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/lit/ - Literature

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6709938 No.6709938 [Reply] [Original]

>what book are you currently reading?
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?

>> No.6710011

>rememberance rock
>flying kites

>> No.6710030

Gödel Escher Bach
Techno music

>> No.6710045

>Infinite Jest
>Not sure
>Film and Football/Soccer

>> No.6710065

>seychelles may be gone in about 20 years due to rising water levels

fucking suicidals on /lit/

>> No.6710088

>what book are you currently reading?
Wuthering Heights
>where do you want to live?
Anywhere, where i'll be happy.
>what other hobbies do you have?
I'm trying to build my identity. It's pretty absorbing.

>> No.6710100

>I'm trying to build my identity
how do you mean?

>> No.6710108

Great series. Anyone else /children's books/? Not YA
I don't know where I want to live
I like wandering around

>> No.6710115

a, by Andy Warhol
Not much else, tbh. I collect books & talk about books & rec books and loan them & write & read them & also I try to 'follow' net art, I guess. 4chan can count as an unfortunate hobby, maybe?

>> No.6710119

He's a robit but his maker couldn't complete him before the heart attack

>> No.6710128

Twenty four days ago i had an "accident". After that i realised, that i have a lot of flaws that lead to this accident and place where i'm right now. I've decided to change my life, regain self-respect, grow up and become worthy man.
Now i'm trying to kill old myself and create new one. That's what i called building identity.

>> No.6710132

>Howth Castle
>holding bowls with crossed mirrors and razors while intoning introibo ad altare dei

>> No.6710133

>kill old myself
that's pretty brutal

>> No.6710139

>what book are you currently reading?
heart of darkness
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?

>> No.6710140

Living in the end times

Colorado, Oregon or Alaska

Working out, playing banjo, brewing beer

>> No.6710141

Heavy metal, my pagan brother.

>> No.6710146

Book on an 80's junk bond firm
I to fight and drink, and I'm into meditation theory

>> No.6710153

What's it called?

>> No.6710155

>This Side of Paradise
>London or NYC
>Book collector if that counts

>> No.6710163

Which Way Western Man
Not sure
Not much right now except hearthstone and fapping

>> No.6710166
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>what book are you currently reading?
Infinite Jest (Joined the /lit/ Infinite Summer readalong)
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?
I am quite a skilled cook and I spend a lot of time cooking. I collect copper cookware and kitchen knives. I play drums. I watch films and listen to music. I collect whisky. Sometimes I build wooden furniture. I like mowing my lawn. Once in a while I'll play Red Orchestra 2.

>> No.6710168

I don't see any better options. I was, and unfortunately still am, pretty shitty person.
I wish. I'm sad man right now.

>> No.6710180

You sound like a happy man. Are you?

>> No.6710291

>Infinite Jest for /lit/ Infinite Summer
>San Francisco or Los Angeles
>Vidya and collecting toys. Trying to cut back on both though, they're distracting and expensive

>> No.6710307

>Gläserne Bienen

>> No.6710312

Ego death?

>> No.6710331

>What book are you reading?
About to finish Love in the Time of Cholera.

>Where do you want to live?
If I could pick anywhere it would be San Sebastian. I'm pretty happy where I'm at now though.

>What other hobbies do you have?
Fly fishing, golf, craft beers, shooting, psychedelic drugs, and tobacco smoking are the main ones.

>> No.6710333

>Thinking about moving to Amsterdam
>Paint, shoot photos, videos, write

>> No.6710340

>what book are you currently reading?
Crime and Punishment
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?
smoking weed
industrial noise and experimental music
military surplus rifles

>> No.6710341

I'm the anon from above you and just wanted to add that Amsterdam is a close second. I love it there and could easily live the rest of my life in that city.

>> No.6710346

>industrial noise

You trying to tell us you're a construction worker without looking like a pleb?

>> No.6710351

>My Struggle by Knausgaard
>Weightlifting, firearms, vidya, chess, just wandering outdoors

>> No.6710358

Predator's Ball

>> No.6710360

no, i don't have a job. i make very abrasive music with things like axe files plugged into distortions pedals plugged into amps at maximum volume. it's super fun.

>> No.6710400

>none, finished a book (foucault's pendulum by umberto eco) last night, have not yet started a new one
>i dunno
>i compose music and write essays on music philosophy, i also enjoy cinema

>> No.6710420

>I, Claudius
>fishing, film

>> No.6710442

>Wheel of Time book 4
>filmmaker, musician, lifting weights, sculpture, poetry, writing, cinephile, audiophile, 420blazingit,

>> No.6710444


The Roebit

One time, I say once there was this roebit, and he thought he was a man. Walked and talked and ate his wife's cooking just like any man.

