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File: 54 KB, 620x388, Stephen-Fry_1759789b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6696999 No.6696999 [Reply] [Original]

Stephen Fry says he is passing the baton from himself to Russell Brand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP1V8G-JPLQ

Now that Russell Brand is Britain's leading literary and social intellectual, What books will he recommend to his many british acolytes on /lit/?

>> No.6697006

holllllllllllllly fuuuuuuuuuuuuck and these are the smartest kids in the country.

>> No.6697020
File: 610 KB, 559x755, Britain's finest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he "fucked" him?

>> No.6697022

the question is, who is smarter Stephen Fry or Russell Brand?

>> No.6697049

Probably Brand tbf.

>> No.6697103

Fry spouts out less bullshit, so I'd say Fry.

>> No.6697136


I can't get what Peter Hitchens said about Fry out of my head: a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person is like.

That said, Brand is a dumb-dumb without a Classical education so Fry would probably inch ahead.

>> No.6697159

Thankfully no one has ever mistaken Hitchens for an intelligent person

>> No.6697166
File: 236 KB, 328x339, get a life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


peter hitchensfags rekt

>> No.6697171

But isn't Fry an atheist, and isn't Brand a Christian?

>> No.6697177


What is it you don't like about him?

>> No.6697185


He's a "spiritualist" isn't he? Some New Age nonsense like that anyway.

>> No.6697186
File: 989 KB, 1024x775, Hitchens Wall Street.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually think Stephen Fry is an intellectual

Kill me now.

>> No.6697193

Doesn't matter in real life as much as it does on autistic burmese puppetshow creches.

>> No.6697207


I know.

The British people deserve the shit this government is piling upon their heads. They make me sick.

>> No.6697215

I just assumed Fry would pass the baton to a fellow atheist, if only for the sake of intellectual consistency.

>> No.6697220

The past fifty or so years of the Western world have actually made my faith in democracy wobble. Maybe Socrates was right, maybe it IS one step from tyranny.

>> No.6697228

He's very knowledgeable but I wouldn't call him an intellectual. Fry this is.

>> No.6697229

truly this. Anyone who considers these religitards who believe in sky fairies intellectuals has lost all credibility. Believing in God is basically intellectual and academic suicide.

>> No.6697232

friendly reminder that Stephen fry, a 57 man, is married to a 27 year old

Stephen fry the list full old man ravaging some boy pussy every night

>> No.6697237

You can't just draw a line of consent.

>> No.6697249


This. I used to think the issue was we didn't have good enough politicians but, it seems, we never had a good enough electorate.

>> No.6697259

I like Will Self!

>> No.6697262

John Milbank.

>> No.6697264
File: 112 KB, 281x294, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she talk with disgust ? or is that an expression of pride she feels the need to express? It's like she's communicating "Hey look at me i'm 'a young intellectual teenager' and so much better than everyone else that made fun of me in middle school for being a book worm because i am talking to Britain's most intellectual man and I now proceed to impress everyone with the language I am using to ask this one simple question.".

But, ofcourse, maybe she is just having an anxiety attack and a nercous response follows changing her physical expression.

>> No.6697265

I think Brand is actually smart but he's part of a certain subset of smart people that lack intellectual rigour.

When you get an intelligent mind that does not hold itself up to rigorous standards you get shit like Crowley and Evola and such. Elaborate elegant thought about utter nonsense.

>> No.6697271

I'm never, ever going to understand the Will Self spamming on this board.

The Milbank spamming I can understand, because at least Milbank is a genuine intellectual with some interesting perspectives on religion, culture, and economics. Self, as far as I can tell, is just some mediocre, mildly popular British writer.

It's like if someone were spamming Dean Koontz.

>> No.6697286

Okay, I retract my comment. Self is way intellectualler than Brand though.

>> No.6697292


>I think Brand is actually smart

He really isn't.

>> No.6697323

He's not a genius, but he's obviously smarter than the average person. The vast majority of people would literally be incapable of using language like he does.

>> No.6697326

The comment wasn't directed at you in particular, and I agree that Self is a genuine intellectual. I'm just permanently puzzled at why he, of all writers, managed to get a dedicated core of followers that spam him on /lit/.

