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File: 1.24 MB, 2121x2801, gwen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6705765 No.6705765 [Reply] [Original]

I ain't no Houellebecq girl

>> No.6705773

lmao @ female "artists" losing 98% of their marketability as they hit their mid 30s and makeup can no longer credibly hide the effects of aging

putting 60 pounds of foundation and paint on an ancient mummy doesn't solve anything

women age like ice cream on a hot day

>> No.6705775

think ur clever cunt?

>> No.6705779

thought about this joke last week when reading Soumission.


>> No.6705834

I like your way of speech.....
What are your thoughts on other topics.

>> No.6705835
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>> No.6705851

Why do the l's in Houellebecq's name make an l-sound but not the l's in 'Papillon'? Please help, I'm trying to learn French

>> No.6705856
File: 24 KB, 317x290, 1411248042313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women and men age exactly the same, it's just that dumb cunts like you don't notice wrinkles on men.

>> No.6705858

they make a J sound you just like papillon (pappijon)

>> No.6705894

You'd be surprised by how well those old singers and actresses keep themselves with a little plump and lotion. If they don't fuck with drugs, ofc. I've been inches away from a few who are considered pase, and they're perfect.

J is a bit rough, it's more like papiyon

>> No.6705906

they make a J sound you just like papillon (pappijon)

Houellebecq isn't pronounced Wejjabeck or Wayyabeck, it's Wellabeck.

>> No.6705907


Are you not aware that's not how it's pronounced?

>> No.6705911

few times I been around that track

>> No.6705934

Usually just "well-beck", otherwise people might think you're trying to sound way too posh.

>> No.6705942

Men age like fine wine, anon.

>> No.6705950
File: 18 KB, 353x334, b35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men age like fine wine, anon.

>> No.6705959
File: 73 KB, 560x700, joan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women and men age exactly the same

>> No.6705965
File: 163 KB, 590x421, Joan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not age, that's plastic surgery. Half her face was underage.

>> No.6705966

What would the properties of a Houellebecq girl be?

>> No.6705970
File: 82 KB, 1271x613, 1431925655842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip of the morning to you

Enjoy ageing :^)

>> No.6705985

Fucking really? I'm 26 and 20-year old women look like fucking kids with half a brain to me. The fuck is wrong with these 50-year olds wanting to fuck kids. Li'l tip though, that has nothing to do with how men or women age, it just shows what people find attractive on average. They still age the same, although men apparently are more into that age-play shit. Nasty.

>> No.6706008

Men ostensibly age just as badly as women but their appeal can from other features women find attractive (status, wealth, gravitas).

Contrary to what might sound nicer to say sometimes, men are hornier and are much more attracted to youth and physical beauty. Women obviously value beauty as well but they can be impressed by

This is ubiquitous. Everyone knows plenty of women dating men substantially older than them (5-10 years), but the reverse is comparatively rare. Everyone who associates with professionals and wealthy men knows they tend to date and marry much younger women habitually ("trophy wives"), while the opposite ("cougars") is very rare in polite society.

Men are horndogs who rarely have substantial sexual capital in their youth but tend to have much higher profile careers and more money than women by their 30s and 40s. Women are living goddesses of sex appeal in youth and quickly decline and become increasingly infertile by their late 20s and early 30s.

>> No.6706012

>Women obviously value beauty as well but they can be impressed by the traits above.*

>> No.6706028

>Men ostensibly age just as badly as women but their appeal can from other features women find attractive (status, wealth, gravitas).
If that was the case women wouldn't be into men of around the same age so much. At 23 they'd be into 30-40 and shit like that. No 24-year old women think men at 25 have wealth, status and gravitas.

>> No.6706034

I cannot begin to explain to you how much high school pussy I got by being a college student and how much undergrad pussy I get by saying I'm a grad student.

Same story every time. Chicks sick of "immature guys their age" and universally into "older guys" (mid-late twenties) who are supermen because they have cars and/or stable life plans beyond smoking weed and partying.

>> No.6706041

Women are disgusting by age 16, everybody that disagrees is a petty materialist and a social-slave.

>> No.6706051
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It must suck living half your life with your face covered in shit/cosmetics.

>> No.6706056

That graph on the right hand side should really start at 12....

>> No.6706063

Yeah but fuck high school kids who brag about fucking older guys during recess, I'm talking about women. It doesn't really say much either, because you presumably don't enter stable relationships or anything with them, meaning you don't know what they're into the rest of the time. I was mostly addressing >>6705970
as well, although I suppose I have no reason to believe those statistics since I don't know anything about the process they got them. How much older than these younger girls are you, anyway? A year or two in either direction seems to be the norm for women, which is why I said "around the same age", while men at 50 want to fuck 30-year younger girls, which is disgusting to me. Like how is a 20-year old going to be interesting in any way whatsoever? They're not even comparatively experienced sexually.

>> No.6706068


obviously a vagina

>> No.6706079


>> No.6706082
File: 415 KB, 904x233, object_lesson_in_BingTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can make a case that men and women age comparably on a purely physical level, but as that's never what the argument is really about, it's a moot point.

What the argument is really about (and what is actually the case) is that women's sexual market value is more closely bound up with their bodies, while men's sexual market value is more spread out among various attributes, including non-corporeal attributes, especially confidence and social status (money helps too, obviously).

And I'm not that other guy, but it goes directly to his point about how female pop-idols lose their marketability as they age. Meanwhile, pic related, a /very/ wrinkly bunch, are literally on tour /right-now/.

