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/lit/ - Literature

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6692051 No.6692051 [Reply] [Original]

>current book you're reading

>> No.6692056

>The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer

>> No.6692072

Modern age, 4chan isn't book.

>> No.6692077

goddamn this is a great book

>> No.6692085

Metro 2033

>That's not how you greentext

>> No.6692088


>> No.6692094

Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.6692096

>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.6692100
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Pic related.

It's a little disheartening to know that traditional pop music was more authentic than what most Americans consider "folk" music.

>> No.6692101

27 Snow Country

>> No.6692102

Jude the Obscure

>i cry evrytiem

>> No.6692103


>> No.6692104

>History of Western Philosophy
going in for that broad view before i delve in deep. was gonna 'start with the greeks' but all the bookstores in town have shut down and this was the best i could do.

>> No.6692110

m8 russell is shite

>> No.6692118

On The Road

>> No.6692122
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>14, huehuehuehuehue
>Broom of The System by David Foster Walace

>> No.6692125

enjoy le ban

>> No.6692141

War of the Worlds

>> No.6692154

you cant ban people on 4chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.6692176

Reading research on possible locations/notes of the missing third act of the Iliad.

>> No.6692180

>Seibo There Below

Shit, this is good stuff. Krasznahorkai is a treasure.


I remember when I first read cloudstreet, It's one of those books you're sad to finish, just because you don't want it to end.

Good choice Anon


Unless you're in the end third of the book, trust me, you haven't gotten to the saddest part yet my friend. That book kills.

>> No.6692183

>In Rememberance Of Things Past Vol. 2

>> No.6692188

That's what I said, look at me now.

>> No.6692190

>infinite jest

>> No.6692195

Another age poll. You know, /sci/ has the same threads but with IQ substituting current reading.
No insecurity here, right?
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6692200

Well meme'd

>> No.6692205
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>Early fetal development
>Infinite Jest

>> No.6692207


>> No.6692211

Where is your god now /lit/?

>> No.6692216

Anna Karenina

>> No.6692226


>> No.6692247


If anything, it seems that /lit/ believes IQ tests hold more merit than /sci/ does.

>> No.6692259

Late 19, though I'm bit precocious
Infinite Jest, to be followed by... you know what

>> No.6692261

Thinking, fast and slow

>> No.6692270

The Logic of Scientific Discovery
To be followed by suicide?

>> No.6692271

he actually is shit, his writings on some philosophers, especially rousseau or nietzsche are actually laughable

>> No.6692273

yes :^)
but gravity's rainbow and bunch of other works first

>> No.6692278

V. and A Little Life

>> No.6692294


>Mrs. Bridge

It's pretty good so far.

>> No.6692295

Demons by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.6692298

Memoris of Napoleon

>> No.6692305

A thousand plateaus

Is pretty cool

>> No.6692311

>La Modification by Michel Butor
Babby's first nouveau roman. My prof gave it to me to analyze alongside If on a winter's night a traveler. Oulipo and all that. It's interesting so far, though the vocabulary's a bit much for me.

>> No.6692318

>Don Quixote by Cervantes
>Physiology by Costanzo

>> No.6692354

Dune Messiah

>> No.6692356


>> No.6692367

Marthe by JK Huysmans.
Also some Plato.

>> No.6692377

>Lunes de fiel - Pascal Bruckner

>> No.6692378

> 22
> Gravity's Rainbow

What do you think of it? I really enjoyed it personally

>> No.6692380


>> No.6692381

>Rereading "The name of the wind"

This and the second book are honestly the best books I've ever read. Kids will be writing reports on this book for school in 15 years

>> No.6692389
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>> No.6692422


Nights at the Circus

I'll magic ur realism Angela Carter

>> No.6692428

The Road

Pretty good.

>> No.6692436
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Travels with Charlie. I've accepted that I'll forever be a pleb so might as well read comfy.

>> No.6692595

23-I'm reading The Republic again, because why not? Also, fuck Socrates.

>> No.6692684

Master and margerita

>> No.6692703


the corrections

> tfw not DFW

>> No.6692721

Doktor Faustus

>> No.6692738

Just finished reading "Legionnaire: 5 Years in the French Foreign Legion" by Simon Murray

>> No.6692743
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>Humbolt's Gift

>> No.6692746

>22 and a half
>The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

>> No.6692748
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>current book you're reading.
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

>> No.6692749

I just bought Seibo, and i'm hyped. what do you like about it?
>Consider the Lobster, Rules of Attraction, the People's platform

>> No.6692753

>A Reason For God

>> No.6692755 [DELETED] 


>> No.6692758

The Moon is Down Lesser known Steinbeck, bought an anthology at a 'goodwill' store. Enjoying it. (Sorry, Britfag here, I want to say charity shop, it's a shop where people donate things and they get sold off for charities.)