So one day I says to him, I says "Look, you'se a roebit."

He turns to me and says to me, "No, you're a robot."

>> No.6710450

I'm not very social. At all, basically. That's my major weakness and something I feel the need to work on. Social interaction is something that I can only stand in short bursts or I start to feel claustrophobic. It's a problem that I need to get over. I hope I will overcome it someday.

But other than that, I am very happy with my life. I can't complain. I am at my happiest when standing in front of the stove, feeling the fire, listening to a piece of music, anticipating an evening of either reading or film viewing. I have a comfortable amount of money, enough to support my hobbies, and I take a lot of satisfaction from I do. But I am still young and I don't know how long that satisfaction will last.

But yes, I am happy right now for the moment.

>> No.6710452

Sounds awful.

>> No.6710454

>Infinite kek
>Nova Scotia or BC if staying in Canada... Denmark, Switzerland, or Italy are yuro countries I would consider.
>lots of physical stuff... trail running, birding, judo, mountain biking, etc.

>> No.6710462

>smoking weed is considered a hobby

>> No.6710463

Don't come to Denmark. It's a socialist hellhole.

Switzerland is much better.

>> No.6710465
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>what book are you currently reading?
Stefan Zweig: Die Welt von Gestern (The World of Yesterday) [not really enjoying it]
>where do you want to live?
vienna, london, beijing, LA, maybe australia or a safe, quiet part of south africa when i'm old. probably not gonna happen tho. probably safe to say i'll be stuck here till the day i die
>what other hobbies do you have?
sketching, writing; climbing, building things, history and spirituality, league of faggots, making shitty pizza

>> No.6710475

>Nelson, BC
>snowboarding, golfing, hiking

>> No.6710476

>Icelandic Sagas
>Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, The Netherlands or Russia
>Playing the piano, leaning languages, MMA

>> No.6710490

Didn't you guys just elect a right-wing government?

>> No.6710496

Yes. But that won't change anything.

>> No.6710498

>The forbidden sacred scrolls of Atlantis
>Anywhere but here in Cleveland
>Elevating my consciousness, illuminating manuscripts, wine making, tobacco farming, pokemon

>> No.6710502

La habana cuba? Estas bromiando o es otro lugar?

>> No.6710505


>> No.6710509

U sound dope

>> No.6710510

Goethe: The Poet and the Age-Boyle
Anywhere in Western Europe, but Germany would be ideal
Classical music, writing fiction, EU4

>> No.6710538

Well you still have tall statuesque blondes there...right?

>> No.6710556

No. Danish people have sand-brown hair for the most part. But most women here do look good if they eat well.

>> No.6710598
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>Homeric Hymns

>Boston, New Hampshire, maybe out west in Montana or something

>guitar/bass, vinyl collecting, music generally, Latin, fashion I guess, making homemade yogurt, I'd like to add chess and horticulture

>> No.6710624

The Count of Monte Cristo

I honestly have no idea

Reading, judo, muay thai, parkour, archery, card games (my favorites are slapjack and tien len), film, theater, and listening to music

>> No.6710637

>Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow.
>San Francisco
>Vidya and math.

>> No.6710644

>The Castle
>UK or France somewhere
>Film, fashion, reading nonfic in general

>> No.6710655

>what book are you currently reading?
Midnight in Mexico
>where do you want to live?
Anywhere I can get a fresh start
>what other hobbies do you have?
Lifting and spending time outdoors

>> No.6710657


Nova Scotia


>> No.6710662


>what book are you currently reading?
The Age of Innocence
>where do you want to live?
Here, in L.A, but in Echo Park, Venice, or Downtown, instead of suburburb.
>what other hobbies do you have?
Coffee, movies, writing.

>> No.6711310

Coffee is a hobby?

>> No.6711363

> The City of Dreaming Books
> Somewhere where I can try this pseudo-homesteading thing.
> I play the violin and jerk off mostly

>> No.6711391

Something like that.

>> No.6711395

been down so long it looks like up to me
short term, victoria bc

>> No.6711422

>Fathers and Sons

>> No.6711426

>Mountain cottage
>Play the bass and hit the gym

>> No.6711427

Got anything on YouTube?

>> No.6711440

>what book are you currently reading?
Parallel Stories by Péter Nádas
>where do you want to live?
Canada or Scandinavia, somewhere cold and woodsy, after another decade or so of the city life I'm currently living
>what other hobbies do you have?
Gardening, cooking, skateboarding, going on bike rides, wood/metalworking, drugs, music (playing bass/guitar, collecting vinyl, listening extensively)

>> No.6711443

>I don't even know, I guess I'm living where I want
>cycling, watching sports (if that even counts), music-related stuff

>> No.6711449


>> No.6711489

>East of Eden
>in a cozy little house innawoods
>studying math, philosophy, listening to music, learning languages

>> No.6711497

Do you like East of Eden? I thought The Grapes of Wrath was very good.

