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/lit/ - Literature

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6699318 No.6699318 [Reply] [Original]

If you could choose one language as the most useful for reading good literature, what would it be?

Besides English I would say german

>> No.6699333

Why is that anon?

>> No.6699337

Aren't they all like, you know, pretty rad?

>> No.6699346

Best philosophers besides the Greeks, kafka, Hesse, Goethe, junger

>> No.6699350

hi tumblr

>> No.6699352

For philosophy German is best

>> No.6699489

French because muh Camus, muh enlightenment philosophers

>> No.6699492

>Not one of the most limited languages for expression

Pick one.

>> No.6699493


>> No.6699497

English is limed af
but it's also the easiest language to learn

>> No.6699499


>> No.6699501

Invisible style limits expression more effectively than the language.

>> No.6699505

Italian, French, German and Spanish

>> No.6699526

If you want to read tried-and-true greats, go for German or Russian. German has the added bonus of allowing you to read some great philosophy in its original language.

If you want the language of the future, go for Spanish. There are great literary works being produced south of the border, and hopefully this trend will carry on in years to come.

>> No.6699530

Languages of the future are undeniably English and Chinese.

>> No.6699536

Both of those things are just...wrong. As in, they are the exact opposite of the truth. The fact that you can state something as wrong as that makes me question the institution of knowledge as a whole. Philosophy doesn't matter, as it can contain statements as wrong as yours, thus invalidating the entire system of conscious thought.

>> No.6699537

idk, even chinese have trouble writing their own shitty letters

>> No.6699541

the russian language is easily one of the most beautiful- also allows one to read the russian classics. the way they were originally read. i'm biased due to the fact that i've spent the last two months learning russian. russian is more focused on essential information in a sentence and once one has a grasp of the language can put together some pretty juicy sentences. english pales in comparison.

i've heard that arabic and farsi are also very poetic in nature but i have no background in those languages so I wouldn't know either way.

>> No.6699547

The Russian language is easily one of the most beautiful....to a Klingon.

>> No.6699565

is this you being serious or are you just making a funny?

>> No.6699581

this nigga is correct about spanish, add portuguese

>> No.6699583

to a native english speaker, russian sounds very retarded, one of the worst languages I have heard

Arabic is gorgeous though

>> No.6699586

I think only Frege, of the great German philosophers, wrote exclusively in German. The others were in the Vienna Circle and wrote largely in English.

>> No.6699598

do you pleb even read laotian?

>> No.6699606

> Not reading Sanskrit

>> No.6699622

To a native English speaker, Arabic sounds like someone is trying to gather phlegm to spit.

>> No.6699639

No French?
No pussy.

>> No.6699663

Racist shithead.

>> No.6699667

Sorry facts upset you shitskin

>> No.6699703

Having only ever spoken English, would you care to enlighten me as to why you believe English to be a limiting language?

>> No.6699719

Go home farage, you're drunk

>> No.6699721


Sorry, but it's not because you were born in German that your mother tongue is automatically made important. German literature is largely irrelevant. The only German writers worth reading before the twentieth century are Goethe, Heine, maybe Schiller. That's all you have to offer and I'm sorry to say, but this isn't much.

French: Villon, Montaigne, Rebelais, Racine, Moliere, Ronsard, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Stendhal, Flaubert, Maupassant, Mallarme, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Proust, Celine, Vallery etc.

Italian: Guido, Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarca, the writings of the Renaissance masters, Leopardi.

Russian: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Tchekov, Goncharov.

Spanish/Portuguese (if you know one you know the other): Cervantes, Camoens, Machado de Assis, Garcia Lorca, Fernando Pessoa, Saramago, Garcia Marquez, Jorge Luis Borges.

Greek: the greeks.

Latin: Virgil, Ovid, Horace, Cattulus, Caesar's writings, Sextus Propertius, Petronius, Aquinas, Pervigilium Veneris, some Dante.

Hebrew: the Bible.

So, basically every great western language is much superior in terms of literature to the German language.

Now I ask: how can OP be so delusional? Is he a nazi or something?

>> No.6699728

>not liking the sound of a language makes you racist

>> No.6699736

english isn't limited insofar as what you can say, but instead with what you can get away with.

i speak russian so i'll try to explain it in terms of that.

for instance, if you asked someone in america what makes them happy, they would probably respond with love, food, family etc.

if you asked me to say in russian i would say
>yлыбкa в глaзaх cecтpы. кoгдa дeти нe плaчyт. нaвepнo.

hard translation: smile in eyes of sister. when children do not cry. probably.

soft translation: seeing a smile in the eyes of my sister. when the children are not crying. probably.

if you responded that way in english you would get thrown in the looney bin, but in russian (and im sure other languages are like this too) it is normal.