>> No.6692762

>I am so smart for my age, look at me

>Look at me on this anonymous imageboard


>Look at me

On topic however: 23, The Zombie Survival Guide - Max brooks

The whole thing rubs me up the wrong way, but I'm oathbound to read it because a friend leant it to me, and I accepted.

C'est la mort.

>> No.6692763

>Dosto's Demons, Kennedy's Confederacy of Dunces, Kojêve's Intro to Hege, Kant's Philosophy of Nature.

>> No.6692774

It's like people *started* threads about how young and brilliant they are.

implying it's people's fault that they aren't plebs at young age, unlike vast majority

>> No.6692791

We're all plebs, citizen.

Many of us however, labour under the delusion that reading material is a valid criteria for self-worth.

>> No.6692796

>Paradise Lost

>> No.6692799

>We're all.
Talk for yourself. ;_;

>delusion that brmglrmglrmgl
Spoiler, self-worth itself is a huge delusion.

>> No.6692804
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Scouting for boys

>> No.6692806

american gods

>> No.6692808


Divine Comedy

Pretty interesting, although I admit it's not exactly my cup of tea.

>> No.6692812

Yes, but unlike the aformentioned delusion, self-worth can conceivably be utile.

Remember sunshine, if you're going to lie to yourself, make them useful lies.

>> No.6692816

>shadow in the wind

>> No.6692820



>> No.6692823

So much projecting.

You're saying your own lies are useful? You believe that everyone lives off deluded concepts?

That's fairly sad.

We're derailing the thread btw, I'm out of here.

>> No.6692824

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.6692828


>> No.6692829

Are people here actually this young or are the younger ones just more compelled to share their age?

>> No.6692838


>> No.6692843

True things are always sad, because they negate so much possibility.

>> No.6692851

45 the illiad oldfag

>> No.6692862

the latter, I think. at least, I like to think most of the longtime regulars think these threads are as terrible as I do

>> No.6692868

I like The Odyssey better tbh.

>> No.6692885

I'm a longtime regular and I'm way younger than most people here, and yes, I believe that these threads are terrible. But what can you do when there is so little competition?

Spot on, but not 'always' is wrong.
For instance take the size of my dick. It's true and it's awesome. :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>> No.6692930

Decision Points by the GOAT President

probably the hottest picture I ever saw of her

>> No.6692966

Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum

>> No.6692983
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Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum

I'm completely unrelated to this (>>6692966) posted btw.

>> No.6692986


>> No.6692993

maybe he's your great-great-great-great grandfather

What's that beverage?

>> No.6692999

>I'm completely unrelated to this (>>6692966 (You)) posted btw.

But that's wrong, my dear property.

>> No.6693004

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.6693012
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The Small House at Allington, Poems of Catullus, and The Claw of The Conciliator

>> No.6693026
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Motivated by the talk of Lacan in the female sexuality thread, I also got those from the library today. But I don't know how far I'm going to get into that.

I'm a physicist and there is a guy (Schreiber) who is doing quantum gauge field theory in infinity topos theory, and as of lately in a context where he tried to formalize Hegels logic of duality.
But to read this is rather a project of several years to a decade


>> No.6693061

Nietzsche's not a book Pleb.

>> No.6693066


Cycling between Hemingway's Complete Short Story Collection and Emerson's Prose and Poetry

>> No.6693068
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It's two coffees in a cafe called Wallner,


which I discovered two weeks ago on my vacation in Verona. Very nice.
Pic related is the Shakespear bust next to the balcony of Julia.

>> No.6693074


>> No.6693088

The Dharma Bums

>> No.6693097
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Bely - Petersburg

>> No.6693130
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45 and Francis Bacon New Atlantis

>> No.6693134

>Lenin and Philosophy and other essays by Althusser


In Dutch I hope.

>> No.6693137

I don't read lol

>> No.6693152

20 here. Reading Moby Dick as my fiction and Difference and Repetition as my nonfiction

>> No.6693166

> 20
> as I lay dying

>> No.6693186

>all these 18 year olds
how many of you are actually underage?

