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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 942 KB, 1545x2692, Lit Top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6720732 No.6720732 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder.

>> No.6720754

Can we have a re-do?

>> No.6720768 [DELETED] 

as dumb as that chart is it's an accurate representation of a bunch of squeaking pedantic autists jockeying to have their pseudo taste immortalized.

>> No.6720772
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What's the average age of this board, for IJ to be second?

So embarrassing.

>> No.6720775

why is stranger 8?

not saying its bad, but top 10? really?

>> No.6720811

>no Anna kerenina ?

/lit/ confirmed pleb status

>> No.6720818


what would you guys rather see on here? Not trying to start an argument, just curious. This chart contains almost every book I've added to my library in the past two years, most of them read before I even started browsing /lit/. I love all these books and I'm not interested in arguing whether they're good or not, but I am interested in reading books outside my usual comfort zone of McCarthy/Delilo/Vonnegut/Pynchon

>> No.6720866

It's not so much the content as the order. I mean, IJ is #2 but The Iliad is #37. It can't be taken seriously.

>> No.6720867

Honestly, I like a lot of the novels listed. My main issue is the #1 spot and the terrible thread that spawned the list.

I guess trolls are unavoidable.

>> No.6720892


agree bible shouldn't be #1. I doubt most of the people who voted to put it there have even read it.

>> No.6720896

The order is based on subjective taste not objective quality.

Honestly why are you surprised that Steppenwolf is #31 on an internet forum?


>> No.6720915 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why people get so assblasted about the order of the books.

I didn't pick the bible but it doesn't bother me to know that multiple people besides me have a different preference. It's just a literature board about memes I can't understand how people are still this mad about it.

>> No.6720920

>they're talking about it so they must be mad

>> No.6720921
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/pol/ has spoken.

But can we get this deleted?

>> No.6720927

I was one of the bible spammers, I dont regret it. thats what you get for allowing unlimited voted

>> No.6720931 [DELETED] 

Someone has made a thread about it almost every day since the poll.

>> No.6721076
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Is this one better?

>> No.6721091

simple. we do a list of literature only: no philosophy, theology, history, or other nonfiction.

>> No.6721097


>> No.6721101


I'd like to see this. It's too hard to argue the value of something like the Iliad vs some hip postmodern novel.

>> No.6721103

yes. not perfect but better. some of the books are popularity over quality

>> No.6721112

Isn't that basically just
Nietzsche is like the only philosophy on the list.

>> No.6721116

It's a decent enough list as long as you ignore the order.

>> No.6721118 [DELETED] 

no that is literally reddit.com/r/books, the chart

>> No.6721139
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What about this one, just have it lying around

>> No.6721143

a long time ago I downloaded a torrent of "Reddit's top 200 books" and it isn't that list. its so much worse. legitimately couldnt make a better parody. just found it: http://www.listchallenges.com/reddits-top-200-books

>> No.6721149

so better than /lit/

>> No.6721156



Top 10

>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>Enders Game
>Brave New World
>Catcher in the Rye
>Snow Crash
>Harry Potter

>> No.6721159 [DELETED] 

>first good book on the list is the bible
and reddit, the website that inspired the fedora, wasn't as triggered as /lit/

>> No.6721181

>atlas shrugged
>god tier
that's a troll list m8

>> No.6721210

>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Absolute overrated tripe.
Robust, thorough, and compelling.
Overrated, absolute tripe.
Thorough, robust, and compelling.
>Enders Game
Tripe, of the absolutely overrated kind.
>Brave New World
Thorough, compelling, and everlastingly robust.
>Catcher in the Rye
Compelling in its robustness and absolute thoroughness.
Absolutely overrated, but everlastingly compelling.
>Snow Crash
Robust and compelling in its tripe.
>Harry Potter
Absolute robust tripe, compellingly overrated, and everlastingly " ".

>> No.6721339


For god's sake, learn more words you parrot

>> No.6721343 [DELETED] 

its a meme you dip

>> No.6721346

It's honestly not a bad list. Are they the top 100 greatest books ever? No, of course not. Go read Harold Bloom if you want an academic's ranking of literature. Is it indicative of this board's taste? Yes, I think so. I see the top ranking books getting discussed a lot.