>> No.6711525

Confessions of St. Augustine
I had a dream a few nights ago in which I moved to Turkey so probably there.
I play the accordion and lift weights.

>> No.6711537

>what book are you currently reading?
Treasure Island. It's the first time that I read it in English.
>where do you want to live?
South West Moscow
>what other hobbies do you have?
I'm poisoning the pigeons in the park. I won't say I'm into languages because on an American board it's like telling penguins that you also like flying.

>> No.6711542

forgot to link

made me think of this song:

>> No.6711583

Interesting link. Mine is similar except for its being red.

>> No.6711625

Some people just really like their coffee. It's not that weird.

> Don Quixote de la Mancha
> Salem, MA
> Play Bass, Read, Write - Rinse/Repeat

>> No.6711630

that book caught my attention, how far are you into it and do you like it?

>> No.6711631

I'm almost done with it and so far it's been very enjoyable.

>> No.6711650

no habla

>> No.6711687


I like to drink all the different coffee drinks and just plain old good coffee you can find in all the coffee shops in L.A. I like to learn about coffee, how it's made, etc. It's sort of like having food, weed or alcohol as a hobby. (Though I hope I'm not obnoxious about it: I still drink Starbucks without a sneer.) I just really like it. That first cup is one of the high points of my day.

>> No.6711712

>what book are you reading?
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner and Sketches from a Hunter's Album by Turgenev.
>where do you want to live?
Washington state, or anywhere with lots of trees and mountains. Maybe Vermont.
>what other hobbies do you have?
I write a little bit, I ride my bike, I play fingerstyle guitar. Is school a hobby? I study neuroscience at the College of William & Mary

>> No.6712016

Currently reading: Death in the Afternoon

I currently live in temecula ca, and enjoy it. Would like to move back up to northern ca, Mendocino.

I build and ride motorcycles, brew beer and cider, and have just recently crossed the line from reluctantly getting back in to shape and now sit happily in the realm of amateur fitness enthusiast

Anyone in the 760 want to grab a beer?

>> No.6712062

>Life and Fate - Vasily Grossman
>Vidya, Shooting, Skiing

>poisoning the pigeons in the park
Fucking LOL

>> No.6712083
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>I won't say I'm into languages because on an American board it's like telling penguins that you also like flying.

>> No.6712095
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>telling penguins that you also like flying.

>> No.6712381

>Moby Dick

>> No.6712387

Do you want to play now?

>> No.6712396

I'd love to but I can't. My lunch break is almost over.

>> No.6712397

-Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History
-Charleston, SC (not because of the shooting )
-computer games (especially strategy), walking, cycling, motorcycle

>> No.6712401

>Bonfire of the Vanities
>holy fuck i miss malaysia
>i check up on a couple of animal habitats every other day

>> No.6712404

100 Years of Solitude
Promise of Politics

>> No.6712411


Bretty well fitting

>> No.6712414

>Pale Fire
>NYC or Paris
>Lifting, drawing, writing. Sensual eye contact and conversation with ladies at upscale bars.

>> No.6712416

I really enjoyed that.

>> No.6712427


I don't get it, I don't like lawns either. I'm sure you find it meditative but I just can't get into either.

>> No.6712491

>what book are you currently reading?
Confessions of a Mask
>where do you want to live?
Southeastern Connecticut or anywhere similar
>what other hobbies do you have?
Collecting art books, trying to draw, walking around. I play in a couple community concert bands throughout the year so I don't get too out of practice.

>> No.6712499

this is not me ..

>> No.6712501

>Never Let Me Go
>Open grasslands
>Tennis, Media, Tabletop Games

>> No.6712549

In the middle of several, in need of getting to several more. Recently finished an Armenian history, last pages read from a Roman history.

In a four winged home with loved ones. One wing for frequent gatherings, the central dome room a nice library. In peace and plenty.

Reading is such an extension of so many others. The arts, the humanities, basically. Learning as the best way to waste time.

>> No.6712593

Amsterdam or Sweden.
Cycling, shooting pool and sometimes I go to muay thai training

>> No.6712641

my god she's fucking gorgeous

>> No.6712710

>none atm, fixing to start The Razor's Edge or Slow Learner
>disc golf, rap, film

>> No.6712739


>> No.6712847

unless flagstaff or something, why

>> No.6712873

>Look Homeward, Angel
>Cape Town, Berlin, maybe Vienna
>I cook a lot because I prefer home cooked meals. I camp several times a year and hunt quite a bit when season's in. I play in what's at best a Rolling Stones cover band when old friends whom I rarely see come by. I like tennis, golf and swimming a lot.

