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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 830x830, 493-22329-25260-18242-18912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6714801 No.6714801 [Reply] [Original]

is it gay to use a bookmarker?

>> No.6714819

The pic you posted is gay. Bookmarkers are useful if you're reading a lot. Do you think being gay is bad? Where do you live? Who are your parents? I don't care. Nobody cares. Gay or not. Fuck you.

>> No.6714842

it takes literally 3 seconds to flip through and recall were you were. Unless, ur a dum dum that is

>> No.6714851

Yes, it is a symptom of same-sex attraction. You can get arrested and charged with sodomy if someone sees you with a bookmark in Uganda.

By the way, how's junior high working out?

>> No.6715340

>Not reading the book in one sitting

>> No.6715360

What about folding the corner of the page?

>> No.6715380

Fucking barbaric.

>> No.6715407
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>lol just crease the page

>> No.6715412

Depends on exactly what you use it for, one would suppose.

>> No.6715416


>> No.6715449
File: 625 KB, 1920x2560, TcNtBVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just doing this

>> No.6715475

die scum

>> No.6715582

I agree. I think it is the sign of a poor reader if you use a bookmark.

>> No.6715724

I use a little piece of paper in which I write words I like or I don't know its meaning so I could look it up later in a dictionary.

>> No.6716066
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ITT: plebs

Acknowledge the superior bookmark.

I've been using it for a while, it's perfect.

>> No.6716935
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>> No.6717231
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a bookmarker is the phallus of literatue
just saying

>> No.6717263
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Got Milk, OPenis?

>> No.6717324

only faggots read so what do you think, faggot?

>> No.6717352
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1920, heart_bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use a book mark to make it quicker to get to the page i'm looking for, for example:

>reading infinite jest for summer thing here
>keep bookmark at endnote page i am on currently

i typically know where am in the book and don't need a bookmark tho but am using one cuz a girl i like gave me one

>pic related

>> No.6717417
File: 172 KB, 640x480, Dissaprove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717757

> l-l-looky he-he-HEEERE everybody! g-g-g-g-g-girl! I like g-g-girl, and g-g-girl g-g-g-g-g-give m-m-m-meeeee hhhaaaaaaaarrrrt shape b-b-boooookmrk! g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-girl l-l-liiiiike m-m-m-meeee t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t--t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-too!

I'm very proud of you anon-kun. Would you like a special sticker? I'll let you put it on your special bookmark! You are a very special boy! So proud!

>> No.6717775

Just stop at the end of the chapter?

>> No.6717803
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>being this mad

>> No.6717811
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>> No.6717816
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How long does it take you to find the missing 'h' in where, fool? Bookmarks are for winners.

>> No.6717901
File: 663 KB, 600x603, cute_boy_in_pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging on /lit/ about a bookmark

>> No.6717905

Not unless it's a full colour scale print out of a human penis.

Which incidentally is a pretty good size and shape for a bookmark.

>> No.6717910

>implying the logos isn't inherently phallic

just typing this made me gay

>> No.6717940
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150621_151651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this bad?
It's very effective, except for one time i used it with atlas shrugged

>> No.6717955

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar m8.

>> No.6718358

only if you also enjoy having dick in your mouth

>> No.6718683

The last time I did that the cover of my book ripped.

>> No.6718687

what would you lads do to that cute frogette if you could have your way with her?

>> No.6718711

I would tear her apart and give her a roasting if you know what I mean.

I mean that I would cook and eat her.

>> No.6718718

i use a tablet

i also read books in one go

>> No.6719720

Not bragging a cute girl gave me a bookmark, a girl I've been crushing on for quite some time....you just sound jealous, what's wrong anon? Are you a permavirgin that spills spaghetti just being around the opposite sex?

>> No.6719876

There's nothing wrong with using a bookmarker but I personally don't use them as I always stop reading at the end of a chapter. Therefore it's easy for me to remember where I left off.

>> No.6720461

> you just sound jealous
About a bookmark. Not girlfriend, not a girl liking you, but you liking a girl, and getting a piece of paper (that, frankly, looks exactly like the kind of thing we'd passed around in middle school).
Yep. Sure.

And as for "not bragging"
> a cute girl... a girl I've been crushing on for some time.
> i typically know... but am using one cuz a girl i like gave me one
> filename
> implying that when I'm calling you out on your faggotry, it must be because I'm an autistic mouse-man rather than what I'm actually doing so for: your faggotry.

>> No.6720489

It's ok to use a bookmark to remember the page. But if you're using a bookmark as a straightedge to advance each line down the page then you're a mouthbreather.

>> No.6720525

cut out high res photos of erect penii for bookmarks actually seem like a good idea. bet they would sell well with fat girls who wear red lipstick who think they're living pin-ups who embrace their freedom and sexuality.

>> No.6720528

>But if you're using a bookmark as a straightedge to advance each line down the page then you're a mouthbreather.
do people actually do this? you might as well mouth the words you're reading and drool a bit.

>> No.6720540


>> No.6721664

If using my holographic dinosaur bookmark is gay, then I don't want to be straight

>> No.6721695
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>reading in sub-sandnigger language
>planting fish in your books


>> No.6722883
File: 222 KB, 750x1000, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using the ticket stubs of particularly patrician concerts you've attended

>> No.6722918

how would using a small piece of paper to mark your position in a book make you enjoy having sex with people the same gender as yourself?

>> No.6722919

sadly dicks do not make great bookmarks

>> No.6724280
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I bet you fell for the death grips nonsense too