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6715617 No.6715617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't capitalize "God"
>or "Holy Bible"

>> No.6715633

"god" (aka DOG) sucks cocks and the unholy bile isn't even worthy of being my toilet paper!!!

>> No.6715636
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>he posts fedora pics

>> No.6715639
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>> No.6715661

Why wouldn't anyone do this? Unless they meant god as in 'a god', it's a personal name, and should as such be capitalised.

>> No.6715670

>Unless they meant god as in 'a god'
Since God, or maybe christfags should start switching to writing "the LORD", is pretty fucking unknowable, we're always just talking about "a god", as in "any entity that could be the LORD™".

>> No.6715689

Dear Christposters,

Please tell the fedora spammers/meme-posters among your ranks to cut it out, because they are annoying and make you look as embarrassing as the fedoras themselves.


>> No.6715691

>He doesn't write G-d

Fedoras everyone

>> No.6715697
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Yeah, but you're speaking English and you know the historical context of that language so it only makes you look retarded.

I'm not even religious, I just find it hilarious how obvious all you fucking fedora faggots are. For example, the Christ meme is really the only one that gets under your skin, while there's not any vitriol directed towards 90% of the other spam that gets posted here. And then you're so embarrassed about your associates over at reddit that you try to reverse the fedora meme, but it fails miserably because everyone can see what you're doing.

>> No.6715704
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I can tell from your post that you're a gentleman.

>> No.6715712

>you're speaking English and you know the historical context of that language
>the historical context of the english language demands that God is a proper name
>not an ordinary noun
I'm not even a native speaker, but that sounds like you're using prescriptivism to push a religious doctrine.

>> No.6715718

I think that for a while the Christposters had good quality threads and enjoyed reading their conversations. However, what you're doing and the anon below you is doing, is just annoying. Also, if you detected vitriol in my post you either don't know what that word means, or are victim-complexed screwball

>> No.6715730

You're just dumb m8

>> No.6715740

>Christ meme
christ is a title not a name please don't capitalise it, it will offend god

>> No.6715744

like I said cuck, I'm not religious so I only care about grammar unlike you plebs

>> No.6715749

Fuck off this fedora meme has ruined this website.

I remember a time when being some idiot right-winger or christian nutjob would get you laughed right out of any board. Christianity is intellectual suicide nowadays and we all know it.

I miss those days. 4chan is supposed to be the one place where I can go and be as pissed off as normalfags and their idiotic ideas as I want without any repercussions. Now we can't make fun of anything stupid without everyone just shouting it down with accusations of being a "fedora."

It's not funny and it's against the spirit of the website.

Sometimes I dream that I'm posting on /lit/ and all the christfags and faggots who post pictures of fedoras die. The site would be better if they all did.

>> No.6715761

You know shit about grammar unfortunately. Perhaps you should get religious, that is far easier.

>> No.6715763
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>ruined this website

>idiot right winger
>christian nut job
>christianity is intellectual suicide


>> No.6715768

>YHWH and God are the same
Nice meme.

>> No.6715774

Hey, you're the idiot who doesn't realize why the word Christ is capitalized, not me. You're already dumb enough to be religious, why not take the final step?

>> No.6715776

agreed, whats even wrong with fedoras anyway? not everyone wears them? big deal not everyone is as smart as myself and other individuals who put aside the childish need for a silly sky fairy. And they mock you for being polite to a woman? it just goes to show how misogynist and out of touch these christian retards actually are. Yet women still date them because they are attracted to assholes.

>> No.6715780

What is this heresy?

>> No.6715782

>4chan purists
>implying it was ever a forum for intelligent discussion

you're just nostalgic. this site is and always was a meme cesspool, in one form or another.


>> No.6715784

I don't like fucking Christians. Whenever I see one of these ungentlemanly assholes with a good looking girl, it makes me want to grab my katana and walk off into the sunset.

>> No.6715786
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>Christianity is intellectual suicide

>> No.6715789

>worshipping jewish pagan deities

>> No.6715790

I'm glad my faith isn't shaken by orthography.

>> No.6715796
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>> No.6715803
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>christianity is intellectual suicide

>> No.6716124
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There are a lot of misconceptions about atheists on /lit/ I think many of you need to watch this video. That would clear things up

>> No.6716131

Geez, you do that and you're going to heck.

>> No.6716155

Come on guys... We all know that believing in God is just a meme/bait.