>> No.6699737
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>Hebrew: The Bible
Top lel?

>> No.6699746

>Sorry facts upset you shitskin (>>6699667)

>> No.6699752

German: Goethe, Heine, Schiller, Rilke, Holderlin, Nietzsche, Mann, Hesse, Kleist, Grass, Kafka, Spitteler, Doblin, etc.

German isn't even my first choice, but you're really underselling it.

>> No.6699753


>muh classics

You're an idiot. Hesse, Böll, Rilke, Kafka, Mann, Müsil, Canetti put most contemporary litterature to bed.

>> No.6699765

A lot of the ones you mentioned are actually pretty much irrelevant, Adolf.

>muh classics

Yes, Hermann, the classics - the classics you haven't read.

>> No.6699773

>Goethe, Heine

Mentioned in my post.


Philosopher and a very bad one at that.

>Kafka, Mann, Musil

Important, but many languages have equally important 20th century writers and in greater quantity.


Inferior playwright. The greeks, Shakes, the Spaniards of the Golden Age, the french classics, Ibsen etc. were all better.

>Holderlin, Hesse, Kleist, Grass, Spitteler, Dolbin

First-rate writers but with no relevance to the world outside Germoney.

>> No.6699784

Sorry your language is so disgusting.

Muhammed was also a filthy pedophile that modern medicine would diagnose as schizophrenic

>> No.6699785

Way fewer sentence constructions, almost non-existent conjugation e.g. in my language we conjugate each noun into about 18 different forms which means that in a sense nouns by themselves can produce its own context without the use of additional words.
In other words, English is not as articulated / differentiated, not so much in its content but in its structure, meaning that the language is harder to twist and reshape in an economic way (it requires adding more words and repeating the same few sentence constructions, the results usually being a bit clumsy). Which is why a lot of English translations are so dry and stiff or even obscure compared to originals. That doesn't mean English isn't interesting though, some good writers turn its limitations into a deliberate style.

Either German or French. German seems richer, but French is more relevant since the middle of the 20th century.

>> No.6699794

But that come afterwards.

>> No.6699798

get out

>> No.6699803


>> No.6699806

this, english is a lot more straightforward than my native language (its not a bad thing)

>> No.6699807

Stop trying to oppress Arabs, white boi.

>> No.6699809

But arabs are white.
I would know as I am one.

I still don't get how disliking the sound of a language makes someone a racist.

>> No.6699815

>arabs are white

>> No.6699817
File: 288 KB, 526x486, welcome to sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed my White friend.

Come join us.

>> No.6699831

The Levantine ones at the very least.

>> No.6699836


They are the masters of fleshing out characters and writing original stories.

>> No.6699837
File: 110 KB, 349x349, Abbas Kiarostami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't Arabs, I'm afraid.

Pic related, an Arab.

PS: I'm not the guy you're replying to and I'm not an Arab.

>> No.6699838
File: 2.84 MB, 419x313, this pleases the jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699866

are you autistic? could you try to converse without posting meme pictures?

>> No.6699874

I just come here for the qts

>> No.6699878

This is literally /pol/-tier

How has /lit/ stooped this low....

>> No.6699891

>brown kids playing with a soccer ball
the humanity!

>> No.6699914

Wonderful argument.

The fact is, however, that there is a lot of mixing among the Middle Eastern and European people, so insofar as it makes sense to call a person white many Middle Easteners should be called white too.

Jesus is considered white, and he was of Middle Eastern origin. The Jews are considered white, and they too are of Middle Eastern origin. Even Hitler was in part a Sephardic Jew.

This whole /pol/ meme makes no sense.

In my country, Brazil, people of Arab origin are considered white. Also

>In the USA, Arabs are classified as white by the U.S. Census, and have been since before 1977.[21][22][23]

>> No.6699937

Absolute truth. Such an ugly pronounciation.

>> No.6699941

>Jesus is considered white
since when?
>The Jews are considered white
since when?

>> No.6699943

Il n'y a que la langue française.

>> No.6699944

Why's there so many shitskin in chinese cartoon board's english books board?