>> No.6706086

>implying women are interesting in any domain but the sexual
such a vagina
the 20yr old is interesting sexually
if she's inexperienced so much the better, I can school her in my filth, and take joy in the destruction of her innocence

>> No.6706091

It also sucks being a slave to your genitals and chasing after teen bimbos for your entire life, but it's a choice you can make. There are women without whore paint and men who don't care about the lack of it.

>> No.6706094
File: 33 KB, 400x267, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, fucking teenage pussy sure is awful

>> No.6706100

Women are only interesting in their early teens, every year past that is a step towards whoredom, pretension, or both.

>> No.6706102

Teenage pussy is great when you're a teenager. Once you're a bit older you ought to find someone with appealing views, ideas and interests rather than trying to marry the concept of a pretty little pussy.

>> No.6706103

The depressing secret is that no women are really interesting. The reason women find older men attractive is because men actually do things, and older ones have done more things. A desirable thirtysomething has his shit together, has a career, has plans for the future, has skills and stories to tell. A woman in her thirties is.. what? A twenty year old plus sagginess, bitterness, and a game of Russian roulette with your unborn child's mental health thanks to her poison womb.

No one is saying women HAVE to let themselves be atrophied for life because they are born into enormous innate sexual (i.e., social) capital, but they do. If you don't want to take it from me, take it from Wollstonecraft (almost verbatim, ch. 3) or Beauvoir (who says femininity, constructed around sex, is mentally and spiritually hobbling), or maybe Vilar (who is Beauvoir but more direct).

>> No.6706104

>It also sucks being a slave to your genitals
The cum never, and will never stop being produced.
I do sometimes wonder how it, the hormonal changes change your mindset during your needs. I can feel it m, the change, but can hardly describe it.
It would be lovely to learn how to predicate and better yet direct them as you see fit.

>> No.6706107

Are you twelve years old? Early teens is the culmination of whoredom and pretension in women.

>> No.6706108

Even by the standards of 4chan that is creepy. It's beyond even
to the point of just being deeply unpleasant.

>> No.6706112

That's what male companionship is for.

>> No.6706116


i'm mexican, i don't give a shit about french pronunciation.

>> No.6706119

Menstruation is costly and dangerous. Women didn't evolve to start in their early teens for no reason. Men are attracted to menstruating, and therefore reproductively capable, women.

Banging 12 year olds may be illegal but it's normal to register attraction to young teen girls.

>> No.6706121

Holy shit this thread derailed fast.

>> No.6706127

Derailed from what? What was the original point of the thread?

>> No.6706130

What women and on denial moral fags don't realize is that men do in fact find all girls that have gone through the early and most prominent phases of puberty sexually attractive. It is literally biologically functioned.
Now I'm not saying it's appropriate to date or even exploit them in any circumstances it is however retarded to brush under th carpet biological fucking realities.
Like in the AA, the first step is admitting.

>> No.6706131

So I'm supposed to move in with a dudebro and share my life with him, then hire a young whore to guzzle my cum every night? That sounds awfully impractical, expensive and a little homoerotic. No thanks, I'll keep my wife.

>> No.6706136


>> No.6706141

I'm not talking about your standard 4chan jailbait defense force posting, I'm talking about thinking that all girls and women are "pretentious" after the age of 15 or so. I don't want to sound overly judgmental, and maybe the news about that kid shooting up that church has put me in "a mood" today, but I guess that post was just a reminder to me that 4chan really is home to some deeply damaged young men. Anyway....

>> No.6706145

Women are only appealing and interesting in their youth, past that there only exists pretense.

When discussing my desire to live on the sea with my then girlfriend, who was 26, she laughed at me.
Not at all, it's where it begins in extreme cases.

In most others, 16.

I'm 27.
'Creepy' is a meaningless leftist method of farce.
You're deeply misinterpreting my words.

>> No.6706146

Teenagers are far more pretentious whores though.
Men aren't any more interesting either, though. Uneducated wage slaves who want to crack open a bear and sit on their fat asses to watch the game when they come home from work. Shit, the men I work with, what a bunch of utter morons.
Don't take it seriously, it's mostly just old jokes.

>> No.6706147
File: 21 KB, 236x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like little girls and I cannot lie
No mothefucker can deny
The way she pops ger flat chest
Has all of my balls' interest

>> No.6706151

Gwen Stefani or something. When's the last time she was in relevant, anyway? 2004?

>> No.6706160
File: 96 KB, 428x510, 1385820363543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When discussing my desire to live on the sea with my then girlfriend, who was 26, she laughed at me.

>> No.6706161

I enjoy oogling dat ass regardless of age, but for me not to make a 360 and do like Michael Jackson the moment they open their mouths takes a bit more than that. Unless it's black ass, because damn, son.

>> No.6706163

As a 30 year old who has dated two sixteen year olds (for two years and three years respectively) and a bunch of older women, I can honestly say that women get worse and worse as they age, just more and more bitchy.

The first whiff of bitchiness and entitlement comes at about 18-19, a bit later if you're lucky, when they stop just having fun being alive and start becoming self-conscious about exploiting the world around them. If they're a good person they can still be fine, but this is when a lot of them become serious SJWs. After that, though, college corrupts them into horrible spoiled, entitled brats so that the age 20-23 is exponentially worse. After that they start noticing they're getting old and intensify their bitchiness even MORE because they're angry that they're no longer young and carefree - now they need to constantly rant about how they deserve whatever they want because of [SJW shit] instead of just demanding it.

Beyond that is the wall. Single mothers, holes poked in condoms, stretch-marked buttcheeks, and general madness that way lie.

Pump and dump while they're young. If you're a nice guy, snare an unusually level-headed virgin between 16-20, do your best to keep her sane, and hope for the best.

