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6696297 No.6696297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on masturbation?

>> No.6696308
File: 49 KB, 850x400, frase-la-poesia-romantica-es-una-poesia-universal-progresiva-friedrich-von-schlegel-129613[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du meine Hand bist mehr als alle Weiber,
Du bist stets da, wie keine Frau erprobt,
Du hast noch nie in Eifersucht getobt,
Und bist auch nie zu weit, du enger Reiber.

Ovid, mein Lehrer weiland, hat dich recht gelobt,
Denn du verbirgst in dir ja alle Leiber,
Die ich mir wünsche. Kühler Glutvertreiber,
Dir hab ich mich für immer anverlobt.

Ich stehe stolz allein mit dir im Raume
Und streichle meine bläulichrote Glans.
Schon quirlt sich weiß der Saft zum Schaume,

So zieh ich aus Erfahrung die Bilanz:
Die Zweiheit paart sich nur im Wollusttraume,
Sonst paart sich meine Faust mit meinem Schwanz.

>> No.6696312

I prefer to do it than think about it.

>> No.6696318

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6696323

Do not use the Lord's name in vain, please.

>> No.6696353


>> No.6696362
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read: Adonai.

>> No.6696367

I always changed his voice to Jap audio tbh.

His English VA sounds like he's laying an egg.

>> No.6696368

It's pleasant but somehow sad. I think it's natural but society made it taboo. It's making love to the person you'll always love the most.

>> No.6696376

i do it once a day usually. no guilt, just annoyance at the time wasted with it.

>> No.6696393

Rewarding yourself for failing to have sex only encourages the habit further and denies all other natural avenues that lead to proper fulfilment. Should only be used to prevent the subliminal night weeps that happen when the mentally invoked sexual imagery can no longer be suppressed. Tame your own beast and lionesses will submit to your gaze.

>> No.6696415

Haha, check out this faggot.

All believing in imperatives and shit.

Get outta town, you sermonizing fuck, before I beat you like you owe me money.

>> No.6696443

The creator of the universe doesn't like it :^)

>> No.6696451

Excessive swearing is actually one of the signs of a lack of will power that can result from these daily masturbation fantasies involving ponies.

>> No.6696475

The physicists have finally confirmed that the muslims were right.

>> No.6696500

>the person you'll always love the most.
But I hate myself.

>> No.6696506

you would've killed yourself if you actually did

>> No.6696522

What if I hate myself for not being able to kill myself?

>> No.6696548

Everyone's a bit different, but I've had to cut it down to once a week. Doing it a lot means your dopamine receptors are going to be blocked a lot meaning you lose motivation. Although during the refractory period you have very clear thinking.

>> No.6696551

It's fun. I do it whenever I feel like it, not too often though.
I have a gf and we're sexually active, if that matters.

>> No.6696559

Some people mistake sex with hate, you know, that Freudian idea that you mix love and hate. Maybe you masturbate because deep down you hate yourself so much that you think you're not worth of anyone else.

>> No.6696581

Nah I just do it when my dick gets hard

>> No.6696636

You shouldn't do it. Especially not for 175 hours at a time (or seven days)... This will increase your serum testosterone levels. Just one more example of science trailing religion.

>> No.6696643

>Especially not for 175 hours at a time
Thank god it only takes me like fifteen minutes.

>> No.6696656

An addictive time waster

But hey, it's better than sex

>> No.6696675
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>> No.6696684


cheggmate atiesto :DD

>> No.6696691


>> No.6696705

>The Western scientists who developed quantum theory have had difficulty accepting its implications. Like the pre-Copernican popes, they are emotionally attached to the idea that their own little world is the center of everything.

I didn't know academic shitposting was a thing.

>> No.6696706
File: 711 KB, 2048x2048, nice gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wank daily to women with extremely large breast implants. Now I wank daily to big bodybuilders with large pectorals, big biceps, and giant bulging abdominal muscles (the most important part). I'm currently trying to find a model or porn actor who combines all of the above with a pretty, delicate, feminine face like pic related.

Am I gay or is this just a phase?

>> No.6696724

Nigga u gaaaaauy.

>> No.6696929

What a homophobic comment is that?