It makes no sense.

>> No.6699947

>implying i'm even 'shitskin'
top kekekekekekeke

>> No.6699961

are you autistic? could you try to converse without posting meme?

>> No.6699969

Yes, everybody on 4chin is autistic. Fuck off back to >>>/b/

>> No.6699972

Why are you directing him to your homepage?

>> No.6699975

>The Jews are considered white
>since when?

Since your glorious leader Adolf Hitler.


>> No.6699980

>Adolf Hitler is likely to have
>he may have had

I'd call you a retard but you already established that.

>> No.6699986

Where does this 'le jews are conspiring against le human race' meme stem from? Also, why do /pol/lacks like to cherry pick extremely specific examples (such as this image: >>6699817) to try and prove their point? Is it brain damage?

>> No.6699995

>Anyone who doesn't conform to my own world view is a racist, white, nazi, cisgendered scum

>> No.6699997

From a very big internet forum of racists and white supremacists called Stormfront, who started invading 4chan around the late years of the past decades and have been a constant presence on the website ever since.

>> No.6700009

People I know IRL buy into it though, and they don't even browse 4chan. Their argument always seems to be "jews control the media" and that they're trying to get revenge. How do you even counter this?

>> No.6700013

I thought the whole 'Jews want to destroy Western civilisation and Christianity' meme was around since the 1800s.

>> No.6700015

Well I guess they haven't been very successful in doing that then...

What would the logic even be behind them wanting to do that? Why would they want to accumulate money that would effectively be worthless if society fell?

>> No.6700020

Ask them what's so bad about it. Aside from maybe a pro-Israel bias (which most Amerifats have already), it wouldn't be much different than if non-Jews ran the media.

>> No.6700021

People you find on the internet exist IRL, anon. It's not like we're all robots.

>> No.6700031

Well, it goes back to the Middle Ages/Renaissance I guess. But the internet origins go back to the Stormfront forum as far as I know.

>> No.6700051

It's part of a long tradition of "race discourse" that originated somewhere around 17th/18th century within the aristocracy that was losing power and grew resentful against the monarchy that legitimized itself via the value of tradition. They turned to history to show the proper roots of aristocracy in this or that nation/race and the intentional but hidden injustice that was done to them by another nation/race (that was to become the monarchy). This was not initially a biological thing though, it became so in the 19th century.
Basically, the idea of race discourse is that there are groups each with their own history and truth (which are to be deployed strategically as a weapon again each other), their own intentions and plans, these groups being in a constant (mostly hidden) war with each other, so you gotta keep watch on any external and internal enemies (e.g. immigrants and homosexuals) that might weaken your group. So you have then the idea of conspiracy and so on... It's also the place where the idea of a nation comes from. But above all, it was always a very reactive thing from its beginnings.

>> No.6700078
File: 12 KB, 411x283, 1426792692267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most modern antisemitism stems from the disproportionate involvement of kikes in the various communist and cultural marxist movements during the 19th and 20th centuries.

>> No.6700079

This is the stupidest post I have ever read.

>> No.6700085

>First-rate writers but with no relevance to the world outside Germoney.
What is this "relevancy" you are going on about?

Also, who has something comparable to Kafka?

>> No.6700090

Jews are indeed overrepresented in the media, but then again that is a byproduct of their high IQ. They're overrepresented in every sector.

>Ask them what's so bad about it
Jews tend to be very leftist. Jewish influence in the media translates into a more leftist media.

And leftism is bad, anon. It corrupts society.

>> No.6700091

>Also, who has something comparable to Kafka?
R u serious?

There are a bajillion objectively better authors than Kafka. And in my personal opinion, I find him to be rather mediocre.

I suspect the fact that his books are unfinished are a big reason for his popularity.

>> No.6700093

>If you could choose one language as the most useful for reading good literature, what would it be?
Oh, okay, at first I thought you meant writing. Because in that case I would have picked latin, greek and german.

For reading, I am not sure german is that high if you don't count philosophers - though you will cover the most important ones with latin, greek, german and english.

>> No.6700099

You failed to name one comparable to Kafka - by comparable I do not mean le objectively better meme, but instead comparable in what he is doing with language.

If you honestly believe that the reason for his fame is some of his works being unfinished (and I doubt you actually do that), then you never read him in his original language.

>> No.6700100

>You failed to name one comparable to Kafka - by comparable I do not mean le objectively better meme, but instead comparable in what he is doing with language.
What exactly is he doing with language?

