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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 907x1360, Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6697452 No.6697452 [Reply] [Original]

I want the most pessimistic, unhappy philosopher you faggots can think of.
I want the most depressive, the most hateful, the most angry, the most spiteful, the most life denying texts that exist on this Earth, and I want this thread to stand as a searing monument to the worthlessness of existence, to its wastefulness, and I want all depressives, all of you on this board with any grievances whatsoever, to participate in it.
Or not, choice is yours' lol

>> No.6697484


>we can't leave

you've never heard of an exit bag?

>> No.6697498

>He thinks death is the end

>> No.6697508

wouldn't that be biased toward being pessimistic?

>> No.6697549


>he claims to know otherwise


>> No.6697706


As for OP's question, I honestly don't think it gets any worse than Thomas Ligotti. The guy brings up every possible alternative in his book anyway.

>> No.6697716

I can only think of Schopenhauer

>> No.6697721

End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

>> No.6697731

So articulate :^)

>> No.6697739
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fucking ligotti
so worthless!

>> No.6697750
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>> No.6697752



>> No.6697778

Well, that isn't so bad.

>> No.6697785

No. No, it isn't.

>> No.6697798

But he's not hateful or angry. Wrathful pessimism makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.6697799
File: 87 KB, 994x374, 9048230482409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philipp Mainländer was brought up recently on here.
Also, Ligotti seems to have been inspired by Peter Zapffe.

>> No.6697800


how do you know?

that sounds like a personal fantasy to me

>> No.6697949

Albert Caraco

>> No.6698038
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cheer up buddy, you know it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile :^)

>> No.6698049

Emil Michel Cioran

"Something Something Disadvantage of being born" is a good starting point

>> No.6698052

I posted philipp in the other thread up now.

>"Life is hell, and the sweet still night of absolute death is the annihilation of hell"

the guy's life was a work of art honestly

>> No.6698053


>> No.6698054


no english translations as far as i'm aware, though

>> No.6698079

why do no ultra-nihilists get translations?


i feel like someone would translate these, theyd probably sell decently

>> No.6698100

Any phillosophy/cosmology, if you rationalize it far enough, becomes depressing and life-denying. The big question is: why is that so?

>> No.6698101

You should probably check out >>6696095

>> No.6698107

How do you know there's a distinction between 'fantasy' and a supreme meaning?

>> No.6698125
File: 53 KB, 670x870, goat-in-blue-suit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn you're all so edgy. Love is infinitely divisible, constantly renewing, and engenders no tolerance in you. Angst is cliche, evil requires more of itself to continue to compete with your desensitization, and edginess is just goofy.

Poor, poor /lit/

You guys used to shitpost about Joyce. That wasn't so bad, was it? But now you're /r9k/.

>> No.6698128

vic raymond's High Steaks

>> No.6698133

Spooky post.

>> No.6698137

love is a wool blanket over the eyes

it might feel nice and warm, but it blinds.

You sound like a loveworshipper.

>> No.6698147

should your metaphysics determine your ethic

or your ethic your metaphysics

>> No.6698220


>supreme meaning

>> No.6698226
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oh, you

>> No.6698279


>The guy brings up every possible alternative in his book anyway.

His argument against Nietzsche is really bad though.

He basically says that eternal recurence is bad to think about because it itensifies suffering and is a way to torture yourself, but Nietzsche said that life is suffering anyway, and that is no excuse to curse your existance through pessimism, because life and power desire eternity irrespective of your suffering.

>> No.6698419

True Detective 2: Mainlander edition when?

>> No.6698435

I know he hasn't read him, but Nietzsche is so full of hegelian drivel like this. Although I applaud him on his success, his project of collective delusion in the face of a world that consists of nothing but boredom and pain - a success which in turn supports the pessimist world view even more.

Not saying Ligetti is right with his argument at all, that guy is a pop-pessimist hack. He's living proof that you don't need to be a teen to be an edgy teen, which devalues the world view of pessimism, and I hate him for it.

>> No.6698449

How would you devalue an arbitrary value judgement?

>> No.6698489

Bretty gud writing anon

>> No.6698547

i laughed

>> No.6698566
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>> No.6698589
File: 17 KB, 334x365, maximilian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wehhh the world sucks" is objectively true

>> No.6698611

You know a philosopher's legit if his greatest claim to fame is being caricatured by Marxens sidekick.