>> No.6696939

ignore the insecure homophobes. True patricians transcend the false "gay-straight" dichotomy and are what I like to call, sexually enlightened. For more information read Marquis de Sade's Philosophy of the Bedroom.

Briefly, sexual enlightenment is accepting the hierarchy of sexual experience, and being open to everything. If you haven't tried anal (pitching and catching) you'll never be a patrician.

>> No.6697082

Gay guys actually pretend to be straight dudes who are curious about homosexuality because gay men WORSHIP straight men. It is their biggest fetish.

I pity people who think all these "/fit/ made me gay" posts are not made by life-long homosexuals.

>> No.6697108

Masturbation is a quick-fix that requires no discipline or effort, draining ones vitality and gradually requiring more fuel to sustain an insatiable desire; hence, it can properly be considered as a trinity of lust, sloth and gluttony.

Since masturbation is closely associated with pornography, it reinforces a worldview where women are primarily - and often exclusively - considered as sexual objects. As such, one maintains a vain and superficial relationship with a large part of humanity.

Sexuality ultimately has it's roots, not in biology, but in imagination. Much pleasure is derived from the subtelties of imagination while having sex, such as domination, humiliation, assuming certain roles, breaking taboos, indulging in risks and so forth - in fact, in later stages of ones sex/masturbation life, it is common for these subtelties to be the SOLE source of pleasure, and not merely the physical act of sex. It is quite common for a fetish to take over, a couple getting bored with sex, or a guy suffering from erecticle dysfunction due to anxiety, which should attest to the role imagination plays. As such, masturbation cannot be considered healthy for a proportionate imagination, and fundamentally, ones sexuality.

I am not saying that masturbation is wrong, but I have laid emphasis on that the cons of masturbation outweigh the pros.

Personally, I think the vitality that comes from conserving the semen is worth the commitment alone.

>> No.6697117

>sexual objectification isn't a natural as drinking water in the western world
I don't disagree with the rest.

>> No.6697123

good points

frued says you can transfer your sexual energy into other things.

anecdotally i find that it works.

however theres nothing better than rubbing one out when you cant sleep or dont feel like getting up.

>> No.6697132

>Since masturbation is closely associated with pornography, it reinforces a worldview where women are primarily - and often exclusively - considered as sexual objects. As such, one maintains a vain and superficial relationship with a large part of humanity.

I never bought into this. Pornography being a virtual simulation separates it from affecting one's relationship with people in reality. Or for example, just because I'm a pretentious snob on here and constantly insult people doesn't mean I carry that same detached, dehumanizing attitude when I leave the simulation of an imageboard.

>> No.6697208

He is probably correct

>> No.6697218

>Personally, I think the vitality that comes from conserving the semen is worth the commitment alone.
Since when was a higher risk of testicular cancer named 'vitality'?

>> No.6697240

Virtual/actual dichotomy has been passé from the beginnings of modern psychology, one could even argue from the 5th century Christianity on. Do you even the unconscious?

Next step: read Foucault's History of Sexuality to transcend the notion of sexuality itself towards richer experiences of bodies and pleasures.

>> No.6697241

You reasoned:
>>beating off reduces chance of testicular cancer
>>therefore not beating off increases testivular cancer!!!
If A->B then -A->-B is bad logic my friend

>> No.6697293

If I don't eat more vegetables I don't receive the longitude of life to those groups of people who eat 6+ a day.

It's the same idea. I have a higher risk of t. cancer if I abstain from ejaculating. You can't deny this with logic games.

>> No.6697410


Patricians are sexually fluid and post-sexual

>> No.6697432

it's the simulation of healthy human contact held within an imageboard, not of an imageboard itself

>> No.6697436

It's ok. It stops me from overthinking sometimes. I never felt any kind of influence of it on anything tbh. I had this thing with a girl last weekend and we did it together via skype. It was fun, but the emptiness remains.

>> No.6697468

Wat. Every time It takes me less than a minute. I'm worried about premature ejaculation if I ever have sex.

>> No.6697511


learn to pace yourself: when you feel yourself approaching orgasm, just stop for a bit until the sensitivity dies down.

You can do this with a chick (or a guy I guess) just by changing positions regularly, once in a while taking a break to go down on her or tease her with your hands and such.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.6697517

I'm a registered sex offender because of it. Just say no kids.