>If you honestly believe that the reason for his fame is some of his works being unfinished (and I doubt you actually do that), then you never read him in his original language.
No, I read him in French.

>> No.6700101

Yes, leftism corrupts society for the 1%.

>> No.6700109

>for the 1%.
Kek, do people still unironically use that term?

And no, just look at the sad state of the "proletariat". All a bunch of retarded entitled assholes.

>> No.6700127

>What exactly is he doing with language?
He is using the sentence structure and syntax of german masterfully, for example to withhold crucial information until the very last word, or to interject information out of context that only makes sense after reading the sentence as a whole.
I am currently at work, so I can't post it, but there is an image floating around showcasing Kafka's sentence structure, and how it does not work in other languages, at the example of the first sentence of Die Verwandlung. Google it if you are actually interested (or maybe someone else could post it.)

>No, I read him in French.
Well, that is probably why you don't think of him as much. Kafka is pure language, which is not very easily translatable (maybe impossible even).
But did you really never wonder why many (some more and some less) famous literature critics rank him so highly? Nabokov says that Die Verwandlung is the second best literary work of the 20th century, and you just think he is some mediocre hack only famous for writing unfinished works?

>> No.6700148

>learning a language so you can read 5 or 6 writers

Are you guys serious about this?

>> No.6700152

Germans = Nazis amirite?

>> No.6700163

That is not an inherent limitation of the language, just a different set of social norms.

>> No.6700193

For literature it is limitting.

>> No.6700204

I speak English as a native, and am fluent in german and spanish and I am learning attic greek. English is hardly limiting; it's only limited by the ability of the speaker. Any language can be bent to extreme lengths to express an idea any number of ways.

>> No.6700219

Come on now, not all languages are equal in that regard. The best german or the best latin speaker could do more with the language (without tearing down the entire grammar) than the best english speaker.

I am not saying english literature is thus worth less - it isn't, it has a fantastic text corpus. But its sentence structure is rather rigid.
Really, what I am doing right now is what we germans call "Jammern auf höchstem Niveau" - complaining on the highest level. It only affects absolute masters of the language, but it does have an effect.

>> No.6700226


>spanish / portuguese (if you know one you know the other)

Yeah, no. Also

>not calvino

>not holderlin

>giving examples in fucking latin


>> No.6700232


No. Know your history.

>> No.6700234

So what if Kafka really is amazing? We are not saying German authors aren't great - of course they are. What we are saying is that there are better writers in other languages.

Spanish: Cervantes
Italian: Dante
Greek: Homer, Plato
Latin: Virgil
Hebrew: many books from the Bible

You are clearly blinded by your nationalist pride.

>> No.6700238

>>spanish / portuguese (if you know one you know the other)
>Yeah, no.

Yeah, yeah. I speak Portuguese and understand Cervantes and Borges without any problems.

>> No.6700244


Not the guy you're replying to, but no. YOU are the one who's blinded.

And stop using latin as an example. The language is currently dead and has been changed and perfected to suit the needs of the different people spread troughout Europe.

Also, the writers you're using as examples are some of the best in history. That alone means, following your logic, that few other writers are better than Kafka.

>> No.6700251


That's true, I'm a native portuguese speaker myself, but the styles and narrative structures are not the same.

>> No.6700252

What I wrote is not to be taken literally of course, it is obviously very simplified.
Could you elaborate though? Perhaps provide an alternative history to the two questions originally asked (>>6699986)?

>> No.6700265

I already answered.

Modern antisemitism stems from jewish involvement in the various leftist movements during the 19th and 20th centuries.

>> No.6700266


I don't know where the idea that jews want to destroy the "goym" world or whatever, but jew purges have existed in Europe since the 14th century, at least. so 400 years before your theory.

>> No.6700268

What's true? My post or his post?

When did I say there are many better writers than Kafka? Of course they're few.

Did you read OP's post? He asked what are the most useful languages from a LITERARY point of view. I assume the most useful ones from a purely LITERARY point of view are the ones which have the better authors. Well then, if that's the case, then Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, and Greek have better authors than German. It doesn't matter if the languages are dead or not, what matters is they have better authors.

Just read OP's post, for God's sake.

>> No.6700274

The syntax isn't rigid though. How familiar are you with english poetry? Poetic syntax basically disregards the set-in-stone rules of grammatical syntax, as I'm sure there are plenty of prose works that do the same, though I mostly read verse.