>> No.6693191

>Que Viva la Música.

>> No.6693207

fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel fuck hegel

>> No.6693218

Capital in the 21st Century

>> No.6693219

Fuck you.

>> No.6693231 [DELETED] 

The Republic

>> No.6693233

The Master & Margarita.

Are other books by Bulgakov good?

>> No.6693244

you two are smarter than all the people who chose him for the Nobel? I find that hard to believe

>> No.6693252

> the grapes of Wrath

>> No.6693260

The Conference of Birds

>> No.6693267


>> No.6693284

>Don Quixote

>> No.6693285

>J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life

>> No.6693357

Heart of a Dog is pretty funny. It reads like a Gogol story it that means anything to you.
I started White Guard but didn't make it past the first ten pages, I didn't care for it.

>> No.6693363

Giving Offense by J.M. Coetzee

>> No.6693371

Don't bother with the White Guard unless you're really interested in the history of the Russian civil war period.

>> No.6693429

>Crime and punishment

>> No.6693542

The Robbers, Friedrich von Schiller (Die Raüber)

Story of an idealist (and his antithetic brother) who wanted to change the world. After his father disowns him, he's deprived of all legit opportunities, and becomes a thief.

>> No.6693548

River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze

>> No.6693552


>> No.6693566

Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie

Got it early, u mad?

>> No.6693574

>the myth of syssyphus

>> No.6693576

A bunch of Gogol and Chekov stories, i just kind of cycle through them randomly and a bunch of Racine and Corneille plays, same deal

>> No.6693586

Querelle de Brest

>> No.6693596

Power and Survival by Elias Canetti

Collection of very brief essays, all great. The one about Hitler, Architecture and power/mass is a nonstop orgasm.

>> No.6693609

I can't locate this, all i can find is 'Crowds and Power'

>> No.6693611

elaborate pls

fucking noice
haven't read that one, but I recommend "Pour un oui, pour un non" by Nathalie Sarraute.

movie was goat

a personal favorite

esp. if you can finish it.

>> No.6693617


He won his Nobel prize for a number of his books, but none in particular.

Secondly, have you noticed that most Nobel prize winners for literature are usually in a weird, mediocre in-between? Especially in recent years, most winners of the prize aren't regarded as particularly valuable by academics, and plebs barely even know that a Nobel prize for literature even exists.

Also, Principia Mathematica

>> No.6693620

>shadow of the claw
wolfe writes pretty well but man I forgot how much I detest fantasy

>> No.6693625

Is that Katy Perry or that British wench from that movie

>> No.6693632

I translated the title of the collection from Italian, so I'd say that it hasn't been published in the same form in English. The Hitler essay is called "Hitler nach Speer", so try and see if you can find at least that.

>> No.6693639

thanks anon. Why do you find him interesting?

>> No.6693654

I think it is Katy because of the tattoo on her arm. I feel feminine because I know this.

>> No.6693660

His view of Hitler is probably the most interesting I've ever read: he manages to express the Eros/Thanatos, Creation/Desctruction dichotomy of the paranoid while talking about the relationship between Reich architecture, mass and power as a projections of the dictator's body. It's almost mystic.

>> No.6693685

That sounds like Oswald Spengler. Especially the architecture bit

>> No.6693693

Haven't read him so I can't say anything on the comparison, but I think Canetti is a bit more on the left side of things, as far as I know.

>> No.6693699



>> No.6693709

Spengler is basically a mystic, he thinks everything in a civilization is an expression of a world-feeling inherent in its people. What you just said about creation/destruction and the projections of power are what a lot of his writing is like. Except that he draws everything from one set of ideas per civilization, rather than a Hitler's projection being of his own, it would typical of all rulers and their architectures.

And yeah he's...bizarre politically, i think 'Determinist' would describe him best. He thought a Rome would occur in Europe, a universal empire. He didn't say much about whether this was good or desirable, he saw it as an inevitable step in a civilization's life. I wouldn't label him as rightwing or reactionary though.

>> No.6693710

>White Noise/Understanding Media

great combo

>> No.6693720

Thanks for the explanation. I thought about getting his book, but I was a bit put off by how his ideas are, apparently, used by reactionary thinkers. Might give him another go.

The crux of Canetti's writing about Hitler and Architecture, though, was more about his paranoid personality, his will to be superior to everyone wlse in history than it was about him as a ruler. Still, I get what you're saying. and it's quite interesting.