Most importantly, is this board's taste totally awful and beyond redemption? Sorry pessimists, I don't think so. I see a collection of critically acclaimed books, considered to be masterpieces by many, Sure it's not the most diverse or unpredictable, but it's literally a popularity contest. Upset about memebooks being popular? Then why are you /lit/, you pretentious fuck?

>> No.6721351

Dreadful. Self-consciously couched in a phony "satirical" tone. Painfully unfunny.

>> No.6721354 [DELETED] 


>> No.6721465

>the Bible

>inb4 muh influence, look at this beautiful passage
A few pages of poetic passages and well-known parables doesn't make up for the hundred pages of namechecking that inevitably follows it. Worth reading, but not the whole thing

>> No.6721493
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I know you jerk off to the attention we're giving you but seriously kill yourself

>> No.6721523

compare it to /mu/ essentials, put in the aeroplane over the sea in the place of the holy bible, then radiohead, loveless, kanye, slint in the top 10, perhaps some token jazz entries (a love supreme, black saint and sinner lady) - it's a little biased towards the easy (the stranger) and the meme (ayy lmao) but overall of a higher quality and more congruent to [with?] an established historical canon of influence

(read: agreement)

>> No.6721547

Why is the Bible #1? Importance?

>> No.6721558

an anon would have put it down early in the thread (perhaps with a provocative image or response?), and it would have gone from there

>> No.6721579

The only thing that really makes me mad about this list is IJ being #2. I just don't, "get it", I guess. Why it's there. It's not really funny in any kind of way, and it definitely doesn't belong there.

Also, I kek'd when I realized that I've read more than 80% of this list. I consider myself more of a film buff than a literature buff, but I'm always missing shitloads of films on lists like this.

>> No.6721584

Where is Anna Karamazov?

>> No.6721596

Better yet still awful. Only maybe 3 of the top ten actually deserve to be on any top ten, and that's being generous. These charts seem to be composed by people who haven't actually read the books being placed on them

>> No.6721611


>> No.6721617

Christianity has been one of the most popular /lit/-memes this year. It'll pass soon enough.

>> No.6721625

hahaha VALIS is on that thing

like, VALIS is easily in my top 5 but like, seeing it on a chart like this, I mean really. Is it really considered a masterpiece on this level? The book is a schizophrenic train wreck.

>> No.6721671


What do you guys think of The Winter of our Discontent by John Steinbeck?

>> No.6721788

The actual list of ballots did have some interesting stuff on it, but because everyone had 5 votes (except for Biblespammers, who had many many votes), lots of the same predictable books turned up on multiple ballots, and that had a flattening effect, knocking out the more interesting books with fewer votes and leaving just the same old stuff.

Not sure how this would be solved - if you restricted people to 1 or 2 books, you'd just have piles of votes for Lolita, IJ and Gravity's Rainbow.

Probably the way to do it would be to conduct another poll, but exclude the previous top 100 from the results.

>> No.6721796

sleep tight pupper

>> No.6721986

Whoever made the image forgot to put American psycho on it (#81), so the numbering on the bottom up to 74 is wrong

>> No.6722035

too fuckin' funny

>> No.6722042

How in the world did IJ and the broble get spots 1 and 2

>> No.6722125

god tier. thank you for this post

>> No.6722761
File: 29 KB, 555x644, everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the Holy Bible there is retarded because no one cares about it outside of a few christposters with their Aquinas and the mental gymnastics with which they try to convince themselves that they're not just useful fucking idiots.

>> No.6723240

The Bible? Is this just people being contrarian or people being pseudo intellectuals?

>> No.6723488
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This one it's actually a bit better TOP 100:


>> No.6723534

Not bad, is there an infographic for this?

>> No.6723543
File: 24 KB, 436x276, masculine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things Fall Apart

>> No.6723550

>tfw u haven't read all of them

>> No.6723603

>Daily reminder. . .
That Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell is objectively the best piece of music written in the past 100 years.