>> No.6700277

>How familiar are you with english poetry?

He isn't.

>> No.6700280

>Poetic syntax basically disregards the set-in-stone rules of grammatical syntax

What? Fuck no. How familiar are you with English poetry?

>> No.6700281

> nationalist pride
What the fuck, man? Where is this coming from now?

I only asked what language has a writer comparable to Kafka. I ecplicitely stated I don't care what you deem "objectively better". I wanted something comparable.
Instead you threw in names of great writers without rhyme or reason, not explaining why you would compare them to Kafka, which makes you look like you didn't really read them, and just name drop them now as an attempt of intimidation.
Why, for example, is Cervantes better than Kafka? Give me atleast some kind of explanation.
Is this a contest to you? Something you either win or lose?

>> No.6700300

Not that guy, but if a language has to play the "poetry can break rules!" card to not be rigid, doesn't that defeat the purpose?
And the lack of casi in english means that sentence-intern meaning derives from positioning, rather than the word itself, thus the sentence structure has to be rigid.

>> No.6700313

Because he invented Kafka.

Now go back to Krautchan and leave us alone.


>> No.6700320

Ah, but I wasn't talking about antisemitism in particular, I was talking about the structure and history of the race discourse that takes many different forms.

That is too simplified and one-sided though. Jews were also seen as greedy capitalists if we stay at this simple level.

>jew purges have existed in Europe since the 14th century
This was done in a completely different context than the modern racism in question. For the latter to appear it required a completely different conception of history than the salvation-based, and organization of people into different separate groups rather universalizing them into one group that stands in relation to God (and Devil).

>> No.6700321
File: 19 KB, 458x342, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German literature is largely irrelevant.

>> No.6700323

For fuck's sake, are we still in high school here?

>> No.6700330

nice argument.
The answer is very.
>'Gainst Pallas, Mars; Latona, Hermes arms;
is typical, or 'rigid' syntax? Please, anon.

Not true. I can pick a hundred different lines with non-standard syntax that still make sense in context or out.

>> No.6700341

Feel free to do so.

>> No.6700364

I'd say latin was an even better example of this, you can get away with so much swapping and movement there, makes it a perfect poetic language imo

>> No.6700367

>is typical, or 'rigid' syntax? Please, anon.
It's bad poetry. Pope regularly resorted to those sorts of wrenched inversions because his verse lived off rhyming couplets. Later poets (especially as the language was continuing to become more rigid) consciously avoided that.

>Not true. I can pick a hundred different lines with non-standard syntax that still make sense in context or out.

And it will appear awkward and artificial to any reader.

>> No.6700381

>They had not skill enough your worth to sing
>I do not love you less that now/ The caged heart makes iron stroke
>Those that for claps do write, applause/ Let pui'nies', porters', players' praise delight, actors/ And, till they burst, their backs like asses load:/ A man should seek great glory, and not broad.

Hardly 100 but it suffices, no? Or would you rather be an ass and have me continue? You get the point. Hardly "rigid" as anon called it yet hardly based on syntax rather than diction.

>> No.6700388

Jesus, anon. Pope was known for his clarity and elegance.
Shakespeare is awkward and artificial? Egad, anon, I beg of thee to stop.

>> No.6700393

I love the 'R' sound in German.

>> No.6700403

> subject verbs the object
This is pretty rigid, anon.

>> No.6700407

I love how everybody in this thread is trying to argue unnecessarily extreme positions.

If you can read English, German, Spanish, Russian, and/or French, you have available a vast universe of great literature.

>> No.6700408

The point isn't that Pope is being unclear, it's that he's being unnecessarily artificial so that it's jarring to read.
Shakespeare and Donne were writing when those examples of syntax were used in common speech. Perhaps the major reason why the late 16th century was the Golden Age of English literature was because the language was only just beginning to be standardised and was putty in the hands of the great poets of the time. We don't have the laxity today writing verse.

>> No.6700414

>The point isn't that Pope is being unclear, it's that he's being unnecessarily artificial so that it's jarring to read.
Give me an example of jarring Pope verse.

>> No.6700420

In terms of word order? The one you quoted from The Rape of the Lock. This is what the whole disagreement is about...

>> No.6700435

Welcome to 4chan! Protip: There are more than two people in this thread. In fact, there are 40 so far.

>> No.6700445

How far along are you?