>> No.6712894

Dispatches by Michael Here

Northern Ontario in a cabin, work on a boat or mill or some shit 100 miles from any suburb or City.

Writing, I like obsessively researching about cults, fitness sometimes.

>> No.6712917


>A Farewell to Arms
>Italy, France, or NYC
>Programming, Anime , Playing MUDs

That said, I need another book to occupy myself with. I'm nearly halfway through the first book in ASOIAF series, but that's gotten somewhat boring to me. I recently also downloaded Blood Meridian and The Road... which book do you think I should read on the side, /lit/?

>> No.6712931
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Like pic related?

How long have you been doing judo for?

>> No.6713062

Watching something beautiful grow from a seed never ceases to amaze me. Be it a flower or a fruit, the idea that I planted a seed that has now provided me a delicious meal or a beautiful sight is great.

>> No.6713081


that's a dude.

>> No.6713303

The Pajama Game by Mark Law

In Sweden with a girl I currently have a crush on.

Outside of reading and 4chan I try to learn Portguese, do BJJ and Judo and study law.

>> No.6713313

>Netherlands, with my aloof female friend I'm secretly in love with
>Rock climbing, writing, vidya

>> No.6713322


Zurich or Geneva

video games, writing

>> No.6713327
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>> No.6713345
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*tips chrysostomos*

>> No.6713356

>foucault's pendulum
>paris or venice
>going to museums, drinking, vidya

>> No.6713362
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>And Quiet Flows The Don
>Oxford while I go to university there
> video games, reading synopsis' of movies and then not watching them.

>> No.6713378

Congrats on getting in. What's your major?

>> No.6713382
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>want to live

if I get in English Lit. If I don't I'll probably just major in STEM and resign myself to doing shit I hate just to make money.

>> No.6713384

What're your favorite books?

>> No.6713386
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Heart of darkness, Catch 22, Dead Souls, Dubliners

>> No.6713389

The Brothers Karamazov

A rural cabin somewhere with extreme weather.

I don't really have hobbies, I just do whatever to pass the time. Could be searching for new music, watching a movie on my laptop, sunbathing in my backyard, etc. My life is mundanity.

I dropped a tab of acid with some guy yesterday and we ended up just talking about cults the whole time. We decided that we should form a "cult cult".

>> No.6713390

at least you have rare pepes

>> No.6713423

One hundred years of solitude, German ideology
Minsk, Belarus
Compiling Gentoo

>> No.6713448

> Siddhartha
> California (I already live here, so I win? )
> I lift

>> No.6713454

jesus fuck, someone who goes to oxford has rare peps. the fuck is life itself

>> No.6713460


>> No.6713463

>hating doing STEM stuff

Plato, Aristotles and Wittgenstein are disappoint anon.

>> No.6713658

>I like obsessively researching about cults
which are the most interesting?

>> No.6713662

The Monk
Austria or Amsterdam
Painting, drawing, lifting, running, cinephile, poker.

>> No.6713833

>what book are you currently reading?
The Culture of the Renaissance in Italy, Jacob Burckhardt
The Death of Empedokles, Friedrich Hölderlin
A Short History of German Literature, Rothman

>where do you want to live?
Somwhere sunnier

>what other hobbies do you have?
badminton, also procrastinating

>> No.6713853

>infinite jest

>> No.6713855

Hal plz go

>> No.6713856

Pretty good tbh

>> No.6713859

>not wanting to experience drug-induced ego death at least once in your lifetime
>being certain your subjective reality has no flaws

>> No.6713861

pls be in london

>> No.6713871


>> No.6713894
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>Crime and Punishment

>An isolated cottage in Switzerland (pic related)

>Collecting, writing, then the usual like music, films, games, etc.

>> No.6714041

I went to film camp
I've read Sartre
I've read Thomas Pynchon
I've read Ayn Rand
I've been to Italy
I've been to France
I speak French
I've been to Spain
I've been to South America
I've been to Kenya
I've been to China
I've backpacked across Europe
I prefer tea to coffee
I've been to Greece
I love Greek food
I'm a foodie
I'm always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast
sometimes I go to Barns & Noble and loose track of the time
the black people that I've met, say I have a lot of flavor
I drive an ancient Volvo that barely starts
The Matrix and Inception are the first movies in the last 10 years that really made me think
and yea I paint, no big deal
I think conventional painting rules are stodgy, archaic
to bend the spoon, you have to realize there is no spoon
think outside the box

