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File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, 1423457088701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6701849 No.6701849 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to remember a word to describe how fedoras argue. Very tit-for-tat, missing the bigger picture. It's like the opposite of holistic. "Deconstructive" is similar, but not the word I'm looking for. It doesn't only apply to debate.

I associate it with the philosophical concept of materialism if that helps at all. Not sure if it's related, but I feel a vague push in the direction of that word when I try to remember this one.

>> No.6701854


>> No.6701859

I know exactly what you're talking about, but I can't think of the word either. I'll get back to you if it comes to me. They have a very reductive way of speaking about any given topic.

>> No.6701860


>> No.6701887

stop generalizing all atheists based on a few trolls

>> No.6701974

This. Reductionist.

>> No.6701986
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1421255214747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702020

Qui hic saemon daemon estne?

>> No.6702236

Why did you assume this applies to atheists?

>> No.6702270
File: 1.45 MB, 2304x1728, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that when atheists meet up they look like this?

>> No.6702278
File: 94 KB, 460x306, christianmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but when Christians meet up they look like this?

fun attractive people engaging each other in conversation, talking about their well rounded personalities and wide range of interests

>> No.6702283
File: 14 KB, 168x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe thread.

>> No.6702287

The guy on their right looks like he can do some mean cock sucking. I always assumed that in some states you have to call yourself an atheist to get to meet some gay guys.

>> No.6702288

what the FUCK are they doing there?

>> No.6702289

Isn't that just the Dragon Age 2 dev team?

>> No.6702293

developing life long bonds with God and each other?

>> No.6702295

The little one in the middle. What sort of genitalia does it have, I must know.

>> No.6702307

Is that a footprint on her forehead?

>> No.6702309

Those guys look dope tho

>> No.6702315

I'm trying to remember a word to describe how christfags argue. Very ad hominem, using certain styles of hats to denounce entire arguments

>> No.6702317 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 640x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet qtie at bar
>we shag like bunnies after I tell her people don't have morals anymore (some by comment)
>wake up next morning
>she asks me why I'm not going to church
>I laugh until my ribs crack
>"I thought you said you were Christian"
>I keep laughing but come to an end
>"no bby no"
>she starts fucking up my shit
>I kick her out
>she stands outside my house and screams things like heretic and villian and whatnot
>I start getting annoyed
>cuz can't read with crazy bitch outside yelling
>go outside ask her to fuck off
>she doesn't desist
>I start the tap and hose her till she's soaked and a running
>yell after her
>"Yer God aren't here, just me bitch".
>she's crying down the lane as I was supposed to drive her home or something

>> No.6702322

she fell asleep with her head on her arm

>> No.6702324

kek Go ahead and post your arguments I'll try to explain it to you again.

>> No.6702326

fuck off

>> No.6702332


>> No.6702349

w2c a qt 3.14 as seen?

>> No.6702357


>> No.6702366

I later learnt she expected me to take her to church.

>> No.6702377

kill yourself underage fag

>> No.6702415

>Protestantism: the picture

>> No.6702420

People don't have morals anymore, I guess

>> No.6702425

who is this semen daemon?

>> No.6702437

The word you're looking for is "stonewalling".

Cede absolutely no ground of any description.

>> No.6702472

What is god?

>> No.6702486
File: 798 KB, 480x360, Here's your fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm trying to remember a word to describe how christfags argue. Very ad hominem, using certain styles of hats to denounce entire arguments

>tfw you see undeniable proof that a meme has sunk in to the very core of something

>> No.6702512

>photograph of Hawkins, Dawkins, Black Science Man, Sagan, Nye and the new Sagan all standing at podiums in suits
>photograph of Westborough Baptist Church

>> No.6702522

The word you're looking for is analytic.

>> No.6702533

>Black Science Man
That guy who identifies as agnostic?

>> No.6702534

>photograph of French existentialists smoking cigarettes and drinking red wine
>photograph of Joan of Arc burning at the stake

>> No.6702541

Not an argument.

God is the human conception of the supreme being. An omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal creator and sustainer of the universe.

>> No.6702544

>photograph of molested choir boys
>photograph of priests

>> No.6702551

What are you, some sort of SJW who says people can identity as whatever gender, race or religious affiliation they feel like? Gb2/lgbt/.