Any other Russian learners here? Anyone wanna start a reading club or something? :3

>> No.6700450

hey anon, what resources are you using to learn?
I'm using the penguin guide, but I'm not really sure if that's what I need to, as far as I am (been learning for roughly 1 month) I can already
>read semi-fuidly
>spell kind of good
>Ask some questions
But since there are not russian teachers nearby, I wanted to know if there's any other resource I can use to learn better, since i can barely count to three.

>> No.6700455

I am, but can't translate for shit, I'm this anon

>> No.6700505

That's what I was thinking.

Are there any objections, or could you clarify what you meant russanon?

>> No.6700511

Translation? What for? I need someone to motivate me to read more than one page of moskva petuschki in a month. Man this sounds pathetic.

As for your question a lot of people on the Internet seem to agree with Stephen Krashen on second language acquisition, I suggest you check him out. tldr; read and listen to stuff you would give a 4-6/10 in terms of difficulty and do this until you master the language. That's it.

>> No.6700527

I'm >>6700505
Meant to quote >>6700163

>> No.6700531

I mean, read or whatever reading on aforeign language is called, i can barely ask questions and count to three as stated in my previous post
But I can help ya with your reading.
Also this is not my second language, even my third, I'm going for the fourth one and it's goddamned difficult even with all dem transparent words

>> No.6700561

>i can barely ask questions and count to three as stated in my previous post
This is why part of why I pointed to Krashen. I remember him arguing from his experiences as a teacher that it's perfectly normal to not speak much for the first few months and how it doesn't mean that you are slow or unintelligent or something,on the contrary you're focusing on input which according to him is a very wise thing to do. The words will leave your mouth sooner or later. I can attest to this even though I don't care about speaking.

>> No.6700575

>I've been doing it right all this time
Welp. I guess I'm not THAT stupid.
But I meant that in regards to reading, as that anon said he was reading a russkk book and I wouldnt understand half a fuck.

>> No.6700580

That would be dutch. Arabic sounds like someone ate a bowl of gravel for breakfast, still think it sounds good regardless.

>> No.6700664

I'm actually ukrainian but I guess you needed to vent all that pent up frustration somewhere.

You neglected to mention any of the German philosophers and then restricted the selection to "only German writers worth reading before the 20th century" while listing 20th century authors for all the other countries. This is either bait or youre some butthurt kike

>> No.6700680

Of Ukrainian descent or actually from Ukraine?

>> No.6700702
File: 36 KB, 300x302, 1431618894133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't tell if this guy is Greek or jewish

>> No.6700747


>> No.6700947

>trying to turn the Greeks into the new Jews
Aaah, yes, since national capitalism rather than national socialism is the current game, laziness replaced greediness as that evil nature.

>> No.6701765

>naming Caesar as a great writer
Okay, now this is name dropping of the worst kind. Caesar was a great politician, not a great writer. You just named him here to pad out the list.

>> No.6702048

clearly you haven't watched anime or read manga

>> No.6702350

this guy is just a retard, way to waste everyone's time

>> No.6702355

that face

>> No.6703581

0/10 too obvious

>> No.6703893


Spanish. You can also read portuguese fluently with a good knowledge of the spanish language.

>> No.6704035

I'm a native Russian speaker, but I can't read very well and mostly study literature in English (sometimes in French).
Can you explain what you like about Russian syntax?

>> No.6704125
File: 42 KB, 479x720, tip fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go home farage, you're drunk

>> No.6704161

It's simple and it reminds me of Spanish, my mother toungue.
IMO this is a more intuitive way to speak because it saves a lot of words and is very efficient and context aware, which lends itself to poetry.

>> No.6704195

I would say Arabic, there's a shit ton of good literature written in Arabic, ofc a lot of is older cuz Arabs are dumb af now. After that I would say Farsi.

>> No.6704206

muh modern medicine

>> No.6704884
File: 34 KB, 658x569, inigo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can also read portuguese fluently with a good knowledge of the spanish language.

>> No.6704903
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I've been reading arabic poems and philosophical works, and their tri-letter root system makes it easy and more meaningful for me in a semantic context. Not to mention the thousands of really obsure roots you have to find in some dusty, complicated almanac that come from before Islam or even Aramaic loanroots... its really beautiful, and there's a reason that the Quran wields the influence it possesses.

>> No.6704923

The problem you describe is not language specific and more of a cultural thing.

>> No.6704940

He пoзopьcя.

>> No.6705126
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