>> No.6706164

>When discussing my desire to live on the sea with my then girlfriend, who was 26, she laughed at me.
So you're looking for an appealing and interesting cutie who isn't experienced enough tot see you as the retard you are, or at least won't admit it to your face?

Either way, that says shit about neither women nor their pretense. It does say something about your taste in women. I can imagine most of my acquaintances laughing at me for discussing such a topic, regardless of their gender.

>> No.6706165

>When discussing my desire to live on the sea with my then girlfriend, who was 26, she laughed at me.
You sure you haven't confused her with your mother?

>> No.6706167

It sometimes feel like wonan are socially conditioned to be reactionary. Generally I find this to be true. Most people of either sex are complete retards however and saying that the few who are actually progressive in their thoughts are male doesn't mean all that much when it's such an impotent-to-act because of their size minority.

>> No.6706177

Women are instinctively orthodox and conservative


>> No.6706192

>It sometimes feel like wonan are socially conditioned to be reactionary.
This Anon: So, uh, you wanna maybe -
All 3.5 billion women: - no, no, never!
Hmm.... you may be right.

>> No.6706208

>Teenagers are far more pretentious whores though.
False, you're confusing young women with teenagers.

Young women are 15+ and more often than not, unbearable.
Why do leftists attempt farce so often?
I'm kind of rich, how is living at sea retarded?

Are you an offended woman, by chance? Who are you to judge what I do with my money and my life?
>Either way, that says shit about neither women nor their pretense
But it does, and your decision to ignore their hypocrisy only makes you look worse by association.

If I weren't so attached to my home and car, I would sell them and get whatever I can find for about 1.5 million, and spend the rest on supplies needed to live comfortably.
My mother wants me to be happy, and is only concerned with my safety in such a situation.

>> No.6706209

>>6706167 >>6706177 >>6706163 >>6706103
As a North European I find this sort of stuff extremely interesting. The situation is the exact opposite here: women are more educated, more active in politics, interested in the future, exploring their career options, resilient in their attempts to improve the society.

It's clear that it isn't your gender that dictates your goals. Is it DNA? Is it culture? What exactly are the US and all those third world shitholes doing wrong?

>> No.6706219

>he and his friends don't want to live on the sea
It may not be pretentious but it is damn sad. I mean c'mon, any man who doesn't want to move to the Dead Sea or something and build a floating home and never again return to the shore needs to re-evaluate his life.

>> No.6706221
File: 480 KB, 516x600, le handsome manlet man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn Gwen Stefani looks fine as fuck for a 50 year old
>open up the picture


>> No.6706222

I thought it would be about puns.


>> No.6706224

Religion is still making woman to be the bitches, read: female lap dogs.

>> No.6706227

>muh feels
do you identify as female
old jokes survive for reasons

>> No.6706230

>When discussing my desire to live on the sea with my then girlfriend, who was 26, she laughed at me.
I'm not quite assured yet, that may have been a mishap. She could've been surprised and nervous. Please tell me about other situations where she reacted inappropriately.

>> No.6706233

Living at sea < living under the sea


>> No.6706241
File: 73 KB, 600x439, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw you don't want to enter this equality debate because you hate all people just the same.

>> No.6706249

Hold your horses now, I don't think anyone ITT has suggested that men and women are equals.

>> No.6706257

>I, I, I love little giirls

>> No.6706293

This song is amazing. How do I describe this giddy feeling?

>> No.6706306
File: 307 KB, 1280x1923, nicole-kidman-2014-cma-awards-in-nashville_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not nicole kidman. not arguing that men age better than women (as long as they keep their shirts on), but the argument doesn't work if the evidence is a lie

>> No.6706313

>do you want me to post the Madonna pics?

>> No.6706314

I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to present a cherry-picked celeb gossip image as "evidence" so I expected he wanted to post a picture mildly relevant to the topic.

>> No.6706332

well, if you consider that the biggest cash pump is kids 16-25, that makes perfect sense. if you actually go to the shows and listen to the music, female artists are still spectacular well into their 50's. and some, even older than that.

if your job is to shake your ass, then there is an expiration date. if your job is to deliver meaningful art, then you are good until you drop

>> No.6706339

Yeah man, because Nicole Kidman was totally in Top Gun.

Either way, that's just some random image that is mildly relevant to the topic at hand.

>> No.6706345
File: 798 KB, 640x640, Untitledfbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in even being alive if you never fuck prime teen pussy?

>> No.6706358

She only laughed at me when I showed passion for something other than her typical woman hobbies.
Prime is 14.

>> No.6706360 [DELETED] 

wait wait... you are shitting me for posting a cherry picked image, when that guy DIDN'T EVEN POST A PIC OF THE SAME WOMAN? how relevant is that?

>> No.6706372

hoola beck

>> No.6706377

i know this is a meme but seriously the difference between fucking a 16 year old and fucking a 25 year old is like the difference between lovingly washing your balls in the shower while listening to birds sing outside your window and having them roughly scrubbed by an angry orderly with a coarse sponge

>> No.6706378

What are some other things you are passionate about and tried to share with her, anon? Other than adolescent girls, obviously.

>> No.6706379

>get rich/look like George Clooney
>plow unlimited prime pussy

>> No.6706386
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>> No.6706388

I asked her to read my book on ethics, she refused.

>> No.6706389

There's a reason anime girls are all teens....

>> No.6706393

hmm... looks like I goofed. Oh well. have a pic of a perfectly hot woman, who is in her 50's. fuck that guy's argument, anyway.

>> No.6706397

Virgin fag here.
Does it really make that much of a difference?
Is it not also dependent on the girl?
Sounds icky man.

>> No.6706398

it's love anon

>> No.6706400

Yes, the target demographic being teens. There's also a reason why most fiction with teen or young adult protagonists is shit.

