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File: 188 KB, 700x525, gk-chesterton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6707718 No.6707718 [Reply] [Original]

Why is is that GK Chesterton is such a wonderful author, theologian, poet, commentator and philosopher but the way I was introduced to him was not through school or library or mentioned in conversation or discourse, but though his work being used in a video game?

To be frank, I think he's one of the best authors ever to come out of Britain.

>> No.6707729
File: 3 KB, 310x253, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait OP, are you implying that conservative Christian authors aren't given exposure in academia? I am shocked, absolutely shocked!

>> No.6707736

>To be frank, I think he's one of the best authors ever to come out of Britain.

and even he is catholic

>> No.6707809

I'm an atheist from a christian part of America where nobody knew any Jews or gave them a second thought. There were a lot of Jews at my university and I realized there that Jewish culture includes an all-consuming hatred of Christianity that is hard to comprehend.

>> No.6707828
File: 130 KB, 881x703, The Christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish culture includes an all-consuming hatred of Christianity that is hard to comprehend.


>> No.6707842
File: 51 KB, 256x398, AoM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used in a video game


>> No.6707845

Well, he was a heretic and a known liar. He deserved everything he got, the fucking piece of shit.

>> No.6707846
File: 993 KB, 1698x1805, FEMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Jewish?

>> No.6707857

Pretty sure it's about resentment of the dominant culture in Europe and distancing themselves from the goyim than the historical events surrounding a random political dissident from Nazareth.

>> No.6707865

That's basically correct. Christianity is also opposed to Judaism, though.

Earlier today I was talking to my Jewish roommate, and when I suggested that Muslim architecture in Spain was impressive he told me I was entering dangerous territory by saying something good about Islam. If that's a common attitude among Jews I don't see how they could ever call themselves open-minded. He said the same thing about Christianity, singling out based Catholicism, and I held my tongue. I'm not sure if that was the right or wrong thing to do, though; should I have called him out on being offensively (quite literally, in this case; I was personally offended by his comments) Jewish and tried to open his mind to the Lord, or just turned the other cheek? I explained a few elements of Catholic spirituality and theology to him afterward, was that an adequate response?
>tfw the only Christians you know post here

>> No.6707881

*tips mitre*

>> No.6707884
File: 111 KB, 878x599, Degeneracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I have called him out on being offensively (quite literally, in this case; I was personally offended by his comments) Jewish and tried to open his mind to the Lord, or just turned the other cheek?

IMO it depends on your friend and your confidence in your ability to persuade him. If you think he would be open to learning more about Jesus then you should definitely pursue it but if his heart is hardened it might be better to let sleeping dogs lie since you have to live with him.

>> No.6707890


Is your roommate a boxer?

>> No.6707903

dont worry anon, just break some of his shekels and he'll never offend you again ;-)

>> No.6707905

That was pretty much my reasoning.
No, I don't think so.

>> No.6707907

You're not gonna convert that guy but if he's the type who goes around being open-minded and multicultural where other people can see then definitely call him out for being a hypocrite.

>> No.6707914

I don't think he is, but he makes a big deal about being open to every form of spirituality *except* Christianity and Islam.

>> No.6707927

He is your roommate so I wouldn't suggest starting shit, but that stance is pretty much shorthand for "open to anything that isn't a threat to people I identify with right now" and as such is disgustingly opportunistic, intellectually dishonest and relative to global politics of the moment. None of those are good ways to approach the subject of the divine, and I say that as an atheist.

>> No.6707931
File: 111 KB, 788x666, Like this but Jesus facing the other way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish I was a Jew or Roman at the time they executed Jesus. It would of been so simple to end Christianity. All they would of had to do was gang rape him after crucifying him. You can't create a religion around a dude that got butt fucked by a gang of Roman soldiers. Just massive loads streaming down his legs. None of his followers would of even talked about it after.

>> No.6708423

In Deus Ex, parts of "The Man who was Tuesday" can be read on terminals, computers, etc.

>> No.6708530

This was it, actually.

>> No.6708538

>and I realized there that Jewish culture includes an all-consuming hatred of Christianity that is hard to comprehend.
Fuck, this brings back some shitty memories. I was raised Christian and I was really getting into the theology of that religion when I was like 12 years old or so. I stumbled upon this Jewish website full of anti christian vitriol, shit was hilarious but also a bit creepy. It wasn't some fringe website either, it was a mainstream jewish forum where rabbis would answer questions for teenagers.

>> No.6708546

You aren't going to convert anyone and you probably won't change his mind so it's best to just handle the situation like a mature adult who can live with other people's differences: lace his food with pork and other non-kosher ingredients.

>> No.6708570

Damn fine game.

>> No.6708578

Chesterton is absolutely based. I had the pleasure of reading "Orthodoxy" recently, and I loved it to death. He's a brilliant writer, poet, and dramatist. He's also a bit of a mystic, which doesn't always make him the best theologian. He sees the universe more poetically than mathematically.

>> No.6708736

He is widely popular within Catholic circles and he was a big influence on here favorite Gene Wolfe.

>> No.6710742

Pretty much my exact feelings, as a theist.

>> No.6710756

>but though his work being used in a video game

and ya i like chesterton, he explains exactly what he thinks and why he thinks it which is surprisingly rare in philosophical works....

has some good analogies that I use too

>> No.6710777

Zizek mentions him a lot.

>> No.6710913

You're roommate is hilariously ignorant and prejudiced. Some of the most historically significant Jews lived in Muslim empires.

>> No.6710928

Not to mention the influence that Islamic theology and Islamic commentaries on the Greeks had on Catholic theology

>> No.6711578

Yep, he's absolutely great. Here's a flow chart from the /lit/ wiki. Out of his fiction The Man who Was Thursday, Manalive, and The Napoleon of Notting Hill are my favorites for what that's worth.

>> No.6711587
File: 174 KB, 880x980, Chesterton's_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand forgot to include the flow chart, of course.

>> No.6711907

Glad I'm not the only person who read him after playing Deus Ex.

>> No.6712269

At least it was properly referenced. As a Lovecraft fan having the name Arkham solely associated with series of Batman videogames as if it invented it is disheartening.

>> No.6712285

Lol, it has nothing to do with religion you self-victimizing faggot. It has to do with academia being a fucking scam.