>> No.6697543

When I take a break and start again, my final orgasm is always way weaker than it would have been if I'd just cummed right away.

>> No.6697582

Works a bit different with a girl, don't worry. It takes me a lot more time to reach an orgasm then when I'm alone too. I don't have a lot of experience though. On doubt, go down and touch her a bit and come back after a while. It's ok.

>> No.6697595


>> No.6697950

Couple times a month no porno is the best way to go about it me thinks

>> No.6697979

Best practiced daily for proper sexual hygiene.

>> No.6698001

non-sexual interactions with normal girls are better when i dont regularly masturbate.

>> No.6698010

Fun. I enjoy it, and as far as I am aware, it won't conflict with any of my other goals. So I do it as often as possible. I also try not to cum so I can enjoy sexual pleasure throughout the day.

>> No.6698020

i actually agree with this and try to only jerk off when i really need to. its like a drug and it does have negative effects on energy levels and relationship with women. no one jerks off and then feels super proud, especially if you're watching some nasty ass porn that's suddenly not alright post-orgasm

porn is probably damaging people since the internet came out and stepped it up a notch.. taking the bread and circus' analogy to extremes these days

>> No.6698050

I've never understood this guilt about masturbating that many of you seem to have, I do it every day and it's lots of fun.

Why don't you watch different porn then? I don't have issues with people just because they have a vagina and I've masturbated recently, are you sure this isn't just one of your own issues?

>inb4 normalfag

>> No.6698051


>> No.6698060

>I've never understood this guilt about masturbating that many of you seem to have

christian america,
really all this nofap crap is an artifact of 4chan being full of socially anxious americans who grew up steeped in puritanical values and anti-sex sentiment, and even if they don't believe it anymore they're still subconsciously conditioned to feel guilty about sex

>> No.6698081

For me it's the opposite. I just can't stop thinking "Hey, what if she wants to bang?" and then I start feeling bad about not being able to just handle female companionship maturely and things go downhill.

But if I spank it daily, my mind is clean. And I haze zero trouble performing once I do get laid (rare, but it happens).

>> No.6698089

>not masturbating will make women want to have sex with you

>> No.6698095

>the only difference between men and women are their genitals.

>> No.6698098

> I don't have issues with people just because they have a vagina and I've masturbated recently
it dulls you, and your senses.. in every.. sense. sexual energy is powerful and you waste it. try not jerking off for a week and talk to a girl, you'll have an insanely heightened ability to appreciate everything about her, things you didn't notice before.. like a man released from prison smelling freshly cut grass again

it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the immediate access porn we have today is not healthy for either the individual or society

>> No.6698111

Sitting indoors and shitposting is worse than jerking.

>> No.6698116

sure but the thread is about masturbation

>> No.6698145

>He paced back and forth in his house. The kitchen: not hungry. The living room: nothing here. The bedroom: not tired. Outside: too hot. The office: well, there's always the office...
> The televisions humming on some pause screen for Castlevania. The paintings hanging innocuously on the walls establish an air of post collegiate authority. The bookshelf lacks that certain touch, but its well used.
>I sit down and each successive moment where I lower myself into my IKEA armchair screams like a hundred alarms the dread sinking in. In spite of the stated purpose of this part of my house to work in, the foreboding loom of the internet and its promise of despair, hope, and the wiles of the last bastion of expression, aye, the so called 'cutting edge' flood my imagination. But it has its price.
> I remind myself; 'Don't masturbate on the internet'. 'For the love of christ don't go to fourchan'. 'Don't procrastinate.' But in the end, my mind filled with an ethereal haze of dreams, abandons itself to the rarified isolations and privations of dredge loneliness crystalized, the whirligig cabaret of lost inhibitions, and the promise of something new.
>So I find myself on 4chan, but so much stranger, I find 4chan in myself - a dissociated self screaming NOOOOO at the top of my lungs, silently, like a helpless man drowning in a pool.
> I have learned my lesson but cannot escape these certain facts. These certain occlusions. The shape of existence if you will.
> I seclude myself to /lit. I never leave /lit. I'm scared, but I can admit it now. It changes nothing. But... I haven't masturbated in a few days so my clothes slip off. I'm definitely not working. My erection - the color of my soul - looks sad like it knows whats in store for it. The mystery has gone from the world but my hard erection ventures out to /s or /gif for a fix. The novelty of imagination has died. The novelty of creation has gone. Only carnage remains - the kind no one can dream of.
> I take my time. I hone in on some feature. I amplify and tune, retune and atune to metamorphosing features, blurs of naked flesh.
> Fully dissociated and nearly blind, stomach bulging and disgorging as I roil disgustingly in my unnatural sweat I flush a darker hue of red. My vision narrows to a point and I tunnel deeper into the web of sorrow. Scampering into the beyond like a wounded animal I divulge my private information to several sources of ill repute before I vomit a handful of pearls into a tissue.
> In the aftermath the space feels upside down - inappropriate - not quite violated but not its usual self either. Time feels squeezed and crystalline. Another wave of dissociation hits me and I suddenly want nothing to do with sex or sexuality. I want nothing to do with my computer or this room. I want to go outside. I need to go for a walk.
>TFW I know I will come back to 4chan
>TFW I don't know who I am.