>> No.6702552


Because Christianity alienates and shuns the genuinely vulnerable?

I'm a Christian and I thought of that, you better step up your game anon.

>> No.6702556

Consider your own posts, look at yourself, then look at the posts you were replying to.
Which seems closer to the truth :)?

>> No.6702569

Who's the semen demon

>> No.6702579

All of them are true. That makes us 3-1.

>> No.6702591

>Because Christianity alienates and shuns the genuinely vulnerable
Seems to me real christians help and serve the vulnerable. I'm an atheist btw.

James 2
14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

>> No.6702602

You're BOTH wrong.
I'm Laplace's Demon btw.

>> No.6702608

Was tired of OP not responding so I reverse image searched. Her name is Alice Johnson, aka Mirukawa. Here is her deviantart:


>> No.6702624

If only her faces made anatomical sense

>> No.6702634


>> No.6702651
File: 234 KB, 1280x879, Ayylien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe the Deviantart wasn't the best thing to link. Her instagram has several pictures of her, and her tumblr looked interesting, but I couldn't figure out how to navigate it (fucking baffling system tumblr has).

Apparently she is from Ukraine. No word on whether she's patrician.

>> No.6702655

She likes anime, anon. I think it's best to assume she isn't patrician

>> No.6702711

I know exactly what you mean but I can't put my finger on the word to describe it. Argumentative on tiny points but when you look at all their arguments together they aren't consistent.

>> No.6702719

aw fuck I would kill that shit
>tfw you will never piss in her hair

>> No.6702754

Russian guy in /int/ said he went to school with her and she was a snobby bitch, so maybe

>> No.6702758

You think someone posting on 4chan is reliable? Also shes Ukrainian not Russian so how the fuck could he know her

>> No.6702771

No its not, she's called Katya something, she's a mixed Russian Tatar from some city in Russia

>> No.6702785

She's not Ukrainian, all of the pics showing text are in Russian, and she has photos of her trip to St. Petersburg. She was spammed on /int/ all last year, shes old news now

>> No.6702791
File: 5 KB, 148x142, 1431761458475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you go to Ukraine and all the qts are named katya

>> No.6702793


She's been internet famous since 2013

>> No.6702794

Ukrainians speak Russian as well. The two languages are interchangeable in most of ukraine

>> No.6702813

Except its well know she's Russian..

>> No.6702835

She is a walking advert for Dugin's Eurasian union.

>> No.6702839

Pedantic, reductionist, parochial.

>> No.6702873
File: 403 KB, 552x662, Tardanons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking about a completely different person. Did you even click the link I posted? Let me spell it out with pic related.

>> No.6702878
File: 15 KB, 200x307, natbol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do russian crypto fascists get all the qts

>> No.6702881
File: 110 KB, 500x712, 1434373351345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702887
File: 38 KB, 853x600, 1415619992852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702894

entrenched, dogmatic,willfully ignorant, peremptory

>> No.6702902
File: 83 KB, 853x543, 1433437213721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme is incredible and I love it. I saved the Stirner one the second I saw it.
I have never loved a tradition on this kazakhstani flip book discussion board like this one.

>> No.6703156
File: 187 KB, 972x1516, CONAN THE BARBARIAN SE 001-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This totally happened,

>> No.6703261
File: 36 KB, 853x543, 1415724677130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I, too love this meme.
I've got a small collection going, but I have no idea what to call it.

>"...gotta be littered with..." Spurdo

>> No.6703320

I haven't seen this image since the original one and I haven't seen it for two+ years. I've been looking so long, does anyone have the original?

Adam and Eve not Adama and STEVE ok

>> No.6703376
File: 72 KB, 853x620, 1424037483078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the best I could manage w/ google:

Pic is my favourite iteration of this meme. Guard it well.

>> No.6703383
File: 58 KB, 853x543, america bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it "Patriot Bear". I think that's reasonable, since I'm the one who drew the original.

>> No.6703398

What the fuck is that pink treadmark above her left eyebrow?

Did she get run over by a hotwheel or something?

