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/lit/ - Literature

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6696629 No.6696629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a goodbye letter to a girl because I'm moving away. How does this sound?

Dear Jenny,

So this is goodbye! Our time together was...wierd, but very meaningful to me. I'm sorry I didn't have the time/freedom to leave a better impression.

Anyway, I hope you get everything you want in life. I'll always remember you


>in b4 beta scourge arrives to make fun and call me a spook

>> No.6696631

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.6696638

Why the fuck would you post this on the literature board you utter faggot?

>> No.6696639

fuck off to /r9k/ cunt

>> No.6696640

It's pretty weak.

We would need some context to really criticize it though.

>> No.6696644

weird is a better spelling

>> No.6696648
File: 521 KB, 1066x1600, AVT_John-Green_9948..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change Dan to John

>> No.6696651

This is the worst thread I've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.6696662

I agree.

>> No.6696667

>So this is goodbye!

I think you both know this, why say it again? Kill yourself, the ultimate goodbye letter.

>> No.6696674

needs more i's in "wierd." wiiiiiiierd <--this will really convey how wierd it was

>> No.6696708

Dear Jenny,

It is on this note that we part ways, perhaps forever. But what is "forever" if not an abstraction, so that it becomes stale and meaningless if one dwells on it for too long? Aimless thoughts sweep me into a melancholic state when I think about not seeing you again, but I know that they are just that: thoughts. What is important—what is most important—is that we had the opportunity to experience one another. To ask for more seems greedy, almost disgusting, although there is the irremovable part of myself—that whisper in the back of my consciousness—which longs to have made a better impression on you; I wish that I could have, however meandering and useless this line of thinking is. How useless thought is! How weird everything is. Our time together certainly affirms the weirdness of existence . . . Anyway, I hope that you are able to overcome the aformentioned sense of weirdness, of futility, of longing, so that you may realize yourself—your hopes, ambitions, etc., whatever it is that you aim at in life. I will always hold an image of you in my mind, as the surest indicator that we are not strictly tied to the phenomenal world, that there is something greater, something sweeter which can be glimpsed (if only for a fleeting moment). Goodbye, and with love—


>> No.6696720


did u died?

>> No.6696722

>It is on this note that we part ways, perhaps forever.
Does it not strike anyone that this sounds a bit insincere? I can't imagine someone, in heavy heart, approaching their beloved and saying something equivalent in its formality. Also, I don't think it's a good idea to introduce the letter with that direct an answer, especially if Jenny does not know, to begin with, that you intend to break up with.

I'm assuming that's the reason since you reek of beta in your first draft.

>> No.6696730


It's not OP's. I rewrote it for him.

>> No.6696731

>But what is "forever" if not an abstraction.
Absolutely disgusting, didn't bother reading the rest.

>> No.6696733

write something better then :^)

>> No.6696737

nah man i barely even know op to be writing his own goodbye letter

>> No.6696739

not self aware enough about banal platitudes but pretty good.

>> No.6696742

>author is his friend and his task is to write to the girl that was attracted to Dan

>> No.6696753

>author is writing under the name Dan his farewells to another character in his novel called Jenny.

>> No.6696763


Dear Jenny,

I imagined the Augustus Waters analysis of that comment: If I am playing basketball in heaven, does that imply a physical location of a heaven containing physical basketballs? Who makes the basketballs in question? Are there less fortunate souls in heaven who work in a celestial basketball factory so that I can play? Or did an omnipotent God create the basketballs out of the vacuum of space? Is this heaven in some kind of unobservable universe where the laws of physics don't APPLY, and if so, why in the hell would I be playing basketball when I could be flying or reading or looking at beautiful people or something else I actually enjoy? It's almost as if the way you imagine my dead self says more about you than either the person I was or whatever I am now.”

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.



>> No.6696766

Look lets get to the brass tacks here. Did you ever fuck Jenny?

>> No.6696767


>> No.6696769

she let me watch her boyfriend fuck her and once I got to eat her out after he was done

>> No.6696772

worst thread I've ever seen.

>> No.6696774

There were worst.

>> No.6696775

Dear Jenny.

Goodbye, best of luck. Take care.

-Dan the cuck.

>> No.6696779

The lack of specific detail about your relationship with her makes it sound really inauthentic, and more than a little brusque. Start from scratch and tell her what your time together actually meant to you.

