they don't hold nostalgic value.

>> No.6733459

I love the fucking communist covers, I always prefer those editions to newer ones because of the minimalist covers and nostalgic print font.

>> No.6733710

i havent found this to be true with the Waldo CoL49. The cover is ugly but I had no problems with the actual text. i just finished it the other day.

>> No.6733716

Must vary by location. There are two GWs near me, and even though they are only a city apart one has a much better selection than the other. At the good one I always find at least 3 great books and I go about once every few weeks.

>> No.6734049


>> No.6734061



I know it's in portuguese, but you can go from the authors listed to see what they're on about

He's being translated by the pound to portuguese, actually, I just saw three books of his I don't have.

Major works too, The Parallax View, Less Than Nothing and Living in the End of Times.

>> No.6734082


Here, just received a package containing:

Sophocles - The Three Theban Plays (Fagles translation, am I gud?)
Umberto Eco - The Definition of Art
Beckett - Molloy and The Unnamable
Cortázar - Around the Day in Eighty Worlds and Last Round
Loose Ends - The Art of Hélio Oiticica

with this, I hope to get through at least up to my birthday, in november.

>> No.6734141

>(Fagles translation, am I gud?)
I got Roche, wanna fight about it?

>> No.6734154

yr a fagles
ur mum smokes crack roches

i win ur butthurt

>> No.6734172
File: 674 KB, 1844x1229, DSC_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went a bit fucking wild m8s

>> No.6734183

All brand new? This had to run you at least $600. Jesus christ, have you heard of alibris or abebooks?

>> No.6734198

What the fuck dude? This is like a year or mores reading. You bought the whole meme trilogy in one lot. What are you doing?

>> No.6734201

living life brosef

>> No.6734207

most cost me less than $10

>> No.6734208

found it


>> No.6734211

i'm not the guy you responded to, but honestly, if you can afford it, then more power to you. sure as hell beats using the money on dvds or other nonproductive passtimes

>> No.6734215

It honestly looks like you're some nouveau riche who chose /lit/ to be your guide through "high culture", so you went and bought whatever this board told you to to make you look cultured.

>> No.6734222

don't flatter yourself m8o, you think the books I got were based on THIS boards opinion? As if they aren't discussed here for the same reasons that they're discussed elsewhere?

>> No.6734227

If you had followed some outside canon, it would be less obvious.

THE /lit/core chat plus some unrelated, non-canonical stuff that catter to whatever it is you used to read before /lit/.

>> No.6734255

who cares man let the dude live, who are you to berate him for wanting to read more, this is a fucking literature board last time i checked you elitist prick

>> No.6734276
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I went through the stoner phase you mentioned.
Haven't recently, but I wouldnt mind toking once every blue moon to relax and sleep like a baby.

Never again will I be a regular though. Weed makes me so incredibly lazy, boring, and introvert. Had some wild times trying and getting high though, they make good stories

>> No.6734289

Stop trying to defend yourself, your writing style is very identifiable.

>> No.6734303

wow dude. I dunno, go outside or something?

>> No.6734307

And yet you keep going

>> No.6735108

why post in this thread if you're buying the most basic /lit/ stuff

>> No.6735120

Why post in this thread if you aren't contributing?

>> No.6735143

Lol yes, it was something like 3 for 20 dollars

Demon is fine but my fucking god i can't stand looking at ulysees

>> No.6736323

>3 for 20 dollars
That's quite a lot compared to how cheap used books can be.

>> No.6736596

Stefan Zweig - Baumeister der Welt
Marx-Engels Correspondences
Saint Simon & Fourier selections
Lenin - State and Revolution
M.K.Gandhi - Autobiography
Karlo Stajner - 7000 days in Siberia
Karlo Stajner - Return from the Gulag
Memoirs of Charles de Gaulle
Gogol - Dead Souls