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/lit/ - Literature

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6697143 No.6697143 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good way to introduce somebody into the classics?

>> No.6697148
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>> No.6697170
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>> No.6697181

Say what you will, but I think it could be useful for a little kid as long as he's reading the actual play and this book simultaneously.

>> No.6697199
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I'd say no, because it creates this expectation that classics are super easy to read, and many of them aren't. I think one of the main problems of the internet is it teaches people to demand content in tiny chunks, and it decreases their capacity to deal with larger and more dense pieces of content, literary and otherwise. So no, this isn't so much a good gateway to classics as an attempt to capitalize on the fact that kids on the internet have short attention spans, but also still recognize on some level the value of reading literature.

>> No.6697305

go hard or go home nigga

>> No.6697318

I have no words for this

>> No.6697325


schools take this approach and no one gives a fuck about what they are reading

you must show them the value of literature and let them read on their own

>> No.6697401

Kids, even in high school, really don't grasp the idea of deep themes, which is why they don't "get" literature, or storytelling in general. All they understand in the surface action, and stuff like OP posted almost seems designed to make sure that's all they'll get.

>> No.6697420

>the author is an american woman

I'm not

>> No.6697477

It's not.

But buy it, scan it and upload anyway, I want to laugh at something.

>> No.6697618

oh my god

>> No.6697754

Why are you acting like you're not a teenager? You're on 4chan.

>> No.6697762

>William Shakespeare
>an american woman
You wot m8?

>> No.6697779

Someone should go to prison for this.

>> No.6697792
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who cares? nobody is going to buy this except people like /lit/ that want to laugh at it, as a novelty. anybody actually interested in shakespeare will get an actual edition, and kids that want an easy read of shakespeare will just use sparknotes. the no fear shakespeare books are more cancerous than these are, yet I don't see daily threads about those.

>> No.6697850

I'd rather not have ironic millennial youth getting into classics.

>> No.6697867
File: 235 KB, 600x2250, Death of society 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the creators to die a slow and painful death.

>> No.6697889
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>> No.6697936
File: 21 KB, 196x104, hamlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for u

>> No.6698200
File: 1013 KB, 500x282, 1429221747585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More than one person was involved in the production of this

There are no images to show my true level of rage now.

>> No.6698211

i wish i had a pencil for something to do with this when it shows up, i'd have a truckload of wood

>> No.6698216

anything mentioning classics gets someone interested in the classics.

As banal as it sounds the hype from the Divine Comedy video game got me to read the book after I looked into it.

>> No.6698217


Welp. That does it. No note necessary. I'm hanging myself. Goodbye, /lit/

>> No.6698223

This is exactly what writers should be doing- whatever they can to extort money out of this retarded population.

You think your work will improve humanity as a whole? You make me laugh.

You should see this and laugh with glee, knowing that clueless plebs got fucked again for their dollars.

>> No.6698239

Haha, I know, right?

We're such badasses for being smarter than those illiterate masses

>> No.6698244

Were you introduced or drawn to it? The answer speaks for itself.

>> No.6698248


I can't speak for other bookstores but at the one I work at we have mercifully not sold a single copy and it's been on the shelf for about a month.

>> No.6698254

Well, what about this?

>> No.6698678

You know your book is bad if a copy has not been sold for as long as its been released.

>> No.6698687

so >>6697792 is right. lit is just being a bunch of babies. muh sacred shakespeare

>> No.6698707

>With a [blow a kiss], I [shocked].


>> No.6698712

but brett is a man's name

>> No.6698720

funny, contemporary idea that will fade into obscurity leaving jealous people butthurt. Same w/ zombie jane auesten etc. Dumb idea, brilliant timing

>> No.6698724

>This is some Cain and Abel shit here.

wow. I thought this was for kids

>> No.6699716

out of curiosity what's wrong with no fear shakespeare? you know that it presents the original text side by side with the modern version, right?

>> No.6699725


I didn't really have a big issue with the idea but this is just terrible execution.

>> No.6699875

anything that gets young people reading can't be a bad thing

>> No.6699936
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This is the end-game of you post-modernists.

You've made your bed, now lie in it your losers.

>> No.6699962

Just like Harry Potter, John Green books, Twilight, and 50 Shades right?


>> No.6699985
File: 1.89 MB, 350x196, OH Shit wtf?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699994


But this book does the exact opposite. It cuts 90% of the content, and then removes half the words in favor of images.


This. The internet causes people, and especially the younger generations, to demand every form of entertainment in bite-sized chunks. This really does alter your attention span, and having an entire generation with a 1 minute attention span is not a good thing.

>> No.6700017

Just imagine. Someone actually took a time to rewrite the whole book and added emoticons for each phrase.

>> No.6700044

>yeah, this looks okay
>off to the printer's

>> No.6700071

Post-modernism isn't an ideological movement, but merely a perspective for describing the current state of society. This book basically proves the post-modernists right, but that doesn't mean any of them like it.

>> No.6700094
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>> No.6700096
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>Post-modernism isn't an ideological movement