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6722836 No.6722836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Hi Anon, I'm Hermione! I work in PR for a meedjyar company!"
>"I know Anon, I didn't think Guardian Soulmates would work either!"
>"Gosh, after I broke up with my previous boyfriend I went on a year long trip through Jamaica, Barbados, and Sub Saharan Africa to find myself!"
>"Gosh Anon, I've barely read anything since I did my English Literature degree at Oxford! Where did you go to university? Oh..."
>"Well Anon, I have recently been getting into Feminist activism! I joined the Feminist branch of the Labour party a year ago. We're campaigning to put an end to this awful trend of men talking to women they don't know. What? Oh, thank heavens no, it hasn't happened to me for just over 12 months."

>> No.6722843
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>> No.6722936


Well, I'm sorry to say that I must call our evening short here my darling.

You see, because of telegony I am determined to avoid having children with any women who has consorted with negros.

I confess to an utter disdain for the negro and a dislike for their general effect, and you see the possibility that our potential offspring may be negroid-like in terms of their characteristics means that I cannot help but decide you are not the women for me.


>> No.6722997


>> No.6723010


damn you got me, thats what I get for staying up late

>> No.6723072
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rev up those penn jillette folders folks

>> No.6723100

>dating contemperorary liberal women into identity politics

Enjoy always being wrong and having your wallet raped

>> No.6723104

I like how you're playing on some widespread fears, resentments and insecurities of the general 4chan demographic, but why do you think british accents are among them?

>> No.6723122
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>british accent

>> No.6723130

This is what it's supposed to be, isn't it? And I said "accents" not "accent", you illiterate piece of shit.

>> No.6723138

Yeah, but I know what you meant.
Why don't you just say English accent when you mean it? Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all 'British', but that's never what you people mean when you say 'British accent'.

>> No.6723165

I had no idea which of the numerous british accents you mentioned it was supposed to be, thus my more general characterization was perfectly appropriate.

So, assuming this is supposed to be an english accent, why is it included?

>> No.6723224
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>english accent

>> No.6723251

So, it isn't? Then what is it?
Your joke is very funny, she is a crazy feminist who has had sex with negroes and she's also a pleb after getting an Oxford lit degree, and looks down on people who didn't ave that opportunity. There's something to hate for everyone, very well done. But why the accent thing? Is it not an accent? Is it a speech disorder? I'm painfully not in on the joke there.

>> No.6723257

One of these I wouldn't give attention to.
But I would genuinely disregard her if she said three of OPs list.

>> No.6723263

Im not the guy you were talking to, but it's just a shitpost man

Stop digging so deep into it looking for answers.

>> No.6723267

Not that guy or the OP, but there are over a dozen English accents. What you're thinking if is RP, o English". Get educated, Amerifuck.

>> No.6723274

No one gives a fuck about learning your various accents, you're all going to be speaking Arabic in a generation anyway.

>> No.6723275

Poorthener detected

>> No.6723277
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>> No.6723278

London actually

>> No.6723285

Where abouts in London?

>> No.6723286

>but there are over a dozen English accents
And I'm supposed to be able to identify what the different parts of monkey island sound like? As a part of my education? Ah, the english and their delusions of relevance. Never gets old.

>> No.6723287

Heathrow, why?

>> No.6723289

>this awful trend of men talking to women they don't know. What?
>it hasn't happened to me for just over 12 months

That would imply that Anon isn't harrasing this poor patrician girl and that just can't be the case.

>> No.6723293

It's not your fault, mate. It's just a result of your country's isolationist culture.

>> No.6723294

I'm in Bermondsey.

Are you an aeroplane?

>> No.6723299

I identify as an aeroplane, yes.

>> No.6723302
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Over the sea?

>> No.6723307

I'm not even american, buddy, it's just that, seriously, no one cares for the subtleties of your accents.

>> No.6723311

Is Hermione even a real name? I always assumed that was some Harry Potter shit like Benedict Cumberbatch.

>> No.6723322

1 in 8 females in Britain are named Hermione

>> No.6723329

The way some of you write dialog, it's like you've not left the house in about 15 years.

>> No.6723338
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>after I broke up with my previous boyfriend I went on a year long trip through Jamaica, Barbados, and Sub Saharan Africa to find myself!"

>> No.6723384

The differences in accent aren't even subtle. There's more similarity between the 'queen's english' and a generic Atlantic American accent than the former and a yorkshire or cockney accent.

>> No.6723394

I know exactly one brit personally, he's from a scottish family, was born in England and spent most of his childhood in Ulster. He sounds like every british person ever. This is like a chinese person telling me they don't all look the same, you know what, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6723399
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>I know exactly one brit
>he's from a scottish family

>> No.6723405

What cryptic british meme are you getting at now?

>> No.6723408

>one brit
>from a scottish family
>most of his childhood in Ulster

You're clearly just too ignorant to weigh in properly on the subject. Why can't you see that?

>> No.6723409

>The differences in accent aren't even subtle.
The thing I find fascinating about British accents, and this sets it apart from a lot of other countries, is not that you can tell to within 100 'miles' of where someone was born, but that you can tell how wealthy their parents are. Speaking to a Brit gives you a specific location and class.

>> No.6723410
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>tfw white women only want black men
Why did I have to be born a white boy?

>> No.6723411
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>> No.6723413

This according to your video research of an afternoon watching My Fair Lady?

>> No.6723416
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>false flagging jew detected

>> No.6723425

They are, scotland is very clearly a part of your island.

>> No.6723428

I'm American, but my grandparents are from Birmingham (a very distinct accent). I stayed with them for about 8 months in the UK and visited most of the major cities and towns.

>> No.6723436
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>> No.6723439

>stop oppressing my precious culture
Cry more, England is just one part of Britain. The part that doesn't have writers.

>> No.6723443
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Note: Pic related excludes the 14 overseas territories that Britain own, and the Commonwealth countries where the Queen is still head of State.