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6719803 No.6719803 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to this board, I usually lurk /fit/, /tv/ and /sp/, but I've been looking for a good fantasy book to read that features kings a lot.
Stuff like Game of Thrones. Listen to "In The Court Of The Crimson King" to know what kind of feel I'm going for.
Do you nerds have anything like that?

>> No.6719821

You'll have a difficult time getting genre fiction recommendations here. But... Wheel of Time, perhaps?

>> No.6719823

have you read a song of ice and fire or are you just talking about the show?
you're gonna need to be more specific, really. what kind of king? the vibe i get from in the court of the crimson king is totally different from a song of ice and fire, which itself is completely at odds with something like the once and future king.

>> No.6719826

stopped reading right there

>> No.6719840

Don't listen to his. WoT is complete BS written by someone who thinks women wouldn't have gotten the shit slapped out of them had they acted like that in real life.
>fucking nerds
>this is why autistic introverted morons shouldn't write books

>> No.6719847

the legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra

>> No.6719851


>> No.6719860

>Women ever getting slapped

Dude. Have you been outside? Even if it's fucking self defense you get thrown in jail, because 'oh no you can't hit women.'

>> No.6719863

Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archives
Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber

>> No.6719873

...Yes. Modern day laws and opinion is in every way comparable to places where (and I admit I haven't read that trash in almost a decade) lords and ladies, kings and queens, and the in-universe equivalent of bandits exist.
Yep. Absolutely. I would get tossed in jail for slapping a mouthy bitch who was worried that her hubby died because of my actions.

>> No.6719879

I'm talking about the show.
I just want to see kings actually be important in the story. In Lord of the Rings, Aragorn isn't even king until the end of the story.
I want to see royal families actually do stuff, and kings serve as something other than a backdrop to the real action.

>> No.6719894

Jesus. You really are an idiot. Either compare it to reality or don't. If fucking magic exists, why can't the relationships between the sexes also be altered?

>> No.6719913

I am glad you agree with me that the relationship between the sexes are badly written and do not hold up to real life in a comparable time, comparable technological level, or comparable governmental system.

>Either compare it to reality or don't.
Which is what I did where I stated that the author was an autistic moron who doesn't understand IRL relationships.

>> No.6719977

Read the Once and Future King by TH White then.

>> No.6720034

I've never read a critique this retarded

>> No.6720041

God what an incomprehensible series of messages
Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about then get outside or something Jesus christ

>> No.6720053

I guess we know who the autistic weirdos are on this board.
Now go practice your katana forms at the mall while wearing your trench coat and fedora. I'm sure you can get a qt3.14 gf who appreciates your deepness.

>> No.6720093

>can't take criticism of his own incomprehensible mumblings
>retorts with angry incomprehensible mumblings
Ok buddy, time for night-night

>> No.6720117

Yes. This is the only possibility. It couldn't be that you are socially awkward and thus too stupid to see unrealistic situations when they are written. Nope. Not at all. You are a socially aware person.
>I notice you don't counter my points about the relationships being unlikely in a similar time.

>> No.6720130

If this is real, using 'nerds' to describe people that read, requesting 'stuff about kings,' you are so deep into an insipid existence that, at this point, you should just stay committed to it. Do not dip your unwashed peasant toe into the water, it will only cloud our patrician drinking supply while still leaving the rest of you clothed in rags and covered in feces

>> No.6720145

That's because that wasn't me you fucking sperglord I just read this thread and was embarrassed to be browsing the same we page as someone as undeveloped as you, you goddamned trout

>> No.6720157

Excellent. So could you talk more about how wrong I am and how well the author writes the interaction between the sexes? I need a good laugh.

>> No.6720165

You don't seem to understand what the words "that wasn't me" mean

>> No.6720169

I just want someone else to laugh at since the original retard seems to have stopped replying.
>please try to put something particularly stupid in it
I suggest 'Women would definitely have acted like this had we menfolk not oppressed them so over the years'. Hop to it junior.

>> No.6720177

>being this dense

>> No.6720182

I agree. It's almost as dense as writing shitty characterization in a book.

>> No.6720186

>being this mad about a fantasy book
>in a thread where everyone is laughing at you
>while Jordan's estate is still raking in the dough
>while the fan of the series have a better adjusted mental life than you

>> No.6720196

You know whose mental life isn't well adjusted? The characters and the shitty universe they are written in.

>> No.6720197

The Way of Kings is alright

>> No.6720203

Still no as bad as you in this thread

>> No.6720218

Thank you. I have spent most of my life trying to make people see how bad the writing is in Jew R. R. Kings books. It is heartening to see another believer. C-can we be friends? We can post about how things are bad and you should feel bad together.

>> No.6720373

stop sperging out you fucking faggot

>> No.6720608
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To even have a mind capable of creating something this dumb.
...seriously can you just go and never come back?