>> No.6714140

And gayest of /lit/ award goes to

>> No.6714144

The Denial of Death

>> No.6714149

Augustus - John Williams


Coin collecting, computers and wine

>> No.6714175

Mate, 3 lines of greentext is all that was asked for

>> No.6714184 [DELETED] 

>what book are you currently reading?
Clans of the alphane moon, Ginza Rba
>where do you want to live?
where i live now
>what other hobbies do you have?
Firearms, paranoia, drinking, making shitty flash animations

>> No.6714186
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>> No.6714190

>what book are you currently reading?
The sorrows of young Werther
>where do you want to live?
small comfy home in a green pasture far from the city, with a nice wife, two daughters,a fireplace and big bookshelves
>what other hobbies do you have?
Vinyl collecting, coin collecting, film.

>> No.6714194

Gentlemen, as 4chan posters it is your responsibility to recognise and identify: copypasta, and: memes. Today you have failed.

>> No.6714196

Why do you want to live here?

>> No.6714197
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top kek

>> No.6714248

>what book are you currently reading?
The stranger- Albert Camus
>where do you want to live?
NYC or Prague
>what other hobbies do you have?
Film, Vidya, Hiking

>> No.6714657

I live in Vermont. It's really beautiful. Most people don't like the winter, though.

>> No.6714676
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I love the winter. I hear it's expensive there tho.

>> No.6714768

>the Tin Drum
>personal island off the coast of Canada
>taking big shitties, listening to mediocre music

>> No.6714776

>Chile o una loca geografía
>Play Dwarf Fortress

Not shure about Germnay though

>> No.6714781

currently reading chapter 8. I hate the turtle

>> No.6714924

just don't. it's a shithole

>> No.6714969

> Infinite Jest
> Rome, Italy
> running, playing the piano, travelling, cooking

>> No.6714976

>Game of Thrones/Underwolrd
>New York City, Hell's Kitchen
>Baseball, Football, Boxing, Vidya, Sex

>> No.6714981

>techno music

Kill yourself

>> No.6714987

Charleston is GOD TIER

Just not North Charleston

>> No.6715000

As a German, why not? It's a pretty good place to live.

>> No.6715084

History Of The Peloponnesian War - transl. Rex Warner

Not sure, colorado, italy, nice european town

Write, bit of music, bit of exercise, camping, movies

>> No.6715145

Rereading The Hobbit
I really like the part of Germany I currently life. If there aren't big changes here I think I would like to stay here.
My other hobbies besides reading are football, gaming and hanging around with friends.

>> No.6715182

Gravity's Rainbow during my commute.
Mexico City
Hunting, fishing, playing rugby and driving (offroad and backroads).

>> No.6715188 [DELETED] 
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Pic related

>> No.6715199

The Little Golden Calf by Ilf and Petrov

Probably the North West of France

I do triathlons, water polo and a bit of baking.

>> No.6715201

This photo made me feel peaceful. Is that weird?

>> No.6715235

Not at all. I feel that way with a kill. It's the resolution of tension between you and the animal in your favor.

That boar travelled almost a mile with holes through his lungs and could have turned on us as we tracked him. Finding him dead at the end of the trail was a profound relief.

Do you hunt?

>> No.6715248

Finished Herzog, don't know what to read next.

Currently live in North Brazil. Want to move to Sao Paulo for uni. Want to live in Europe in the future, probably Italy.

4chan, walking, sleeping, eating.

>> No.6715444

No, and I've never done it either. I guess that's why I thought it might be weird that I feel that way.

>> No.6715474

Les racines du ciel, Romain Gary

Berlin or Leipzig

music, techno especially, djing, biking, buying expensive pieces of clothing (fashion), cinema

s/o buddy

>> No.6715484


Are you me?

>> No.6715491

Great gatsby
A villa in cerdeña
Vidya, lifting

>> No.6715493


>Infinite Jest
>Switzerland, San Francisco or Berlin
>Lifting, walks in the forrest, keeping a diary, helping friends with film projects, learning german.

>> No.6715497

>The establishment and how they get away with it
>Guitar, folk music, weird Japanese classical/experimental music.

>> No.6715499


Fuck you, detroit/berlin techno is top tier. Listen to recondite or basic channel then kill yourself pleb. (Not even samefag)

>> No.6715503
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Garner's Modern American Usage
Soccer, Chess, /fit/

>> No.6715518

It's probably unusual to be chill about it when you actually kill the first few times, but that's a lot do with nerves. Now I feel the same way I do at the end of a normal rugby game (not a championship or something like that) or when I pull into the garage after bombing the backroads and not seeing any cops.