>> No.6693756


>> No.6693758

>was more about his paranoid personality, his will to be superior to everyone wlse in history than it was about him as a ruler
Ah ok, that sounds interesting. THis guys seems difficult to find online in English but I'm searching about.

And yeah a lot of very Right-wing people have used Spengler, he had no problem with Germany taking over Europe for example he just didn't like the Nazis or Hitler. Reactionaries can't really use him because he doesn't think 'going back' is possible at all, but he does talk about the 'end of art' and other reactionary topics.

His list of people he's influenced is pretty wide though https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Oswald_Spengler#Influence
both Heidegger and Wittgenstein are there for example

>> No.6693768

It's not the worst, but take it all with a big grain of salt. He is very biased from a time people thought they were on track to solve all of philosophy

>> No.6693821

As I said, that does sound interesting. Even more so considering I'm reading Being and Time in my spare time, so looking into Spengler may be even more rewarding. Thanks anon!

>> No.6693828

The Bell Jar

>> No.6693831
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If am here next year please kill me

>> No.6693851

Moby-Dick and Capital in the 21st Century

>> No.6693862

might as well kill yourself right now, then, tbh

>> No.6693881

ive just started it

>> No.6693895
File: 92 KB, 500x370, 0fded230-2c98-0132-0944-0eae5eefacd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it.
Daria's grandma. Caustic and witty.
Loved how she writes about condescending psychiatrists.

>> No.6693896

Henry VIII

>> No.6693897

I read that recently and loved it. Anything similar you would recommend?

>> No.6693912

>House of Leaves

>> No.6693915
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second pic

>> No.6693924

The White Guard is fantastic. Granted I have an interest in the period, but still, once the action picks up at around page 150 its great.

>> No.6694011

pic related

>> No.6694017
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>> No.6694174

looks like there's a tiny turd coming out of her right foot

>> No.6694243


I really enjoy his writing. His sentences will go for pages or a single line, and he crafts amazing images that really all come together at the end of each story. Absolutely worth the buy.

>> No.6694285

Aristotle's metaphysics

Gotta start somewhere ;^)

>> No.6694328

preferably with Homer and the pre-socratics though

>> No.6694355

I started with Plato, actually. Aristotle is babby's second philosopher for me, and as I'm on book A right now, I'm sort of regretting my limited knowledge of presocratic thought.

Don't get me wrong though, Aristotle's dialectic use of the prior philosophers is admittedly quite effective (even if I don't get 100% of what each presocratic thinker's position is) and everything he's said about Platonism is brilliant. Ive just finally realized it's wise to pick up a summary of the early greeks, at minimum, before trekking onwards

>> No.6694367


The Waves

>> No.6694370

The Graveyard book

>> No.6694535

>the man in the high castle

>> No.6694577


Hollywood by Charles Bukowski

>> No.6694578


no one cares but I feel it affecting my writing and I want it out of my head but I have to read it before I shit on it on the internet

>> No.6694599


>> No.6694609

it's true tho

>> No.6694615

the hypothetical semen stains on those mountain tops

>> No.6694620

The Stranger

>> No.6694643

> 22
> The Sickness Onto Death

>> No.6694652

Infinite Jest
Am I going to understand this book better once it's all finished, will I understand more of it through reflection? Maybe both? I'm following the characters and their quirks alright, it's more trying to find the message

>> No.6694665

The Rebel

>> No.6694670

The Age of Innocence

>> No.6694685

One bad book doesn't disqualify you from winning a prize awarded to a body of work.

The History of Western Philosophy is a potboiler he wrote under financial duress. It was written in less than a year. It's a very bad history,

>> No.6694700


>> No.6694706

Confessions of St. Augustine

>> No.6694790
File: 50 KB, 300x439, Youth_without_youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great book, as all Bukowski

I just discovered pic related, 2007 film by FF Coppola, adaptation of a novella by Mircea Eliade. It's about a man looking for the origins of language. Mixed reviews. But maybe interesting for people who know about Eliade.

>> No.6694801

I never finished it, so I had heard huge praise.
Augustine was basically a Chad who looked for redemption after 40y/o.
Clearly the perfect timing...
...when you had the opportunity to be a Chad early in life.

>> No.6694808


>> No.6694817


Two books for shits and giggles:
The Ring and the Book by Robert Browning
Epistle to the Romans by Karl Barth

Also many books on the history of the sublime and Romanticism for my dissertation.

>> No.6694840

The way of Kings: Brandon Sanderson

>> No.6694845


I understand that most of these are probably joking but still..