>> No.6716156

literally opposites

>> No.6716159
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I hope this is bait.

>> No.6716160

>what is Canaanite Paganism

>> No.6716165
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>My arguments are based off of Youtube Atheists

>> No.6716166

How does it feel to have mutilated penis?

>> No.6716168

The thing the jews purged time after time. I mean, read your fucking bible ffs.

>> No.6716170

she makes a lot of good points. No one who calls themselves intelligent can be anything other than agnostic.

>> No.6716171

I have no idea tbh.

>> No.6716174

>Implying it's not baiting

>> No.6716186

*tips mitre*

>> No.6716225

sexy and smart, what is this young woman's name?

>> No.6716236
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>capitalize "god"
>or holy bible

>> No.6716238

what are these types of images called? what do i have to search for on tumblr or reddit or wherever the fuck these come from to find more of these

>> No.6716287

...you're fucking retarded you know that?

Jehovah, Allah, YHWH, that Eulogy Mormom cunt....all the same person in fantasy land.

The books literally say so.

>> No.6716295

it's funny how atheists think of christians as neckbeards, but christians also think of atheists as neckbeards, and male feminists and MRAs both think of each other as neckbeards. different memes for different folks, i guess!

>> No.6716301



all God's have been created by man...it's literally fucking known fact. Every god all the way back that we know of was manmade for fucks sake.

Now you think kike gods are real? especially since we can trace the history of how jews created the Abrahamic religion? They were all tribes with many gods and then they started to combine under the revolutionary idea of One God, monotheism, and here we are today. Two branches, Islam a blatant plagiarism about a prophet who never wrote anything down who's father took control over the religion and started making up even more bullshit and that pissed off the people who wanted Ali to lead and now they've been killing each other ever since, and batshit Christianity which halted all intellectual value to anyone who wasn't a 1%er in Europe or a boy toucher high in the church.

Fucking honestly.

You people are demented as fuck

>> No.6716306

Oh, and Judaism which is fairly fucking calm because at least they don't tell you that you're going to be going to fuck eternal suffering for not sucking off Lord God fuckface.

But they're even fucked up too because it's fucking religion, the same retarded goddamn play that's been going on since stupid stories about stars got overhyped and people used it to control the paranoid mentality that humans have about what happens after you die.


>> No.6716309

You just stated that religious accounts of god are man-made, ot that there is no god. Well, duh.

>> No.6716312


>> No.6716315
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>> No.6716323

>he thinks common elements between religions hints at divine truth
>he doesn't realize religions say the same things at their heart because it's what sucks people in, not because it's true

>> No.6716326

Atheism is not an organization. There is nothing to defend. You need a fucking reality check.

Religion is fucking stupid, ignorant, and false. No religious organization deserves to be tolerated, they don't deserve respect, it's outdated fucking nonsense,

>> No.6716327

you appear to have made your god in your own image anon.

>> No.6716337

I agree I think the guy in the video made a lot of good points. Christians should be enslaved tbh. See where their "god" is then.

>> No.6716340
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But what about Krishna? He spoke the bhagavad gita to Arjuna on the Kuruksetra battlefield 5000 years ago?

>> No.6716352
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>> No.6716389

>If I wear a fedora pink haired sleeve tattooed women won't like me

Why do you loath yourself, OP?

>> No.6716393
File: 22 KB, 399x295, 1428017405389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When referring to the Jewish or Islamic concept of God is the g typically capitalized? I always thought the purpose of a capital and non-capital case was to distinguish between mono-theism and polytheism rather than to somehow say one concept is better than the other.

>> No.6716409

I know that feel anon. Christfags are insufferable

>> No.6716415

I want communism back...

>> No.6716428

your brain is rotten

>> No.6716434

God isn't really the christian concept of god, he is the Abrahamic concept which the jews and the muslims share and regard as the same, even if they worship him differently.

>> No.6716440

Well except that in christianity, he's actually two guys and a bird.

>> No.6716449

>two guys and a bird

Fucking lost it.

>> No.6716472

If this isn't already pasta, I'm going to have to use it as such. I hope you understand, nothing personnel m8

>> No.6716510

Zeus and Thor are gods. So is Yhwh, but it's forbidden to say/spell it. Doing Jesus in lowercase is rather pedantic, but honestly, half the posters in this once fairly smart board type everything in lowercase, so gtfo Chritfag.