>> No.6715528
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>>what book are you currently reading?
Illiad, A Moveable Feast, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Crime and Punishment, On the Road
Yeah, I read a lot of books at once, helps me read more
>>where do you want to live?
deeper into the center of Berlin or Paris if I had the money
>>what other hobbies do you have?
No real hobbies, I suppose I take music pretty seriously so it might count as a hobby

>> No.6715534

>Maximum Ride: The Final Warning
>In a country with human rights

>> No.6715537

>the vorrrrrrh

>> No.6715555

>what book are you currently reading?
The Red Pony
>where do you want to live?
Nowhere really. Every place just seems to be romanticized. I like the idea of just travelling and having no permanent dwelling. But again, like i said, that's just my romantic idea of it, probably sucks in reality. Probably just enjoy a small comfy apartment to live in a place that isn't a complete crime ridden shithole
>what other hobbies do you have?
Working out and film. I can't really afford much else or have much of an interest in anything else.

>> No.6716325

Chess and RPGs

>> No.6716387

>The Sot-Weed Factor. Also Mrs. Dalloway
>twin cities
>music is my main /thing/. pursuing a career in education in music and composing/performing along with it. figure skating. tennis.

>> No.6716399

music ed? performance master race here, pls die and quit your cancer spreading in my art. thx <3

>> No.6716413

lol k

>> No.6716422

>Infinite Jest
>Raleigh, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta (Sports)
>Exercise, Yoga, Football, muzack, video games, cooking good stuff when I have money, trying not to be depressed

>> No.6716571


>> No.6716599
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The Stranger
Translating and creative writing

>> No.6716719

>Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
>Somewhere where I'm surrounded by nature, or anywhere other than a town full druggies and hicks
>Writing, piano, drawling, video games

>> No.6716748

>crime and punishment

>> No.6716760
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>> No.6717170

>byzantium: the decline and fall
>brazil or USA
>drinking and video games

>> No.6717184

Please don't. I'm brazilian and I can assure you that this is a complete shithole.

Não caia no conto do vigário.

>> No.6717194

What's so bad about Brazil? It can't be all ghettos.

>> No.6717198

It's not really about the ghettos.
But unless you're rich, it's pretty damn hard to live a comfy life here.

>> No.6717201

welcome to the world

>> No.6717204

>the world
Middle class in any developed country live better than the so called "riches" here. You'll understand when you get here.

It's no use telling you something you can't really grasp.

>> No.6717297
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>PIHKAL and 2061:an odyssey three
>Maldives or Hawaii
>hiking, smoking hash, learning French, watching Chomsky lectures

>> No.6717316

>portrait of the artist as a young man
>south of france or eastern seaboard
>tattoo collecting, used to be a record producer, lifting weights, on the way to a philosophy PhD if that counts as a hobby, language learning as well.

don't live in hawaii, it sucks. i currently live there. it only makes sense if you were to live anywhere other than Oahu and had a good deal of money to support yourself

>> No.6717319

>The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
>Don't know, Colorado is nice, enjoying living in ATL right now, might expat at some point
>Writing (like most here), snowboarding, chess, occasional video games, music, visarts, crew

>> No.6717328
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>Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Ulysses and Paul Celan: Poet, Jew, Survivor
>I am exactly where I should be.
>Running. Baking whenever I get myself into the rhythm. Trying to get a chapbook made up.

>> No.6717355

Wow thats fucking terrible, seriously dude, you need to re think things, get new material asap man before you fuck everything up reading terrible worthless trash that is horrible on every single level, you need to look up and do research you fucking dumbass, really fucking dumb if you ask me, you should just stop reading man, fuck.

>> No.6717357

>a great city of old, magnificent Empire - either Constantinople, London, or Vienna (Vienna would probably be the nicest)
>more or less my only major productive hobby not related to literature is playing the piano

>> No.6717363


Oh, and I also work out, but I'm not sure if that qualifies as a "hobby" so much as a virtual necessity of lifestyle.

>> No.6717368

Vienna is full of muslims and blacks now, best to avoid.

>> No.6717377


You seem to assume that, because I appreciate history and have a romantic view of it, I must be a snivveling bigot such as yourself who blames one's own failings and happiness on the Colored Other. One shouldn't make such assumptions. Austria (and, I would imagine, by extensions Vienna) has a very nice standard of living, regardless of whether all of its inhabitants are True Bible Blue-and-Blonde Aryan Super-Duper-Superaustrians by your outmoded, outdated, sloppy, and above all culturally primitive standards.

