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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 405 KB, 1300x1158, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6706935 No.6706935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On some chan there is a >>>/christian/.
Now you know. There is a place and time for everything. Jesus said that. Where do you think the place is for your christposting?

>> No.6706963

Why are fedoras so easily triggered? The meme must be true on a certain level because you can't handle the bantz. Just learn to coexist with people who disagree with you and stop making shitposts like this.

>> No.6706985

anti-christ posters are by far worse.

Christ posters stick to their own threads and actually talk about stuff. my atheism is not threatened by them

when they appear elsewhere they are the equivalent of a WH40k post "heretic" etc. its even funny sometimes. they never really shit up a thread.

>> No.6706989
File: 63 KB, 659x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this in response to shitposting or fedora posting. It is not banter. It feels like people are trying to convert me by force of non stop torrenting of ready made fedora images and christposting. I can handle religious arguments and have. This is very different. Where did you come from and will you still be here after summer ends, also; do you even read?

>> No.6707014

>I'm making this in response to shitposting or fedora posting
All I see is your shitpost, Where are the /convertnowordie!/ posts?/lit/ has had a christian demographic for at least the 2 years I've been here. I've only been seeing these posts since after /lit/ made the front page of reddit during katiegate. No one who is trying to convert you is a true christian. We respect the beliefs of others you silly weeb.

>> No.6707015

I couldn't disagree more. Every thread I go to it seems I have a 50% chance of seeing the christgraffiting there.

>> No.6707024

>feels like people are trying to convert me by force of non stop torrenting of ready made fedora images and christposting.
>feels like people are trying to convert me

What a bitch

>> No.6707030

First of all it's actually all of Christianity's responsibility to convert non believers BUT I DON'T CARE FOR RELIGIOUS ARGUNENT HERE.
And I've been using this board for long enough to know that it's never been so heavy, it apply used to come out Furi g thread deejaying to theology and that was actually legit.

>> No.6707031
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These "christposters pls go" and "What's up with /lit/'s recent fascnation with Christianity?" threads are by far more numerous than actual Christposting threads. You fucking idiots have been making these for over a year and acting like this shit is "recent". Fuck off please.

>> No.6707048

>First of all it's actually all of Christianity's responsibility to convert non believers
>citation needed.

>And I've been using this board for long enough to know that it's never been so heavy
I don't believe you.

>I cant see opinions I disagree with without being triggered

>> No.6707071

It is the same people making them, most likely
Honestly, this Jesus shit was hilarious at first but now it's just kind of embarrassing

>> No.6707095
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Where can I go where there is no God?
Where can I go where I won't be made to feel like a sod?
Are there plains of greener times?
Where there'll be folks with unspooked minds?
I dream of idyllic spaces without indoctrinated thoughts of creation,
Where O where can I find such peace without turning into a Mason?

>> No.6707119

Why is it embarassing?

>> No.6707143

>citation needed.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
- Matthew 28:19

>> No.6707185

Yes, but brute-force spewing pragmatic dogma that you yourself don't even fully understand nor have truly pondered, to people that viciously and explosively react and oppose certain ideas is far from "Trying to teach"

In that instance ignorance of your own religion, as well as how to be a decent human being, is actively damaging the name of the Lord.

Which man is it that is in the wrong?
Quite easily both, if not the teacher exclusively.

>> No.6707188

Now he's quiet.

>> No.6707190
File: 152 KB, 480x640, fat-nerds-in-fedoras-8019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that you yourself don't even fully understand nor have truly pondered

>> No.6707195

>on /lit/ not /b/

>> No.6707197
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>> No.6707218

I'm saying that as a Christian man.
It's sad just how many people out there don't understand the context and history of the good word.
The meer existence of the Westboro Baptist Church, and to a lesser extent, most creationists and universalists, proves that.

Hell, I know and will gladly admit that even myself doesn't adequately or fully understand it. Especially after numerous erroneous translations and outright conscious attempts to fuck with it.

No man recanting lines from Leviticus trying to "Pray the gay away" is going to be successful and only do damage to message as a whole.

Especially when that kind of person doesn't realize that Leviticus was mostly just viciously enforced health laws because people of that age wouldn't fully understand "Don't eat the seafood that has been living/eating/breathing by filtering diseased human shit flowing downstream, you'll catch the plague and spread it to others"

>> No.6707233

As a retarded autodidact-lite on literature and philosophy you have to be literally retarded to have read more than ten or twenty books in your life and not see the influence of religions in the world, and more importantly Christianity on the western world.

The Christposters here are not of the /pol/-variety 95% of the time and are on topic considering the nature of /lit/erature

>> No.6707281

Sorry I was eating dinner

Teach does not mean forcibly convert. It just means provide your point of view and let your arguments speak for themselves.