>> No.6706405

So post it here; reading books is pretty much all any of us do, other than shitpost about reading books.

>> No.6706409

i have put my face between the buttcheeks of 16 year old girls and i'd seriously murder you just to do it again

they're fucking happy 24/7 too, teenage girls are like little angels.

their skin is firmer and their boobs are perkier and even their sweat smells better

women should literally just start beeping and explode at age 20

>> No.6706410

>boo hoo i'm not rich enough to get hot girls
>boo hoo i'm not hot enough to get rich men
Just fuck off or get on with someone who likes the same books or movies as you do.

>> No.6706411

all this talk about PTP is funny, when you read it on the internet, but you have to do something with the girl for the other 23 hours a day that you aren't fucking. having someone to chill with and have things in common with is a million times more valuable than a wet hole to stick your dick into.

enjoy being alone and bitter at age 50, while the married guy is still enjoying companionship, better health, financial security, and someone to do half the chores.

And still getting laid. most teen girls won't touch any guy older than 20.

>> No.6706415

it honestly does make a difference.

obviously individuals vary, but just consider how the flesh of an old person feels versus a young person. The young is taut and springy, the old is mushy. The same holds for vagina.

>> No.6706425


how to plow prime teen pussy? big muscles? money? give us wisdom anon

>> No.6706429

>enjoy being alone and bitter at age 50, while the married guy is still enjoying companionship, better health, financial security, and someone to do half the chores.

that's a long circumlocution for alimony and child support for the rest of his life

>When John Cleese launched his one-man show a few years back and called it "The Alimony Tour," it wasn't just for laughs; the comedy giant really does have to work overtime to make those payments to his ex-wife.

>> No.6706431

>And still getting laid. most teen girls won't touch any guy older than 20.

What universe are you living in? Teen girls love older guys. They'll take a guy in his 20s or even 30s over most teens. It's their fetish, older guys.

>> No.6706433

>enjoy being alone and bitter at age 50
So solitary confinement for sex crimes, huh? That's the /lit/erary lifestyle right there.

>> No.6706435

>The same holds for vagina.
You're going to have to prove that somehow. You know, with evidence, not by saying "yeah bro it rly does!"

>> No.6706442

m8 I'm 23 fucking a 19yr old and a 22yr old

>you ahve to do something with the girl for the other 23 hours
ha, nah

I don't let either of them hang around or get the idea that we're 'dating'

the 19yr old loves to cook and clean for me, the 22yr old is too much of a bitch to bend her neck like that. pretty much through with her anyway at this point.

not worried about companionship bro but thanks for ya concern

>> No.6706444

no, it doesn't. ignore the sexist pedophiles. age has nothing to do with how good sex is. if anything, the older the woman is, the better she is, because she has more experience.

also, ignore those idiots who talk about "worn out pussy" the vagina is a muscle. either you work it to keep it tight, or you don't. nothing short of childbirth can make pussy loose.

you need to be focusing on your relationship skills. not some bullshit PUA nonsense. find a good girl who will take care of you, and you will want to take care of. get a solid relationship, and she will let you do anything and everything to her. treat a woman like a human being, then spoil her, and she will happily eat your cum like its candy

>> No.6706445

We need a /gyn/ board for that kind of discussion.

>> No.6706449

<3 u carles bb

>> No.6706450

that would be personal experience

the oldest woman I've been with was like, late 30s I think, and even through the condom and haze of beer there was a significant difference vs a 19yr old.

don't get me wrong, old pussy is better than no pussy, but it can't hold a candle to fresh pussy.

>> No.6706452

>lying to the guy in the service of your cuck ideology

roleplay your granny fetish on your own time, you might actually fuck up another person's motivation to experience ptp here you fucking dick

>> No.6706456

>And still getting laid

i've literally heard men that age say they get it once a year.

>> No.6706460

I have no way to post it other than scan every page, I wrote it by hand and the publisher had someone transcribe it to a digital word processor.

Sending a copy would cost me more than it's worth, and even then I could lose my chance to publish my new book by giving copies away.

I don't even care if people like it, I'm just mad that she wouldn't even bother reading it after I had spent three years researching for it, and writing it.
Please stop being such a sour cow, woman.

I'm 27, my girlfriend and fiance of two years is 15
Yup, you're a woman.

Experience does not equate to quality.

Women can't love or be in a proper relationship, they only care for a man's material self.

>> No.6706464

I guess you are from the ghetto, or a broken home, or something. you don't know any couples in stable marriages. that peace and security is sublime, man. have fun hanging out in clubs blowing all your money trying to pull girls who you probably won't fuck more than twice

>> No.6706465

I guess I'm the only one who prefers older girls, aka women. I find women in their 30s to be irresistible. They're able to hold conversations, they dress better, they're sexually experienced, they have money, they're simply more enjoyable to be around. Sex is so much better when you actually like the person you're fucking.

You're punished going for younger girls, having to endure their frivolous (not in the charming manic-pixie-dream-girl way) personalities.

>> No.6706466
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>> No.6706467
File: 79 KB, 512x512, well done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal experience
According to my personal experience it's harder to pee at home. When you're at a pub it just, like, flows out, I think. It's possible to urinate at home but it's fucking nothing compared to some heavenly pub pissing.

>> No.6706471


>I'm 27, my girlfriend and fiance of two years is 15

Mudslime detected

I'm jelly

>> No.6706472

>they're fucking happy 24/7 too, teenage girls are like little angels.
Work on your lies, we've all meet teenage girls.

>> No.6706479

Yeah but ethics are bollocks mate.

