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/lit/ - Literature

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6694651 No.6694651 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never write a novel of such staggering epicness that it'll be remembered for centuries
>you will never top thinkers like Hegel or Wittgenstein
>you will never change historiography

Why even write?

>> No.6694660

>If you can't be famous why try to express yourself?
you're a vapid cunt m8

>> No.6694669


It's either godhood or nothing.
All else is a comforting lie to ease your way into being forgotten.

>> No.6694676

you'll be forgotten anyway. read more, m8.

>> No.6694680
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>tfw you know in your head you have the most original and potentionally revolationary philosophical and political ideas but you can't think of a way to put it down into a coherent format

>> No.6694689

you have nothing to say. The purpose of writing great literature is to express some truth or feeling or philosophy you have. A story that means the world to you. Your dreams and thoughts and fears and insecurities put to words, something real (to you it's the realist thing in existence) from nothing.

If you write to get famous or have your name mentioned beside the greats or be remembered your writing will reflect that, and won't be remembered.

>> No.6694703

Read more.

>> No.6694709


For some life was a way to enter the pantheon of demigods that we still refer to as examples to follow or sources of knowledge and insight to cite.
For most it's an ant hill tier participation in the greater whole.
I don't really take much peace in that.


Spoken like a true normalfag. A lot did write for greatness and achieved it.
Don't delude yourself with this Dalai Lama nonsense that this just fell into their laps and were "being demself" when achieving greatness.

>> No.6694718


Most likely another footnote on Marxism.
How perplexed we will all be.

>> No.6694723

Why is saitama a hero

>> No.6694738

back to >>>/r9k/ you egotistical pleb

>> No.6694742

>Comparing Wittgenstein To The Great Hegel
Plebeian American Detected. Go Back To Your Autistic Analytic Department, Sperg Lord.

>> No.6694745


>caps for every word

Fucking continentals.

>> No.6694751

Never Read Heidegger, I See.

>> No.6694761
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>> No.6694764

yeah, this thread is the result of op googling 'post-modernism.'

>> No.6694778

I was saying OP was like the protagonist of Birdman, someone who doesn't actually care for the arts but is masquerading in order to have an ego boost

>> No.6694784

The joke is that the protagonist became art silly. In the movie that is.

>> No.6694789

its not you personally, no one ever will again

literature is obsolete. when retards like Harold Bloom are praised as literary critics (praising critics in general is laughable, just especially so in blooms case) and considered the "poster boy" of being well read, there's no going back

this isn't really good or bad, its just the cultural shift. what used to be expressed through literature has to be expressed in new mediums.

like greasing up a shoe and fucking it or something

>> No.6694791

According to the critic, though. Even Norton's character, who was supposedly the "actor's actor", was determined mainly on getting a positive review from her rather than putting out a sincere performance. Inarritu was mocking the inauthenticity and self indulgent pretentiousness of that community.

>> No.6694796

Hegel was the DEFINITION of a hack

and Wittgenstein basically argued that logical thinking was pointless

so why are these the people you want to emulate?

>> No.6694806

>Spoken like a true normalfag. A lot did write for greatness and achieved it.
nabokov maybe.........none of the greats

like nabokov said (ironically imo):
genius is reserved for the very select, talent is a dime a dozen

you cant achieve genius by being inspired by others in either direction or magnitude

think Spinoza (goat) vs. Leibniz (a goat aka farm animal)

>> No.6694807

Because I'm not a logical person

>> No.6694812

you cant begin to write something decent if you havent read something decent

and if youre not a logical person why would you ever want to be witty or hegel??

>> No.6694813
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Yeah I will nigger

>> No.6694824

I wouldn't. I don't try to be logical and an openly emotional and self contradictory. If anything I operate on camus or kierkegaard's personality grounds

>> No.6694834
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I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.6694838

Then stop reading things that rhetoric in logic you ducking reward. Kill yourself.

>> No.6694846

>ducking reward
To clarify: I meant, Fucking Retard.

>> No.6694922


>he thinks anyone will know who Hegel is in one million years

>> No.6695903


Here, it seems that everybody wants to be a great writer. Everyone writes, everyone has dreams, everyone wants that one thing.

The clear problem is that it is impossible to think that everyone on /lit/ or even most, or anything but a minority will ever be published, recognised and well-regarded. What else is clear is that everyone here shares some of the same life experiences, even the same demographics and language, the same ideas and similar values. It isn't enough to criticise identity politics and be inspired by joyce, if you want to be seperate from the others - you need to be the best by far. You also need to keep writing and keep reading, not giving up your dream or going after a different one, you need to live - you need to travel. You need to witness history or predict it. You need to refine your writing and your life to such a unique and distilled product that your prose looks nothing like what has been written before. You need to break from any and all conventions, the literary world has been ripe for trye creative destruction for a while. Somebody has to tear it down and it seems to me like the young writers of today are all in a race to do just that.

>> No.6695910

looking too far ahead is just as bad as living in the past m8

>> No.6695960

Ozymandias, m8

>> No.6695966
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Tfw you're head and shoulders above most on this board in terms of genius

>> No.6695976


>"What then, because nature hath not befriended me, shall I neglect all care of myself? I shall never be Milo, and yet I do not neglect my body; nor Crcesus, and yet I do not neglect my property; nor, in general, do we omit the care of any thing belonging to us, from a despair ol
arriving at the highest degree of perfection. "

- Epictetus

>> No.6695979
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Kill yourself immediately

>> No.6695996


>> No.6696030

I believe you mean
"YOUR head and shoulders ARE above most of this board"
no fucking idea what it means tho. Are you retarded?

>> No.6696089

no you don't nigger

>> No.6696118


>> No.6696126

>staggering epicness
Definitely not going to write anything worthwhile

>> No.6696131

No one cares about anybody you mentioned save a few people who took the time to find them or we're instructed to do so. Somehow this is what I should strive for when I write rather than basically jotting shit down for a future me that I can be famous for, because my decrepit shit self will need the tales. Everyone you love and know will be forgotten, and it's better off that way.