>> No.6723632

>Harry Potter series

>> No.6723704
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1420813968409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Fictions is only eleventh is triggering me to no end

>> No.6723833

>#42 Silmarillion
>#45 In Search of Lost Time

Also, Ficciones is way too high; you can't really complain on that.

Still much better than Reddit's list though.

>> No.6723884

I question the true intentions of this post

>> No.6723956

What spurious purpose could it be behind?

>> No.6723971

Post your chart ?

>> No.6723981

>Publius Vergilius Maro
>Waiting for Godot

>> No.6723992

Probably voted by the /r9k/ crossposters.

>> No.6723995

>the foundation of western society
>not #1

>> No.6723999

I dont know, but it is sure is sinister

>> No.6724017

Top 4 should go

>> No.6724025

replace it by the divine comedy

>> No.6724033
File: 54 KB, 640x360, 1432948785947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting buttblasted at IJ's rightful spot

>> No.6724043

Personally i would place the divine comedy 5th behind the Aeneid. Also i might have some personal bias since ive translated the Aeneid 3 times a year for the last 15 years that ive been a Latin teacher,

>> No.6724149
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1416893305339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four Dostoevsky books on the list

>> No.6724184

I want the people who voted for anything Vonnegut to try and defend that shit.

>> No.6724195

Still better than a list with Harry Potter and sucking DFW's cock instead of having some Thomas Mann, Jonathan Swift or Stendhal.

>> No.6724196

>tfw almost every book I've read as an adult is on this list
>tfw I'm a meme

>> No.6724236

am i the only one who finds it strange that people who read the bible also browse a website filled with daily lolicon, futa and gay porn dumps, immoral behaviour, homosexuality, all kinds of depraved porn, illegal downloads (like music sharing threads and torrents) and an outright hostility towards pretty much all organized religions?

>> No.6724242
File: 127 KB, 800x533, 800px-Pallas_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have read a mere 8 from this list off 100
how badly did I fuck up?

>> No.6724244

>atlas fucking shrugged
0/10 fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.6724245


No Mann? Are you plebs joking?

>> No.6724250

I think the problem isn't reading the bible and doing that, but believing in Christ, reading the bible and doing that.

>> No.6724253

Well, I don't really believe in God but I still think the Bible is a must-read. Fapping furiously to scat porn and fucking around with gore stuff in order to piss off SJWfags doesn't change a thing.

>> No.6724263

we're all born sinners m8

>> No.6724266

It's a good book.

>> No.6724272
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>> No.6724289
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>> No.6724297

Give one valid criticism to consider. I doubt you've even read it, since you're just posting memes.

>> No.6724301

People massively stopped liking C22 and 1984 a few years back, so nah

But I like that it has IJ as #1, nice touch

>> No.6724305

jesus that word really has gone the way of "hacked" and "troll" hasn't it

>> No.6724320

You've really proven your point.

>> No.6724324

Not that guy but
>Autism Rand
>muh objectivism
>taking 1500 pages to convey a single, highschool-core philosophical ''message''
These are so obvious

That book isn't even worth discussing

>> No.6724327

There is a good reason for only Murricans giving Rand some credit.

>> No.6724330


>> No.6724333

underrated post

>> No.6724339

not a terrible author, but I personally wouldn't invest the time into Atlas Shrugged until I had a damned good reason to be reading it. I've also always considered it that the Fountainhead must be better.

Rand deserves some credit for Anthem and We the Living, but she really deserves a statue for The Romantic Manifesto

her 'masterworks' are distracting, meet the actual author sometime

>> No.6724347

I don't read the bible because im a christian, i read the bible because it is the most influential work ever.

>> No.6724430

yeah where would I be without those endless genealogies and letters to non jews which take up three quarters of the thing

>> No.6724741

you have 10 seconds to disprove Objectivism

>> No.6724748


Alan Greenspan

>> No.6724756

It goes against Christian doctrine

>> No.6724782

can somebody give me a suggestion of what to read please? something entry level thats under 400 pages

beginner reader, and so far i've read:
Animal Farm
half of Brave New World
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Inherent Vice
and American Psycho

wanted to read Oblomov but my local library doesn't have it.