>> No.6706480

>alimony only happens in the ghetto!
>broken homes

my entire (stable) family is filled with high profile lawyers and about 90% of the rich jews you see at any major firm are paying half of their life away to some cunt secretary who retired early on their sweat and toil

divorce rate is MASSIVE right now, overwhelmingly initiated by women, alimony is virtually guaranteed and if you have kids you're a slave forever

if you want to see mankind at its most cynical and disgusting, enter family law

>> No.6706482

and I know men who get it almost daily. it depends. if you treat your wife like shit, no, she ain't fucking you. she might even cheat. if you are a decent human being, and treat your wife and kids like you love them, she will be all over you

>> No.6706487


what kind of baller life are you living

>> No.6706488

>I agree that old flesh feels physically different than young flesh EXCEPT THE VAGINA WHICH MAGICALLY STAYS FRESH AND NICE NO MATTER HOW OLD IT GETS
you've got to be fucking with me

>> No.6706490

>my entire (stable) family is filled with high profile lawyers and about 90% of the rich jews you see at any major firm are paying half of their life away to some cunt secretary who retired early on their sweat and toil
That's great. No really, I'm happy to hear that. As if any of those rich fucks did anything to earn that money. Poor bitches gonna need all that alimoney to drink away the memory of fucking those fucks.

>> No.6706497

chick confirmed

if anyone takes romantic advice from this maxipad they are digging their own grave

>> No.6706504


Let me guess: the women who give it daily are all attractive too, right?

>> No.6706505

I've never agreed that old flesh feels physically different than young flesh, and you've yet to prove that it does. I've noticed no difference.

>> No.6706507

>the older the woman is, the better she is, because she has more experience.
>being this delusional
The more sex a woman has with more people, the lower her perceived sexual value is.

> "worn out pussy"
>what is an allegory for female sexual maturity

>> No.6706510

I am a guy. can post timestamped balls, if you like.

No, experience does not equal quality. Inexperience sure as hell doesn't equal quality, either. if anything, it is a guarantee of poor quality. have you ever been good at something you have never tried before? I guess if you are only used to bad sex with kids then you wouldn't know the difference...

and, that last sentence is proof that you are living in a fantasy zone, completely divorced from reality

>> No.6706512

I appreciate a little shitposting but can you at least come up with something other than "woman detected get your hormones and SJW agenda out of here"? It's wearing thinner than your dick.

>> No.6706517

>I've noticed no difference.

can anyone believe this fucking idiot

>> No.6706518

eh... if your job is to deal with people getting divorces, I certainly HOPE you see a lot of people getting divorced... what's your point?

>> No.6706523

>perceived sexual value
Just how are you going to determine how many different guys have gotten that pussy? She can lie to you and you'll never find out unless you live in a village with 50 pop.

>> No.6706524

if you haven't noticed a difference between how the flesh of old people and young people feels I don't think you're qualified to give advice on anything because you're fucking retarded

>> No.6706525

>The more sex a woman has with more people, the lower her perceived sexual value is.
This is some American Psycho shit right here. Some weird 50's idea about "sexual status" doesn't have any impact on how good it gets in the sack.

>> No.6706537

it's not so much about the in the sack bit, it's how being with a skank reflects on your public face.

Among other things, people will talk shit, which is annoying.

>> No.6706540
File: 15 KB, 250x241, 1415982705753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Some weird 50's idea about "sexual status"

More like an idea present in every society ever

>> No.6706542

>Using 1995 data, National Survey of Family Growth forecast in 2002 a 43% chance that first marriages among women aged 15–44 would be disrupted within 15 years.[17] More recently, having spoken with academics and National Survey of Family Growth representatives, PolitiFact.com estimated in 2012 that the lifelong probability of a marriage ending in divorce is 40%–50%.[20]

>A 2011 study at the University of Iowa found that a woman's loss of virginity before age 18 was correlated with a greater number of occurrences of divorce within the first 10 years of marriage.[24]

It's universally high. It's far higher among the wealthy because the chance of gain is higher and sitting around doing nothing gives you more chances to notice you hate each other.

If you have wealth and you get married you are gambling with your life. Anthony Cumia was forced to pay his own legal fees, his wife's legal fees SO THAT SHE COULD SUE HIM, and then alimony and damages for HER lawsuit, because they got divorced and he *subsequently* got rich, and she claimed that she was his "inspiration" for the career he built after they broke up.

Prenups can now be thrown out, too.

>> No.6706544

>i know this is a meme but seriously
>it honestly does make a difference
>you've got to be fucking with me
>can anyone believe this fucking idiot
Those are some amazing arguments, mate. You could just post evidence and this conversation would be over. You could be the winner.

>> No.6706546

I'm beginning to see why so many people on /lit/ have turned to religion, rejecting the easy cynicism and shallow materialism being displayed in this thread. It's disgusting how distorted some people's views are on sex and women. There are people here who are genuinely suggesting one ought to go for teens if only because their pussies feel a bit different.

>> No.6706547

They cannot hold conversations on anything other than their dumb workplace gossip, they dress horribly, they're pretentious whores, they do not have money, and they are unbearable.

Thank you confirming my initial statement, you people are just materialistic social-slaves.
I'm not.
>it is a guarantee of poor quality
Nope, thank you for confirming your gender you whore.
>I guess if you are only used to bad sex with kids then you wouldn't know the difference...
Slander, typical cop-out.

>> No.6706549

>Just how are you going to determine how many different guys have gotten that pussy
Attitude regarding sex, mostly.
Ah, sorry. I think we're on different pages.
An older vagina is without a doubt less pleasurable than a younger one, but there haven't been a lot of studies on that for some odd reason.

A woman who has more sex is less sought after by men. She's unfit for properly carrying a child and is usually seen as mentally unstable. Unless we live in a purely hedonistic society (and we're sure as hell getting there), people have sex to further a relationship.