>> No.6703420


Charity is hipocrisy if the highest kind, if you actually think that giving some food to the homeless/starving children alleviates them from poverty, you are even more delusional for that than believing in the invisible sky daddy.

>> No.6703428

Actually I was thinking of this recently... It seemed as if the argument of Scientism has come down to us directly from the Epicheireme, which was the Greek technical argument consisting of four premises. Yet this Epicheireme was only a small subset of discourse and it was never something which could comprise an entire philosophical argument.

>> No.6703435

assuming what you say is the truth, I say congrats
patriot bear is one of the best memes I've seen in a while

>> No.6703501

Reductionist isn't bad though assuming that they're reducing the argument to its key points and debating the validity of these underlying structures.
It's not about proving them wrong, it's about proving them indefensible.
> though this requires the debater reducing to be correct in the first place

>> No.6703556



>> No.6703979
File: 86 KB, 228x265, Ness_SSB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ness really let himself go.

>> No.6704484

obviously the grain of her jumper sleeve. she must have been lying face down on her wrist and then sat up before the pic was taken.

>> No.6704500

That's absurd, those are obviously tire marks

>> No.6704548


This pic, it looks like an excuse to get sexual while still adhering to Christian faith.

Kind of like a guys who go to a concert just to grab chicks ass and cooch when they start floating... sure they came for the music, but grabbing floating cooch is good too, you just don't tell anyone, and nobody suspects, or they do suspect but don't care because they are okay with it.

Same kind of shit. Both are hypocrites but also not.

>> No.6704606

These are bronies

>> No.6704635

There's nothing quite like a qt's soft tits mashed against your back in a moshpit, that's for sure.

>implying atheists and bronies aren't one and the same

>> No.6704646

Literally 90% of people I know in my country are non-religious, it's just become a normal thing in the modern world (whether or not that's a good thing is outside this scope of discussion). Yet when I visit my family in MURICA, they seem to be in the minority. Most non-religious people don't go around stating that they're 'athiest' etc., they just live lives of non-belief....

>> No.6704702

>Most non-religious people don't go around stating that they're 'athiest' etc., they just live lives of non-belief....

They probably do the same with their bronyism

>> No.6704807

You're deluded m8

>> No.6704815
File: 208 KB, 640x741, 1-Brad-Pitt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704924

What kind of philosophy should I adopt and practice in order to encourage the further proliferation of qts like this?

>> No.6704941

The guy on the far left looks like one of their socially-adjusted older brother's who was awkwardly roped into a photo with them.

>> No.6704947

>family friend has big tits but isn't fat
>squeezes really tight when hugging
>she's twice my age with five kids

>> No.6704997

>in my country most people are atheist
>in America some people are atheist but instead of saying so, they say they just don't believe!
>this is a problem!


>> No.6705078
File: 118 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /lit/. Book or GTFO

>> No.6705111

>having anything to do with belief
Choose one.

There are two dichotomies here, the atheist/theist one and the agnostic/gnostic one.
Atheism and theism address belief. A theist believes in god. An atheist doesn't.
Agnosticism and gnosticism address knowledge. Agnostics do not claim absolute knowledge about their beliefs (be they atheistic or theistic). Gnostics claim to know the validity of their beliefs.

So being an agnostic means nothing on it's own, as it defines a relationship to belief.

>> No.6705140

probably not a single true believer in the bunch

>> No.6705144

Lit will never understand this, I've explained it many times. People will always use 'agnostic' interchangeably with 'im not ready to call myself an atheist but I find parts of the Bibke bizzare so I'm pretty much going to abstain for right now'

>> No.6705184

Agnostics can have knowledge about their own beliefs, that seems obvious as fuck. Agnosticism has to do with knowledge of things beyond the material plane, like deities.

>> No.6705214


anon i love you you memester

>> No.6705236

resbegt :^DDD

>> No.6705241

unbelievably edgy/10

>> No.6705273

>charity is weak
>natural selection
>helping won't cure them

>> No.6705598

Fedoras don't argue, they are hats. Their main purpose is to cover ones head.
I don't know what word you're looking for

>> No.6705610

>Thead has nothing to do with this board
>ChristCunts fload it.

My kingdom for one mod.

>> No.6705628

>not a group of gigantic faggot manchildren

Pick one

>> No.6705654

>unbelievably edgy/10
He's right.