>> No.6717382

>New York
>Bangin' Yer Mom

>> No.6717395

I Know Right, That Guy Is A Le Bigot. The Sudden Rise In Crime In Vienna Can Not Be Attributed To The Rise In Superior Coloured MEN And WOMEN, It Is The Fault Of Evil White Boys, Fo' Sho'. I For One Accept Our New Muslim Overlords And Submit To Allah, As There Is No God But Him And Nubian PENIS.
With Love And Non-Heteronormative Grammar,
A Fellow Continental.

>> No.6717398

This is bait.

>> No.6717632

Not cool man. So so not cool.

>> No.6717688

Please don't say it's Dilma's fault

>> No.6717707

>Go tell it on a mountain
>Rural Georgia
>Collegiate Quizbowl

>> No.6717734

>what book are you currently reading?
The Name of the Rose
>where do you want to live?
IDK, I just know that I don't want to stay in a place for too much
>what other hobbies do you have?
Film, trying Painting (even though I'm not good at drawing)

>> No.6717779
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who's ur team m8

>> No.6717800

Infinite Jest
One of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany or Austria
Film/screenwriting and sport

>> No.6717813



>> No.6717911

Ive never seen that capo before

what an autistic faggot

>> No.6717925

i'm sorry you live in a country with such a terrible sports culture

england is pretty fucking terrible nowadays too, i'm so glad to be a palace fan

>> No.6717927
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It can be, but it depends on what part of the state and what you're looking for. Like, if you want to rent, it's only particularly expensive in Burlington or Stowe. But if you're looking to buy property, it'll probably be up there wherever you want to be. All worth it, though. The air is so clean.

>> No.6717933

I've been to Brazil. I wouldn't choose to live there permanently but a few years would be neat.

>> No.6717936

>muh clean air

>> No.6717938
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palace fans are the only "real" supporters left in the PL
american supporters get a pass cause americans are overcoming a 100 year interest gap in football and they're endearing just for trying
I feel like bundesliga has the best support right now. Turkish league is a close second for me

>> No.6718097

i know, it's tough for americans because, with few exceptions, they have no history and culture to draw on so they have to make their own. but to be honest, given how corporatised the sport is from the outset, and considering the jock approach americans have to their traditional sports, i don't see much hope.

comparable to australia, but i have more hope for them. they have a few great groups, especially w. sydney wanderers. the east european immigrant contingent is pretty significant, you would have thought latinos might bring something to american soccer culture but they dont.

i don't know why palace alone of all english teams is able to sustain an ultras group, i'm just glad to be a part of it. next season is our tenth anniversary.

germany have such a great quality all through their leagues, but other than the typical countries, i really like north africa at the moment, morocco (wydad/raja casablanca), egypt (al ahly) and algeria. indonesia is also under-rated.

>ambrose bierce collection, confessions of an english opium eater, roald dahl - someone like you, james kelman - the burn, just finished richard yates - a good school

>japan, new england, germany, glasgow, brighton, and probably a bunch of other places where i will continue to be lonely and suicidal

>fit, mu, tv/films, soccer

>> No.6718116

>On the road
>Glasgow or any other northern UK city
>not much, swimming comes to mind

>> No.6718127

>what book are you currently reading?
Das Schloss
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?

>> No.6718141

> The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
> The city where i'm already at: Porto, Portugal
> Gaming and music

>> No.6718166

The Brothers Karamazov
Currently in Dunedin New Zealand. Want to do an exchange to France, hopefully Lyon.(no I'm not some hipster faggot, half my family is French and there are very good institutes there for my field)
I like to keep physically active, mostly through football.

>> No.6718179

Also want to add to my hobbies playing piano badly and lamenting over women

>> No.6718316

>lamenting over women
This is depressing

>> No.6718506

I love the desert and fuck New Mexico/Nevada. I'd maybe consider Utah.

>> No.6718821
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Are you going to the Uni there?
Also, what is the PhD process like, tedious? I'm currently an anxious bio undergrad

>> No.6719175
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thank you
>mfw puny philistines think their shit opinions are worth posting

>> No.6719193

>boring berlin shit
>suited up white bougie techno shit
>laptop DJ shit
>mfw you probably don't even go to clubs to listen to it

>> No.6719199

just calm down m9 it's only bleeps and bloops

>> No.6719228

>can't handle trve techno
>calls it bleeps and bloops
fuck off to >>>/mu/ you pleb

>> No.6719280

you're just trying to rile me up but you've got nothing
I don't even go on mu :')
here, have a nice track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5tU_Oajpj0

>> No.6719296

how'd you manage to be such a pleb on your own? impressive

>> No.6719349
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why is this so important to you? is the only way for you to feel good about listening to music to convince yourself of everyone else being in awe of your sublime taste in it? is it not meaningful to you otherwise?