>> No.6706550
File: 173 KB, 411x459, 1434269650650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 27, my girlfriend and fiance of two years is 15

Jelly as fuck. Congratulations anon.

What is she like?

>> No.6706552


I guess you have to be delusional to believe what you posted, btw, guess how i know you're a woman

>> No.6706554

I was only 2 of those greenquotes.
Sorry lady, you're bein blown out.

If you actually want evidence go out and touch people.

>> No.6706555


There is no country on earth where a 27 year old can have a 15 year old fiance like it's no big deal that isn't Mudslime filled territory

>> No.6706561

Stop your petty attempts at farce, woman.
Too concerned with the odd strain of French nationalism she has adopted, she has begun to drift south.

>> No.6706562


>/r9k/ derial instantly

kek, you remind me of myself

>> No.6706564
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Lightest blue = 13

>> No.6706565


What country then?

>> No.6706566

>They cannot hold conversations on anything other than their dumb workplace gossip, they dress horribly, they're pretentious whores, they do not have money, and they are unbearable.

>Thank you confirming my initial statement, you people are just materialistic social-slaves.

Move out of your trailer park and into any cosmopolitan city and you'll find countless women in their 30s, some older, who are well-educated, interesting, independent, well-dressed, and so on. I'm not really sure how you've come to believe what you do, but you're really missing out.

Oh, and the only reason I mentioned the money bit is because when I've been with younger girls they've tended to rely on me financially, and I'm not just talking about paying for them on dates. It's nice to be with a woman who's financially independent.

>> No.6706567

Doable with permission from the young lady's guardians, as was done in ages past.

>> No.6706569
File: 415 KB, 493x800, 1420497244720x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 year old boys fap to 23 year old Kate upton.
23 year old guys fap to 23 year old Kate upton.
35 year old guys fap to 23 year old Kate upton.
50 year old guys fap to 23 year old Kate upton.

It will be hard to find a women who looks better at 33 than her 23 self.
Women trying to get pregnant have a harder and harder times once they hit mid 30 and so it's completely clear that even a 60 year old will biologically prefer a 23 year, simply as an animal which wants to spread its seed.

Maybe girls in their teens and twenties are comparatively tiresome compared to 30++ women,
but when I hear someone say he doesn't find girls in their early twenties hotter than in their later 20's or even older, I think they lack experience of delude themselves of being some kind of supreme grown up.

>> No.6706570

They'll talk shit if they're football-watching retards hanging on to ideas about social and sexual status, yes. It's also not the topic, unless you quoted the wrong thing.

>> No.6706573
File: 153 KB, 462x435, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll find countless women in their 30s, some older, who are well-educated, interesting, independent,

>> No.6706574

Have you ever met a married guy married to a woman over 40?
I think you are in for a let down.

>> No.6706576

Mick looks fine

>> No.6706582

Women who are more prone to casual sex are also more likely to divorce, more likely to have abortions, and overall less satisfied with their own life. That's not some outdated concept, it's been proven time and time again.

>> No.6706584

>ru gril post disregarduated
If I were 1. female, 2. as retarded as you are I would call you lot virgins and walk away considering myself the winner. It's too bad that I am not so I'll be sitting here waiting for evidence like a loser.

Elders are typically skinnier than babies, at least in my area, but I can't feel any difference between a 20-year old and a 30-year old person given one isn't either underweight or overweight.

>> No.6706590

More slander, typical of a whore.

No, what you describe is a pretentious whore, an overgrown child.
>but you're really missing out.
Far from it, whore.

>> No.6706591

>If I were 1. female, 2. retarded I would call you lot virgins

done and done

back to tumblr beefy mcflaps

>> No.6706594

>ru gril post disregarduated
I'm the second user you quoted, I never said that.
>would call you lot virgins and walk away considering myself the winner
Not only would you be wrong, you'd be proving us right.

>> No.6706595
File: 415 KB, 493x800, 1420497244720x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 year old boys fap to 23 year old Kate Upton.
23 year old guys fap to 23 year old Kate Upton.
35 year old men fap to 23 year old Kate Upton.
50 year old men fap to 23 year old Kate Upton.

It will be hard to find a women who looks better to us at 33 than her 23 year old self.
Women have a harder and harder getting pregnant from fucking once they hit mid 30, so it's completely clear that even a 60 year old will biologically prefer a 23 year old, as an animal which wants to spread its seed.

Yes, maybe girls in their teens and twenties are comparatively tiresome compared to 30++ women --- but when I hear someone say he doesn't find girls in their early twenties hotter than in their later 20's or even older, I think they lack experience or delude themselves of being some kind of supreme grown up.

>> No.6706597

What the fuck are you talking about? Let us backtrack:
>>>>the older the woman is, the better she is, because she has more experience.
>>>The more sex a woman has with more people, the lower her perceived sexual value is.
>>Some weird 50's idea about "sexual status" doesn't have any impact on how good it gets in the sack
From there on out you keep posting about some kind of weird idea that either sex is less pleasurable the lower the woman's "sexual status" is, or you have the reading comprehension of a fucking infant. We're talking about the quality of sex, not fucking marriage prospects.

>> No.6706600

Why are you accusing them of slander when it's all you post? Your posts haven't had any content even once. You call women dumb whores based on nothing and then get mad when someone calls you a dumb whore.

>> No.6706610

>We're talking about the quality of sex, not fucking marriage prospects
>implying relationship status and stability doesn't contribute to quality of sex
Generation Z is doomed.

>> No.6706618

Your empty buzzwords earn you nothing but my contempt.

>> No.6706621

>More slander, typical of a whore.