>Couples by John Updike

>> No.6694850
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>> No.6694856

A-a-are you girl too?

>> No.6694872
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I'm 10 all!

>> No.6694875

Gravity Rainbowwww

>> No.6694882

you fucking know it m8

>> No.6694907


Stretching for correlation...

> 'Against Method', by Paul Feyerabend

>> No.6694931

>Anatomy of the SS State

>> No.6694961


The Count of Monte Cristo
+ The Stranger

>> No.6695037

Tasteposting should be banned.

>> No.6695047
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>a portrait of the artist as a young man

my first time reading joyce, kind of underwhelming. i do enjoy his prose and can relate to stephen on some level, but i'm not enjoying it as much as i thought i would.

>> No.6695062 [DELETED] 

Bridge on the Drina

>> No.6695069

Re-reading Moby Dick, for the fourth time.

It continues to grow on me.

>> No.6695070

my struggle

>> No.6695098

>big grain of salt

>> No.6695106
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>> No.6695112

>trying to find the message

what a guy

>> No.6695125

infinite jest

i'm on page 800 brehs...I had to start over once due to forgetting a lot of stuff after a long break. now I feel like I'm in uncharted territory. good feels.
that chapter where gately got shot fucking sucked. it was like, "and everyone was doing their thing and we stopped the bad guys!!! and gately was SO TOUGH he SMILED WHILE FIGHTING BUT IT WASNT EDGY OR ANYTHING". like some sort of fan service. starting to have doubts in this book tbh but I will finish

>> No.6695131
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>end third
you don't call it precocious when you're 19

>> No.6695203

>A Wild Sheep Chase


>> No.6695350


Being and Time + Companion Readers

Harvard Business Review Essential Essays

Need some good fiction. Might try Desert Walk series, but I really haven't seen anything that's grabbed my interest for a while. Open to suggestions.


Really, the two presocratic schools that are useful are the Eliatics and the Atomists.

Eliatic school is a pain in the ass to cover. (Parmenides specifically, and his discussion of that-which-is and that-which-is-not.)

Also, Heraclitus' fragments are excellent and definitely worth reading.

>> No.6695385

>Diario de Una Adolescente

>> No.6695389


My book

>> No.6695397

>Violence - zizek

>> No.6695430

> i relate to stephen
You do realise Stephen is portrayed as an absolute twat right?

>> No.6695466

The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.6695559

but he's OUR kind of twat, guys! Joyce is a master at riding the line between self-mockery and self-love. if you can't relate deeply to Stephen in the last third of the book, even as he has a pretentious revelation and starts writing shitty poetry, you're no friend of mine

>> No.6695653

> War Crimes

>> No.6695671

Capital in the 21th century

>> No.6695806

Platon: Dialouges

>> No.6695846 [DELETED] 


same here bro

Late 19 ans I just started the book

>> No.6695853

>Roadside Picnic
I'm reading the new translation from 2012 and I really enjoy it.

>> No.6695867
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The cover is fucking awful.
The book seems pretty interesting, though.

>> No.6696169

>Freedom by Franzen

>> No.6696182

Leaves of Grass & Borges Collected Fictions

>> No.6696282

On Such a Full Sea

>> No.6696284

>Notes From Underground

>> No.6696311

Coin Locker Babies and Pride and Prejudice at the same time, the latter for school.

>> No.6696366

>The Plague by Albert Camus

>> No.6696382

>Anthem by Ayn Rand

>> No.6696404


On the Genealogy of Morals - Nietzsche
The Trouble with Being Born - Cioran
Midnight Tides - Erikson
Revolution of Everyday Life - Vaneigem

>> No.6696431

>To the Lighthouse - Woolf
>Radical Enlightenment- Israel

Why was spinoza such a wildman?

>> No.6696435 [DELETED] 

The Iliad & The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
Inb4 unerage b&

>> No.6696511


Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War

>> No.6696534



>> No.6696555

> 23
> Die Welt von Gestern (The World of Yesterday) [Stefan Zweig], also da bibble but that's on hold right now / i'm waiting for a friend to catch up

man i wanna hump katy perry

>> No.6696558

Being and Time

>> No.6696563

why plague your thoughts with someones reductionist writing?

>> No.6696567

The Medieval World by Heer
We need to talk about Kevin

>> No.6696568

>The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

>> No.6696572

worthwhile read?