>> No.6696780

No I'm stuck in palcatraz

>> No.6696784
File: 207 KB, 1000x676, 1432932625700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our time together was...weird
Shut up, shut up, shut up

>> No.6696803

Lectori salutem,

The heure de départ has come upon me and weighs on my shoulder like the damp clamp of teacher hand, test all but finished with two minutes to go—'twas not without merit, our time that is, a quip of mine merit and thine thy tits. Meaning? What is meaning but an a posteriori ape brained fiction to explain which would regardless of explanation remain the same? How I wish you could view me as I view myself, rather than how I am!

Fruitfulness upon you,


>> No.6696814

Needs at least a word in Ancient Greek and two german idioms

>> No.6696837

Please include them where you see fit, we're trying to assist young Daniel after all.

>> No.6696846
File: 40 KB, 1136x1536, 1385842773663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too close to home and too near the bone?

>> No.6696868

He probably means that sentence is atrocious and that using ellipses in that manner should be punishable by law.

>> No.6696871

He is probably like 18 lol.

>> No.6696876

Dear Jenny,

A glistening, furred peach, coated with juice, is how I imagine your womb.

It was great getting to know you.

I only want to insert small domed objects into your yawning areas, and I badly hope you did not call the slackliner who came over and talked to you in the park, although part of me hopes you did and aches to lick fragrant dew from all those tangled glistening limbs.

Look forward to keeping in touch,


>> No.6696891
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Mein Gott im Himmel

>> No.6696900

This, OP

>> No.6696905

Dear Jenny

I wish I wern't so beta and had tried harder to escape your friendzone.

I'm hoping this emotional blackmail will make you reconsider me as a potential mate.

I cherish you so much. Please love me.


>> No.6696907

Hey Jenny,

Who writes letters nowadays? Let me tell you. I do. Why? Because I am a faggot, but also because I think what I am feeling cannot be conveyed by bits and bytes.

Alright, I give up,

>> No.6696926


Dear Jenny.

The following letter will contain a justification for my absence in your life, even tough we both now its just me prioritizing other things above you.

[Enter excuse and whining here]

Therefore, this is the last you will hear from me. Goodbye Jenny.

Any inqueries can be directed to my mother.

Best Regards

>> No.6696948


Dear Jenny,

So this is a goodbye. I will always remember that time you allowed me perform cunnilingus on you. I hate that I did not get to fully engage in coitus with you.

Anyway, I hope you get everything you want in life, but not really, because I did not get everything I wanted from you.

I will always remember the sweet taste of your vagina and the bitter aftertaste of your boyfriend's penis.


>> No.6696962


>> No.6696963

My dear Jennifer,

Even though I'm going away and will most likely never see you again, I wish once more to draw attention upon myself, this time hopefully in a vague and mysterious way. We will live our separate lives, but I wish to plant in your sweet little head a seed of doubt. Doubt about what could have been, about how special I seem in retrospect, maybe even seducing you to think during the years to come what a future with me would have been like.

Of course I will be off living my own life, but it would greatly flatter my ego to entertain the possibility that somewhere some girl has maybe reserved a little mental compartment of melancholy and regret dedicated to that one truly nice guy that got away.

Hereby accept my magnanimous wishes that you will have a great life without me, the gentle nobility of this gesture only highlighting what a gentleman I am and how much you have missed out on by friendzoning me.

Brooding ellipses,


>> No.6696965
File: 257 KB, 415x476, 1433844864558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No letter dude what the fuck are you in a Charles Dickens novel smh nigga pleeze

Say it in person, give her a hug and a kiss and walk off into the sunset/around the corner whatever whatever and cry in the shower when you get home

>> No.6696966

cringed hard

do people actually do this shit?

>> No.6696967

I should probably mention, her boyfriend is also named Dan. We call him Dirty Dan for reasons I would rather not go into, and he can't know about this letter. I was called Dippy Dan because they used to make me take my clothes off and go skinny dipping all year round.

>> No.6696977

Dear Jenny,

I'm writing you a goodbye letter which is antiquated and fucking stupid of me. There are such means as Facebook and Twitter and our phones to keep in touch, but because I'm so detached from a datable, employable, respectable understanding of the world - those won't do. I post on 4chan in /lit/ to seem more intelligent than I truly am. I left a bad impression with you because I don't leave my house often enough, in fact, I'm not even sure we've had a date beyond that one time we met in an elevator.