No, I'm just a guy in my twenties who lives in a city and, as far as I can tell, is more experienced than you. I'm obviously not going to deny that on a purely physical level teens and girls in their early 20s are the most attractive, especially when they learn how to dress (though that often never happens), but they're usually so intolerable to be around that I'd rather be with women in their late 20s or 30s, who are more attractive overall for a myriad of reasons, some of which I already mentioned.

>> No.6706624

>empty buzzwords

>> No.6706628

Yes, bitter old leatherskins and premenopausal swamp hags are much more tolerable than happy-go-lucky girls who still have joie de vivre.

>> No.6706635

Is OP still around? How do you feel about your thread being hijacked by the bizarre fantasist we have on our hands here? What did you actually want to discuss?

>> No.6706636

>(though that often never happens)

what are you even talking about

>> No.6706637

Older women are simply more subtle and skilled in their evildoing. Young women aren't as wise, so their evil expresses into simple annoyances, rather than brutal betrayals and backstabbings.

>> No.6706640

Literary puns

>> No.6706645

>generation Z
C'mon man. Apply yourself.

>> No.6706648

I hope you aren't implying happy-go-lucky faggots aren't despicable and unbearable regardless of gender.

>> No.6706649
File: 32 KB, 831x560, supreme frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of 15 year old pol tard virgin dweebs arguing about women

This fucking place man.

>> No.6706653

So here's a poem

You know I thug em, fuck em, love em, leave em
Cause I don't fucking need em
Take em out the hood, keep em looking good
But I don't fucking feed em
First time they fuss I'm breezing
Talking bout, what's the reasons
I'm a pimp in every sense of the word, bitch
Better trust and believe em
In the cut where I keep em
Til I need a nut, til I need to beat the guts
Then it's "beep beep" and I'm picking them up
Let em play with the dick in the truck
Many chicks wanna put Jigga's fists in cuffs
Divorce him and split his bucks
Just because you got good head, I'mma break bread
So you can be living it up
Shit I, part with nothing, y'all be fronting
Me give my heart to a woman
Not for nothing, never happen
I'll be forever macking
Heart cold as assassins, I got no passion, I got no patience
And I hate waiting, ho get your ass in and let's ride

>> No.6706654

This is 4chan tradition at its finest.

>> No.6706656

You seem upset that people aren't interested in your cottage cheese ass, madame. Is it true that everyone you dislike is ipso facto a virgin?

*tips fedora*

>> No.6706659

>Why are you accusing them of slander when it's all you post
False, further nonsense.
>then get mad when someone calls you a dumb whore
I haven't had sex in four years; you're the only whore here, woman.
>I'm just a guy
You aren't.
>is more experienced than you.
You aren't.
>purely physical level teens and girls in their early 20s are the most attractive,
Girls in their early teens are the only females with an interesting psyche.
>especially when they learn how to dress
You can't dress, don't kid yourself.
>but they're usually so intolerable to be around that I'd rather be with women in their late 20s or 30s,
They're far more intolerable, they're all pretentious whores.
>who are more attractive overall for a myriad of reasons, some of which I already mentioned.
False, stop pretending and accept that you're a useless whore.
I'm 27 though, why are you playing yet another farce?

>> No.6706663

I ought to move to Italy.

>> No.6706664

Gtfo, the smart guy already told you he's 37 or something

>> No.6706672
File: 31 KB, 544x400, get_this_fucking_spider_off_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smart guy

>> No.6706684

fuuck yeah

>> No.6706693

It's what all the female posters are trying to get at and it's what all the men posters are trying to deny .

>> No.6706704
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>the word used as a derogatory term

>> No.6706708

Bigotry still exists I guess.

>hating people for an orientation they were born with


>> No.6706711
File: 111 KB, 879x875, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've literally just ignored the man's perspective. It's cool having your own standard for relationships or whatever but don't preach it as universal truth, it's actual pretension.
You are not a man, you do not know what it feels like to fuck a pussy, fresh or worn.

>> No.6706719

U wot m8
Pedophilia is normalphilia for all men.

>> No.6706727

>False, further nonsense.
Proof: >>6706659 - as you can see, that entire post consists of nothing but "no u", "girls are whores" and "u r shit"
>I haven't had sex in four years; you're the only whore here, woman.
I haven't had sex even once in my entire life.

>> No.6706732


Hi! Friendly reminder that pedophiles should be doused in gasoline and set on fire. Have a nice day!

>> No.6706733

She's hot.

>> No.6706736

Back to church boy.
You'll have a tingly feeling when you see your ugly daughter one day.

>> No.6706739
File: 49 KB, 480x640, m&#039;gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kind of reactionary knee jerk reactions are exactly what I'm talking about.

You are absolutely engorged in some kind of ideology and anybody who doesn't immediately conform to it must be some kind of granny fucking something something insert whatever.
You go basically go 'u mad lelel' and proceed with a bunch of presumptions.

I see this all the time on 4chan.

But whatever man, you people keep doing your thing, I just dropped into this thread because I thought this was pretty hilarious.

>> No.6706746

Based gentleman

>> No.6706747

Teens and young women dress horribly. Haven't you noticed? It's only once they reach their mid twenties that they begin to develop some taste in fashion.

>> No.6706752

>I'm not even mad. You are the ones who are mad. That's why I'm here in a discussion I hate with people I find to be awful, typing paragraphs about how I'm not mad. You virgin!

Come back when you've calmed down. Maybe wait a few days for your period to subside.

>> No.6706753

reminder that nice guys are fools

>> No.6706756

Follow the advice of this guy if you want to fail your sentimental life.

>> No.6706758

You're making yourself look worse
Young teens dress great, you dumb whore.