>> No.6697330


>The vast majority of people would literally be incapable of using language like he does.

Can't argue with that.

>> No.6697336


Can we please define what we mean by smart, because clearly everyone has a different idea in mind.

That being said, I want you all to watch this and tell me that Russell Brand isn't, at a bare minimum, a nimble wordsmith (which requires a threshold amount of 'intelligence'): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBOMSzhIfjk

Still, being able to creatively improvise shouldn't be a prerequisite or qualifier to being considered a public intellectual. Entertainer? sure.

>> No.6697346

He really is. Find me another well-known auto-didact with half the wit this bloke has.

>> No.6697349


Sounds like the average insufferable drama student.

>> No.6697360


George Carlin.

>> No.6697364

holy shit thats honestly the best improvisation I have ever seen. ANyone who thinks this man isn't well read he has read piketty, the Bible and much more than the average /lit/ poster. I don't understand this meme of hating every intellectual on /lit/. You people are so cynical you will attempt to use ad hominem to dismantle the reputation of people just like /v/ does with vidya games

>> No.6697404

You seem too unexposed to people and life to know how dull your statement sounds.

>> No.6697418

Have you seen that debate on "Do we really have it better" that he was a part of? It was pretty great.

>> No.6697423


Because anyone who doesn't tower over entire nations and their histories, unequivocally, intellectually is intimidating, intimidating because most /lit/ posters are unsure of their levels of intelligence and so can't parse the hairline differences of smarts between people that are too close to their own capacities. It's the equivalent of calling minor league sport's players shit because they aren't as unambiguously great and lauded as professional sportsmen.

>> No.6697450
File: 151 KB, 578x435, Huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure this sounded good in your head.

>> No.6697454


Please, George Carlin was a poncy, preachy, inaccurate pontificator who sacrificed good points to make people laugh. Don't get me wrong though, I loved the guy, but that's just what he was.

>> No.6697467


>Please, George Carlin was a poncy, preachy, inaccurate pontificator who sacrificed good points to make people laugh

Hah! And Brand?

>Don't get me wrong though, I loved the guy, but that's just what he was

With fans like this...

>> No.6697483

Have you ever had a bowel movement that felt really huge and nasty and worth a good 10 minute sit down on the shitter to pass, but you finally get to the toilet and it was really just a huge fart?

That's Russell Brand.

>> No.6697518

Always had him pegged as a paedophile. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.6697587




>> No.6697636

Stephen "the ID don't lie he's my type of guy" Fry

>> No.6697639

Stephen "6th form locker room spy" Fry

>> No.6697640

>but he's obviously smarter than the average person.
No he's just Dunning-Kruger as fuck.

>> No.6697663

It's pretty eye-opening, isn't it? I think one of the reasons he's an atheist is because if God does exist he's fucked after he dies.

>> No.6697673

He is both. He's not as smart as he thinks, but he's still smarter than most. I think you underestimate how dumb the average person is.

>> No.6697675

Fry believes in a more pure, Classical kind of love. Like that between an intellectual man and his pubescent protege. A gray haired scrotum thrashing against a hairless taint. A small supple mouth having its usual filling of sweet candies and boyish laughter temporarily replaced with a half-erect four inch penis.

Ah, so sweet. So pure.

>> No.6697844
File: 2.09 MB, 383x204, 1433860703022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a good, old fashioned, righteous, conservative Christian, you cunt.

>> No.6697892

Checklist to become well read

- Piketty

- The bible

Congrats, you're now well read!

>> No.6698999

what a fucking boss

>> No.6699118

I came to /lit/ today thinking of myself as a lowly pleb. I leave it a patrician. You never know what day is Your Day kids. Never forget that.

>> No.6699188

There he is, trying to summon the answers from another plane.
Communing with spirits. (Perhaps his brother!) You're right. Good old fashioned Christian

>> No.6699289

>Perhaps his brother!)
>a-am I neechee yet?