>> No.6698179

>TFW I don't know who I am
>So as I walk a thousand little things come together in my mind. What works best for this. How to improve that. A nice way to etc.
>It happens very slowly but I sense improvement. My senses have clustered around concepts and notions - but this probably has to do more with the walking than the masturbation.
>I will never get any work done. I, for all intensive purposes, work as a sex slave for 4chan.

>> No.6698184

I like wanking but sometimes I feel a bit bad afterwards

>> No.6698300

This, am I making Jesus cry?

>> No.6698314

>the feeling a bit bad afterwards grows into a monster consuming the act itself leaving each successive act a drier more empty act until you have nothing left but a sore dick.

>> No.6698320

>and a head full of haunting memories

>> No.6698342

>leaving each successive act a drier more empty act until you have nothing left but a sore dick.
one and done man, stop trying to pass go six times a session

>> No.6698353

I view it like food to be honest. It should fulfil a need, do so in a healthy way and in a healthy amount. So, a imagination based wank a few times a week to daily.

Like food, it can become harmful when done excessively and in the wrong way (pornography).

Like fast food, porn once in a while isn't so bad. But relying on porn for your general masturbation habits is destructive.

>> No.6698358

this is the most reasoned answer itt

>> No.6698359


>> No.6698399

I quite like it, probably because I can relate to it all too well. It's a bit rough around the edges and could do with some improvements/fixing spelling mistakes but this shit is good!
I sit down and each successive moment where I lower myself into my IKEA armchair screams like a hundred alarms the dread sinking in.
Is there supposed to be a comma before 'the dread sinking in'? Not a native speaker. That is the only way this makes sense to me.

>> No.6698443

>is destructive
What makes you say that? I masturbate to porn at least once a day. How have I ruined myself

>> No.6698451
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>> No.6698455

Yes; good correction.

>> No.6698482

Woman with no conception of male health or male-in-denial detected. Masturbation is a healthy activity innately; it relieves stress and during periods of youth is almost required due to societal's complete denial of what puberty actually is for; out of some religious convention and general western attitudes towards anything sex.

>masturbation is closely associated with pornography

Masturbation is closely associated with sexual lust; something that in the internet age manifests with the ability to easily have your imaginative needs met. Coincidentally, when wanting sex, you tend to view things in a sexual manner.

It's scary how because of cultural marxism we're somehow denying the sexual endowment that has been given to the male half of the dichotomy.

>> No.6698490

In order to break the cycle of torment one must recognize the circle of torment. But I refuse to recognize any such circular situation. Forcing the circle just to break the circle. No such circle exists.

>> No.6698494

>Sexuality ultimately has it's roots, not in biology, but in imagination.
come again?

>> No.6698503

That should be this board's tagline

>> No.6698506

I am a sick man...I am a wicked man

>> No.6698519

I'm concerned in how you think I am contradicting that point. I have no qualms with your point about how sexuality develops in a sexual relationship.

>> No.6698527
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>> No.6698532
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>> No.6698535
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>> No.6698557


>> No.6698571

>cultural marxism
Into the trash it goes

>> No.6698593

Narrative force five GO! Speculative at best.