>> No.6706761

>fedora image
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6706780

You obviously have never been in a relationship or are a woman. Badly treating a woman significantly increases the risk of cheating but it's mostly dependent on character. A woman prone to cheating will cheat no matter how well you treat her.

>> No.6706792

You haven't been trying for the last twenty posts or so, you filthy useless slut.

>> No.6706799

Agree. In fact, you don't go far enough. It's a dark, evil secret that abuse turns women on.
Read Iceberg Slim's "Pimp" if you don't believe. It's very short.

>> No.6706803

rofl imbecile

>> No.6706814

Here comes the farce.

>> No.6706816

Génération Identitaire ?

>> No.6706820

You're making yourself look worse, you dumb whore.

>> No.6706826

The guy seems to be French and it's perfectly legal (t)here though frowned upon.

>> No.6706840

I'm not French, she is.

Why do you assume I'm having sex with her?

>> No.6706858

>open up the picture

She still looks fine, what's wrong with her? Have you never seen a woman up close before?

>> No.6706863

I think anyone who fails to acknowledge the superior aesthetic quality of the pubescent and adolescent girl over those older is incapable of appreciating objective beauty due to being irretrievably conditioned to consider such an attraction as morally corrupt. It goes beyond the sexual pleasure guaranteed as those 16 and younger radiate a purity and innocence that the virtuous among us are naturally attracted to. As some others said, if you are looking for the insightful conversations, significant and mutual growth, turn to male companionship as the females who are aesthetically superior will not offer this. You may compromise if you like and choose a female that may offer you a fraction of the intellectual benefit that a male may offer, but she is certain to be no more than mediocre in appearance and if you would subject yourself to a compromise then you simply don't deserve the ethereal girls that reason itself inspires us to pursue.

>> No.6706882

His position is neither "reactionary" (many reactionaries would probably be appalled in fact) nor ideological. You can maybe disregard his preference for young vagina over old vagina as being mere personal taste or opinion but that's not ideology. Is liking chocolate over vanilla reactionary?

>> No.6706923

My bad. I assumed too much since the thread was heavily sex focused.

>> No.6706959

You sound like an ancient Greek. I mean this as a compliment.

>> No.6706978

>Girls in their early teens are the only females with an interesting psyche.
How did this board ended up with such idiocy?

The internet is really amazing. It's incredible how someone so retarded can end up in a literary board. Unbelievable.

I've never seen anything so deserving of a FUCK OFF BACK TO /B/

>> No.6706981

Wow, you sure are intelligent!

>> No.6706988

I'm intelligent enough not to come to a literary board and spit idiotic generalizations about half of the human race.

>> No.6707025

>teen girls won't touch any guy older than 20

I kept silent for most of the discussion but if you believe that, you're really delusional or sheltered. I didn't get any when I was 18-21, but now I'm 26 these bitches in high school make moves on to me, when I was abroad one even felt the need to prove she was legal according to their law. I don't make more money, I live in the same place, if anything I got fatter. The only differences are my life experience, the number of friends I have and my age. I'm confident I'm not the exception, too.

>> No.6707055

In my late 20's, can confirm <20yo girls are game.

>> No.6707301

>its dumbdumb because i said so

>> No.6707329
File: 74 KB, 1329x619, RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stable marriages do not exist anymore because if a woman has sex with two people before getting married, she already has a 50% of getting divorced. It increases from there. 21+ partners = 80% chance of divorce.

>> No.6707356
File: 132 KB, 851x1133, 1434585095289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when I'm feeling sad, as a 6ft1 7/10 26y/o male.
I like to remember that in 10 years I'll look better than all the girls currently my age when we're all 36. I'll look even better by comparison at 46.

>> No.6707377
File: 1.77 MB, 264x261, Yung.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steady gains
>University educated
>Moderately handsome
>Affluent family

I'll probably age like wine. I want to get married but marrying a non-virgin is more or less insanity at this point, so I'll probably never have kids or pass on the name and just fuck girls younger than me. I can tell I'm going to feel empty.

>> No.6707486
File: 20 KB, 160x160, RS0TaDRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a millionaire trust-fund WASP
whatever, peasant

>> No.6707533


>I like to remember that in 10 years I'll look better than all the girls currently my age

you cope with sadness in the same way that catty female narcissists do

and when you're feeling really shit do you just say fuck it and break out the ice cream and sex & the city reruns?

>> No.6707560
File: 50 KB, 612x380, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a petit-nobless millionaire Catholic Anglo-Saxon

It's almost like you don't even have relatives who fought in the War of the Roses

>> No.6707571

Who would ever say this? Why respond to this demented shitposting?

>> No.6707593

Only cool if you're American now. Being rich in America is incredible.

>> No.6707633

she looks like a man

>> No.6707679

I love how this thread instantly derailed and exploded

stay gold /lit/

>> No.6707757
File: 127 KB, 549x1385, 1415837049710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6707777


>> No.6707784






>> No.6707792
File: 38 KB, 300x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I What does that mean though? I don't speak rapper girl talk.

>> No.6707804

what does what mean? ptp? prime time pussy

>> No.6707814
File: 62 KB, 351x419, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no I got that . I mean "hollerback".

>> No.6707831

>That's why I'm here in a discussion I hate with people I find to be awful, typing paragraphs about how I'm not mad. You virgin!
kek fucking this

>> No.6707971


>> No.6708310
File: 9 KB, 420x300, 1412966588587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter Houellebecq thread
>It starts off as meme shitposting
>It devolves into shitposting about attractiveness and aging
>It eventually leads to a discussion about the breakdown of marriage and futility of relationships
>mfw the thread ended up being relevant to Houellebecq