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/lit/ - Literature

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6699429 No.6699429 [Reply] [Original]

Enough Cuckolic and John Milbank bullsiht. What is some worthwhile Protestant literature?


>> No.6699456

Paradise Lost
Pilgrim's Progress
On the Jews and Their Lies
The Scarlet Letter

>> No.6701473
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Good list.


Fear and Trembling
C.S. Lewis

>> No.6701477

C.S. Lewis was Anglican

>> No.6701484
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>> No.6701487


>> No.6701493
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Yes and?

>> No.6701496
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>> No.6701529
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>protestant literature

>> No.6701536

Paradise lost is better than anything Dostoevsky wrote tbh

Forgot to add:
George MacDonald
The Seducer's Diary by Kierkegaard
And, if you're okay with ambiguous Protestantism, you should read Swedenborg and Blake.

>> No.6701537
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>mfw protestant and I still laughed at this

>> No.6701540
File: 1.44 MB, 3000x2953, Pastor Rogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of Protestantism

>> No.6701545

Erasmus and Müntzer

>> No.6701555
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>> No.6701563

Dante was a pre-cursor to protestantism not a high point of catholicism.

>> No.6701569
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John Knox.
Theodore Beza.
John Donne.

>> No.6701588

That's been a popular reading of him, but now academics are increasingly challenging the idea that Dante should be read as a proto-modernist. It's true that Dante was enormously influenced by Aquinas, but Aquinas as opposed to Scotus was not a precursor to modernism, as much as we often think of Scholasticism that way.

>> No.6701590
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>> No.6701597


>> No.6701606

do you have quotes from Rogers? Sermons, etc.

>> No.6701610
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>> No.6701614

whatever comforts you

>> No.6701621
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This is one of my all-time favorite videos and if you have ears to hear, listen for the Holy Spirit:


>> No.6701625
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Pastor Rogers is a saint.


>> No.6702156
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>yfw Luther was jelly of the jews

>> No.6702264

goddamn, i shed a tear

>> No.6702273

Anglicans believe in seven sacraments and Sacred Tradition. They even allow asking the Virgin Mary for intercessory prayer.Even go to an Anglican (Episcopal in the U.S.) service? Not really Protestant.

>> No.6702312

>Von den Juden und ihren Lügen
Would make a nice rap lyric

>> No.6702953


Catholic here.

Based Protestant writers include:
>Lewis (Til We Have Faces and the Space Trilogy only apply)
>George MacDonald

Most based Christian writers are either Catholic or Orthodox. Sorry Protestant bros.

>> No.6702994


When I hear the word "Christian" the first person that comes to mind is Fred Rogers. Not the Pope. Not those hucksters shilling away on TV. Not the political types or those people protesting against this or that. Just Jesus....and Fred Rogers.

>> No.6703782
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>> No.6704009

Lewis was Anglican, brah.

>> No.6704157

Pynchon is a Catholic... unless you already knew that and are being ironic

>> No.6704244
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>When we are inclined to boast of our position [as Christians] we should remember that we are but Gentiles, while the Jews are of the lineage of Christ. We are aliens and in-laws; they are blood relatives, cousins, and brothers of our Lord. Therefore, if one is to boast of flesh and blood the Jews are actually nearer to Christ than we are.

>> No.6704615

Especially CS Lewis was from the so called "high church" anglicanism.
An English mate of mine comes from the same. They are basically efgy Catholics that pretend not liking the pope.

Due to recent controversies in the Church of England, a large part of the old High church Anglicanism has gone back to communion with Rome. In fact, the Caholic Church allows clergymen from it in its ranks with a simple pledge.

Tl dr : Lewis would have been Catholic if he had lived past 1975.

>> No.6704620

Any relevant Protestant theologian past 1900 besides Karl Barth?

>> No.6704629

I dunno, Milbank is Anglo-Catholic and has come out against gay marriage and abortion, and for a stronger recognition of sexual differences, but he hasn't converted to Roman Catholicism. He is very interested in steering Anglicanism in a more orthodox direction, though.

Anyway, we all know the Catholic Church will ordain women sooner or later.

>> No.6704636

Tillich :^)

On a more serious note, James K. A. Smith and Boris Gunjevic

>> No.6704642


Legitimate Catholics should just jump ship to SSPX and other fringe sects of Catholicism. The more religious organizations try to adopt secular humanist positions to gain/keep adherents the more they are diminishing any reason for their own existence.

>> No.6704652

>Anyway, we all know the Catholic Church will ordain women sooner or later.
It already has consecrated women.
As for priests, I don't think it will any time soon.

The Church is often trashed for it, but it gives little fuck about flavor-of-the-day politics.
Change of such mamgnitude would require consensus for an extended period of time. Out current breed of sjw will fade.

Ordination of married men might be around the corner though.

>> No.6704655

>Boris Gunjevic
>cowrites with Zizek
Do we finally have a meme theologian?

>> No.6704660

>tfw 4chan has made me unironically religious

>> No.6704662

Secular humanism is a product of the Church, if you also care to look at Milbank. In fact, Tillich comes to the same conclusion Milbank does about finding univocity of being at the root of atheism, only Tillich isn't so well read as Milbank to know that they wasn't a common perspective in theology until the early modern period, and consequently Tillich demands more modernism and a "second reformation" to fix the problem, which would just make it worse. From Milbank's perspective, and rather in depth argument, univocity of being is what lead to modernism and secularism, and that it should be targeted through orthodox theology rather than increasingly liberal theology.

>> No.6704665

It's not that the Church gives a shit about pandering to politics so much as that in a few generations, the people they get their clergy from won't have an issue with women being ordained.

>> No.6704675

So does John Milbank, though, and he is already a meme theologian

>> No.6704726

4chan is honestly the most impropable and unpredictable place I know.

>> No.6705227

>Joel Osteen
Pick one. Osteen's a prosperity gospel preacher. The overwhelming vast majority of Protestants and, specifically, evangelicals, reject prosperity theology entirely.

>> No.6705303

man...wow :')