The way our society is now, charity is ineffectual. You buy your organic fair trade coffee and donate a tenner to a woman in the street with a high vis jacket and a stern look, but that makes it worse. The more the general public feels satisfied that their pocket change has countered the global disadvantage their lifestyle creates, the longer the situation continues. You are generating an over-investment by believing that you're fulfilling some ethical duties; that somehow the burden of consumption can be balanced with charity. This is fallacious. It perpetuates a self-congratulatory system whereby you aren't curing the disease, you're prolonging it, giving yourself a pat on the back for buying 'fair-trade' food, or giving a Somalian a pair of shoes, and are under the delusion that you can buy your redemption from being a consumerist. Your remedy is part of the disease. You try to solve the problem of poverty by keeping the poor alive, but this is not a solution. If anything it is an aggravation of the difficulty.

And yes, little Depak might get a used Manchester United T-shirt with his malaria shot, but the longer giving a used T-shirt is seen as a viable solution by the braying middle class fuckwits who indirectly send him down a mine for the cassiterite in their iPads, the longer Depak's living in squalor and earning 3p a month.

As long as the culture of charity exists, it will prevent your altruistic virtues from carrying out your aim; as long as you continue to throw spare change at the homeless, the rest of society will feel that enough has been done, and the cycle continues. The only way to change the system is for charity to end, let the world see the horrific suffering, and address the underlying root causes. As it stands, charity is a band aid on a decapitated head.

>> No.6705700

The world has seen the horrific suffering, and it does not care.

This is what you would expect of a world that has chosen to pretend that they are the highest ordered beings in the universe.

This is the society predicted by Nietzsche before he went mad.

This is your godless society, and you have no answers for the problems within it.

>> No.6705719
File: 140 KB, 1200x630, ISIS-Execution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The world has seen the horrific suffering, and it does not care.

>This is your godless society, and you have no answers for the problems within it.

As opposed to a godfearing society, which is actively involved in causing horrific suffering

>> No.6705729

Depak can go fuck himself tbh

>> No.6705744

A theist believes god exists. An athiest believes god does not exist. If one does not have any belief either way they are an agnostic.

>> No.6705824

The day you learn the difference between fearing God, and fearing allah, will be a new dawn for you.

There is no reason to fear allah; he can only kill you.

God can kill you, and cast your soul into hell. Fear Him.

>> No.6705840

>God can kill you, and cast your soul into hell. Fear Him.


Please be a troll

>> No.6705874

how can you have no belief either way?
it doesnt make any sense, youre leaving yourself like

>I________, but im not sure

>> No.6705884

>how can you have no belief either way?
A. I believe this song is good
B. I believe this is a bad song
C. I reject the dichotomy.

>> No.6705885

the op never mentioned atheists

>> No.6705967

>I'm trying to remember a word to describe how fedoras argue.

>> No.6705990

believing something is good/bad is not the same as believing something exists

>> No.6706001


I believe that's what 'fedora' means in chrispergers

>> No.6706072
File: 7 KB, 240x210, clarkson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily Christianity thrad

>> No.6706156

Azusa would never say something so crude and rude.

>> No.6706173

>I believe that there is no reason I should be able to confidently say either way if there is a god. If there were a god and he didn't want us to have conclusive evidence of his existence, we wouldn't know if that were the case or if there were just no god. Therefore, I can confidently hold the belief that I cannot know whether or not there is a god.

>> No.6706202

>If there were a god and he didn't want us to have conclusive evidence of his existence, we wouldn't know if that were the case or if there were just no god.

You'd literally have no reason to believe there was one

>> No.6706327

And I'd have no reason to believe that there wasn't. There is no evidence that god does not exist. That doesn't mean I need to be meaningfully concerned with the possibility that he does but it does mean that I have no reason to believe that he doesn't. I only have reason to think that whatever is true I'm not able to know it for sure.

>> No.6706347

absence of evidence is evidence of absence idiot

>> No.6706375

What's the word for killing someone by throwing them out of a window?

>> No.6706951

absence of evidence is not evidence of absence


>> No.6707666

>that zoo tycoon shirt

where the fuck can I get one