>> No.6698610
File: 2.66 MB, 250x216, its too late.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are people who unironically struggle with sexual insecurity

>> No.6698616

It's fun, it's easy, and nobody gets hurt. Why not do it?

>> No.6698624

Or, some of us just don't find our same sex to be sexually arousing.

Just because you suck a dick and eat pussy doesn't mean you're super-human, faggot.

>> No.6698630

Pretty boring.

>> No.6698641


Anything I can do is natural because I can do it.

>> No.6698643

do you guys think that someone could genuinely, sincerely, unironically type the phrase "sexual energy" on 4chan's /lit/ image board in 2015

it honestly boggles the mind

>> No.6698645

But what if I can do something unnatural?

>> No.6698653

>implying nuclear energy isn't just a disguise for sexual energy
Little did you know, inside the tower of a nuclear plant are thousands of neckbeads masturbating, releasing pure sexual energy which is harnessed and powers our electrical appliances.

>> No.6698655

What's so mind-boggling about it ? Do you think sex can happen with no energy at all ? Gotta git that physics textbook anon.

>> No.6698657

it's bad

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6698659

Unnatural things don't exist, it's a false dichotomy.

When people say "x is unnatural" they mean "x is something I don't like".

>> No.6698660


>what if I'm a married bachelor?

>> No.6698668

You have confused the out of the normal with the supernatural. Having your arm broke consists of an out of the normal event. Out of the normal gets taken to mean unnatural in some cases since we have an idea of what it means to 'go about our business naturally' or in regular fashion. This excess of language serves for emphasis as in the example of getting your arm broke. Its not just out of the normal its supernatural!

>> No.6698669

>masturbate to porn
>anticlimatic orgasm, feel bad and empty afterwards
>masturbate to imagination
>great orgasm, feel relaxed and satisfied afterwards

every time.

>> No.6698674

I need to jerk off 2-3 times a day or else I have negative thoughts about my being sexually inactive. And I'm not a r9k dude or anything, I've had great relationships in the past that came around like nothing. It just keeps me at a good balance I guess. Plus even if I wanted to become more sexually active I don't think I'd have the heart to aggressively game on girls and not regret it post-sex

>> No.6698675

>masturbate on 4chan /lit board
>get to feel all the domination feels of porn
>has satanic orgasm
>doesn't fall asleep afterward

>> No.6698693

>gay men WORSHIP straight men
... creepy.
We see them as easily distracted meat.
More accurately, straight men worship women, women worship gay men, and gay men worship themselves.
I'll agree they pretend to be straight at some point, but it's because 90% of men are straight and they're scared of being outcast.

>> No.6698695

I am addicted to masturbation and porn. I'm trying to stop but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. It's easy to convince myself to do it one last time, that I'll stop masturbating so often but let's just do this session etc.

I'd say there are a lot of people addicted to masturbation who don't really know that they are, and that their life would be much better if they are not addicted.

>> No.6698701
File: 85 KB, 433x750, tumblr_n82rk3feBU1qcwhbgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight men worship women, women worship gay men, gay man masterrace
>this deluded faggot

>> No.6698703
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Sexuality is suffering's flypaper.

>> No.6698714

Exactly. We all are, so we're not worshiping straight men. You got it, you got it.

>> No.6698721

Freeing yourself from your experience of life is the preacher of death's flypaper.

>> No.6698725

>this deluded faggot

>> No.6698749


>doesn't break any natural laws


>> No.6698762

I barely fap and im still a lazy piece of kv shit.

>> No.6698804

I'm a high energy person who has to be doing something all the time. I'm always energetic and frequently distracted. Frequent masturbation makes me into a listless idiot who can barely think coherent thoughts through a haze in my mind.

>> No.6698946

>I have returned from my walk and nothing on /lit has changed... I haven't changed. I still seek [explicit release]. I still seek that kernel of genuine truth somewhere out there in this mash up gestalt portrait of depravity.
> Still haven't seen hemaphrodite on hemaphrodite porn. Still don't know what they will concoct next. Despair washes over me like a wave. I already know I will so why bother with the hours. Why bother at all?
>To highlight how far it has gone I'm reaching into the bag of chips with the hand I masturbated with and I haven't even washed my hands. The peek of un-sanity matches this endless march of insanity.