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File: 31 KB, 620x465, stoner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6714723 No.6714723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please help me /lit/.

This is more of a life story than anything else. I was one of the kids who never had a gf during high school or anything and lost my virginity to a girl who cheated on me aged 19. Lots of insecurity issues and in the end I got fed up of getting rejected. So I asked a 5/10 girl out and since then we have had 2-3 years together.

Being with someone is really comforting so I didn't mind that it wasn't very passionate. She has sex whenever I want and cooks and looks after me - it was nice. But she was also mad (in general, fits of rage and such), and mad about having children.

Long story short about a year in she got pregnant and like a decent man I said it's ok and got on with things. My daugher was born 22 months ago, her name is Skye and she's really great.

But at the back of it all I'm still an insecure fuck who got with a 5/10.

So now at work I fell for someone else, went on some dates with her, felt the old serotonin kicking in and made a move and cheated on my gf. I'm pretty sure she knows, but keeps quiet because hey, she's a great wife. She even saw my messages from her a few times and made slightly sarcastic comments but nothing directly confrontational.

Now, I read Stoner not too long after this happened. It's eery that my life is becoming so familiar to the book, and I am TERRIFIED of ending up sharing his fate of insignificance. Right now looking after my kid I don't get to write (and I have so many ideas).

I know this isn't a /lit/ thread, but I hang around this community and you're a smart group of guys. Please give me some clues as to what I should do. Right now my family life is full of arguments and pretty imprisoning and miserable, but I've also been alone and that sucks too. What's more important pleasure or doing the right thing?

>> No.6714730
File: 23 KB, 613x431, David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's more important pleasure or doing the right thing?

The fact that this is even a question fills me with sorrow.

>> No.6714731

How old are you?

If you're under 30, I'm sorry, that really sucks.

It seems to me that you haven't truly lived enough yet, but what the fuck do *I* know about that.

>> No.6714740

Get a divorce your marriage is shit. Do what pleases you in the long run. Again, if your marriage is shit... Get a divorce.

>> No.6714745

Hey, I'm 25.

I've had a pretty interesting life up to now, I spent a year homeless after my dad threw me out and now I work for a law firm. What I mean is that I'm not short of experiences to give me value and know what important values are. But my biggest weakness in all of this has been Stoners - complacency and a desire not to be alone. I've rather beta-ly avoided confrontation and so ended up in this position. The Crime & Punishment thing to do would be to walk the fuck out and be like Napoleon right? None of the books I've read have given me any answers, only more questions.

I know people on this board will have different opinions, but please try to think of the context of having a child because things really aren't that simple; it's not like a regular relationship, our families are intertwined.

>> No.6714748

>What's more important pleasure or doing the right thing?
You should always do the right thing.

>> No.6714760

people seem to always miss the point of this book. He was a hero within his context

>> No.6714765

I do get that, but this is real, and I don't feel like a hero just a schmuck.

>> No.6714767

Obviously the latter is more important.

Speaking from experience with a very similar situation to yours, seeing as how you've cheated, you've already lit the fuse for the TNT of your breakup. You probably notice yourself not being able to look at her the same way. Maybe you push the thought of your infidelity to the back of your head, but nevertheless it's still there... gnawing away at your conscience like a termite on an old wooden chair.

You may try to soothe things over by not telling her, try to return back to normal and swear yourself some bullshit oath the never cross the broken path again... but you'll still remember. And no matter how hard you try to conceal it, she'll still sense your altered presence. She'll notice how the twinkle that was once in your eyes is now nothing more than a vanquished star.

Things WILL be different between you and her from here on out. And unless you grow a pair and tell her, you can forget about amounting to anything more than William Stoner.

>> No.6714770

>I'm pretty sure she knows
>fits of rage
R.I.P. Anon 1989-2015, died of poisoning

>> No.6714779

You don't have to be married to be able to have a relationship with your child. Since it is becoming more obvious that you really like that kid you should probably not get divorced. If it becomes unbearable one day just don't get a divorce when that kid is in its teenage years. A guy I know fucked up his life when his parents divorced.