>> No.6719440

The Daemon Knows
biking, film, techno and classical music

>> No.6719489
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>Napoleon by Belloc

one day I would become rich enough to buy that house

>> No.6719508

That place has no architectural value, duder.

>> No.6719526

suture self i guess. i cant wait to get out of this desert

>> No.6719543

>artistic merit
pick one

>> No.6719549

>That place has no architectural value
I hope this will lower the price.
Have you ever seen an house and thought "this is where I would like to live"?
That's what happened from me with that house, moreover is on sale since my childhood

>> No.6719556

The Lantern Bearers for class and Continental Phil 2nd Ed.
Idk. Somewhere semi-isolated, small and quiet. I wanna get married someday, so I'll see where she wants to live as well.
Vidya, movies and music. I like consuming media.

>> No.6719578

>what book are you currently reading?
>where do you want to live?
Nyc maybe
>what other hobbies do you have?
Drawing/Painting, music, cinema

>> No.6719614

>what book are you currently reading?
-Transparent Things by Vladimir Nabokov (started last week, about 2/3 done)
-The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade by Herman Melville (hacking away at it for a while, it's hard to annotate because there's so much, about 1/4 done, love it)
-1491 by Charles Mann (just about finished, really like the content but Mann is kind of pompous)
>where do you want to live?
-I have no idea. Somewhere in southeastern Europe would be interesting.
>what other hobbies do you have?
Yoga, podcasts, pot and the woods, martial arts.

Why not simply move to where you want to and fall in love there?

>> No.6719636

>He said while drinking his latte in the safest part of his safe county

>> No.6719656

>Naked Lunch
>London,California or New York
>I listen to and play music,vidya and art

>> No.6719849

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>sing, play guitar and bass, film, vidya, being a reclusive intellectual that everyone finds charming and interesting, masturbating/philosophy.

>> No.6719866
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>what book are you currently reading?
"On the suffering of the world", and "sun and steel".
>where do you want to live?
I'm fairly content with where I currently live. But a year in the Canadian wilderness would be nice. Spend a summer building a cabin, and living over the winter.
>what other hobbies do you have?
Powerlifting, sprinting, hunting, fly fishing, backcountry skiing.

>> No.6719939

12 Years Slave
Alot of places.
Playing piano, video games, whatever.

>> No.6719947

The Great Gatsby, Cyador's Heirs
Writing, Cooking, Complaining

>> No.6720037

>Why not simply move to where you want to and fall in love there?
That's a good idea.

>> No.6721804

>The Next American Nation
>Video games

>> No.6721817

holy shit best frien

>> No.6722342


>> No.6722349

>not being a Big Boss and living with your friends on a self-made sea compound

>> No.6722353

>an "accident"
Please explain more about this, I am very curious to know what kind of experience led to you making these drastic decisions.

>> No.6723643

Yeah, same here.

>> No.6723881

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
I'm fairly alright with Dublin, for the time being anyway
Playing guitar, drinking, making absurd collages from newspaper cutouts, watching soccer and Gaelic Football, film

>> No.6723993

lel, not him, but im an anxious bio grad about to start a phd. give me 6+ years and ill have a full report for you

>> No.6724009

>what book are you currently reading?
Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>where do you want to live?
Seattle, currently living in Shizuoka
>what other hobbies do you have?

>> No.6724014

>How to Win Friends and Influence People
>Somewhere rainy and full of forests
>Beekeeping, bass guitar, vidya (if that counts)

>> No.6724732

kannst du das buch empfehlen?

>> No.6724754
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Heart of Darkness
Russia with my qt near the Urals (I know it's silly romanticism, leave me alone)
National and International politics, vehicle modeling, film, jogging, learning Russian

>> No.6724779

butcher's crossing
film, soccer, music

>> No.6724786

>everybody's autobiography by Gertrude Stein
>North side Chicago
>going to the opera stoned

>> No.6724809

>Walt Disney: An American Original
>Somewhere in Texas, ideally between Houston and College station
>Walking/running, Biking, Growing Peppers, Baseball every once in a while

>> No.6724828
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>what book are you currently reading?
Lucky Jim - Kingsley Amis
Imagined Communities - Benedict Anderson
Dialogues of Lucian of Samosata (Penguin/Oxford/Loeb)
>where do you want to live?
>what other hobbies do you have?
Islamic Studies
Browsing Encyclopedia Iranica at 4:00 AM
Drinking alone

>> No.6724990

>Voodoo Heart by Scott Snyder
>I want to live in Yosemite
>Collecting, reading, and writing comics

>> No.6725590

>Flagstaff, AZ
>writing micro-fiction, internet, playing guitar, taking long walks, and I've been toying with the idea of starting a terrarium

>> No.6725714

>by the ocean
>music, weightlifting, history