Hegelian scum gtfo

>> No.6698637

max had nothing more to do in life, one and done, you hear me?

imagine receiving such an amazing blowjob that nothing else interests you in life

>> No.6698638
File: 51 KB, 500x500, The_Age_of_Reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not spiteful but definitely depressive. better than edge-master ligotti anyway.

>> No.6698649


Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.6698662

>implying I value fame

I value infamy, and nobody cares about Marx but edgelords

>> No.6698664
File: 122 KB, 786x574, 1421709709971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jeez OP, your post sounds like it was made by an Esoteric song


Fuck, just read their lyrics, it's a tribute to despondency in funeral doom metal form

>> No.6698756

Engels was actually a great admirer of Stirner and Marx was a filthy idealist until Saint Max came along which made him reevaluate his entire existence ans outlook.

Without Stirner, there would be no Marx and Nietzsche as we know them. No existentialism as we know it. No nihilism as we know it. No communism, no anarchism, no fascism as we know it.

Stirner literally defined the 20th century.

>> No.6698766

Nice fan fiction mate.

>> No.6698774
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>> No.6698777

Nice lack of education m9

>> No.6698780

not fanfic tho

stirner is LITERALLY one of the goat thinkers


>> No.6698829

good list would read again

>> No.6698844

>White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

Implying humans wouldn't get tired of that. Even if paradise existed, we would all hate it just as much as we hate this life that we're living right now. I hope death really is the end.

>> No.6698849

Yeah. Can you imagine if reincarnation were real and you came back as a dirt poor somalian girl or some bug who gets caught by a mantis?

>> No.6698857

That wouldn't be "coming back" because YOU wouldn't persist......

>> No.6698885

next up on /lit/

>Aquinas caused the fall of the USSR!

>Thales of Milet at fault for Cuban Missile Crisis!

>King Richard II: Father of islamic extremism

>> No.6698895

I wouldn't come back as anything. But I see your point and I too hope reincarnation isn't real.

>> No.6698910

Can you provide those causal links?

>> No.6698918

You know what I mean.

>> No.6698926

Not really

I assume you're positing the existence of a non material soul, but if your memories don't persist and your body doesn't persist what exactly is this "soul" and why should I care about it?

>> No.6698937

>he doesn't even have wiki level knowledge about stirner's influence

>> No.6699073

>he doesn't have a teenager's level understanding of the vast complexity of causal nexi, which makes those links just as meaningless as the Stirner links


>Stirner influencing Nietzsche
>no evidence ever found that he read him


>believe Stirner's hypothetical role in the marxism, socialsm and fascism in the 20th century somehow makes him a good philosopher

you guys bought into a 2014 /lit/ meme way too hard guys. Stirner is completely (!!!!!) irrelevant outside of this online Seinfeld fanfiction board.

>> No.6699110

Stirner is pretty much the earliest instance of a clear depiction of ego/will as it appears in schopie and nietzsche

and arguing influence is dumb, nietzsche was clearly aware of stirner, the fact he never specifically wrote him as an influence isnt that surprising

DFW not once mentions Pynchon as an influence, but COME ON

also referring to stirner as a lit meme..........smh the dude was spot on with his philosophy and if you FUCKING READ IT instead of blindly dismissing it you would realize it

>> No.6699282
File: 12 KB, 192x196, 1407026698146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stirner is pretty much the earliest instance of a clear depiction of ego/will as it appears in schopie and nietzsche

Schopenhauers WaWuV was published when Stirner was 13. But in a world where Stirner is an important philosopher, I guess time travel isn't too much of a stretch, not to mention that Schopenhauer's philosophy has next to nothing in common with Stirner's - a compliment to the former.

>> No.6699338

hopefully someday

>> No.6699747

>Stirner influencing Nietzsche
>no evidence ever found that he read him

>>believe Stirner's hypothetical role in the marxism, socialsm and fascism in the 20th century somehow makes him a good philosopher
I didn't say he was good, I merely said his 'claim to fame' encompasses a bit more than being drawn by Engels.

Also, Stirner has been mentioned here since 2010.

>> No.6699966

This guy is right. All this malarkey comes from an absence of love.

>> No.6699974

You guys are well aware that really twisted people frequent these boards that throw the mean out right? One of them is the guy that used to go by 'feminister', he's not around by that trip anymore but the ghost remains in the form of Stirner-worship.. He has severe OCD or something, anyway point is ignore Stirner posts

>> No.6699976

Ignore Stirner posts pls, for your health

>> No.6700430

I'd call severe OCD a spook...

>> No.6700447
File: 23 KB, 809x501, fnliestee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger, doing the unique's work bruh