>> No.6714780

Kill your wife.
Obviously murder your child 👶 too if you feel like it. Make it look like an accident

>> No.6714793

Or... Make her kill the child and herself. If she doesn't kill the child... Idk m8 do whatever you want.

>> No.6714804


Communication is key. If you aren't happy, talk it out with your wife. It's clear that she's an "other" to you, and continuing this is only going to make it harder on everyone. Talk about a divorce, and accept the fact that you'll have to pay child support. Your daughter'll have a nice step-dad, you'll be free to pursue whatever "not-alone" feeling.

You cut ties with the other woman if you don't love her, realize that everyone turns out insignificant, talk to your daughter and wife and build something worthwhile, and find time to do what makes you feel like you have a purpose. You have all the time in the world to connect with your family, don't spend 50 years being a sulking lump of Stoner.

>> No.6714812

Or kill your wife/make her commit suicide.

>> No.6714821

>I know this isn't a /lit/ thread, but I hang around this community and you're a smart group of guys.
Stop trolling us. You know that we are all desperately insecure and damaged man-children who drool at the idea of a 5/10 but don't toy with us man, we have feels too.

>> No.6714868

If Stoner teaches us anything, it's that you have to abduct your child before your wife takes her away from you and ruins her, and that you shouldn't dawdle around with the hottie from work but take your shot with her ASAP. Screw the wife, if she wasn't going to be happy then she shouldn't have married you, right? I can tell from your post that you'd be an amazing author, you can't let the chains that society wants to put on you keep you down.

But in all seriousness though, a) you wouldn't make a good writer, and b) Skye should come first now and not your quarter-life crisis. Your wife got pregnant and you stuck around, so now the kid is your responsibility. Sounds like your wife is a good mother, and that you haven't fucked things up badly enough yet to make a divorce a better option than sticking around, so for your daughter's sake you try to make it work. If you can, great, but if you're truly miserable then yeah, get a divorce, I think it's better for a kid to grow up around two relatively happy separated parents than to be trapped in an unpleasant and deeply dysfunctional home.

This is all a troll though, as made clear by you giving out your daughter's name, so maybe just kill yourself.

>> No.6715261
File: 57 KB, 524x468, 1405184359979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how perfect the girl you get married to is, you will after a few years be ready to murder someone just to fuck the ugliest of her friends. You'll also grow bored and tired of her, the cute things she did will start to annoy you, etc. this is just the way things are. Your marriage is like your job: you don't really to find lasting happiness in it, just a comfortable arrangement that you can die in.

Also, It seems like the only thing genuinely bothering you is your feeling of underachievement.

>> No.6715278

You completely missed the message of the ending if you think Stoner somehow succumbed to a fate of insignificance.

>> No.6715290

Because you are a schmuck you got bored with your life, had a fuckin quarter life crisis and cheated on your wife. A wife, mind you, who you settled for because she felt safe because you're insecure and have low self-esteem. Basically your life is one giant compromise because you're too passive and now you've finally realized it and you feel trapped. Welcome to a hell of your own making faggot.

>> No.6715346
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My best friend from high school is in a similar situation at the age of 22, although her parents are wealthy.

My advice is firstly: your obligation to your child is of utmost importance, being a child of adoption and having seen what wrongly timed divorces and financial difficulties can do to families is tragic. You should focus primarily on whatever gives your child security, especially financial security. That should be your first concern. Secondly, if you have a pasionless, banal, soul crushing marriage to a 5/10 at 25 (which probably means an irl or future 3/10) I would say have fun and explore, if it jepoardizes the marriage so be it, as long as it doesn't critically damage your daughters developmental and financial security. Usually I would say it's wrong, but fuck it, a wise girl once told me that life is all about the experience of the world around us through our bodies and that you shouldn't cut yourself off. I know there is moral resistance but tbh it's unwarranted, your moral obligation is to your child and to yourself and it would be worse to suffer in silence cutting yourself off from everything else the world has to offer. So make some money, look after your kid, fuck some bitches, have some fun and feed your soul (I know, platitudes, but fucking do it!)