I'm seeing a psychiatrist regularly and I will report how the Quetiapine works for me. Currently they're making me take blood tests to check my liver, I guess because the drug can affect it too.

Well - farewell, Jenny. It was nice knowing you. I'll be sure to remember you any time I step foot in an elevator again.

A nimrod.

>> No.6696994

Dear semen demon,

give me back my semen

Yours erectily,


>> No.6697032

Dear fluid druid,


>> No.6697098


I fare ye well.


>> No.6697115

this ones good heheh

>> No.6697137

I did the exact same thing, completely repulsive.
is this fucking real holy shit man

your letter sucks cock mate

Why would you ever write such a sappy fucking letter to a cold bitch who used you for her own amusement and gave you nothing in return bar humiliation? Do you have no self respect?
Fuck, here's my take:

Dear bitch,


Love, Santa

Wrap around a brick and deliver through her car windshield

>> No.6697575

Goodbye letter from Dan is now a meme

>> No.6697628

>Dear bitch,
>Love, Santa
>Wrap around a brick and deliver through her car windshield
Actually good and hilarious advice. Do this and take a picture OP.

>> No.6697645

Beta? Sounds spooky

>> No.6697649

Dear Jenny

Your existence is a disgrace. You have soiled the collective soul of humanity. Your sexual deviance has even summoned semen daemons of Slaanesh. I am forced to call the holy Inquisition. This is goodbye forever. May the flame of the Emperor cleanse your body and your soul as it leaves your body.


>> No.6697669



>> No.6697679


>> No.6697685

The answer is don't write a goodbye letter, say it in person

>> No.6697688

I wanna say bye. I'll think about you. I can't say much else. You were important. I'm leaving. Bye.

>> No.6697713

I am >>6696731
And I fully support this message.

Also, since you're all here I thought we might as well break the silence with some music. Here's what I'm listening to at this very moment.


>> No.6697722

>brooding ellipses


>> No.6697733
File: 32 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should listen to this instead
Goes with the thread a little better I think

>> No.6697737

Bravo! First time I've laughed on /lit/ in a long time. I may steal a few parts of this.

>> No.6697742


>> No.6697745

Fuck me I lold

>> No.6697773

Dear Jenny,

I was happy with you, once. I knew you, once. And looking forward we are no longer together. The once we shared seemed, as it happened, to be something other than a moment - yet it only ever could have been that, and it only ever could have given way to a future which empties every universal of its contingent contents, which hollows us all out until we are only empty forms, to be filled and then emptied. I want you to know only this, that the memories I will forever carry within me will defy the ineluctable passage of time, that I will raise them like the savage raises his wooden idol of some forgotten pagan god against the specter of death and the humanness of unbecoming: or else I shall hold our memories delicately between my hands, like a bowl of milk.


>> No.6697777


>> No.6697837

This is almost certainly a troll

>vague, deliberately awful OP about no gf
>OP only responds with an embarrassing le cuck meme post and nothing else

10/10 thread though

>> No.6697961

very nice.

>> No.6697999


>> No.6698016

Dear Jenny,

So this is goodbye! Our time together was...wierd, but very meaningful to me. I still remember that sunset when I found you squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up you were shitting brown water. The more you drank, the more you shat, but the more you shat, the thirstier you grew, and your thirst sent you crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When you closed your eyes at last, you did not know whether you would be strong enough to open them again. Well, I'm glad you were.

Anyway, I hope you get everything you want in life. I'll always remember you.


>> No.6698647
File: 23 KB, 242x206, 1433986783874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has dredged up some feelings I'd rather stayed buried.

But it's also given me a few good laughs.

Bless you /lit/, cuckolds one and all.

>> No.6698656

Dangerously underrated digits.

>> No.6698661

Curing the faggotry in this thread

>> No.6699036


Get rid of 30% of those unnecessary adjectives and repetitions, you pompous pansy

>> No.6699037

>posts rap

>> No.6699046



>> No.6699077

my nigga

>> No.6699087
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, 123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed.

>> No.6699135

Why don't you just put your letter in her mail slot, OP?

>> No.6699147


>> No.6699182