>> No.6696575

so far,yes.Its more about achieving perfection than swordfighting.

>> No.6698018

What's the difference between an IQ test and an autism test? I'd love to know.

>> No.6698059

Asimov's Robot stuff

>> No.6698068


Great book.

>> No.6698080 [DELETED] 


>> No.6698082

How do you like it? I couldn't finish it.

>> No.6698086
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>> No.6698091


>> No.6698797 [DELETED] 

>the dain curse

>> No.6698972
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>The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

>> No.6699176

Reflex by Dick Francis

>> No.6699800

>Flow my tears the policeman said

>> No.6699810

Media and Formal Cause

>> No.6699812

Sayonara gangsters

>> No.6699840

House of the dying

>> No.6699861

The Altar of Victoria by Valery Briusov

>> No.6699870

Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle.

>> No.6699877

just finished it, what do you think so far?

Brute Neighbors was good, and the conclusion.

>> No.6699921
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>> No.6699923


Inferno by Dan Brown

>> No.6699946

not bad. Want to get around to it. Is is actually understandable for someone without a background in economics?

>> No.6699958

21, Garguantua

>> No.6699989


>> No.6699991

Quint Eastwood

>> No.6700010

>Metro 2033

>> No.6700018

22: Hogfather, Pratchett
Napoleon: Strategist to Emperor: Johan Op de Beeck
Harvest of Sorrows: Robert Conquest

>> No.6700045


The book of laughter and forgetting

>> No.6700173


The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe

>> No.6700178

Oliver Twist
Welder's Handbook
Greek Tragedies

>> No.6700360

Outliers: The Story of Success

>> No.6700460

>The Iliad

The ancient Greeks were crazy

>> No.6700467

>Max Brooks
Is this a pseudonym of Max Bruch?

>> No.6700471

I wish, but this is a fictional zombie survival guide, not wonderful sheet music Which I could not read anyway.

>> No.6700474

>The K

>> No.6700503

heart of darkness

>> No.6700554

>Three men in a boat

>> No.6700562

>Comradely Greetings

>> No.6700572

>Grapes of wrath

I can understand the accusations of communist propaganda tbh

>> No.6700577

The Treason of the Intellectuals, Julien Benda

>> No.6700583

>To the Lighthouse

>> No.6700651

The namesake by jhumpa lahira.

>> No.6700950

Infinite Jest

>> No.6700956

Wuthering Heights

>> No.6700961

Have you read The Last Question? Great short story.

>> No.6700981
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Don't waste your time.

>> No.6700989

This looks by itself mighty interesting, it's a shame I know naught about algebraic topology to understand.

>> No.6701007

I like it so far, i'm about half way in.

>> No.6701039

25 - The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6701114

The Best Swedish Poetry (roughly translated)

>> No.6701236

there are retards who read that and think it's all about nazis, they completely missed the part where the author is a fucking lunatic believing this world of ours is a false one and that we are imprisoned by a false god and the true god is trying to set us free. a good fucking book

>> No.6701592

20, Things Fall Apart by Achebe

>> No.6701601

>Just finished "The Grapes of Wrath"

>> No.6701615

>Augustine's Confessions
Only two chapters in, but I love it so far. I will definitly use this in my papers

>> No.6701652
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All of these -- some of them I got bored with but I will finish them.

>> No.6701688

Through The Looking Glass

>> No.6701753 [DELETED] 

The Conformist

I tried watching the movie by Bertollucci, and it was absolutely horrendous.

>> No.6701766

The Conformist

I tried watching the movie by Bertolucci, and it was absolutely horrendous.

>> No.6701785
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>tfw read it first time around and I thought it was boring and that Werther was being hysterical
>tfw read it a second time and realise Werther just fucking gets me

>> No.6701869
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pic related

>> No.6701904
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>Theoretical Minimum

>> No.6701907

thats a horrible cover..

>> No.6701922

I don't mind it, it's a neat reference to the book itself

>> No.6701950

Yes, I don't have a background in economics either. He explains all the economic concepts that he is using clearly. I still find it hard to get through tough

>> No.6701951

The Orphan Master's Son
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.6701957


>> No.6702070

>The Metamorphosis and No Longer Human

Just finished Siddhartha. Thinking of picking up The Brothers Karamozov next. I'm ready for a longer read.

>> No.6703198

>Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6703212

it is 100% written for a general audience with no econ background

>> No.6703225

>Infinite Just

>> No.6703241

Tom Sawyer

I should stop trying the canon out