>> No.6715367

Why the heck did you call your daughter Skye? That's a pretty terrible name. To be honest, it seems to me like your life is pretty much over. Unless your wife has a job that can support the entire family without you having to work (unlikely), you'll never have the time to write.

>> No.6715369

>I've seen what wrongly timed divorces can do to children
>But fuck it, fuck around, ruin your marriage and more than likely end up divorced.

Your advice is all over the place fella.

>> No.6715389


Basically I mean if he/you does get divorced then time it right and be rich. Also doubtful she'll leave him if she catches him cheating once, especially if he's putting food on the table. My advice is that he shouldn't feel that cheating is morally wrong in this desperate context as long as he can look after his kid.

>> No.6715410

This post hits me in the feels but offers no solutions

>> No.6715438

>Not using a condom
>Not using birth control
>Not pulling out even if you're using both or one of the above.

You fucked up nigga I'm never having a baby.

>> No.6715460

>Having sex for pleasure

Fucking degenerate.

>> No.6715480

I'm 18 and have nothing of value to contribute to this thread.

Monitoring for interest though.

>> No.6715546

Never have a kid, kid.

>> No.6715558
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not planning on it :^)

>> No.6715565

Are you OP? Im thinking the solution is stay with your wife, or leave. Jesus christ man its your decision this isnt something some strangers on an anime image board can truly help you with

>> No.6715598

>having sex for anything but pleasure
>being this pleb

>> No.6715604

Not actively planning to have a kid is different from planning not to have a kid and you need to do the latter.

>> No.6715609

Indeed, and it was the latter I meant to imply from my Schopenhauer meme-post.

>> No.6715766

It wasn't meant to offer a solution because there is no real solution. No one but you can make you feel fulfilled with the life you have. You have two options; you can actively change things and hope that makes you feel better or you can continue to passively accept your life as it comes. There is no magic solution, you're the one that got yourself stuck. Like I said, welcome to a hell of your own making.

>> No.6715812

Hah, an insecure egotist by the sounds of it.

Fuck off to adv.

Why the hell is this still here? He obviously wants to talk about himself not Stoner.

>> No.6715853

>have a good, but ugly wife
>fucks you
>cooks for you
>has problems but is decent
>have a kid with her
>cheated on her

>settle for an ugly wife
>get tired of her being ugly and cheat on her
Holy fuck you make me mad. Why did you marry the bitch?
1) Divorce your ugly wife and set up a visiting schedule and payment.
2) Stop cheating, treat your wife well, and tell her the truth in a few months.

>> No.6716361


>> No.6716377

You didn't understand Stoner.
You should reread it

>> No.6716386

He stated clearly that his wife wanted a child

>> No.6716395

Probably underrated

>> No.6716423

>especially if he's putting food on the table
>shouldn't feel that cheating is morally wrong in this desperate context

So you're saying that cheating is fine if your partner is too financially dependent to consider leaving you? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6716486

What is with americans and giving retarded names for their children?

>> No.6716532

that's a stripper name if i ever seen one. and if you want them to be good, better get them started early.

>> No.6716588

Being raised by two parents who hate each other also fucks up the kid. I can't directly compare it to growing up with divorced parents, but "staying together for the kids" isn't always the right thing to do.

I don't think there's a clear "right" answer for OP's situation. He's got himself into quite a mess.

>> No.6716650

Divorce is only a problem when the parents hate each other. If they divorce amicably, respect each other, and share visitation it'll be alright. 3/4 mom/dad and then 4/3 mom/dad. The kids will get used to it and be alright.