>> No.6724791

you should definitely read the picture of dorian gray next

if they were alive simultaneosly, Ellis and Wilde would have fucked

>> No.6724801

The other half of Brave New World you turd.

>> No.6724811
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>> No.6724813

i didn't like it sorry.

dystopian books aren't my thing.

although i did find it pretty amazing that it was written in the early 20th century, a lot of the machinery, technology and social trends really resonated with todays world

>> No.6724823

i cant tell if you're actually smart trying to be stupid, or you're actually stupid and pretending to be smart...

>> No.6724831

i'm thick as fuck tbh lad. nothing wrong with that.

would you believe that im actually a university student?

this sounds good, and is available at my local library. cheers bro

>> No.6724937

The latter have of Brave New World is most important imo. The first half is a lot of just explaining the cloning and caste system and whatever its all called.

People refer to 1984 like its traveled back in time as a warning all must heed but honestly I think Brave New World has more application onto the real world.

>> No.6726791

Which one ?

>> No.6726797

Why is Mobydick rated so highly? I've always thought it was pretty overrated.

>> No.6726802


>> No.6726828

It's like the Bible, it itself isn't so good but you practically have to read it to notice all the allusions to it.

>> No.6727458

Atlas Shrugged discussion was (half jokingly) banned from /lit/ until relatively recently, newfriend, but it is still an unspoken rule of this board to avoid it any discussion of it like the plague. Don't worry, with more exposure to other fiction and philosophies you will grow out of Rand too.

>> No.6727571

>Fault in Our Stars not in the top 3
get real OP

>> No.6727579

more hesse

like demian

>> No.6727585

this is fucking trash

>> No.6728042

honestly don't understand how catcher in the rye beat the divine comedy

>> No.6728222

Need a thesaurus friend?

>> No.6728485

Literally every single one of those books is bad

>> No.6728492

I've read Moby Dick and I don't think an encyclopedia of whales should be number 3 of all time.

>> No.6728982


>infinite jest

you americans and your love for extremely bad american literature

oh i hate you people so much

>> No.6729002


yes, because the average university student is incredibly stupid.

>> No.6729042

That's because you're a pleb and you missed the point of the book.

>> No.6729087

The burden of proof is on you my friend

>> No.6729094

Most of us aren't American you know, have you ever been on one of the flag boards?

>> No.6729100

I love being reminded of this book. It holds a special place in my heart :~)

>> No.6731259

And my point remains that having four Dostoevsky books on there is a too much
Norway also has one more book than Sweden and Denmark on the list, and they could have found more books in those two countries instead of having four from one dude from one country in one language (whose novels arr read arike)
t. Dane

>> No.6731261

Thomas Mann being on there is cool though, The Magic Mountain is one of my favourite books*

>> No.6731314

in subjectivism every opinion is true, therefore the opinion of the validity of objectivism is true. QED

>> No.6731427

Wow, I'm a pleb because I didn't like what you like? Obviously I was exaggerating, but the book is boring and laborious despite whatever high minded religious metaphor Melville was trying to convey.

>> No.6731433
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>> No.6731825

Simply awful

>> No.6731867

Why are people getting upset about this or disputing specific books? It's literally a popularity contest and doesn't pretend to be anything else (like some objective "best books" list). I mean shit, it even says "most popular books" right there at the top.

And people getting mad at the Bible because they think it only matters to Christians are pleb as fuck. It's possibly the most important work in the Western literary tradition.

>> No.6731874
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the poller arbitrarily deleted many books and it was spammed

worthless chart, stop posting it

>> No.6731897

>implying Dosty is GOAT

>> No.6731903
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>> No.6731908

why so few contemporary works?

>> No.6731910

Love in the Time of cholera is in it. I always thought Marquez was mostly known for 100 years. I might have to check it out.

>> No.6731914

what contemporary works are /lit/core? Taos has mixed reviews here and Bolano and Wallace are the only other two that we talk about

>> No.6731929

So.... only time wasting books?

>> No.6732368


>Oscar Wilde

I guess it's appropriate that he's High-Tier because you must be high as fuck to think he has any value