>> No.6699327
File: 266 KB, 1000x544, Trk1t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if he's written anything great, bu the certainly has a wit about him and a way with words.

>> No.6699353

I myself was never really warm to Russel Brand's views on certain things and the means he can come off like a child dizzy on lemonade. That being said he won me over with his commitment to certain causes and being able to draw back the "kookiness" when he spoke on addiction and how best to approach treatment from a public perspective.


>> No.6699363

>I don't understand this meme of hating every intellectual on /lit/.

Please look at the url

>> No.6699368

'Wit' is SUPREMELY overrated in a thinker, and in a writer. I wouldn't call Dostoevsky witty, and I wouldn't call Aquinas witty, and I wouldn't call Kant witty, but they all tower over Fry.

>> No.6699554

If you find anything at all thoughtful or witty about the meme you just posted I truly feel very sorry for you. This is /lit, try reading a bit sometime

>> No.6699559

The wittiest kid I ever knew was a blank-faced moron. Aristotle gave us the best definition of wit as "well-bred insolence" (except modern wit isn't well-bred, it's just insolence).

>> No.6699575

Top kek

>> No.6699587

I met him in person at Strand Bookstore Union Square; I think he's a hypocritical pontificating cunt but in person he seemed to downplay the obnoxiousness he's known for and was actually pretty chill.

Also, the video you posted is no indication of intelligence; he may well be intelligent, but his ability to string together unrelated thoughts and riff is no indication of that.

are the black kids we all knew in high school who failed classes intelligent for being able to freestyle? i don't think so but I guess it's all a matter of opinion.

>> No.6699589
File: 183 KB, 1500x1000, putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this burn

>> No.6699591

They failed classes because they were indolent, most likely. Highschool tests are more a measure of academic work ethic than anything else.

>> No.6699592

back to /r/atheism with you pal

>> No.6699597
File: 74 KB, 450x337, post-19764-Thats-so-Reddit-Rm1g-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could have been a straight A student but I was kinda lazy! xD
>your argument
pic related

>applying yourself and being invested into educating yourself is not a mark of intelligence

>> No.6699602

Like it or not that is a reasonable argument.

>> No.6699609


He's a whiny doom prophet who has replaced his sex life with endless visits to Question Time to avoid having to face up to his cuckold habits

>> No.6699612
File: 51 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mguib0FdLs1rlo1q2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing novel about what he is saying. anyone who's explored the superterranean or watched a national geographic documentary can and has made the same observation a million times, the only difference being that those people don't have sycophantic legions gawking at their pithy observations.

and believe me i'm not shitting on the post because of its ideology, rather the image he attached is common to the /r/atheism image macro subculture.

i don't care what others choose to believe until it starts to get annoying- and that picture/quote/etc., like it or not, is annoying.

>> No.6699633

It's true, though. Even stupid people could get straight A's if they applied themselves (in highschool, anyway)

>> No.6699637

I made no testament to its wit or gradiosity only it's reason. Neither did I state nor do I care what types of people to which it appeals.

'It' is not annoying 'you' find it annoying your words are only for yourself.

Next time try to stay withing the scope of the posts to which you respond.


>> No.6699644

Genuinely intelligent people can get straight As without applying themselves at all too though.

>> No.6699645

I'm really into the 'daddy porn' genre of porn but stephen fry doesn't do shit for me

>> No.6699649

They have to apply themselves far less, that doesn't mean they don't at all/

>> No.6699660

any credibility you had disappeared when you posted this

>Like it or not that is a reasonable argument.

also what is the argument being discussed? the hypocrisy of fundaamentalists/all deists?

that is the intellectual equivalent of me posting "people that hold onto their beliefs when faced with evidence to the contrary are dumb" and then you posting "Like it or not that is a reasonable argument" to anyone who tried to call out my arguemtn for its banality.

>> No.6699664

Who are you for me to build credit with? The person who tells people to go back to r/whatever?
Banality of argument has little to do with its validity. That is, and remains my only point.

>> No.6699666

good luck in your sophomore year of highschoolnext year.

>> No.6699669

Ugh no it's not

>> No.6699977

when i see russell brand, i see Coughlan666