>>6706189 just goes to show we're doing just that.

>> No.6707317

That thread isn't lit fucks sake

>> No.6707332

it's a joke thread man, you really take 4chan too seriously to not being able to handle christians bantz?
And when they make legit threads, they are usually interesting and civil, they do shitpost in some threads, but compare it to spooks shitpost or the namefags like butter, they aren't even the worst thing on /lit/ right now. However, if you ignore people that trigger you, there is no shitpost.

You need to grow up a little, making threads everyday about whinning because people in your favourite asian schoolgirls cartoon forum have a different opinion than you is the biggest cancer right now

>> No.6707537

You are biased. You are christain, yes?
You do not see it from my perspective.

>> No.6707559

>Stupid ideas
>Coexisting with stupid ideas


>> No.6707582

>There is a place and time for everything. Jesus said that.
Actually Solomon did
>Hasn't read the wisdom books of the bible
How pleb can you get?

>> No.6707617
File: 7 KB, 210x239, Leegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this are all the more delicious for those of us who are used to slogging through the endless fedora shitposting such as

>How can anyone who isn't an inbred redneck with down syndrome believe in an invisible magic sky-daddy?

>Why do people pretend to believe in bronze-age desert myths written by sand people?

>How can anyone take the kike-on-a-stick meme religion seriously?

>Science has proven that God doesn't exist and only brain-dead fundies from the Bible belt could ever be religious!

>> No.6707634
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>coexisting with ideas that aren't mine

Oh shit

>> No.6707635

The difference is, you deserve to be pestered for being retarded. The enlightened shouldn't have to put up with this shit!

>> No.6707641

>it's a joke thread man,
I know but in it someone admitted he was considering learning more about christianity and going to church because posters on /lit/ had such good arguments. I am an agnostic Taoist myself but I love the Christians on /lit/

>> No.6707651
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>> No.6707681

Fuck off this fedora meme has ruined this website.

I remember a time when being some idiot right-winger or christian nutjob would get you laughed right out of any board.

I miss those days. 4chan is supposed to be the one place where I can go and be as pissed off as normalfags and their idiotic ideas as I want without any repercussions. Now we can't make fun of anything stupid without everyone just shouting it down with accusations of being a "fedora."

It's not funny and it's against the spirit of the website.

I sincerely hope anybody who takes this fedora shitposting seriously dies. The site would be better if they all did.

>> No.6707693

I keep my Christian posts largely contained to religious or theological threads, and I've never started my own thread about it. You're the one shitting up this board.

>> No.6707694

I can't believe this is a real post.

If this is bait, you are the baitmaster 11/10

>> No.6707699

the people that complain about religion far outweigh the actual religious.

>> No.6707703
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>> No.6707710
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>> No.6707711
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further evidence

>> No.6707712
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>> No.6707713
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>> No.6707716
File: 4 KB, 209x242, %22them%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish least
I wonder who could be behind this post.

Seriously kikes and christians need to go back to tumblr

>> No.6707717

It's most certainly bait. The fedora posting, however... that did get old long ago and but they never stopped. Now even christposters get fedoraposted on. When will it ever.

>> No.6707735
File: 75 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek here's another retard poster.

Okay guys. Do you know what bugs me the most though? It's that you reply WITH A FUCKING FEDORA IMAGE. Nobody reads them, why bother? They're literally just put to say "I'm here to offer passive aggressive resentment and opposition to your post because I either can't or won't respond to arguments/points using valid reasoning or logic". I wouldn't have made this thread if half of the board wasn't hoarded with those retarded images.

Then you should know my critiscism doesn't fall on you. Thank you for not spazzing out.

>> No.6707738

This is bugging me, whos the figure on the left again?

>> No.6707742

fedoras have transcended the atheism stereotype and now just indicates one who is smug, conceited and blind to their own narrow-mindedness. Something the religious and unreligious can share.

>> No.6707743

>/Christ/ thread: Welcoming and well-structured intro, picture of one of the greatest saints and intellectual minds of Church history, /lit/-related discussion questions
>/fedora/ troll thread: Youtube link to start off, dumb picture of manchild with no fashion sense, OP is all insults and arguments, lack of periods

Looks about right


>> No.6707744
File: 200 KB, 640x1000, Adoro te devote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Thomas Aquinas

>> No.6707749

So...in a way... fedoraposting is uniting the two factions?

>> No.6707752
File: 3 KB, 36x26, Fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6707755

Right, thanks

>> No.6707765
File: 85 KB, 500x479, fedorafags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6707773

Predictable. Fuck off. God didn't give ya some creativity, eh.

>> No.6707774

I aim to become a mod and cleanse all of these shit threads from my dear /lit/.

>> No.6707775
File: 163 KB, 640x640, m'lady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
